Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Jul 1974, p. 9

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The Canadian Champion, Milton, Ont. Wed July 17, 1974 Jack Richardson ChevosOlds HOME 0F CH EVROLET NORTH AMERICA'S NUM BER 'AUTOMOBILE ALWAYS A GOOD SELECTION 0F O GUARANTEED PR E-OWNED 10 CARS 1974 MONTE CARLOS" DEMONSTRATOR 2 DOOR HARDTOP Fioishecd In GoId end Brown 004410 Iotaror and0 Saddia olopil top. Eqoipped 00106 Vit Engin, autontatic publer steering, power0 brakes. bucket seat, and cosole, s"oa beited radiai white waIed tires, 006001 dlis plus many more cusstom feat0r0s t0 e06a00e7000 dolIvng comoot. Lic. No. APB72d. 1973 COUGAR XR7 2 DOOR HARDTOP V O auontic, p0ower steeting, pimier bràkaa, radio, bucket 00000, console. Finished ln atuon gold and saddla Interlor 00106 matching oinyi roof, white wali and wheel cooers LIC. no. 000000 1973 CHEVELLE ESTATE STATION WAGON Eqolppod 00106 VO engins, aotoonatic transmission, 900000 sto00109g, power brilkos, tlnished ln lIght blue 00106 woodgraln siding with a natral Interloe. Also aqulpped wION radio. 0061t000011 an4 006001 dises. Lic. no. DSKT25. 1972 CHRYSLER 2 DOOR HARDTOP Eqoipped with VO engine, aotomotlc transmission, P0ow00 steeoing, power 60.6.5, stero tape dock, white0 osal tir« and whe0i discs. F101,6.4 in Oiliomat BIue wlth blue Interl00 and biack oioyi top. Needs t0 be seen toi6e appoeciltad. ILIc. No. FH 9570. 1972 FORD TORINO 2 DOOR HARDTOP This popolar lotermediate size car is 0101,6.4 1" Sherwood g0000 wi06 matching 10000100r, VII, aotoonatIc, p0owe0 braills, po0000 steering, radia, white0000110, wheel dises. One ow000 and caretally drloon. Lic. No. EPElOO. 1972 BUICK LE SABRE 2-DOOR HARD TOP This car is eooipped wltit attomatlO traosmission, power0 baies,penser steering andair conditiotlOO. Radio, white wOils and 06001 discs. 910186.41ln Cortez Siloor alth black vlopl roof and matching black interlor. Licnose FLN5O2. 1971 CHEVROLET FLEET SIDE 1/ TON PICK-UP 6 cyll0400 angine, standard transmission, heaoy doti. suspension, 0000 Springs, rear stop 0000900. FIoIshed In 0000000 $014 w0010600000 interlor0. LIC. no. C.67871 1970 PONTIAC 2 DOOR HARDTOP This Cataiioa 24000r hardtop i. fInished In goid wlth matonhioo interlor an4 black oinyi top. Equlpped 00100 VO en9100, autonnatic transmission, p0,we0 staerlog, power brakis radio, white 00001tires and00h001 dises, This 100 à one wner e00 ca trade. Lic. No. BUC 327. 1968 OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88 4 DOOR HARDTOP Vil engins, auotOtic, powser staering, p00000 brakles, radio,: tlnished In naoy blue MO gt6 bilait0 In000100, whitewa Is 000 w600i discs. LIC. no. DS0573 16PONTIAC PARISIENNE 4 DOOR HARDTOP ada 01000005ad Finished in Ascot Blue 0016 h0 lut 00100.r eqoipped 00106 VOon- gine. auoomOlic transmission,raiwtealtrsan hl disos. This locaiiy 0000.4 aotomobile IS 00011 aboya average condition. Lbc. No. D00063. Ciosed ai 12 noo Saturday, during JuIy andi August. JACK RICHARDSON CHEV-QLDS Hwy. 253S. at Derry Road 878-2393 878-3812 29.0002' 1911 BUICK CENTURY 4 DUOR HARDTOP P00wer equiIpped 00116 air conditioning LIC. no. BRZ416 1970 FORD 4 DOOR HARDTOP A roof oroam poli. Mediumn 610 and white0 vinyl roo0 00116 rnotchîng lolorido. Pr10041 to1 sui00o. Lic. no. DSJ625 1969 FORD XL 2 DOOR HARDTOP A rnai sorty car oSllh booknt seats andooleOI. RecondItiond thor0ughIy. LIC no. DSR118 1968 MONTEGO 2 DOOR HARDTOP 302 VII, powe0r steri,-1 power boakes. Econo,0icaI in termndiate sizncar. LIC. no, BWA59 *METEOR *MONTEGO *COUGAR *CAPRI *BOBCAT *LINCOLN *COMET o MERCURY MARQUIS Ford Trucks Our Conveflient Plaza