B2rhe Canadian Champion, Milton, Ont. Wed. JuIy 31, 1974 !i1ft1PlOn / Editorial Page It mas une of those days... Halton Region's Chairman Al- Ian Masson ment to Toronto Wednesday lu attend the unveiling ut an Ontario Goveroment report and during bis absence he mas criticized on three counts: 1-Oakville Councillur Gordon Bromn told a Finance and Ad- ministration Committee meeting tIhe chairman had gone lu the press, behind the backs of councîllors, and openly criticized counciltors' attitudes for delaying progreso at tIhe region. Bromn suggested a mo- tion of censure, but it mas passed up in the discussions. 2-Masson mas souodty criticiz- ed by several counicillors for cal- ling a quick meeting for Friday morning in an attempt lu finalize thse region's long-delayed initial budget. Committee chairman Councillor Ric Morrom, George- tomn, felt thse chairman should have consulted the finance cues- mittee, before calling the spocial meeting to deal mith such a broad financial topic. Several members uf the committee said it mas impos- sible to attend Friday's meeting on such short notice. (The Friday meeting had been decided on Tues- day and mailed notices didn't ar- rive at councillors' homes until Wednesday.) 3-Masson's proposaIs for nem furniture for his osso office and the region's hesdquarters reception area mere quite qoickly tomn apart by members of the same commit- tee. On the first point, someone shoutd tell Councillor Bromn that "tmo mrongs don't make a right." If Masson mas being unethicat in telling tihe press -the eoulncilors wmre a bunch of doits, mhat mas Îhi'saii "~en he reversed the tables at an open meeting attended by five press representatives and a rate- payer? Perhapo if the regional councîl- lors got down to brass tacks asud forgot their pettineos, the region would be a much smoother opera- lion by nom. On the second point, everyone in Halton and especially aIl those in the municipal field are anxiously awaiting the region's final budget, s0 the local municipal budgets con be settled and proper tax bills issu- ed. The way we see it, calling a fin- aI budget meeting before Friday was impassible and the regional chairman only exercised bis rigbt and bis duty by calling the meeting at tbe earliest possible moment. Ibis week, wben most critics mont- ed the special meeting, is the only meeting-less week of the summer for regional coiincillors and many bad booked holiday trips. Point three, the furniture deal, appeared teo ho more a porsonal vendetta against the chairman, thon sound business logic. But the point was, tbey rejected the furni- ture project in the chairman's ab- sence.' witbout giving bim a cbance lu defend bis proposai. All three instances are only ex- amples of oshat is happening on an almoot daily basis at regional headquarters in Burlington. Unfor- tunately the seat of government is too remote and removed from the taxpayers in this area. IS a pity more taxpayers can't take the time to sec how the elected representa- tives f rom some areas of Halton are managing (or mismanaging) their business. Perhaps ito time the petty jea- lousies, the chîldîsh attitudes and the continuing conflict betmeen counicîllors and staff more put aoide and me aIl got domn to the business ut tryîng toi make Ibis regional goveroment osork. fits nom, or Shaîngth honof.., The Champion brooght home some national nemspapor amards again Ibis yoar and that excites us for tmo reaxons. First of course il is a tangible recognition of the staff that attends meetings, mrites storiex, selîs and designs advertising, devetops and prints picturex, keepi track of