ïihe ëanftbiau efampion MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESOAY, JULY31, 17 SECOND SECTION Grant and Kath Whatmough Contemporary farmhouse with universal qualities CONTEMPORARY FARMHOUSE of Grant ond fomily mornt Aîthaugh Grant, on orchiteol, hou Kath Whatrnough has one wing, foir left, for odult donc 250 conversions of old bouses hie prefers the activit les ond the other, for right, for the children. modern house 1n between ore the kîtchen, dining room ond LIVING ROOM WINDOW iS 20 juches from thbe floor and occupies the entire ceidtls of the room. Peter ond Sarah sit arnîd the plants infended for Uhe caoervotory. MASTER BPDROOM is jast port of Use aduE suite. The cauernenî windows are 18 juches from Use floor. There ore hiu and bers boîbroornu and o den on this level. ANTIQUE TABLE corne frorn Fronce in 1650 ond mou in tihe WboErnougb fornily formhouue ou Charles SE. in Toronto for mony yeors. 9 Ib FRONT ENTRANCE iu spociaus mith Welub quarry tle ou the fleur ond uteps dowo ta the living roorn. To the rigbt is tbe oduit ming anîd lu the left, the contre cf Use flouse. Grant Whatmoogh sa architect of renoms who a raised inaotdhoooe andhas 40e 25 o eions fol od hooseo for clins. In pile of this, des eme homoe es mOat he refero to asa Coolemporary Farmhouse, a modero hooe withlthe samemarmth aod aboosphere as the old. Hon, ever, he's admaot fhl you coolt ge eth1e qoaiLy of e ie anoit hooce yo a tic in t1e 'e Yoo ýao holî botter loday uithout bigoI rageous," he sayseiandyoo. don't haro le go baehrupt doîong il*" This le the 54th large country place Granthbas bilt and ihis exptaiee tohy he d idel. go eootatgic dolog il. -Yoo cao gel a unisereal qualty Erom coneeeporary materiate," he sayo. And ho has provee hîs paot. Hie- of'a-Olnd home ie Nanea- gameya han soarmth, nolness and a ee ofhmanoem simpty mîth the ohape andt materiatoausedThereetso need for iteror deoratioo. There isno slark foeling coco lhoogh the house a stil only hall fietshed cuside avlth oo floor coveringsor pitresono the tvatls. The secret is lu forget con- ventio and coocentrate on the homan qoalitien ten other morde, asseso the needs of the lamily and hoild 10 com_ plemeol the parhrculae Ilte- style. Faniln There te no sense of lorced effectin tehe Whalmough bouse. The famtly consiessof Granl'ý cote Kat h, and childeen Marh 16. Leslbe 12, otu-year old laions Peter aod Sarah,and married daugltter Ann and herhasband Diel McGoey. Ane and Oaeoy are living in the bouse lemor-c artly uebil thetr owo home is huaît on the peoperly. Keeping ie Mincd the age and inteeoldiflereeces cf the c bildrea and the peteac>ce- qatred hy the parents, the house is designedlaoaccom- modale maey dîfferent ceeds. Ose a'teg is devoled enlîrely luo atî viltes. The eîtire top Iloor is the hed- roomn-de-sittng rootoosuite for Grantland Kath. elow it ta the adoît goest rmom. Kath's studio tshe's a poIler mho hefore her marriagr morhed aithe Design Crotre of the Nationtal Gallery inc lawai, Orasî*s dec, 0he also sculpte. c-cites. and desigtns shipsý, a0d tee living rout.. Belmeenti s section of the house and te cbtîdreo's c-isg are the kitthen. I root on- trance, and dtegrou.. Thc family roet is cear the ebtîdeen's area Each elttld Oas a bedeoomn milO thc reofuired ottuare loolage tl lakes lue liviog te. There i comparatit ely umaîl Iloor space tîseal. eserylhteg is in.t All theecasemeelmWin dows te the ehîldeen's mtcg are 24 inhe hch. There i no tetmi needed, mhic h cutl, domo the bouse costshby usng less maeriau. This alîcai foc upgradîog cf the malertals tOut are ued. Solîd caO, une and a half orbhes thick and 10 inches wide, is uset lue mindm SIS. There are no haseheards or __ dmor or mindom casings and as fewdoaes aspmssible.The leames cf nIaint ieeed are sel right entc the planter. Grant considers il a bouse 1h01 resqoiees nu maintenance whatsoever. AIl aindeme are casemeet of eaeyieg heighs depending ce the eeom and ose. Ths aeodsmhat Gant descrhaf as "the terrhie e o peatre aindome. VYou due' eeed the Donf Faton's catalogue, yen don' oeed tohe gromeque orqueee to bc ew, Grant eleces.In laitilte oduises îlot lu lit lu