Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Jul 1974, p. 1

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By Pal Ford Lacis ut uo-ardisatad lusd use sa a major pruistenn in Milton, Caroline Fiaroff thinis, and aise tindu locai merdhants don't neem ta muei t Iurt tiiet nsm and is guing tn isurt even more in lise future. Caroline is anu oeian planning slodcuiicoeking lac tise laoso a plan oe cevitai- tue dumutomu Milton. laits onu muntis lefti n her juob, se han made lise necessaey upoce and Braffle shudies and lu flow mriting her report. Il miii hoe part of a mnre coli- preise:nsîve plan shmitted f enoideratin esriy in lnefflciest use otland ls nne nf the majnr isses Carolse lias idestifled. Tise seattumed comsmercial decelopsementa in the Bennte and Main Sta. area lu one exemsple. Tisere are a samuer of ainsi] car-orlesled l'tores there wisicis sisoud hoe cnnsolidated ut tise tsar die MlILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1974 REGIONAL COUNCIL approved ifs 1974 budget at areas of Halton formerly knosen as Milton, sortis a total of $9,466,498 on Toesday afterncon. Thse Oakviile and norts Burlington wiii nue a reduction counrcil in pictured in session, mits finance com- in tiseir taxes for tise region tisis year, sebile rates mittue cisairman fRic Morrose of Georgetown on in tise remainder of the region go up as mues as lise floor. Tise budget indicutes residents in tise neariy f3 milis. "Seal of approval" Hospital accredited - nursing studied The accrudilalios stalun ut ruquire apdatiug ta ensure Dr. James H. Murray of the u-veyaoles report muistbver y ieen the mudical utaff. Milten District Hospital han nrsing services mere in lise CCHA made the use-day sue- faver.aisi s many ut he et- administratin and the heu resemed, fullumiug a milh moderu prucudues. The vey in Apl and cncesicaied farta and aceumplinhmentn ut hourd; nue-day sarvey uftIhe hmspital hnpa ista rd hus reviemed on lue major arasa ufthUe lo- the pant tisce years mure nol- Bureent devulupmeui ut hy a memhur oi the Canadian the riteprt and hus deeidd hu cal hnsital-admisislratin, ed and cnmmesded," hourd an administrative procedures Counscil un Hospitl Ar- hrn nacunsnltisg tiens un physical plant, medicai and chaiemas A. B. Brillas sa'.. manal; ceedilation. The accredita- mahle aun icieunyu narsing staffs. Tise survey is -Activities of the medîcal lion i descrihed an "tise onnd the nenisig situation and pe- vountary aid mas eeqneuted Comeedaiss staff in reviewisg profession- Bousekýeisg Seul of Ap- sent recummenduliuss fac hy tise isaipîhul hourd. The haspital mas coin- a! morh ut the hospital in see- pensai" or houpitals and it solutions. Mutas District Bospital mesded for: vice reporta, cummitre ce- nieales tise huspihul complies fient mus 'peavininsal' ut- -Aclivilieof ntlie chiala ut ports andi speciai revîrmu ut mlth lise standards laid dumu Tise fiem misicis mil do tise creditalin mises il massue- metical deparîmens lu hold- diseuse enlilies; hy lise CCBA. sludy han nt yet hes select- veyed isy CCHA in 1967. Tise ing meetings mils mnu -Tse service of medical Aitisnugis il soted and ramn- cd, hut tise hourd promises a tollowisg your fuit accredihu- staff and nihers c nceened records, dietaey and lahura- mended mmlt areus aftie lo- cnmrheuv ad ennun- lien was geasted and reeew- mils tise nporatin ni ouch tar deporîmens; calissupta,-lse CClftreport tive-eles nrsisgse- aismwere amarded ini1971 and service; -The medicul records recnmmesds tisaI neyerai vice and a report is enpected again this year. -Receut nctins te amend committue, tire commiluee areas ut tise nursing service hy laIe auptemiser. nGeerally spoailg, tise ise isoptaI's hy-iamn; and infection coutrol commit- -Gondcmmuicatin hie- lee Champion is "Chat,- -ion"- Four contest awards The Champion na a rchumîpeiou'again. The award is the higheut ohlainahle in This nemspaper has hemn judd the hent communily