Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Jul 1974, p. 15

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loishafted"...a (Cenisssd frose Pa 0»)i enrtsared an $125,1000 for "the province la tabisg a Coeo and Pet MeLaugit of Use torner Gesrgeteown ta Burtle, W PtDlOOltofr kas catomns apnrsach te Use es Bnrtingten, Gord Browin and t0.t2 Milte inte s e r v nite, % , o Mitos nd et startùog ep , regienat Arcs tlesagty et Oats-itte. Enam'narea. Dabville rate $40,000 for Italien Hltts; plus =erment.',Tise ssillion Treanarer Don Fermer olte up3.4 minatte7.1and $»0 non tepcatsr-p of as t n ire round mnait fitee - b e's es Bnringenn iopt59mitu t ganfate It te nand Hate figure bat in' tee csy, tee stlidayn. 49.68. $150,0s 0 ItO e ci. te sent." He arged consecil te Tise finat isudget mas mont Manos inelUs compennate for isaving te otait ose otesi betare settisg $11,11819 beino th entimates Tisn year Bnrtingteonces mereneerat area it badget, but tailed. mLIcit had vreil te pas ait 43.32 per cent et Use r ea ssacipatttien. "We bans beau nsattesi, a meeting toto oteeba an At bovy or 07004.922. DOsvIlle Nothsatislld oteve beeu set ap lisitng UsaI tume member. .1ileà for taisles 39.31 par sent or By comparison, Haltn dacs," châmed in Cucilor an10 rcent acrn-ite-board $1,0O8,413 s-bite Mittons a ndtmiio;Mtn d Mac Anderson. He aaid it otan cat but ai tour committee $631,657 sisare te ont1 per cent aaised for $IMOWn- taten ntartisg ta snd tube meetings tout; otees a saving and tates Hills' 1 $97,192 Hittn songist 3îoe,000; nometising re "Alire in of ment six per cent otas at- sisare is t0.4O per cent et th Buntingn anbed 111M,011. Wnndertanst."ý talsed. rellesattotal. "tý see no rensn otby ote Treasrer gens Te prosioce's otter et $1 nbssdd ie natintled," said Most eouncittors otere in Eb ne e Mittîn oa otart- te, Dabritte Councitir Terry troir et nending a dellegation lienaeean receivesi pr-s-q Ï Msenl. __n _eteor bacs te Qanen's Pars te yNn RnMLa Tnesday'a meeting, npaei the bki uen s Pa as argue for more grants. TdWta n ei ceoscittors. Finance Coin ..ing tise poitticiana te Probtem la, Ontario u Wlo an Kei mittee ctsairmas Hic jantity Use $t mittion bandont, Treanurer Joht Whbite tefi tliamosd are vinlting Usefir Macros-, Georgetown, tignset !Use Halte bad docamested Satnrday for a mostb's qandsarte, Lit and Cbartie il -asabortte ercen et st ruetg' botiday in Engtand and onmsoat Arthsur. s-bat Halttas aues for. 07a ite Mayor Harry rosas-si ciistsi expect Use adadbrtin Barrett telt if Use regonsa isiergoveroimenta treanir Judy Ttsibeantt, of Actes, are fI inctodes: $230,000 for Use 0o, gift dit att go tei denartenit niaise o mone on a toto oteek botiday tei liagion ta disperse an it neen t iseptce dpreent, Usey otUout bue sa Jamalca. fit; $140,000 for sjseciat ses-er w-ond base te star taying of Tise tp74 isosfeî s-as tientty Tise Gardners et Artur and otater projechi in Miltes poticemen. a e bot Ushe rote ws-a sisited Use alepn and oUser and Borlisgtes; $M0,000 in "IthUiss s-e are heing ittaren in Use ceemitne-o.f- rlesds os Sonday. finsciat grants toibepssabe obortcbasged. sanalil Ue-s-annlo son .it s-as ap interest due la terrotisg, B iniss SUsrtasd. sn Use regsdar cooncit session efthUe meeting. In remmittae P _____________________________ tUe rte ws-a 12-3 for paouing Use bodgqet; ln open coondeil a IL rererdesi note ws-a cattesi and I ~ ~ i * a I ~ E * n ta s -a ts-U Coondiltors uIflT~I @ UI ~ Ifm Vers Coneet of Bortington, LEdit r's esk Les Cone et Hautes Hillsd EvRo 0001 Anne MacartUr of Milten, WAREOS Tom Sutbertondetf Bartinasn RE US and Lanrie Meoneti of &k- Thse Lard's Proe ban 56 otords. Liscotns oGtettysburg Coancil qatýchty approeed-, Address bas 266s-or rTise Teo