Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Jul 1974, p. 2

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2 The Canoian Champion Mtona Ont ei., Jul 31, 1974 Passive planning rote adopted for our future An allotion ni tonds lu ha -given rura and urban treai- 'ment la future planning foar Hollon ws given tentative opprovol hii weet- t-y Che Planning Commitîee ni Rollon Itngioan Council. Gîven tour optins, t-r committee ieoned ins'ard acrepling o 'reltl, i pasiv cote" foc Che fturr un inctlades: -major, t-at not excessivr, concentiros ni pnpult.iin la Cae prenant Oc hvi lle and Burtington coca ameas: -A ceitîng on dannîlies arbint unuld altow Miltn and Haiton HuIs ta hensme sait- nuttficiant withoutiaxcradiag LI,'- grsasC pattern gavrvully anvepied in t-a puni, -ah setting anidr oft large sah ni tans nnrC., nasi aid sanib nf ibltoin an primeaiacmingtland-ranghty Caesouihernhattots'hai asait la hae Enqsesing aid t-a nocihers hait ni t-a fnrmear Oohvitle; -Reaiing ni Che paadnas inantly caral chacaciar ut t-e rires nf i 11lt-tai aras once nochara 7iasnagaweya. ltîly a anars lT-a genarat direction foc fture planning ut-lat the vnmmaniiaa andnrsed tant surah lu nul the fil amarer, uniy t-r tici stap an a long range document ofigoals and .hleclives toc Haton's future. Planning niaiters druftd o report inctnding four optins but Che final opion, tecmed Optin 3B, found theannt laver withCte cnmmiitee. Nun lt-a planning niait unît carry on a dialogue unit- Che are unici1taliiia and Cae public. net-îng lapai irnen averynnauca, hetoce t-e darument is put in ils ia0 incas lu dancrihe the fture st-opa and grnuth ni Che ragîn Opion 3B piclures Bncting- ton grnuing tn 150,000 and t-atville 10 lOOlit, arhile Mao and the bawns ni Achin and Gergetono Halton ilis)n nemain ralalively close tlnlheir prenenlnîna. Itaomits Cemetery erosion Norval projeot 'lI'mnirnîidnsere puerdend lamplîag ta ut-ave aven saut wii ha unwst-d ont nr i -u$200,080 truas ila 1974 u-ndet. grava in t-a maniasa Other items uece being Miltnn Maor Ane chappeit an ceducad ai ghtt ani MacArturcunned aseashars iail and Cannett as adaaoa ai Hollan Itegianus Public the Narval prajari st-nuld go. Wnrt-s Coasasîlla ut-en an Fîsntty il uns put leao niteaspi uns asade tn past. asin and aseahars vnted 4- panean enanian castralte len'eithe Stormasarin pCaîeli Nnrval ceaseleny. t-a 1975 astiase - on tae Tbecarding nonds'ay lu undestandisg ihot il Part encnesaet-ing un vraseîery unntfianceais anesofCth tonds and bath Mayor MacArthur and Hulain Hium Cou ose sueran Chairven adamani t-e sh iser nu C h g r a prajari ptnnned ta reliera tae gsatuatiod ibis L . a..J..a,,' yenn. "lfie t ence i, it' àbanks pre. going ta gai marna, ' Cuue sad.Sare ith Peel ie asajo ankts unît But ounillr Ven Cn- aah canfîdenlîni penen- Butl arunco Vh e oen Canu tallanstel Haltan Begionti niettrndterjrs-i Caunnit's Finance andt hapatponei tel 1971. The Adasînistration Cnmmilee in Stnnas seasar prajectisl Sapesana lait i theiasaied lti vont $60,000 but lc regiants t-onhng l-vesery lu un n inun lise busiges hnuadary naad and Peel , petsaaitncara Raglan has heen ast-mita spliI CBun c i H cMaran a the v0ut uit- Halton, 50-5t. Tn Cocnetre analo haCen dolrt bet-e plans la hoyanie the- u>l ick in the $3,0tuuiaeied aseetings. 'I have no alut te hodi Causcillar Cannei leli enter noia parnonatiet, tas lits praject nhotd t-e t-id ullanty oppased la t-is avec atIsent yean. auuilng asethait,' tculttC afnitelaoanrnas fel ro t-ml tnsslarnir h ei 'ltadscaian acona as tha hava asy dariions an teir uaehuvnasaille auaa uritn e-ortsan ou Hgry HIobridge "«'hungrier, hoiiower" The Huagcy Hnttnw bridge seined tbe nppncissiiy tnr a pcnject in Hatnn Hitts s nsm cou pla nt pans. entimateit tn cmst $75,000, nnt "It aas hungrier thon wie $50,000 an arir rstinioat, lhnngbt,' said Mayor ?Ane Directar nt Puhtic Wnrhs Bnb MacArthur, Miltas. Baitie