circulation records, helps peuple mrite effective classifîeds, oporates computers, preparex and photographs pages, and finatty prints and delivers nearly Ornai papers each meek in a variety uf mays. No amards mould be possible mithout dedication and a team spirit that sees everyone trying just a little harder to make the end resoît possible. Secondly mo're excited about the amardx hocause il mirrors the tond ut commxnîty Milton io the kond in mhich it ix possible lu produce a good commonity nemo- papor. That means co-oporation, interest. acceptance and en- :couragement. Il means that mhen me don't almcyx agree mith everything, our Deconditionolization oshat on earth dos it meon? Well, accord- ing to Terry Manneit of Halton Rogion Conservation Authorîty il descrîbe', vasie. forirlr 'i(toc ated by the province wbich nom gues lu Regional Guvernment. The Region nom dotermines ils distribution. Perhops it makes snsne oshen you think aout it. We had ail become conditioned to our municipalities and thse Region han deconditioned us, rooney and ail' GO Transit service may ho launched, froro Toronto's Malvemu station to Streetsville on existing (PR limes, Ontario Transportation Minister John Rhodes announced gst Week. But thse Ministry's an- nounicemnent ot plans for future ser- .1, right fit disagree ix respected. It meanx mhen me need help in gathering aIl the oems, there are tiioxe osho assixt in reporting lu us. Il means that advertisers find il a osorthmhile forum in mbich to boIt boyers about the merchandise or services they have to offer. Il mealîs readers mho register their interest and encouragement in încreasing numbers by buying the meekly issues. Il means carriers and store omners mho deliver or selI meekly copies and postal officiais mho do their best to spoed your copy on the may. 'The Champion had to come up near the top in most of the classi- fications under mhich the section osas judged to accumulate the coveted best aIt round amurd. That meaos a finely balanced team and a good end product. We're proud at The Champion but we osant the community lu share that prîde because it's a great place lu ho and it's an ex- citîng community lu report on. That is hound lu help make any paper great. Oaur thanka for your help, Milton. vice didn't include a further exten- sion tu Miltoni. Gueus thse cummut- ers in Milton ositi have lu stick ta, iheir gos-gu;ztîng, air-pollutiog. hîglîviy-clîggoog c'ar's (or a ltle while bouger. We take mild exception to thse osoy a tires building tomnhounes in Milton, advertises its units in sev- oral pupers. An artist's sketch de- pictu une tomnhoune ALONE, look- ing like it mas a detached building. In truth thse tomnhomes are roses uf almoit identical units, six lu eight in a block. Il isn't quito faim lu pic- turo thern lookîng like individual units mithout neighborn, mhen me knom the nenrest neighhor ilsunly a four inch mail amay, What do you Uink? Sgran d Spice meil,, i lbougbl Ibis column woutd base a faicly esotie dole-lise: Amsterdam, Copen- hageo. Stockholm, Rue de Somelbiie-oc- Gîber in Paris. Thaîxs ohalt 1bad in mid toc the sommer. My yoong broîher bas an apart- ment, ithl loIs of sleeping opace, in the BlackbForestlofGemaoy. ortheOSchwarz- muId. as wc jet-setters oulI il. He ottercd il to us as a buse for haibing arouod wstelrn Europe. Tt masideal. About fluse bours lcom Paris, the samne trom Smîloerlaod. Deîmarb. Oetgîum, Berlino A day t0 So'edei. A more bagatlle 10 Hîîllaod. Iltbdîlal]morbedout. A ooedaytriplto Zorich, a tmo-day spree in Paris. a smash aia Mooichbhiecgarlei i Ihal's a colffin wbee yoo us av o ep yoor soekx ap). ih the occasional foray ito Frankft or Hamboce. Unftcoatelv, moot of our lorayx Ibis summer will be mooamhxrg. T'ailmwe can atfocd, andlhatooly onceameeb. Thecexs as otd nurery chyme. isbicb doesn'l coos chyme. "For mail of a ni the situe as loil. for waslof asite Ihe borse mas hI,; toc muol of a horse, the baIlle oias loîl: toc marI of a sîclory. the bingdom mas toit. "Oc iometbing libe 1h01. t'm qooligtroimemory. 