6 The caradien Champion, Mîltor, ont., Wed-, Jaly 17, 1974 FINGER GAMES and songn are the mainstay in the Head Start program for pre-ochoolers sjoocsored by Milton Recreation departmnert. Farmner in the Dell, whîch îirector Norma Smnith says they do about rive limes a day. HR.C.A Release pheasants from Mountsberg area A pesatrelrosr prof rom tor ora Iordawners 18 being estoblisbed by thr Holtan Regiar Casservotion Teagch tennis "Tennis is nalt dîlbcoult gae, înstcoctcc Bob V'Driseali soid, "bot t is difficol ta play mcll - He nom bos 19 stadenîs hrrr lies a meek aI 111e Rtary Park tenris corts, sameoftbem josî leorsing bamltahi the bailOndmsme gellire dloser la ployif mel. "Tbere ore o few basic fundamenaos, 11e points cal, "andbhe restl sslime and practise _- Thr stadents, lrom eight la 12 years, are divided irta Imo groop.Tebei nsw ere jast learig la hin th1e baIl in Ibeir lirsl lestiors tort mcdk, ond Ibase milb more napecierce mere rtOrtinf la leocn tacatac4 ord backand teebniqoe ord gomne stcotrgy. V'Drisrall is o physicol edocolion leodber ir Peel Comty. ad bor jost receally moard ta Milor He mdll 11e ieeag thelbceeitwomeeb teanis sessiornbeîrg offered by 11e becreo aon Depart Solîd Stote 20" Compact T.V. Confidence is knowing that you con't buy a botter T.V. Richardson's Thora. & Frî. Tîl 9 878-2336 201 Main St. MILTON Aolbacîly. Anyane mith o raloable pcopeclty înillirg la provide a operrteoclored yen ord leed 25 pheosorîs tac the birst iiter moy b1e considred by theootbacit> toc t11e pragromn. Sinre pbeosonts 111rieo formlond neoc boiltouporeos. th1e oalbaeily bas deeided la releose sameof 111e Iboosords cf ibeosontn propogoîrd aI th1e Macnlsbrrg Wîldlifr Centrtfrkîrdooatchersoand huaters. Lordcmrers par- tiipating an thc profroni wold rrleosn birds tramn tan prnatspecibied irlervlsoand mîthia 111e ticat yeor. Forîber information jr ovoiloble tramn tbe MomIes- berg cntre ot oso-98nîo Tykes win hold third Miltor tyllen re oble teaoheod are rn 111e sîib. bold oar one cmn teod for T osariter, Gaeonand Foy on envilire 5-4 min oser svornd toc Milton rn the Georgetomn ai Roary Pork hota are ofte sioih ta pot Smndoy iheî obeod ocoir. MeCorn ord Morsholl Wiib 111e apporert îyiaf openrd Ibis seocisgfo tac11ecmatir aiessrh home lama crow ia 111e tirsiair. Gthrobom tored 1eve înniir wilb Grahom oddirg a ansing GrachaboIers to the a bameemninthe second. Getroo satrc fer th 12n 21 lmlled like Milton's boil oGcraoa y Oc bits. 2 gome bot o delecmîaed loigny6bts Georgetown sqood vitb Ther svtcry pois th1e Miltoa sleody e itehir a am ble la lybrs ia Ikird ploce ini Hobarn 110ce bodb ord ieIbe fome Comity stondirgs miih a 3-1-5 3-3inrthefooctborndiomp record. Sand aend water SmaII Fry Fun at Head Start Wbes Norma Smith stodied eorly ckildbmud edocatinn aI Sheridan lbey tld ber 1the t¶ig s:: like bî are Bol in tbe interest of Milton moîkers she's kepl tbe pre- schmolrrs sn tbe Hiead StarI p ram cc aI of1te mod and irsiltedlhemtt la nd and About 25 childeen tram lwa la bare camne la the morning ond oflerroar semsions rmn every mrnlldoy aI Rttaary Park ord Norma's staffern are tirdisf lbey need an rrdlrss sauce cf ideos and l1ings la do nenl ta keep lkem irîrarsîrd ond