aanoonced ai a "I1 was batinner than ne meeting ni the regionas public lbangbt," cbimed in Haln Wnct-s Cammittea an Wed- t-ilts Cnuacîttnr Len Cnne. nesday. Councittars, wbu nere rcety tired after nver an NORTH HALTON budget bacti by 10 par ceai,. THE CANADIAN f.. CHAMPION Authnrized as Secondi C a; s Mail Puva , vira 877-1211 Toyota Commuùnity Galendar Whafs doing in the. Central Halton Arec 1 SUMMER FUN Tbereetstlil lais of sumener ler-ad tir nat eclat il hi t-e tallent' The Milton Rotary Park Pont '74 tamn mer Pragrasi hegies te secondsession of nwmmIng tessons ibis weeli. F-ar mare infneeatlon regoedlng registration col th-e Milton Parks aed ecreation JUST A REMINDER T-e Boy Snaats' mont-It- Paper Dtive mili te caenelled tor August. Hanrener, the Drivas ili continue as assai le Septemher. its a nery unrîhhle canne-sa he sure tInSane pour papai-s! Se. how much car your mono y wIi buy ut 826-293 Hwy. 26 Jiut Nodiî of 4e01 any retereoce tn Che ftis cities ni NorCh Oohvilleaon North Bnrtinghin, thai e envinioned t-p pravincia g lansaru in t-e Taranti iCted Regi Pta a coupt ai yenrs 080. Preserce gcaid mils Il discourogas non-tara cenidential oses in ameas ail hatter ogricatorol moils an praviden toc canidanliot an on rural lands tans snitad t agricnlture ahrte snue devalopmanlît filont inter fereathmajor recreationa and ocenia resoncs, gran noter, sireamo and t-ai t-eadqnorhirn. t-e oggragat depah and acens ni an silic ecoîngicot halance. Ih aise seat-s teaoct-lave gondr halance halareen job and t-amen foc Houtons labo torce. Alternatives, st-nnned b- Che committea, arnuld havi sean Baclingion groar t 482,000 and On t ville lu 00,000 art-le Milton 0raw tn -40, and Hoai Hil n uld an partance a slanar grownti. is "91go" cmstlibis yen, t-a penjeci wni have 10 b htetd t0 1975. Conaitor Cnna uaraed a t-envy rain nr a had spring rinf intlt put lt-e eegînn "serinas trnuble" tf t-a situation na nul ramedZe sain. Dircrmr ni Pnublic Wnct-s Bnb Saille uns ucgaed ta at-tain Prel's aasarr- fore the next heavy nain. o ïboycott ~entation tnensunecns raramaseadal- ion."- Coaidenltal Treoarar Dan Farman auptainet each t-anti will mot-e n acillet peesentatian tote cammîtine ami iniloas il np wiCh n partoat prenen- talion. Sonas plan la st-ou tIldes an manies. He nicesseit t-e meetlings wmat i haovn- tidentiat. "I won'siti in t-a chair.. ne in Che ranm," choirasan ".IlII Jil ynu, Ilchiaseditn Macnaison, an Ont-cille caunicitiar. Aaderson lter admitted acnlict intlanst arauti lit-eiy hrep bta ont ni t-a nanas anyway-t-as a ut-anetoliter la lT-e Unîty Bant- uhiat- hasa't heen nbei te akae n presentalian la causiti. Oniy hast-s uiCh branchas in Hallon ara on t-e tint. Region7al r briefs y Doing a meeting ai Ce i, Public Wort-nCommittee of 0Haltn Reginon Wrdnenday, asamhars: lJrged Che antliciter la nagniale aCh Che tour oren asunicipailies in t-lton and praduce n niftarmoul t-y- la fnn nuhenisulan la Cae reginnat catnait -Agraad la at Gare and Stiirrie t ute apries on nnnitacy neaga capont te refliai near cnnditiom, la- cluding the Pnnhway Beli ragultians wt-ich change Cae pîclure namewarbt cascenng tuturanaunage plontineeds. -Tahled an anganizationol atari tac upanations and aintaeance dran hy Dîraclar Bat- Bailla, pondin motenforatian. I showd a manger, tartinicat statf, nacreany, t-cea surer inlaîdenin , ibrea cant-i lypints. Il superviseaannd n inant tanna ot 103 nprend lbruugi t-a an, areni and nnrlh divisions. Reconstructin -Engnged Faundalin ni canada t0 desigacrecon- struction nf Upr Middle Rd. tan 1.8 asiles terTreafanil- gan Rd. and Ninlh Lîaa. soime caunicittucu taIt tae rond aras nit a hi gh pcianily item, nsling cehîcular frattie lu only 2,0001 net-ides par day. But Oat-vilte osambers acgud mta inna sneyerai lange decalopennh wiit hae uning the rond wiChin Che neal tua yenen and il aras enfer tn ratiuitd il lau, thon la1er. -Agread lu bine William L. urars