journalismr in Canada. on lis class in Canada iu tise 1974 htter A plaque indicative ut the ais in the nemspaper comrpetitions sponsore by the circulation clafis 4,000 lu 9,000 mas national Canadian Coumnily amarded during the receut tient Inter- Nemupapers Association. oational convention ut CCNA and its American cuunturpart the National Newspapr Asnociation. In adiion theing udged the hent att round nemupaper, The Champion ptaced tirut in the editurial page cumpetitios, fhrd o hehet frontopage and, sn as open clans ue sm photography, ptaced third. The Champion's coverage ut the al] nighl tire ai the Milton Inu in Octoher mas the entry in Ihis photogeaphy compelition. Puisher Jim Dills repreunid The Champona the conventin and accepîrd the amrsou hehaîffut he entire staff. Tise Champiun han hes a consistent miuuer in Canadiau and Ontario romn- peliious oser the yearn. lu the past 25 yearn the paper hus msn ahut 50 amardls. The Autos Free Presu, represeuted hy puhlisher David Dilîn, received the second place amard sn the hesl aIl roand calegory and ihird on the trust page cumpolition for cummuoily uemspapern on the 2,lWte 4,000 circulation categury. Other MalIn minners iu the lahloid newspaper class mere the Burlîsglon Post PUBLISIIER Jîm Dillu recetons amards tirsi and Oahoille Beaver second in the n hehlat ut The Champion trumn CCNA heul ail round tahluid compelitluu tue President A. Y. McLeau. papers milh over 9,000 circulation. Polysar Iays off 155 employees One hundred and itftve theougs tise ose of uteee ensptuyeeu of tise suiding stforurdl Iauiney-prcuued Systemus Division ut Polsisar couceete modales Whili il Ltd. lu Milton mure laid uit piýosueretci. oCanada. Tise iheir jnbs lest Wednsday. trst cospany-umned mils tise exception of nine ?eeoment, SVillage ou tise ouamaied erîpiuyueu. ail meru Green mas started in empiapeti au tise second sitt Waterloo in tise uaeiy mouts msicis meut unta operatios last ut tii Yeae Feisry.în .H Tise 'Villafe ou the Gresn Acuis lu M is iis, eecio%,as compiutey dîmec l uupa tin ats deveiuped isy Poissar. Miltas plant, thiselyai n a re sait ut the al hasu markset." Bamever, a pess Firemen to rielse tram lise cumpany asures site construction and sales activities hI toms home convention prajectsaut Watenlo, Kit- chenuer, London and Guelph wil cotine. on weekend Cnt iacis Productiun manager Giord Milton Fîcefîgsters are Cruais snayn tisey oece peeparîog oe ieail oui ru prouing 12 modules a day masse this iseekesd for hec iut are nom cattiuf hans t Ontario Fîcetigistees con- eîght. "Tise layoO miti cou- vention in Beaveetas. Fiee- tîsue for an ludetinite peri Gd fisiter Gord Erunîz ut Miltan uftlime, he b says. "00e don't is tise gopos presideul thîs toronne takîug the shift hans yuar and a large Milton in tise immediate future.' delegation is esperted for tise Tise compaus manufacl- isusiness and eduratiosal lares and marksets a uni que sensions, parades and system aI home building campeîiîîos ïfIîampiou Th W tySio Pages-F f tees Cents $9!2 million budget is finally approved Tise 1974 budget totaiiing $9,466,498 mas begrudgingiy ap pruved by Haiton Regional Counicil Tuesday, b ut counicil made if knosen il's flot happy seitis start-up grants being hunded dosen by Queun's Park lu iseip case tise transition ta regionul goverumunt. -We were sbafted," cbarged Oakviiie Councilior MacLean Andersun afler couuceii iearned, in tise midut of ils final budget deiiberatious yesterday affernuon, tise province sl uuiy gise Baiton $1,000,0l00 in start-up grants luis year. Tisat milliun dollars mas earmarked by Uhe governmeut for variaus municipalilies sud projecta and Haiton Counicil uniy gels $270,000 for generai expenditures. Tisat figure mon't even caver tise $272004 in start-op cosîs requested by Halton Regional Police, lut alose dozens of otiser Plans lue a $4,000,000 lu $5,000,000 addition lu Mohamwk Racumay ai Campiselivilir mure