Location Gives You ONE STOP SHOPPING and SERVICE Closed 12 0000n Saturday (JuIy a404 AuguSt) Gas Pomps open Saiorday I 6 p.m. GîigrMatois IUimited IIIIII& PM 84U$ StreetSviîle 826-1434 Toronto 925-08871 290010 12,VHCE FO. GALLI NGER MOTORS MîLTON PLAZA o MILTON 1913 MONTEGO 2 DOOR HARDTOP Low mitoago, like nooo Autotnatic, power steering, ponie brakes and radio with 3/4 oinyI roof. LIC. 00. HBX257. r r1/ 19 GUARANTEED AUTOMOBILES 1973 DAISUN PICK-UP Liko 00,0 Finishnd ln nmndium bion wlit noatching Intnriar. Lic C70856. $2888 1973 VEGA I-ATCHBACK 85 H.P. 4 cylinder. 4-spnnd; finished ln honni.go 01 alte natchinq intnior. 6 onh powertrain waranty; whI letto,-d wideomaltires. Acar thatnmust be sen to bnap prenUatedl Lic. No. HEH 074. $2895 1972 LEMANS DOOR HARDTOP Vit autonoatic power stnoring pownr braons, radio, finishnd in sunlIght yeIIow, saddlo Intnrior and natching vlnyil top. whitn olals and ,0henI 00007. One owner, a beaotfu automoblen. 101400 cc 4 edtansmisbon hinihed in blue with 004106(00 01001,e loh O nteri.r Wh (it wa t re, wheel co000000One0w000. lom uilago 8000. Just ieC new. Lic. No. 0SH132 $1795 1957 GMC Value Van VB Standard. Lic 957751. PRICED RIGHT SEE IT TODAY 1971 DODGE lh TON PICK UP 6 clinder, transm0ission, heavy 4007 suspension, n0w tires 34.000 miles. LIC. No. P03084. $2250 1969 FORD LTD BROUGHAM 2 DOOR HARDTOP 390 Y - uonnatic, power terig, power braise, rdio, stereo 0.00. and 1.0.' fin 1shed ln 000000 brown, 00000610$ oinyI top and ,0otchiOO inlo. P0,wer Windows, white0 w0IIs and wheel disco. UiC. 0010946. The 90100 la right. $1150 1968 GMC 11 TON PICK UP 8 oplîndar aut0000110, radio,'nn00 palnt, 00,0 lions - 55,000. LIC. No. C69178. $1795 1968 CHEVROLET 2 TON PICK-UP 6cylilder. standard. inavy doty supenion, 0100 rave peint. Finished ln l1061 yOilow. LOW ,0IIeagen-CrIon ta ol. $ 1 7 9 5 Closed 12 oom Satrday during July and Augus Gas 900095 op07 Satuoday fil 6 90. Use Dur Convenient GMAC Tîme Payment Plan 338 Main St. Milton 878.2355 29-00.12 F I -y 1 IIICÀ l' 1 iOR ýA([ 1 1971 VOLICSWAGEN Lic, No. BRX99 1971 VEGA LIC. No. AHJ417 LLOSED ALL DAY SATUROAY DURING JULY AND AUGUOT. GAS PUMPS OPEN APPOOXIMATELY 9 TO 5:30 P.M. CLEMENTS MOTORS BRONTE ST. MILTON 20,012 mý1_1 1 HICI f ', FOR ýAl 1 1 WANTEGgcallOsaes e 4l/ &p. simatlsaurce e. Caretaker 4I12 940 ana0 olao, ll.n0 m11 misaoth.. Ths IkI a ride,,..1.n a For Residenta SChool. $3.40 eil"filirs to03.60 an hour, plusexcel- lent loîngo borOtîts. 59,11 wo' k, mst h ave good hea Oh. Appli. by lette, Id0 A. H BRITTON Employment Opportunities BUSINESS A GM 1 N lOT ATOR at yourONTARIO OCHOOL FOR at yoorTHE DEAF Milton Canada Manpower Centre MI LTON 42m 12 NURSE Gonoral Outy. Must hoîd Ontario Registration, $0,460/ 70. and 09. BUFFER 0070 001y. 01111 train. G00d otarting rate. IAN ITOR 2shift. So00ohoavy or. Excellent rate and beetits. JAN ITOR Otorningsoîy. Excellentrate. ACCOUNTS RECEl VABLE CLERK Famiiar wthdcebit andooedits. WAITRESS/WAITER Soonoal positons. Shifts, $2.00 p0r hour. SALES CLERK Insidn sales ofbuildig mateiaIs. 5V2 dey0Ok. E> collant saIary. 0111 train. HAN DYMAN A "0)0 .0" 'typo--Ilo. in or olt Sonne electoîcal and 0000600îcal experience. FOURTH CLASS ENGIN FER For a Residential SchoAl, shift work, s01407 $d.29 t0 04.44 an our, plus 00000000 frînge Sonofts. Apply by let A. H. BRITTON BUSINESS A DM 1N IST A TOR *ONTARIO SCHOOL FOR MIL TO N Clerk Typist Required Sonne knowIodge of ItllIan Ianguag an asset. îValentmna Farms Lîmîted 877-1612 42ga44 878.4139MATURE 70(0501f r part 0,010 31 Oain Street E., Milton 0 2m712 907 TrafalgarSquare OR VERfo local caroaoage ana * ,, Canada Centre de neat an0 hav ood0 doovno - Manpower MaIn-dbeuvre record. 