Comassndîeets bave 297 Thse toto nes- motions retatisg to tieClorato o et tdependence bas 300. A recesi U.S. Gsoers- Use budget, ose dictating Usat n ient ordrsettbgtUseprineetnabbagesbhas 26,911-ords. Nos- sn ies- ofthUe sborttatt osn tba t's pollutbon! steri op grants, asy fnture . + + Capitat espenditares mont ie Tisere's plmlty oi nudity os Use ncrees Ueedy s-a approned by tise finance s-Us porographe mas es at Use Usentren and even on commtten and coonceit. and teeision. Bat in BramptonesUsesdscreen nudtyaUsthe t of nn Uertetfs-iOttie ired lise tes-n onti thtie cutcdl approres.- Patonsut dr i thatr reenty aw igh yon enTise second motion ws-a Palrmatdrre sUenterecntlsaoegbtoonmes directive ta Use staff and streoisg-nased-Usnougb Use drsootssg rais. Many vmess darsetbntatn 4 larsied on Useir teadtigbts for a better ries-. earsiennt buades s-lUn + + lte teterateand infractionse Tiss listaif rates for teanhers, otriltes iy o prncialpi tslie orte re OPlledel h E N CIVIC City ai Newt Yorkisn 1072, ws-o sohsitted by Mrs. H. Louie .An s'arty Linhy, R.R. 3, Compisellrille. Barlingtos Ma.yor Gnil Harringn marer o boe HOLIDAY 1. Teacisers nons day otîli titi lamps, clean chîmoryn, and hies mations, suggented t974 s-isks. sbooId bis a, year of - 2i Eanisleacser s-su brng aisncbets- alerand a scotteetf aonterity" forne. MON. RUII.5 coul for Use day's sessin, Tise regionos si miltin 3. Mais yaur pens nareiolly. l'es may othitle nibo 10 Use s-, neserre tond s-as aise dieda totsa is atneaturei in Tisesday's budget ONE BAT diviualtests o thepupls.discussions. Tberes-as tat ai 4. Mgen teanhersnsoy take neeneningoaotmhi ornmnlting pur- osng nsoney îros s susa- HOLIDAY Uoeotovnn stey go tenbuncb reguarly. coonit t ibcvrte sisortiait os S. Ait-er les iours in ucisoni Use teocbers steot spend Use sient-up coule, bot ornerai ressotisf lime reading the nible or oUser besis objected te tasing Hautes lWomes teonhees s-ho monoy or engage in nenmly condunl laspayetrs ibis year for s sii ble disssissed. ssney tie province neaity 7. Every teonten sbnsild iey oside tromn ears puy a gossuly nom sboatd bave proided.1 TRANSISTOR RADIO ai bis sorningu tarteis beneft dorisg bis declissng yeors s Discussios didn't resotre Use ~ * *NG AIRE tisai bieotîl netisenose a terdenon saniely. csntronersy but passag ai N BTERE 8. Asy teacher s-be sssaorsnspe tiquer in asy tonm, Ireqet the total budget did-Use $1 eurf mitlon tond romains as na EARPHONES pool or public bolls, on gets sbaned io a barber stepottît gine neserre. good reaon ta suspent is ornU, intentions, integrilr a ' Jont 16 members ofthUe 25- $ 9 bomisly. member coicil otere n 9. Tise teonter s-te periorns jus laines iaiUtntily and otihUsnt baod for Tuesday's meeting. failt for unve years otîlibe ginen an lorrease et 25 cnts per Il bad ariginally been en"CisPral s-mi ta is pay pranidingthe noard et Edunation approves. shedated for Friday mornsng 01"ClrPral hasapupned to Tuesday UHF-VNF Mrs. Guniy said -beo sise tinit reod tl, ber initial reantios =ees noe.oi 319er s-yo ne nasse o long otay, baby." nul Usen ste s-ondeced, otee anaitahie Fiday. At 110th mental altitude efthUe public los-ando the teaching fine Haten Hinis members * 20" Cotor Poutable profession monis differest toiday? "BoUs sides nemi ta reanseso otere as basd bol Milton CN - UN - AFT hitr atitudes otito Use idea et ieaniog toando s-bat la bsn for Counicittors Jiss Watson and$am the young people nagisiin Use middle,' sbe saggests. Marjonie Pas-ys otere absnt, as otere Jacks laflis. Dare ChriSrie ST. PAUL'S CHURCH 0F THE UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA Main St. at Jas-ns St. Mtis ner; tien C.A Ha mer O.A.M. Div. Orgosist and Choir Leader; torS. Haorald Mogen Sunday, Atîssi 4, 1974 tilte a.m.