reveaird ibis munis as preiîmiuaey plans mere tiied mils the Townof uto fuour consîduration. Tise expansion includes au extension of tise dîinfn bounge. mutoels, anti cou- struction of a 1140 seat theaire eqaipo mils lst circuitelesision. Au eurîy start ou con- strucion is espected mils fonsidaiion and footing plans Thec extension anvoices Imu paris. An extension ou the ro si si de lomard tise paddock ormiii eopood tise diuiog bounge. AIwo iloor extension un tise o-cul sîde in an 1, shape o ili Frîday lu Musday and features a pyd.arnajaile, a parade îuclodiug eqnîpment, iaddition lu mateealfi giss and iaddee cumpetitioîs. Sevecal Milton tirefigisteru corners aud nut dismupt the if tisuy hope lu stay sn dtion usnsues shuas p~" ~- renidestiai aresaarouud it," busnss. toem a chuniveibody and aud camp noe tise cou- si"Th oud Tsmercsansadn't suem maris ont suris detaits as vention site. Similarty, the spread ut morrieti, bsut they uhnnid hoe," appeapelale provisins for ieCse AE tmu cnr-oeiested bisses os Caroline noteti and nuggued istir and privute parking. said arrangements hase heet Main St. East hune e l h thetformationofta merchanul' 'They uedt ae ewee mde lu rusure tisai esougu lmteteapecised ares, asociatin lu cunsider the ise dola luate u misufrm efiheswl ean Caroline thinis. ashe pmnisiems. Tise omners of sise ouid. ' home lu cuver emergeucien. recnmmens expansion sisasid sot go asy tartisur a stinguf u comnmercial decelopmuuîts soolis alouig e v tr c t af i are a number of tenant- secupiel? roportieon a orl St., misni may meus tuy n t y s r e o are hoing iseid tue specai- o e by s r y r atlas. Consolidation ut dumutamn iu ait changes attes resait malins potentiuiiy thure are the centre ut tomnsneems n- commercial concena is lu large improvementa, and 12 or mure large igimuy uecesnny snm tuaI Ontarin important te marchanta lu eîimisating isuuvy truck transport trnucs, gravel S1. and Otestes Ave, hune tare of tise future devetnp- traffir tram, domntawn Miton tendks and cumeet mixseu imprnved and de- ment ufth0e plana inhu a couid have mome hoseficlal gning tisesugis domutumu nignated an teuck mautes. sisesisie encimset mailt As ettarta. Moltn in lutu uflernn meli, dsuce aimait nelgihuor- Dsrn a Puais porisd Buaffle evey isour. And tisut "Bueavy tendis Baffle munt isood pianan mil ii ho uit as trsffi stsgdy mdutnme, duesnt uvn iegis lu conducive lu sisopping, meidentiat araex upod nhn plannin sts Cu eutiate iseur many pou. especiuiiy mith cisilure n Dontn mercsat oIlsFirff Zcm t Le ur tiscugi dsring reguaur the stseeta," Carelise poits tis hase ta nffur ail tisonu- fue large trnh ucks g u operuilsg isouen. sut. "Puris meunuren vusiences sucis us piig0eMl uteS.ap shadd hoe taises ta enfurce the and co-nrdinated ar isum ligisI ecery 15 minutes. is Hesvy Brucks Buffle througs provisions me ulready have." A WESTBOUND FREI Use nortis sîde nf tise Car and tiff b Nassagaeya Use Milton Fire Brigat ludias pompa on f beiri pools. Grass ou Use CP Use fiames were not ail 0k ts-k added costs for sehicis tise regian sougist recom- pense. Neur 8:5million Aclual reuideutial mili lu týhe. 1 million hudget rates foc regîtoul services lu mwhichl se auallî dloser lu Milton mili hie, with the i $15 million hut reduced hy creaur or decreanenshown lu other revenue and gratn) the hrackuln; former Milton 19.61 set coul lu the uem ( -7.42), former Naouagamey muoîcîpalily ot Milton lu 12.85 (4.46), tormer Oahviîle, 631,657. Regiosal ireasarer 8 48 (-4.04); former Don Farmer morhedl that oui Enquesisg 10.20 ( 2 00), as a rduction toc thour mho former Burlinglos 8.69r luv in he area that mas 5.80) toemerly Milton, Oahvilir and Commercial rates are up Burlinglon, hut a hulle toc accardingly. Ihone in the imo norîheru lu Ballon Billu. rates wdll lomnships, Esqulis iof and rîsetfruma lo ofti.37millu in Nannagameya. 