1read ilîinlhe Book of Knoooledge mbeo i osas eîghl. Aod atong iibailboieinail and soe a good bit of my memory bai been oit. AI aoy cale, you gel the message. One lbiîg teadi 10 aoher. Or somethise. That's mby lim noI xriliog Ihîs cotorn hro,, the Eiffel Tomer in Paris or Godis Badborg in Germnany. il ait ilarted xxilb the Good Samarilais. voornay recaîl 1h0t1 imrote acolurna tom meeki ugo about sonne former st104005 mho camnearoood andtfisedrny garage door toc îolbioe. They ubsotey retaied 10 aceepl a00 cet.Ttgaserme qoileaxxarrnglom althe lime. Thot wacmi gloos bai, oser the inier- seigixoebs lorned mnoahilaig lcer. Nol their ault. iiis ry mite's. Sho's been sayîîgtfoc about to yearî. "Bill, mesve gol 10 gel the boise paintid." t almayx agree. "Yep. Omeelie. molt summrecocsure." Nowouc bouse iino somelhiîg yoa paint on a holiday meeod. hos a case of eer and gel somte of voue old hoddios 10 comte in and hotp. ils a tmo-aid-a-hait îlocey edifise of brick. Dcisîog paît, you mi'gl say. "ilti t'dl paiîil 1h01 for $85." Thece's 1001 the lrim thal ieedx paining, yoo se00 BuI Ibal ixxsore lrirn. Thone are thirteen Stormn mîndomi, thirteen icreeni, eiesenly- tour shullees. Imo French dinons, aid aI toast 27 blackbhrdsino a Sen Irne. Thatis botore yos stacI painting the trimý SKINNYDIPPERS AT KELSU ... that's mhat it looked like çecently mhen a photographer caught these children ploying lu the sand near the edge uf the lake. Although the beach mas cromded that day, nu une seemed to notice, or mind. meil, ina burs ofsetinliy, myotid lady suggnsled me gise "the boys" the job ut painting the lrim. i mostd hase tisen triena maae ofbeerand tlltît mai ai] oesen The "trim" is costiog me $500. Fair enoagh. inohese days. i coatd have dose il myseif. batl'i i'm oin su limb a Se-tot laddni' onleos there's a mighly loir damoni ult he top. Aid atl lbey lonrd miii a hornelas Nextl The boss, mho SUITlcallsime"i. Smiley' or "Sic", bless bîm, saîd, 'Sir, you've gol troubles, mithti hat roof,' My heurtlsunb t'se beenlthroogbitlbeore. Weil, t doolt have i0n0 go10t delaîl. Aoy horne-onerbkoosthe reil, The rooflis shol. eserylbiug is rollen, thooeh il basn'l leabed adi'op sincewe camne bere The ooty ihing leaking is the domoxiairs toiltl toit aller we'se speol 016 hasîxe il "tused". Farewsell, Amsterdam. Farewell, Copeshagen. Hello cool. Hello banb mana- ere i shooldolt compluin. t loess, Suppose Iboir boys hadolt corne lu lix my garage door. t mîgbl boxe bes lollîsg acoosd in Copeshagen. iaybog "Pas de nuit, cberir." inslcud of anso'erine the door ten limes a day to loa the ocorcion ag aSCre driver. il's exiot lo be a $0.Osxommer bstiduy. Atlhome. Iltllcs outllbalthe garagebaslto be paioled. to. and the bacb porch. Raîber hillrcty. t aîbed one of the "boys" il lbey iboaldîlt pailt the iooodpile. us Weil, lo go mit the deeor. And wsîbaonictwist of itl ho saîd. "mootd yoo iho us io paiol the cul. as well"' Ho ileepi Ibere. mhy nu1? Green. Ohulter green. miîb o bigh gloss They're drawing- new uines A mujor re-arragen oftboundaries foc the nexl provincial eleslion in Ballon, could seethe cooîly disîded inlolrecid- ings raîber Ihan the preeo tmo. Boundaries