-Ueles servie ut St. Paunis, Angsst, Sep- teester tut Inclusive. tNrsery tottilities anaItohie. GRACE ANGLICAN CHU RCH Oguaninst Robert P. s-ruait Sanday, Augut 4, 1974 Triniy Viii1 Preacter. Canas Mosaon 8.00eo.m.-Hoir Communion I.3b s-M.-Matins andi Sermon Thnrsdap, Aus-nst ib.00a.m.-Hais Commnion s'onare ateays weinose atliraceChrcs EMMAN UEL BAPTI ST CHURlC H Co.vvcial Stiresi Milton t78 906 - 878 3S42 minens- Pottar, Or. William Fstee, Otai Bil Catinge. Sunday, AtigaSis4, 1974 9.45 ans.-Bible Schoul 11.00 a.ns.-Morsisg s-omblp 6.50 p.m.'-Smg Semvice 7.00epens-Esesisu s-or- uhie. hPednsdae. 7.30 p.ns.- Frayer andiblet Studp. BOSTON AND OMAGH PR ESBYTE RIAN CHU RCH ES Minister: Ion . W. R. Les, B.A., a. , 878-420 Sunday, Augusti4, 1974 Otirina monts of Auut ai services ut Boston ut t0.00 a.m.Noserices at Omah. TH E PR E SBYT ER IAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH MI LTON Minuster. Inn. Jaota . Murray Oruonst: Mrs. L. itasiia Sunday, Asgusl 4, 1974 10.00 a.m.-Uninsesommeaut St. Pauis United Cisurcs, luins tise mooth of Angnst. HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHU RCH A toal assnmhly of Tise Pestecostat Anse-biles of Canada Wakefield Rd id Hny.2 tAfflIn Ps-star. ORntM.Csristensen Tnt. 87802064 Tise Lard's Dap Sunday, Atigasi 4, 1974 9.45 asm-Snnday Scooi 1.00 u.m.-aorslsg Worship 6.00 psm- amîil Prayer 7.0b p.m.-Evnning Eanntîstîc Service Wedlnnsdar O p.m.-Prayer anti Bibte Sts-dy. "C tea enrd wInts tis N l- "Wttosasaer shall cat upon "Le tis Cen'-h tbtsml= n Use ua ofthlie Lord sait te and nien Hi, Curts milS san ,. Romn. 10: 13. pruine."svat CHURCH OF CHRIST No. SSideroadand tth Linn Tratatga. tainister: Arnîsi Rssett 878-6goa Suîday, AaîaSid4, I14 10.00 asm- ibln Scisoot Clanses for ait alles. 11.00asý-Morsing Wnrship 8.00p.s--Preaciig afthe Gospel, MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N 878-2022 Chrîstians gathere ins tise Lard Jetas Chis t Lord's Dan Stîday, AugUSts4, 1974 10.30 asm-Beahlsa Breadi 12t 15 pe.-Sunday lichons 7.00 P.m.-Oospei Service ednesday, 8 ens.-Frayer as-t aibin mondina. Ait Are lcome To The Services. Jesos Christ Tise tasse Yesterdue, and Tontep, andi Farener. gqw Isfinitely more thon the mind of mon con enision is the monder of etersol lite UOAHI'T Loup Pine $25 Commset 2 t5pst Refrigoratoi $0C. i 189 Malttes 0&S $049E., Air Oondîtîonsrs Limitesd Gantitis Oype oteTcket -ibis enery purcnise af $1tt 00.0 ns mare. an on exiended temm plan Phosne Today Delivery Tonight 10 ti9 DAILY OPEN SUNDAYS 12 -6 At i giant WARENOUSE ýýHwy, Noý 25 - 1 Mile ý 1 North of 401, Milton 878-2373 878-2374 A.t.. a . G-mt.- Ok-LLI- Region List with the Rogerso Un Mursh Loîensse Sun sMeNic "g e They try harder *They give better service *They offer broader coverage Whether buyîng or selling, it is essential in today's market to receîxe the broadest covorige avaitable. NiJ. Longo Roai Estate gluaraîtees excellent coverage by beixg mîmbers of the Otiolle Rosi Estate Board in addition to the Mississauga Rosi Estate Board. -4-Here, are just a few of our listings. Came te Opem tuse Tharsday Ananst It 1:00 30 land ses tes- cnaeinsi tcainsi Ibis 3 bedroae isuntalos- s te Ol0t, 2 baths, roc. rui Lausdry rose off camsinasion kîtnhes. Pas-iiy roumi Man tras. Gunips Try il ynn'It tika tI Country livinu that is te' tiss tonet brick ansi ungeistase as 'o ar.Attuchei garage bricks tireptaca, ses- remeatiso nourr. Cati nos- Susan tactoice 878 4129 or (519) 824-0655. O0 acres oes ti tisis ditterenty desîgnei 4 bedros- has-e teot irisa spaciu tauons tirsptacn. cOrpeting tisron0hont, 2 batis, tas-s ottr and ses- 12 stali steel barn. Opien honsa, Tisnrsday. Aunst it, 9:30 1 i t-Saiaea n Ihs Tito bock Spit, 3 edrnans, eut in kitcison die