Milton jon province in housing pro gram Mitssonsi isne ecame lise OrsI cea is Haton Reio Pr0 declare ilseif as areee toc tise provInce's action parlîcutar prosa Pst sîrs- pty essore tne -p1vince ise Psmes PolIt in toms tider lise provinciat proeccm. lise pro- gram la geared se Pane ap- prorats e Ires eartp asd issus- is prsnlded at as affordaste rate. Wite tisaI resotlios pas- sed, a more tac reaciig resoltoo ceceived fi111e sp- port. ite scond orieinae resommendatiso monstd Pave ser lise 80 acres omsed isp Bolideves deslgncîrd as a otel OIIAP sec gt and bsdialle srovideanses- col is petclple of Use pies of soisdiv slos toc as manp as 432 isousise units. TisaI land sa tocaîrd aI SIestes Ave. and lisompeson Rd.. and is oulside Use tmmed- laies croc of devetopaseot. Il his oý see allocatios. Cococit rejested ust pro- posaI os c 5-2 vote mitis ssty drl Msetassos and Marrie Powys sopportisg Use reistl- A second resotutios direct- seg OIIAP co-ordisator Bois Holmes ta deal wlUs dore- loprs wjUsis lise ora of developmoest and mils semler ccpcity alluraîrd toi Usem mas also rereted. Bilders represtativrs sait single tamily homes were Prise biolt os 40 foot lots esc 94,WoOts $42,000 campar- ed 10 oîhr new homes case- se on prce fromn $3,00 se $55,000. Nostampede Cooscillor Dos Gordon isor- Psd aI lise reqeqstof ses developeco misa asisrd liseir land Pr deoigoaled o potentiel site, Ihat adraft plan of sois- divsion Pr droon op and that cosocil csqoesl OHAP fom niai assistance esc lise pro- Horse club isy Martis Cochec lise tisird mertise of lise Hallos 4-H Horse l mas beldi aI Sam-son Farmne os Tuesday, Juse 251h. Att memhoes mece pressai. Barbacra Mitchell con- ducte lise Pars loues wmicP liis or lise Prarder Pars, Use mais haro, Use ctena, lise iscoodmare Pars and tise swimmine pool esc lise isor- Barisara Mitchell sisowed us isorses sucis as Use remous ,Canadien Cois" tas whose performance lise Sam-son Faem mas isufill and "le Nomad". Tise other namre homses oece in Monteai. In tise mais Pars, o pam- phiet os lise Forn olions, Cosntrolise, Easy Doc, Gresis Jahoand Royal Canadian oser issued to thepresritmem- hors. Before tise lighI mas esor, lise 4-H'em jadged a clase of Huoler isorsEsa. lise 4-H'eco did sot else reasons toc tiseir piacioes buot BacPara Mit- chsell gavasos n os'is moold place lise cias. Brfore lise meeting mas adjourned, lise 4-H Horse jeI. 1e sald ho wooldo't ho stampedrd ispUs prorince or deeipe Gordoo notrd Use prevlouo coooicilsiscd dons err well in fpansne f=thoosise dere- lopest ad ltiss lasd mas 001t onilOl tisaI frameworn. N?~ sewage capacity Pas Pers allaited r! Uste projecl. If courocit isad sopported Use ee irt t ouid have m ot Budeco coold derelop Usele11 land longehefoeelt woldhoj possible uaider tise preseot sot op' Cooscillor Gord Keasîz sait isom il old ho pos- ostbe se proride semagee capa- Clipy for Usîs derelopmnest mises Use toms hsall cready allotteti aIl of ils semaee cap- acily. Holmes iollmclod an as- soosicemieot wits regard se tisaI mold ho made shortly Put Pr moold sot rîchoraîr on lise quesotion. Gossien arailsisie Uoder tise pcogramn Use pro- vnce mahes sorme fisescial assistance avralse, as mdll as soime lococ and eerally esores coosecil Use province milI compenss tise las- ga pers, in Use loms for asy ordeo lsd resoîts fromt buoilding Use homes. lise DRAP formula pro- vides 10 pecent of Use 00110 wil1 Pefr l Otario Housise Corporation bmw cosI isoosing, 30 percent milI ho desîenaîrd for familles eceoise Prîese $14,5t0 asd $20,000 tand Use bsalasce milI ho pot os lis markset for 15 percent lss tisas Use fait 1973 market peine. Whitiecooscîl aeneraly csoceded tise idea of prorid ing ciseaper boilai mcs c eood ose moost memhoers frît tisaI cesideotial derelspmesl aboutit ho restricted 10 tisse wpish sewage copacily alrrady aîlotted. Asiis hoon log il woold tlhe 10 get tise Builderno tond olt of lise pachmay Prît asd reesnrd residestial inslead se industrial Holmes said lise larges mas 60 days. tours farm Club nsomd tiseir op- preciclion for tise lime taises to else 1hi0 lour. Tise sent meeting for lis Haîton 4-H Horse Comlu h on Tsoday, July 23ed at Green Hîtîs Fores at 0.00 p.m. Judge cows isy Les MeDosalti lise fourlh meeting of tise Hoitos 4-H Holstein Caîf uoi mas belld as lise farta of H. Craie Reid os July 9lP. RoIt cati mas ansmered Py the namres of memis caises. Memisers tises joded a