propoied hy the Ontario Etecloral soundarios Commission hase bon puhlished in The Ontario Gazelle aid respooses or sabrnixoions on the proposais areto bo receiedo Sepenberl1. The peesteol Oabvîlle mould beon 00 id- ing A secondmol iD ringoonmadeiip, lacgely ofthIe ares boo the Qoen Etina hebHîgbmay mîlh a portion trcrn Kerni Rd. moîl abose 403. The lhîed ridîng would bo the batance of Haltlo mbicb oood in- clude atl of Milton, ail of Itallos Hilti aid a large section of Oorlinglon, PRESENT provincial ridings in Halton. mas os tins Carrently Ballon, for prosincial olie- lions, bon hein disided mîsk Ballon East and Hatton West in a sertieal pattern. Hal- ton East, which sa repeenied hy the Bon. Jirn Sonv, inelodis Georgetowno, Milton and Gabsîie. Staton West, an L-shaped pieee of geograpby is repeesenled hy the Hon. George Kerr,and includes Ouriington, Naoiagameya and Aclon eroising the top sectionof uthe ferner Eiquoig. Ourtînglon aideensan Vero Connelt bas atceady iidiealod beis nol happy wilh the propoe bouodaries tue surtinglon and bas obtaie the support ufth 00eityeoooteil i asking for Imo MPPs fe or rigon. Under the Connettpglan Buriingloî mouid bo disided into two ridings eail andmwesl of the Guetph Line. Gaboitte woutd bo a riding and Mitton and Ballon Bitin mooid bo the tourth riding. Me. Conneti emphasines Bortinglon East rnoitd hase ut premenl raies 45,000 poopte compared to 55,000 in sorlioglon West. Be- cause of more rapîd grorlh in Ourioglon Eail the ditterence mnsid gradoaity disappear. Sulb conîtiluenries, moutd ment minimum population reqairemneni ut 47,000 sel ouI hy the chiot eiection ottîcer. PROPOSED three provincial rid- inga for Bolton. lalton the largent The Halbin ridiog, as dratted hy the Ooundaeieî Commission and iîeluding Mil- loi, Hattoii Hitti aid the section ut Burting- loi mouid base a population of 60,770. The proposed Gabsilto ridiîg tas a population ut 50,030. The Haltoi ridiog sa the targsI in phy- oicat size ofthe tbren Proiooied by the Soundaries Commissîion in he region. Ilii the finit lime îince 1966 tbot the boundarieish e eeboihged and ifthe proposat; as drafted are accepted, the pros vincial legistatueeitbhave123sissi- ilead ufth0e prisent 117. George Kire aid Jim Snow are no01000 eratiy happy milh the booidary proposali aid Kerr sa particutarty unbappy 10se iîîringlon disided. Jimn Onow mut hase 10 decide oshether 10 roi iii Hallon or in Gabsitte if the peopised boundaciei are oecep led. Ho tises in the posed Haltoi aid claie ohiersees ee hirnoos.iug litxeebcc.-electiooîinlte Rai ton cîdiog if he contests the possible 1975 itiii priociples Ocoad prîxcîptex mbîsb the Ooosdacîes Commrission had in mmnd mben il hegox deatting the îem etecloral distrrit are cil' en th0e propoiais. The Cornrirnioi oîdertoak tl ase ai nsany districts aspoiblhe ntouched, exei iftthiî meanl that in sonecases ai eteitorat district rnighi bo peehaps langer or srnatier ihan others of a sirnîlar naure. The factor ut rapid geomlh mas aiso con- iidered ai melt ai the ethet in vacation ares of surnmec population. Mhemberi of the boundaries commissîion are Jusoice Camnpbell Grant ai ohairmon. Roderich Lewis, chiel eleetion otticer and Prolmisor T. Robert Sansorn, Asuociali Proteinor of Politicai Science of tht Uinisersity il mestern Ontario. Subrnisiions on the proposais ahouitd hi direeled tu0the Seeretary, Orlan O. McCoi. ai 70 Lombard St., Toronto, ont. Ithe asti Ir rOm Chanmi ieas 20 years ago Takienom ski IssstfThiCanadisn Champion, Anguet . 