inaclved. The rootine sa kepI relatinely similor, thoogk, sa 1the childea bom mhol's caming smo. Tkey hegir jr tbe marnirgs mîth sargs ond gamen Shke choraden whidb con 11e played ir o virale. Aller o snack libe lemorode ond cookies lbey hare crots . Tbey peint mita strinfgs, svrerss and potala slamys. oloag wilb 111e stordord kroslles and bingero. And if1the meother is Ion bol or lac mel. bhey cor retire leao aoo 1n1te cammonily centre la ose pozzles, blockls ord building Icys. Oîber doyn Fail fair timie solon Hece s a liaI cf ogrîccîtorol society foirs rn ibis ocra: Aberîcyle. . Sept. 20, 21 Aclar Sept. 20,21.22 Arcater Sept. 201-22 Arthur .. Sept. 0,7 Binraok. Sept. 10.11 Braom _... .SepI 12 15 Cambridge (Golto. Sept. S-O Duirhom ..Sept. 20, 21 Cîmîro Acg. 30-Sepl. 2 Crin. . Oc.t.1il.12,10 Fe0rfu ...c . Sept. 13,10 Grorgetowma Oct.4 05 GrordVolley Sept. 20, 21 Honorer. Acf. 29-31 Ilorrîslar .. Sept. 19 Kitchenr .Acf 27-Sept. 2 Lîrlomnl Seyt.b6,7 Lordon Western Foir Sept. 010 Morkhom. ýOcI. 3-h Mîltan . Sept. 12-14 MountrForest . Sept. 10 Nem Hombarg ..Sept. 13-14 Welland Niagoro Regîoot Ea.) Sept. 10-15 îrangraille ..Auf. 31. Sept. 2 Oshawao ..... Jcly 18-21 Ottomo (Certral Corodo) .Aag. 23-Scyl. 2 Ottawma (Wîaler Foie> .OvI. 17-21 Parcs ..,Acf30-Sept.2 Richmond Hill . .May 10-12 Rckîca Oct. 12-14 Shelkorce. .Sept.12,10 Toroato CNE. .Acf 14 Sept.2 Tororto (Royol Wirler Foir)....> Nov. 15-22 lrteraoaol Plomîrf Motch. Holtar ..... Sept. 20-20 tbeyuse thenswingsoand slidms in the parll. Seeing lbey bavenIt got a saodbos, mbst sond there lat ander thbe swings bas la do. W11en the dllildren retorn aller lmncb, Ibere are mare mongs mnd games, amather snack ard by uit lime lhey'r b app labrIe afle--non brIbh etigid the modingpol wee,oandlbftnh mdy weenot mithool Ibeir trials. runoway decidellle didn't lille not llnomisg mhere be mas and mode if boIt wap home befare be wao found missiof. Th1e chdldren are begirning teaoppreciale the importance af olayiisg togeîher In o kig place nam lhoogb, Narmo says. Many of lbrm arr there becaome Ibere moonno one Ibeir oge ta play milb orar their homes and Ibep're jonl learning ta mark and play mitb alher ckildren. Ploans for ibis weell irclode o field day, maries and o porents' day oben 111e ckildrrn mili model haIs Ibry've mode. Loler parents will 11e recruited la helpo wilb o picric day aI Krlmo. --jcid el yo'reoonnoyrd be cueyoote fna o ocîino red." ANONYMOUS MEETSEyEBY TESDAYO9p.m Grave Aroolîcor f Parlsh Houi f HAVINGAPOLEM?j j DROPI5 AL-ANON Mots erery Tborsday 8.30 pr. Grone Anglican Parisb Hall inî Street. Milso Do yca hoveoarelative ih a derirongprII,..... TWENTY-SIX CENTIMETRES of bosswo second prise for Jimmy Landnborough of Terra Cotta atthsa second annual Msuntoberg finhing derby lost weekend. Big hitters clash Friday The Ricbardoon Cher- HOu--o hitting a obogle two Oldo / 135W T-bail confronta- bagger. lion Friday evnming mas the Pop rammed Oot tbtrais batlle of tbe big bittae. bomrneins iocl'odlog a grand lticbardron'S Bobby nian. Warwick came o p mllb a Grand niam pefc i o i itting Bicri Berofini hlanled out recod wblef Greg19 Glaetos lwo USW bomers-ore a olammed ouI lbree doobles. grand nlam-wbite Gonid John