878 3307 4.2 3 - Centre du Canada PART TIME heiCIo loa and 420012 Co 4028129315 SIas ', hg ac Id aintng i dI01Ii o0oI977001, sonne tra0e0. Contact1 00(90 E040, Port A Quop, cal) 078 1133 SKILLED HELP WAÀRESES 0,000 LiCenced maintenance eleCtriClan for fine an0100 e ,100 e oi clpa000in10 cO0phOi(i " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ pl plnIo3 7 297 Mrs. E. F000, paper converting pl nlcato in Georgeown. Mohawk Inn, 8540227 Basic knnwîege of electronîcs an assef. al o20oneprec Fringe benefit package toily péOdý AE 5p-10 -th (0(0a Top indusfry rates. wo0kmimum,00of 3 dasper Replyto: OABCIO000420012.020 BA Ysitr o 2by, in the conrprelo, sitter do live EMPLOVMENT SUPERVISOR r8d909 ABERJIBI PROVINCIAL jy le cai BrstalT arty.0 PAPER CO. i da Georgeton 42900040 25 420012.839 1973i MUPUUUO IVIA tIKuuummivi 1 3195 2 DOOR H-ARDTOP 199CEEL SCOVRIE Caol white with 3/4 blu0 oinyî roof and mabching blu0 IntpOO.16 HVLL S OVRIL LIC. no. BTT432 3500VII, automoatlo. poor steerîng. power brakes, radio. Finishen Canary ToIIowwlth black booket onats, blaokviolo 001 0 N top. 4 brand 00,0 tires, n0w paint, kWht k atfoS N 1913 FORD 50J O RH RDO Oes Lc o O11. htewlltrs he This car had excoptioOOIahOcr Low ,0i10000 Look this one me.Lic. no. BTP921 PRICED TO SELL 1972 METEOR MONTCALM $2195 4 DOOR HARDTOP with ailistandard equip00t plus air conditong. LIC. B0X833 1969 BARRACUDA FASTBACK 340 cu6,0,00600, VII, aotomatic, power stenoîng, P0,wer brakes. 1972 MONTE CARLO ,DSO9.nhdn ata00,00ntttabl ntlo.L. with ail the trimnmings. Finished in light b100 and white vînyl rooft. Lic. no. CAY409 1968 CHEVELLE 2 DOOR SEDAN 396 ubic inchsVIII 4 pend, positive tr00k rnar nnd, radio, 1912TOYTA ittshed in lake ist goeoothcontrasting black i0terl00. LIC. 4spend and radio. A reol gas saoer and priced to seiI. LIC. no. BDE833 1972 FIRFNZA 2 flflfR FASTRW'I< -'I 7 7777 Hik ýA[[ 1 Ili _ fi) mmyloignammu MITN ICHRYSLERI 818-2962 o 878-5394 88 Ontario St. N., Milton 9ni !!I CLEM ENTS Fi MOTORS 0F MILTON 1973 AMBASSADOR 4 DOOIR STATION 1970 OATSUN 0 WAGON 4 d00r, Lic. OTUOl? Folly equipped ln Ciodîng a r candi nlonlng. LIC. Na,. BK 1970 METEOR 2 C887. 0000R HA RDTOP L.C. Noý BUL403. 1973 CHEVELLE LIC. No. BWW2O5. 191? TOYOTA 2 don, hardtop Vi0 COROLLA 40000 autonlatc, Li. No. LiC, No. ADS275, DTV 3517 1972 CORTINA 1909 GALAXI1E 500 4000o, Lic. OS RII1 4 Ocor, VII aotonnat iC' Lic: No. ORZ 035. SALES. INDUSTRIAL PREMIER IS BIG BECAUSE OUR, COMMISS IONS ARE GREAT... We are $100 mi.llion gross Conoanyon theNw York socok exchangn. ratnd AAA-1. We have pot tognthno a pro- duct line, a training prgrant, and acomionsrcture designed tc ,no.ar' prote s. sionalo with $25,000d yea in. cm.Wn alto,- protnotnd c courtsand tnrrtoy, bn its inciuding a stock porohasn plan, a fanmil y security p lan, and annoxpenso paid vacation pluos a strong incentive pro- gramo. Premieio-s song in aepeat business o.And re poat high oarnIngs year alla, year reprnsnlng a qoallty proprieta-7 indushal pr- d uct 1 nn includ n g twist drills, shop supplies. and hîgit peorm0ance lasenars. CALL COLLECT FOR DETAILS. Loul Polionato (416) 677-7900 Thoursday, J0)7 18h > 30a.mn ta Sp.n Or wtn: Mr. Lou Polionaho, 271 AInlI Drive,. Readaln, Ontario $125. Loveto work wth This ,0oII knoan cnnpany -il1 ng t0 do sone trai(ning sanko individual wth figure aptitude. Lot 700h kaowlndgne of costi n gand desirento lnarn lS.o., nrtoting position MRS. STEWART 345 Lakeshore Rdl E. Chambenof Commerceo Buildiîng OakoiIo, ont. Bum Idn2

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