.MILTON Oeaaoitoliy kept 9 noces store home, tast eC, otonrIng 4 spelsos bednoms, 2 beth large meis tison temily noom wihfrpnlwi ecda rest b talanp pots. Ashing S159,OW but h-y en ottan mît WANTED uts0 aunes wsith à Doaioo home anithi coemtingdisanceetfTorntso Goocs mtent. Contact Edea Jool. M ILTON Fîce aune lot: neat No. 7 Hightcay le sot osya,ftna eny suenlu setting, ttstly e mress, tnontege et\ths Sioth Lice et 3t5 tee beannanged. Askin0$49t5a.00. Flese cal B Mitn878-412 BUYER M EETS SELLER It's much easier to buy or seil your home, farm or acreage with the services of a realtor. Ctealtrshin today'tisse Of "MARKET PLACE"? »'ethoar <Realtor) AUTHENTIC LOG le a plcueesque settlcg omidst 18 acnes et mapie, spnuue asd blnch this beaotfluill' 'estoned log home built ln 1864 let unique .!ith gleaming pire tisons, 24 livcing noce, tison t et ing tinspiae, sepanats dining trome, cuphoande gelons tn the authentic hitchen, ganbanaton cepauton and dlsh- anashen lnciuded. 3l odnscoes, 2 bath- nooms ,ntunrom wltb aaik.eut. Pniuoedot $1i f25,00.00. Flease oei Les Bunken WEST Or MILTON 6uyn.old bnick home, situatedon 11/2 aunes with many tlsme ng plants anC ebade frntes, ottorntg a livting tetuliy neston- nsost mith tison te oellsg tinaplace, dlsing nomt noms. plus a baatitul moeron kitchon, a bodnoms, teso 4 po. baths, lace. Lseated tullibasomonttandt2eca garage. Pniced to solfastat ton tho tOmlly $79,000.00. Fon tonthon detoils easo oei Les Bosken. b Betty Ingle. COUNTRY HOME Thnes besfnooeshome onneniyoan acre oftland, only 3 t neasosable iteons sIC. Niueiy decenated thnsoghout. wi0h lange kif- h dloms pay- ohmn aed liing noce, lots sf eopbsands. An Ideal tlnst home ton a uky Young couple. PnIeC night et sSt,550. Fiase oei Wlîlesa Redden. MILTON AREA 'th bossage- 4ermbikbnao iutdo ieystae ocened anith alot, niuk bnofsan vylseta to ana nlcely slt t. Tenessuan lunat"tatauetoyloet41Hghayt iEnjet. Milton. Liu.tn osm andtamliyt'som both hgeie- 1En o places. Acheng $65,000.00. Fleose oeil "Dec" Goccland. RETHOUR ' Las Bunker <Manager) fj -FOBEI>bRTP H. FOBERS REAL ESTATE LTD. 22 Oa.s. Nlue (A- 9- Pl- CUSTOMo OUILT RANCHER .lust utndon construction iocoted minutes fr0e, Milles, Featanes tamily noces wllh walk-ot aedtlneplauel main levei lauedny rom ; double gatage ; 3 baths; bt'oodloo tmrugbout;ucedon sundeckatndljust listd ai Len5o0. NEED A LARDER HOME? 'thon ba sane te sie this bnick and alomitues backspiit tsaturng 4 bednosms, taesilyro anitha2k out; located on a quiet cul de sac - catra 2tpc. sinule can ganage. Lot's tako a eauý ledat'. satt9Os. 27 ACRES Roling Land lu minutes nth et O Q I FOR f- ý,LS CALL Realty Services Ltd a ESCARPMENT Fiee yeen old bunglown iouated js ast of e Milles os the Niagarneosoapent teetong 4 bednooes. a»pan- aMe disngn nomes lieing noms modern titubes, otth boilll'lsdishmesberand stouo.a2a4eu. beoba. Sltoatod on enrlyune auneo etnd. Pniced ta aIl et $64.000.00. For' tunthen deteils oei Betty Ingte. Sacnes, soose bosh tnà neo'ates ansa in oth Noms- agarnsya. A 350 f0. trntage and nan malt highesay. Asklsg bae,tOO550 miOb gsod tenms. Ploase oeil ,Dec,, Goann. 11leuneson Guaelph Lineitn sonth Nossagaamya. Rolling lad rnith mes.' possible building sites. Omnne eny oseisus te soit. Fleesuas "Dec" Gsmlasd. Men's choc busimess uith exutllent rtn os Ince.t- ment. all knsn lises cannied spouiliiie os quality snk botssandubbetfoot weet. Fleaselcali "Dec", Gowiand. REALTY SERVICES LIMITED Betty legle 'Doc" Goosland O) fO Wîllena Redden Edea JoeI Toronto o8 u6-3085 ui VEARS' CONTINUOUS SERVICE Memootoo theoToronto, Ookve aned Bampton Real Estate Bards PRICED RIGHT M ILTON 3 bednoo. beekeplie t1½ baths liing nsom dioieg rom ith patio dons tu fetued bauk yard. lUnches anith dinieg me., beautifol tielshed tamiy ro ile'oadioomesdl Imo car' ganage. Oood eoistlsg tnontgageatt pe'cent. Juot iisted et Mt1,51)[1.00 FAMILY HOME GEORGETOWN Mony eatnas-5 badnooo, 2 slo.sy, 6 tere old milS tamilynoom osi the mole fluot', longe liie n otm, sepanate dm150n rtom, kit- choc asith builtton stots, dishwoshen, fr10 plOt d cin- i00 at-oC, flotte anc ail handwood coened mith lutunitue hnoadiosm, bath and a hait tutl hasement, single con garage, tescod Yard, patio, smimming pool. Cali ton inspecties et this bouse et te att-los pn'ue et 071,90(l. LAND 100 aune lents, 60 clean, balance Osautitul settlng ton a Eaut e'moto rnotded, gotd tancn builings. all the whitt binaS, ti uJI a, ,euld tescod od soif.Woud conslsn make a luueivcunatny eate.Ak. setanetito. Cali ton intonmetion. 'tO $60000 For Listings-Tracsfers-Sa les- F rom Coast ta Coast Use Our Gaarantucd Sales Plac FOR FSIESDLY INFORMATION tîiî lttD tl'E8894 AND REAL EST AT.' SERVICE Il LIIILLA R N E8 -9 3 OAKVILLE -845-4267 _ - -M