Sheridan, Pool Fay, W it and Tlm Lewin rame Peter McCarlby and Allen lbroogb mlth o home roo flairer aIl bit pairo of doobtes earb. Lewio atme Iripîrd. for Rtiebardson wilb Glen Doobleo ment tb Michael Tytree Brion Marina, Serafini, Lewis, David Ronenbnomn aod C ouncîl asks Slepher May mbile Willotn, Carry Boaenboom and Pool cut in units Brown bit le obe ah 115W pitcher lime Lewis Milton Cooncil sent John sparked a dooble play in tbe Prerel bocbtle edrawing bottontof teninth tiiniglt ord afler espressing din- beep tbe oolcomne of tbe game nalisfoction wilb kms ap jr doollt unlil tbe final baller. plicotion ta poî 13 town borne mnils and ooe ningle fomily homeoanacre parcel of ARTHUR A. lord or Branle S1. * lhlI~bt Cooncil members frît ieJs n u miln mootd ha tme crawded J H S N .D ard osbed for revisiono in the plan and passibly o redarbaon O PTO METR IST inthe numbrof nits. 218 MainrSt. _______ -Milton Huodmon Boy is or înland 8837 solîmoler seo, avec 1,000 8837 miles frnm sarlb la solb ord Aciosa obout 600 miles aI lis Wedresdlay ord Sorordoy maximum widtb. Klee otqe2 pîr Tîde Kane sîoe Boo 5 Ilbia BATHROGM POWIERED TISSU! pais pkg.430 DETERG.ENT1 .89 * E I L Kleelseo Boutiqoe Jaoeo liqoîdhaI PAPER plle r BLEACI gal 490 r TOWELS %-il 7ID Libby's fresheaerimeety KlenexBouiqu MINCED GROUND FACIAL POK9c' u BEEF Hamburger l TISSUE plle 43 e DEANS h. Ke ueeor wahyPakîs Lbys oasite aumo Vao p.or ohrie SPAGHETTI s CftEER li c SERVIETTES 31 rire tn 990 SI I De oufrs CA T F OU A SLCE p6 4 8;Oa80JUC ': 99e BACON VcPan 85clt Brokes POLSKIE GORKI pop~ caeeI WHO L S 1PCLS lar OZ. tins 1a0 oz. 2 ,72.9 W O EDILL CaKE iai6 e ke, Paria Ai Flanoore, Serite Fra Mafipie Leaf Leo, D'or 650z elle Oîgblirer jTab or Caeada Dry Ail Flarsore BREADED GION COI 1 Christie e Bof. 89c SAUSAGE RINGS FILLETS JELLY 6?o 1a9 lbth plg. 3 elles 990 890CI z. RScne'- 6sFon SEr CAKE $105 acb h. meeinPoo CHERRY CH!!S uAKE so F $15 FRESH PRODUCI PATTIES I Ilb.pg frrsbf.lOni"Nem' Caîrforela LE TTUCE 2 brads *fl POTATOES fresb-No.1 Ont. green th. CABIAGE 2brads 10 bae 99e freshNo.1Ont.Jo Or soieet GREEN ONIGISorRA115HME55s4 ATREG' CUCUMBERS 2 fo sesai 990 I eeb earn-mraty freshîcean-iier IreSh-larroroin fresb-MapaeLraîý S.P. lesbleanmoai PORK PORK PORK COTTAGE LD HOCKS LIVER SPARERIBS COL STEAKS 29, 39%. 65 th 79cib 85 Ili I rehMaple Lraf freshA200 DINElsur PRIME RhIB rsb. "A" ryr FRONTS SHOULERS ROASTS CHIOKENS 0F BEEF SrNaaUL'19îb Il 19 lb. 590c lbt 69 c bt Cryoacl l 9 li. A mCoi & Wrareed -FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONMENENCEI Alfonso's have installed a J'* moden, efficient meat counter * Choose your favourite cold cuts, cheese or eggs from this handys self-serve display. Remember, shopping's better when you make the choice! TEIIflWW S ~i 1111E ' n :1 ~d ~ 20% to SOLOF BE A SMART SHOPPER S-A-V-E ON A COMPLETE WARDROBE DURING THIS GREAT SUMMER FASHION SALE *Pot Suits e Bothing Saits ei Halter Tops e Sparts Sliyyers & Shoos *Shorts and Tops O Son HaIs e Groops ot Co.Ordlflated e Summer Porses O Blouses ei Sportsmeor a Regolor ard Poil Lergth Dresses EXTRA SPECIAL !IT &KO SWATE ALL OIE PR 10E $70 arrrrwwan Reg. to $25100) ~ru u'5 of IlflùJl EXCLUSIVE tF ~ t'284 main St. Milton 878-3961