Governor Generai here by railway "The Cr dit Valley Railsaay was formally opened by is Excelleucy, the Marquis nf Lurne, Guveruor General ot Canada at Milton, Ontario on September 19, 1879, Frons the charter to thse tiraI officiai train tl louok eight years. The railway building had hem n hampered by lacIs uf fonds, oppoued by the exsiu ailways in ohtaining crédit, turther hududby a strihe uf ils nmployees in the Torontouareas in 18M, and leugthy ligation tn obtain entry loi the City of Toroto. Openîng day wsea a grand occain." A hîstury ut James Filhy "Credit Valley Railway" reveals lhiu informatiun antd the boua recently puhlished iu the tirut released by TIse Boston Mittu Press ($3.95) R.R. 1 Cheltenham, Ont. Filhy is a purchasing agent for Simmuns Mattresues and has doue a l the research ut the hbok on a part-lime Ijasis. Théeas- tahlishment ut oston Millu Press wilh Ralpit s. Beaumont ut Altos and John Dinîson ut Erîn reudlted atter uther puhliuhers cluissed the book seas ton, local and declined lu puhlish il. The Credit Valley Railseay was the saurI ut one man, George Laidtaw, a Toronto enu 5trepreneur sahu was insolved on the con- struction ut the Toronto and Nipîssîng Railinay, and the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railsaay. Me. Laidlasa lhruugh a suries ot guverument grantu, prisate capital and 5 nuses trum heuefitting towsanhips, obtaiued fa provincial charter in 1871 tlucusruct the j Credit Valley Railsaay. Nase lIse CPR Tuday the Credit Valley Raîlsaay is SUR i lpraion tor the CPR in much the saame fashion as iteas then. The 1t7 page books, saîth sort cuver,in cludes a nomber ut early pictares uftIhe j railseay and events connected saîth il. THIS OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPH of tha opaning of Fithy's research included the pages ut Tihe the Credit Valley Railwuy in Milton in 1879, lis ana of 5 Casadian Champion as sacîl as other area p pas and the provincial archives, lu ail saveral of interant in the hintory of thea railway morthan Isan peurs ut research sarut mie the rccntly puislished. Tisa lina, naw tisa CPR, wan 5 For steum halls asd tor those interestcd i pn diyIeGoanrGnrl fCnd h local history the huaIs s a veen mriable une Marquis of Lamne aigisl yaars uflar tisa grnnting of tha w ilh tascinating information os a part ufthIis charter la George Laidlaw. areaos bistory that sud major implications. Lions Club praised for community work Milton Lions Club in Joua complatad a record peur aI cummuuity service aud ibis coutrihution ta the cum- muuity mas racugulurd and prulurd uitIhe recrut District Convention ut Sudhury, sere tIsa club recaivad a peine tue the second highest standing in atticieucy in lis district.- Lion Chiet BIaIse Charlton accepîrd the awaurd tue the Milton club, sn front ot abaut 5,Ot0 Licous tramt Ontario and Quéhec. The district sabre Milton placedusecond includes 17 clubs in central Ontario. Coutrlhuflsg bouarda this accumplishmant wstIhe Milton Club's sar pertacl attoudance ut club dinsar moulin g , elsitulios la ees uther lubs saih ut trust 10 membrs atlasdisg eacb time, the CNIB blîtu u folnda sahicb aacaadad $2,200 sahicb saut balp peceida turîbar services lu the hiind, a pladge ut $5,000 lu the Credit Valley Association tor Handira ppod Childe ceer a tour peur period, arrangements tii purchase a saherîchair bus eicla tue Haltasi Crntessial Masse and a Zambosi ire mabîng machine tor tbe se. losan areaat ua total rosI of 117,000; presanlalios aI oser l00 sweaters ta tbe Masdap Nightees geaup ot Milton Misse Hockey; a doation la Millan Misse Basehail asd sponsseshipaof a Miltas Miet Soccer leam; provisiosot focd and rlatbing la a lamîly in serd; donation aI aivards ta saseral students for Ingb academir standing ut Ibe higb scbonl commencement. Thaubu cumusitp "Tbese projects, alosg wilh the regular support ot Lions District and Intrnaioneal andartabings, soude il possible tor the Milton rlub la oblain such a higb standing sn the District Goverear' asards compétitioni," Lion Chiat Charlton saîd. He suîd he iras prend oI the club for ils arvomplîshmrnls asd rsperîally graletal lu the commcsîlplforîls supporît o Lieons tasderaîsîsg peajectu. The Lios' Orsi 1usd- ru îsieg venture is a tas nigbt ai Mtillas ArmnaSept. 