55154. TRimont mil ho Milton's dial «chlange oshis dial service hi lntroduced bere sent sommer, the BeS Teleoemagefo this aria annoned tswe. lThe neos nmiosmileaecs cnsiott hO tiltters and tise digits-the nonsbiring sYstimn mltlh hi gradually heeomtsg the standard througli- oit the United stau and Canada. The tise day convention il the Ontario Firemîn's Association opened Feiday of lot week in Milton and wsnnd ilo Monday, toltowing a seri of boisnens sessions, parodia. n mimorilt parada, puenie, demnnslration nf the Ballon Matat Aid and sporta exis. Atiended hy 76 diii- gaies leno ski aria, a Mieal of t1t4 fiemest egisierid, iniludling 74 tifti memesn. Plagued 0400 speiders on the maînly travellied township ronda, Niion township has authoioed Chutf Constable Harvey Boit tu pisechase a suitabti etentebual timing desice in ho ued for cheehtag Isu drivers. Fallîn tries, heokîn limbs, and seriosy dinrupted services mien titi in ski make of a gale that taslled Ilirongi Mitton on Saurday of tat miels. Streita eT blocked hy tattîn tries and branches, lt- phone and hydro potie mien toppied and mjres liftjin atanged mess foowlthe45 minute gato skst heouglit deivig shees il main,, -evntn moasta tries conOinuing. 50 years ag7o Token tente theisune ofhieCanadan Champin. Jly St.,1524. Last Thuriia atternoin Thon. Con's swmiii, Finit Uine, Enquesing, mas stesels by tightning, book firi and mas conumed. But neighboes inho arnîrhtod did goûtd oîrk and sased ail the tuesher, tue mhich Mr. Con mishes in thanh skies. Be sayt $3,000 would nul reptaco the miti, and be sa îol sure thal ho wîtt rihu0d. Apiarists report that teiehbes havo nol heen ahlo lotmiels dueing the mol and coou osouiher, ut mhich me have hadi so essch. Thoy anticipalo a tight honîy ceop and posibhy hasing in lied sogar to their hies noît minier. Chartie Chin, of the Borne Lunch restaurant, miii lttev nel miels tir a triait la bis otd homo in Canton, China, touving bis husiness io charge of a teiend. AI GOhsiito, tasi Salueday, Police Magisîrale Shiolda adjoiried the heaeing ofttho case ariingterom thi seizore of the $12,000 cargo of Canadian mhishey, tanded feon a molor boat onu t ares hetwn Burion and Beonte. I miS corne off lurnorron. Sir Williams Bearst miii ropri- sont the Attorney Generatis deparloient. Milton Golf and Cointey Ctubhpropose holding a local tournarneni on Feiday atler- ntiT is boped thal ailtIhe eotnrs miii ho prisent, au the groundsarue oo 'n uplendid condition. 75 years ago Takos feues the isuon n'Thti Canadtan Champin, Augost 3. 1899. A former un the fourth tise reporta that last Sunday morning, as the tamily mire Sitting do 10 breakfast, their atiention mas catted 100a mon pasing misk a tiens and hay-racb. Ahmr orit attermarda ho retueoed milb a tond ut hay and turied at Bannocburn ichool loosurd Actan. Theri con hi no excuse ton skis Sahhask dessusn- lion, and the law-ahiding observera il the louelth commandesent in skis viini .ty do nt reiish sucti o spectacle on sI eLurd'S Doy, and mit i nt permit il withoul proMîst. Those oshooare inieeesied in the carrying oui of the peoposaltol engage a teachie in insnut popins in high 50h00t sohiechsi n the Milton poble sehool mitli beglad hi bom that thi hourdi rn ovig inon theesatlîr. Ait depondi on wheskor a sutticlînt numer oftpopiscnain hi iecunod ut $10 a yese for Ibuse osho hase pasued the tagh sehoot entrancoouxams andb s5 yeae ton those inho hase nul, bol osho osant ta tahe op the obleis. Thoie osho iniend ta, enlier popilu sbouid cuit un Oeceetaey J. M. Busiedo and sigo bis gueantee shoit. Mn. Baîtedo miti ho happy i0 givo fuethie particotars. TH E CANAOIAN CHAMPION s'5~0 O - .tt1 E 0oir te- ,unoihst,uli ComentÎz briefly