euulomary standaeds ai at when huilding youe w house. Boiliiei ast li - In 250years this hoasetcill sti11 0e struclueatiy soaed'" 0e prediclo. Att malle are aI plaetee on concote blmo, t0e bangî fered ie att lo DIN finih.aceoneatea scdon-lve cree and eqoe fe Ail dthe bours cmeucoithe im 1e- Pi eeoe qahllring. There is eomqad le inrtheac fothea havelargTe tsdre ig fie TeWa pl bs aces tndh tatd oThee are he e aiveO aca I maximuo ~osulihrmm on10 îîlrh gurucsd orn aisaend o aleah the s4,lhematfeeai Ai du llo 10orO dou e wihtescpiva fri tefrhnaese shilIgy lead Muoo n living 3out acres bas asal nlaesr Oece inoce ha 10e 9r e Wheare ughree minde ilh-aea irrys oi tereîle. alO lees a er i pingaliveooluatrlote oil groudasloord a is aned alib ies nemstereuei suite.A It parot o-u sot deps cfd deig0 t tobc ilote lexycave tdon Mci of0te 33aesas adeg t bemeli'eseye pl anl utte wr h veyfrie.dKtheed0a Trymtveao ptnte ond pan a lun Orei c roalio on Mt b c 0yas omdrn eig irestd ior soiuf rpen sndrutpmeoandsorag e omoî iestokKl. a large eave gadoe les ofther nsapn Ahesnver.Tvalryflapica lîheyv so plant oranpier- cllbehouseo aeutbeea gla ossbir porodw tionom 10ehi hall osxay as.Th rnvthefrpelvetalt Joyl and rîgîmsalyomaed diy largeaitaec pion NlG AREA is Sp a few stoirs frcrn the living room and un Ehe sorne ou Uhe kitcheo. There are o doorb yet Uhe alcuve eEfecî offers cy while eotiog. r Bel] O came lu from Ireland in 1826 cm Toronto Ibrer c. TOry lied in a me lîtl the bouse Irant three weeks to e bouse andmithlthe cf t0e hlock layîeg, and plasleetng. be bave dune aIl the 34th a series 1iomes of ttinction Ha/ton by ce Beaton Township -namead for MPP J. Snow TOencame of Naton EaStI M iPPv hooed with1 toms- MPP Oas been immortolied ships heorng their cames ia linv. barren township ot laIr receise a srl v«omeobere sorlb tif Saut îodîcalîog Ibeir nmswr SIe. Marie and Sudbury" choseo on rerotco c f a A prvoul csame valuoleeconlrihulioclol10 h os shp bas bren camed iteselopotent of the regîce. Cnoo Township on honot o Change.s illhbeineorporatrd Jim bou omcaI MPP and on Oea mapu 10 be îssued Minîsterl Goernment Sr- later. vices. LasI meek the Ontario flistorie Canadîanv, Indian Legîvlature's spev toI ail- chîrlu, ucîdiers killed te the patyecommîteeselectedl t avttar acdit cubes and nanie 358 unamed towntships reeves haste alsît Oeen ta- revealed thenrames and 55 ofvîtetattard hy having toms- thea are named aller MPPvs obî1îv caîtîc aller tOene iTOe cîber fI members, mere Come oflthe MPPs uay lhey ruted cul hecause theîeoîuietobuy someandtin jausare ituytîcaiev of th, , ihps buai îîg iheir exsiîg provinicialton naines sa butîmuo f he land ships, or are toc close in is crownterritoey atndsomte is souid or spelling. Fîve ofthe sn provincial parks Comne of MPPs eefuued olu t thel br theto are osînhabitd and nameu be useiti inaccessible exceptby plane. Fiddlers in August Busy market Fanvters'Market -mayor- fielderops are ready en the Aody Frook iset et es net weehor two.Andyex- couetici' the sumber of pects hoeey and more uhoppers eveey Saturday tomalces so and conex morciof aoc more. Wîlb tOc mconh ooa m eather unit toe An od tinte fîditters' veoitors ailh Oea prodvcr rutent o il aleo c Or ealured coming eac eekterros earivin August.About 35 juvîcno ay lohkeepîtrark ofl fiddlersWhihulhecoming to t0e eomits. 1he ares for the anea MIost of the clouls are flled contesnt elburne are ccc. and the lea thal are sîtîl expe tei to vîsît 1he market em pto w tîI be laheo uhev cn theoicornieg TO ADULT WING the cernent otoirwoy leodu directly from the spociocu entrance hall, Twins Peter and Sarahisoit iu tise "o ff lirnits orea". The decor of tise bouse is provided by paintingo, pbotogropbs, pottery and sculpture. SPACIOUS FEELING of Wbotmougb bouse is epîtornized iu the entronce holl. Tise doorwoy hou wide tronsomi ond sideligis ond the wide stoirwoy leadu down Eu the living room. Tise sculpture is one of Grant's. GRANT AND KATH bove donc ail Use work in Use houoe themselves wiUs the exception of the block Ioyiog, sbingles and plastering. They are ubown in the ground floor living room. Behb sd Grant is bis den. Vol. 114 No. 14 i