and Asacinien la designt $30080 wrt- oi 24 and16iînch aermains on Uppan Middle Rd. and Guelph Lina tn serve the Heaon Cumasuniiy. Cbaaspionaclassitied hetp yns -The Cbampionns unani ui sel] any uouaaied items, tor number ta 878-2301. casb. e e s, e e e e e e e e 'e i. Colorful attire ""hot air" recipe Mac Andersn, an Oakviie membar ai Hatton Ragionat Canniti, has been wearing calariat sparts shirts, shorts aad aprn-laed sondats ta meetings ni the canicit ail summer. He atteadei one martiagl ast week in a bright orange ttawered shirt hr branght back froimthe Barhadosandhliats otme was cer taily a stand-ast in a ronm futt ot ort-mary business nuits, shirh ami tims. Geniat Mac, paiting an has avec tintent pipa, said aone ot tae canrittalrs raeted lus catarint apparetl and at ana meeting hie aras ceterned ta as "anc canaicillar tramt Hawaii.' Bat Mac had the pat-dan hi end them ail. Ha deaeds his attire hy sayiag "whea pccpariag tar t-at air, one munt dresni accacdiagty." COUJNTRY RESTAURANT KITCHEN e 2 OURSA DAY (~~He 4 nxept5n Sat e Close lpas7cmn * New enlarged variety store * Bright brand new takeout with fantastic selection food shop for tasty snacKs * 120 seat modern restaurant * Motel unîts & drivers roomettes *Soon to be comPleted ... seventeen luxurious motel rooms, full bathrooms, beautifully furnished including color T.V. S/W CORNER NWY 401 & 25 MILTON (416) 878-2339 Milton man hospitalized Theoitara VanKenier s sn nRd., Milton, was siiecing iahen ta Milton District locerotiono hi the heod an Haspitol Sundo otena ratsred rlha. when hin 89 hUeVoiatso involced la colisiion iOs o '68 The Voiant ecined as Pontiac driven hy Mto entimated $2808 domoge Ciaticeda, imlmsaugas, ni sihille Che Pontiac Win relqulce the corner of Demy Bd. and repolrn tolallig about $3to liwy. 25. my Milthn poice. Van Kantera, 4M7 Hemier- Clficeda mone snijred. Take tapes, tape players A Milton Chiel aolteated a neochy Mary St. siere hrot-en if tai h.deckhnand a onm inhimsy Che Milton preahia ai cr ni tapes Friday aiter- Che Rllohn Regian Police dent Order ai Odnfén parhing lot and anniler ou - Use C ha mioni l ctassitieds. COLONIALGOLDEN -4037MFISHÏ & CHIPS 15se Miii St. ... wiII be closed 'Confidence for holidays Bs knowing that you can't buy a f rom better T.V. SUNDAY, AUGUSI 4 Richardson's TO THURSDAY, AUGUSTIl NOTE: We wiII be open for Thurs, & Fri, Tii B the supper hour on 878-2336 August 15. 201 Main St. MILTON See you then! e g Golden Horseshoe City à STEAM RALLY GAS-ERA VILLAGE fi featuring 23 stores in operation including church bldg. wîth services hourly, school, Old MacDonald's farm, Blacksmith steamn threshing, gas engines, antique cats, horst piiils - tug of war, fiddle contest, parades, etc. at CALEDONIA FAIRGROUNDS Aug. 3 4y5 Antique vendors & participants contact Fred Thompson, Mayor of Golden Horseshoe City, Caledonia, Ont.g te d e 1 0- e n h ci e 0 h NEW, TASTY LIJNCHEONS AT MOHA'WK INN -aiways Sbaphnrd's Pie n Modat- and Steak- & Kidvey un Thursday - uthan dat-s t-ring dittarant surprises truas Chat Gordon Beil Mohawk Inn Guelph-Lîae atCaaspteilule tac reservations - 854-2277 1 7 ý,éîî)Me*c7P57ý -7-7T777Q7ý ý7ýn Feagas Ch/m uied Cassai Fam Poil course mels nteat--atpn-fiih and chips DON'T FORGET OUR "SUNDAY DINNER SPICIALS" For Remervafions phono 878-9061 SÇPauglalg la Z#110-O#1 OAifr Fn..: Chnn Food Dolltvy On: 10% Off Chinon Food Plit--up Ordans (i.. n$5 Orden, I. Town Oniyi HOURS: Monday ta Thunnday il asm ta il 130 pas. FridayendSatarday 1 la.m to2 am Sueda- 11 an Be pas Olowei Wednenitayn OLD FI DDLERS CONTEST OPEN TO ALI AGES FARMERS MARKET Satiariay, Auguait le, 8 ar. lWili h -ad the toliowing wee- it-e avnt oi nain> EXCELLENT CASH PRIZES FOR PULL PARTICULARS CALL RON HARRIS ANDV FRANK< 878-3179 878-6960 THIS AD COMPLIMENTS 0F THE Local Commnittee of the International Plowing Match

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