4Cuuî.uad - Pg.t1n1 Lieutenant-Governor to open newv Iibrary Outaria s nese Lieu tena nt-Governo r Pauline McGibisus miii vîsît Milton Saturday, Nov. 2 ta, offîcîaiiy opeu fise new Milton Public Library builing on Bruce Sf. Library affîciais, seio anuaunced the date of tihe officiai oprning this week, uaid tisey isciieve her visit ta Milton seul bu tise firnt lime a Lt. Gos. bas visited Milton. Time of the upening is yet ta bu finaiized but the date ils firm. Tise iibrary staff expects ta move ino the geound floue and lise Ihealce ters about Tisursday, Sept. 5. Tise iibrary miii ou the second fleur mîth the relîain closed thal meekend and sisouid bu large screes closed circuit «open ta tise public about Sept. 9. lelevisios syslem. Archîleclu ou the proîrct Librarian Sisciags Conmay said tise board arr Page and Sturle ot serate ta Mrs. McGi bon several monts ugo, Toronto. insiting ber Ici officiate attse npening, but she Mohamwk ttacemay mas mas not asailaijie ntil November. huili in 1963 ai a cool ut s3o0000< on a 400 acre site Milton man Drowns in pond inlet ccaslound lyiglfacerdom in The deosoul of o a Milton PrIe r Auhes Gersais, 41, the mater. folly clolised, hya man in the milI pond Inel in ohooonl emporaerly livingat mn caîhig on lierse Cestetil Paris aovday han 270 Mais St. on Milton, appar Pol ice mure called and bers coîrd au oaccidental isy coupy fr11 loto about lour ee ed iia epiain d Milieu0 Peecioci of Hioo of isoler in lise pond iniertîîilrprauu asd ilegional Police. eaely Susday afteeuoou He ministeed aithe siteand on pi sma, t1 Milton District Hs bol humwas iruu- - ced drad onarrs attse honpiial. Coroner Dr. Gordon luglis of Buclisgtuu iseld a ,t w. -post morteml Mosday mors- ing and indicated tise boidy ê' iad.peuhahîs hes in tise ai r toc absout 90 mtinutes betoreeicas lourd. Tise area misere 12v deomo- -~ tuf touisplace mas bust east ot an old concrete abolirent tisai once dammed lise pond mniel. Tise îSxteen Mile Ceni noe scoute St. spilo loto Imu cisaunn, ose of misics teeda lishe miii pond misilu lise ce- - mainde ofthewatercontli- ueos doms tise creeislheough 5 Rotary Pars, adjacent ta h miii pond's seuts batiks. Tise place mhere Gervais mas faund mas jusi easi af the $ aiotmtl in au area coin- mosiy hom as "tise oiii- pool--once a favorite spot Frends ofGervais saitdhe wasa tosg smimmee and hoem lise area -10e lise isac oftis siand t is assumedhec sipped and Oeil Irons rîiser tise aisoimeoi or tise pond- isosis Police îudîcaied ihere loil meceos'ggis otitturies. Gervais, prescrity unem- pie.formerly mueised lu nîmlo Hr mas origiuaiiy teom Milton and had eured te tcoms a fcm werss uigo ta vsnt suturai beothers and sis- tees. Police investigatin ohoord ie had four lu the post oftîce to mail a lutter -sorily aller nounisote Sus- dat Theo deomuîng wsta dis- covered at.2.50 P5m hun - Rasmun Jessen ut 'Milton - . oosdbim inithmiieer s -' % sasalitpostnffice Police said a 25cetpaliet of stamy Is mas Iond lu is pochri mils ose stamp mis- siuf. iudîcaig ie mont have P isevn or tsi- pour cIlice and thnýai iisu the >5soili> povd He is sorivisd by bis mite Jean (Brooks)o îTorontouand iheee childe Karen, Betty and Christinu. Aise snrvivisg ar l ethees and sistees Cisacis, Cari, Nip Pnmk Bucks, Doulg, Vinia Noisn i and Barbsara Giervais, ail nf GBT train toucised nff a mile long grass tire alon Milton, and Giadys Wetherait sadian Pacific Raiimay tracks between tise four~ ut Burlingun and Ruisy iconcessions late Su ay affernoon. Memhbers of Chrîstenses and Olive Keik le responded seith brnoms sud mounted portable of Toronto. Bis parens pre smouderng rilmy tcs sd tnue deceased hlm. backs f0, douse smudrn ila isadfne Fuserai servicemwii hi belli embankment was completeiy scorcised away but Wednesday ut 2.30 ut MeKer îwed f0, extend f0 nearby furm fields. nie neeal Home. jSay region "shafted" ~ ~!over start-up grants Downtown planning report Co-ordinated approach needed

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