7, sebicb ercludes Ibm rafllng of a 1974 cr, danringltolsaabands, food and rrtresbmasls and gamnes of chance. Seerul aiber fias îeiil te gie uiip durîngîthe eveniag as pari of the élimination drus' rikt are ons ale ai varias busnerss plares inoms Salvation Army PICK-UP T RUCK< InMilo a& Aea EVERY TUESDAY 877-8522 Apart 17 years Mutual Aid merges with Fire Preventio Tsau local tire agenries. Haltos Mutual Aid Association and Haltun Fire Preventios Bureau, bave decided ta merge and seurk tugether again atler a soulual sapa ration ut 17 years. Te Mutuel Aid Association wa funded in 1951 ohmn the eigbt tire deparîmenîs an Haton decided ta esluhlinh a cu-uperative pragrasa aI mutual tiretigblîng assistance. Training, lire- tighting methods and equipmenta'rre sandadized su the tiretigbters leosa each departmeut rauld oei and tend assistance il a neighbueing municîpalily had a serîcustlire. The moins]aid systemt bas alîcays bers coder the supersisionfa tar ardinalur Fiee Chiet J. Di. Wilson ut Oubville, îcith Chiel A. E. Clament ut Mtillas as Depîîly Co-lirdisatur. Thse mes oftIhe varions tire bei- giades bave kept abreast af leighting develupsmelts and eacbanged Isaaîledgr scith eachbstbmrlbrough regc- luer meetings. uscally use rvening a monh. In 1957 the Mclîîul Aid dacîded ta slep np ils aire prevention pragrasa and a separatm bureau waslarmed tu cascenteatrconpromotion ut lire prevretian arrosa Huilas. The (tallas Fîre Preventian Bureauî bas aperaîrd independentîs cicr sînre, and bas rejoyed sur- cess svitb is aescal Grade 5 lire prevrulias poster con- lest, inspection pragrasas. s p ing dlean-up and Chrisîmas lire satety pro- arums. The Bureau bas alto beneftitd tram graap baying aflîleruture und moit swner- sbip or rentaI ot films, and bas escuard a part-lime public relations otticer ta (rip gel ils tire preventias messages la the peaple cI Hlasr trace brigades Meaihernhip aI bulh agrarien bas comprised lire- lîgblees tram the Hatian lire deparîmeals ichirbh have sisrm breereducedtrm eîgtla le foubtrcîgb annalgsa matians et Oubvilîr Tralaul gar-Brosie, ArIas-George- lasse and Barlisglas-Nelsas'. ilver the yeurs many uftIhe came lire depurîment per- sonnel have bren active iu holhsoauulaid and lire pre- ,eeian grccps, and sosse- limes the prageas o er- lappmd Thîsd duplication of efforts, comhised îsilb a declining &.T. MOORE 1N SU RANCE 854-2271 attradance in bath argus- ioultions, prompled Ibe grcaps tlaransider merging and paoliug their efforts. Nase the graop bas a nes ruimer, ton. "Huila Regicen Fiee Services Association" bas bren approvrd as a mare suitahia rame. Association membrs aspect la continue bath prugeanss ire ligblisg training andtlire preventas- as thas hase in the past. tiaplime meetings ivill is The Canadian Champion,; Milton, Ont., Wed., Joip 31, 197455S he inlraduced 1cr the lire chiets. tire presenlîse in speviars, fl l finie lire tîgbters, on a regular mas- lbly bas Thee daylime metingssillalsalbropen tc uny pari lime lîrelighiers sans avý ablr le attend. The asca i ili hfflîla ile riverevrningsmeetingsva yar loe the heerlîl iithi large aamberaofsvlîiiie ýpari limne i religblrs Fl'av lîrr depacîmeel iarlinigton. iiabville, liltoli Iliii', and Mîleailto) ei oi vii-e%,iig metlings as a roiriiiii ii,is' The argaeiatioc iv faerdr (v a Il$120 grael Irco, Illlîn legîse Caueîl Tbi' irslb oi this icuey aili go ia lr pri'eirn progr,îei-,and Ibeaue stemutcalc .îîd Need permit A prmit issaeeded tacamp uittllessabe Point Cas- serationsAresa That isaunuss you are a membr aI tIsa Bruce Trait Association and you cas sbaow yooc mam- bership rard la pars officiais. termite map ha ahtainad tram Idallos Région Casser- vation Acîba, îly offices an Mlais St., Milton. diiiîs iv eîaîsly cein larîalîoasharsg pragrasa 1.1 finiî Coasos ai Milice bas iirreaardrbairmasaof foc- lire peses lias rasa mîllrr. uîlb Inspecter Prier Cuampbell o ai liablle as ircaurerrandtRoyl)owes of Ililen a-, serelars How to save energy when you use your air conditioner Just mfldh suie ihat firs h i the righl vize lofvor dh rid.C ui- iiit tiis peoperiy fîlled 10 avoîd cool air gelling outl or warm air coming in. Keep windows and oulside doors olosed when yoor cooiing unit is opeîdlînq, Theyiro ail good ways 10 avid wasl ng energy. milton hydro 250 Main St. your hydro S Phone 878-2345 184 Main St. Milton OPEN THURS. & FR1. TILL 9 FORD RENT-A-CAR SYSTEMIl AND BOBOATS *COMETS METEORS N STYLE For Carefrea Motsring Pleasura .. . For a Day a Week! a Month! a Year! Drop in and Check our Econsmny Rates. -SPECIAL WEEK-END RATES *COURIER PICK-UP TRUCK * F-100 PICK-UP TRUCK 12 FOOT VAN ALSO AVAILABLE 878-9877