sug roas- las-ily roone wt lîrnplais, T.V. rans-n, 2 batis. Atlronlînely dnicmratd, noadsof ni tros. Askisg $66n000.00 Colt Jnnkîn e satinger 878ni2i, 878 3804 or 639 N.J. Longo takes the worry ' Longo nases pou fine, effortand teadaches. Longo s-l i uner ynnr architecturat isteresîs, nasen something oftîonr persoaaitases-and trî tashowmra ns thtsypes of homes yunn osen, w-thi r pricnarange. Longo adosses nu &bout neimisbaarbnsds. Larges protessimnat esperiesce is innainabte layo in anusuising fture trendsoand the potetiui naine of nase has-e as ailongrange instmnt. Lngo bls pna sea Usrnsgh inflated peines. Os-sers sha tri tu soit personstin, altos tend lai anerpe inn a home' tnt homes tiste i ts Longo beteit Iras- lise knos-tocitrreol maret naues. Longo arran ges for dntînite inspectios Lotio represem'i-lns reake aotreivmmm forin oýý,re Wnsti is es tisaI ion hune piny f ihme for a tinreng, unnr ris-t inspection. Lango lsi pan sharpen yser vsiun. s-ehI tespent tisa terne nits pan, hi cattiso ta rane attention sm- pronments and advnaoas youcotd onerook, and disadan- sages lise teateesiOe nsap spot. Longo acts an a segutiatle. Settlig of theo tiser poiets ofaic ns oth 01er litiereones cas gel very hecsin. Longo ss-alhns ar the dntls and iniyi Onrrr and teiler arriveai a s-nulnoii advntageons ogreselt Longs tatps pas stan s-letei y0e budget. Logosiiiitapiuanalysenianr fioanial situatiaon ad gnie Sonds morîgage asinice. Tc sane ion lise baliser, s-o cas arrange o rnartgage for con. Lono is piedgcd In terce non s-cll 1-9. Rr, E'iioroîm.t..mmnnntl f-rrm ,emn und inqeriy, Longosprnnidespnounlithull inforatin. Longo s-iil give ou a-sseolia tacts abaît lunes, maineance cass qiiatity aI constrnction, and adequcy of public services. 91 Main St. Milton Multiple Listing Sece 878-4129 826-4317 -I The Canadian Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., Juiy 31, 1974 15 Join industry group but flot until 1975 set"si omle Halton Reglo ant n in intigtst ot"Ok regionsdesire MTIC hots done work s-ish recordanditheir Contacts are C arman ofogetonR. tie Meiropotitan Toronto Io cbop Uhe 1974 budget and Georgetow-n and Oakville in iremendous. Our nompelition Mors0fGogl-n lssdaatrial commission, at an spolie in faner of detaying thse past but osalter Halton is absoltly vinins," he Commission generai annset Memben'slip tee ni ssembership until nent munieip lities otere menu- sad managjer Willitme Wllso $10,011O-but net untit 1070. lait ary bers. Ogakvilln Councillor Joining MTIC ions also hld ise onossoi centsmer Tisalis the recommendation Onuy Cooncflor Pool MacLeas Ansderson tbld lise tanored by Mayor Anne sspsiae nfn ei a aprndo -i note last Prestes o Bortingion of- nammitien ise nould noms ai MacArthur ni Milton, capita, s-hile somne com- weeis after tise reionas pened lise mase. He said be least 30 industries thal altbsogh she otan oriei il ents s is o mnuhsrit FitneadAdministration otanted more sludy and lonated in Oabvilte aiter migsi mean Halo sld cet rnptasadsia Csmmlttee renies--for lise s-aoted bu hear opinions irons assistance from, tise Metra hsave tu some a full lime promotion'tsl n tiid tisse-Use possibility efthUe toto tuti tisse indastrial Commission, working in ns- indosîrial nacmmissianer, W ot oi joinlsg MTIC. Some mess- commissiosers in Halton, aperatian s-ith Oalkniîe's follooted by s-bal she caiied manicipoiy, s-r sel]las bers were att for joinan rigbt lion Coobste- of Oabnilie and indosîrial nammissinner. Use assa "enielns" - narea,, ne siressed. Peel and as-ny bot nssrte eyed the tet Gardon Blair of Burtiogton. "Tiese people bore a proses assistasl a uenrelary, and on Durhsam regions are as snemisers. N. J. Longo Te mlî

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