clarof nI oms and a iro memPees gave maisons. JefI Nurse gore tise officiai paIones. Bath juniors and seni ors osere laugisi o Isson. lise J uniors mers ta140h1 Py Jeif Nurse and Brt Stewart and tise seniors ocre taught hy Marcel Delorme. Mornel and Bert shoord stides on oshat la sois for mises judgîso caIlle. Bill Rtobinson lhaslsed Me. Reid for lise use ni Pis bsars and tanilitirs, TED WINDMOLLER PLUMBING ALTERATIONS TED'S PLUMBING 4RR i CAMPBELLVILLE OaII 954-2413 *Omasonaisle rates e*tully lioensnd OUR à eR VICE IS A SPECIA LTY RARE OPPORTUNITY: e Own your own business a Established Pop franchise *NOW FOR SALE *È Present franchise includes le Georgetown e Acton * Milton * Qakeille * Mississauga Glarieus oppartunity for the right persan ta expand FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS Write: 394 Pine St.-MiItOn or cail at: 348 Guelph St., Georgetown The Canadian Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., Juin 17, 1974 B7 Quick appeal. Hcoes sald Use cooscl lé coutl gel qoilcisr alpprorals asd isetter d Il Us toisUe . OHAP Usas if Usey wenI os Useir oms "If 7080g0 ouno om pJi cotarforpoc oms 9=o odifas deal mies deve- lopers asd provincial agon- sies os pour oms.', Milton Msayor dose Mac- Arthu' sp= ofhUe need sec actiomna gsoo in Miltas. she soted familles wlUs ciid- con mere Prise alecrdai fesu U apcctmnests and faced rosI ti- cresses. "'lsese people are defeoceless. Tisep coure to me and sap misaI cas I do, luttera sisoold 1 go." Afler dlscussg a nsube s of situations misere cousncil felI tenants oece hoing abuos- " rd and In cases ejected wlUs- out rococot, a cesotion de- ploriog UsaI practice mas pas- sed. Il KI ;.,,in Siscepes peseil 4s I Mayor MacArthuor tld q' 5- repesestatires of Builderco . " tu go isacs 10 Use office sarpes pour poncil and sisave pour pein es." tshe notrd maop poople in Millo mere forbhoiom Us . $»,0e92,0 salcry Praciset. She asised Usrait MIltos cous- cil ho asred tisaI Miltos .... ..... residens wouîd recrire first nissico if asd mises Use OHAP YO TE'S LAST lu the namne of the gangiing-isggcd Tony Morrinon ou Anne Morrînon keepo the 25 yeor homes more Polit. Bshe receir- colt standing beside hio mother Yo Te Amo. He 10 old mors in linas Tise mars10s probobiy the aident în .4d tisaI assuraoce rerhaiiy. straining te get milk froco thse baffle heid by owner Canada la foui. OId brown mare stili what she used to be Yo Te Amoisea5year-od ot course consequenly weak Caiiforoia-ared iisoroughbred rmes mare mtmo hecomne a mother Waitingitohear if they have iasloweek forthe smeoth and ibis condition are Yo Te last lime. lier owner Tony Amo's ottepring, Gem's Besi Morrison af Speyside and Treano. woareo' ready promineslthisiis eiasilime io race forasohertoyears. she miii be bred ond han Meonoisile Yo Te'sLas calird the yousg colt Yo Te', talows is moîher oherever Lool. He Pelisses hier 10 Pr she gnes ond Yr, Te Ams, osentf the oldesi mares sn whose name meanss1love you Canada 10 colt. in Spanish, seemo toPec doing Hecasse oftlhs adsvanced juni thai. age oflthe mare the cilt muni receivenauppiementtfeedinsgn Three limes a day Tony pre- 19 4rserS paeSiilac, a homos hahy I~ EL~. toeslanad tends il la the gasglisg-egged coilt tramn a Py Marthe Coriser heer hoside wilh a sippie. On Sanday, Jase 23rd the Older mares apparsotiy do ialies 4-H Harose Cluh soi have proper sil-omios lac travetird ta Esters Marsisals thersoarishmsnt ofthe young toc their annuel irait ride. trad psisoolse Nntres eiders slarled lai Tonyeraislesandhbrerdstfor aaong the Mocohalîns hock racine ai Woadhins. Fart fîids, doms la the lt-mile Erie and Grsesn'ood. hînce ci'srisihraogh thertnrst and 1050 Pr he an deveioprd sorte back 10 the 16-mile rees winnersonnhis 75acrertarm conservatinoacres. Pers. Yo Te Ama's lient three Ai the conservation area, a oitspring did w'nlitorTny trauin arrivsd oîlh a Pot lotly Pis tank Pas ion va teimeon and or -cold this. Part ni the trouhle ns punch as weit as the cidrs' hsiieoed tnhbntead poisning tanches. caused hy the youcg herses Atrr lsnch, rela y races chemise on nomse paisird and hans classes once hetd dooirs in tPe Pars. TPe con- tor thos who mishrd ta dition couses soit hasies and compris in them. COUNTR Y KITCHEN ewHoelj EXPANDING &GROWING WITn MI'LTON AN EXCITI NG PLACE TO DI NE * SiN CK*SHOP *NEW ENLARGED VARIETY STORE &9* A BRIGHT BRAND NEW WITH FANTASTIC SELECTION FOOD SHOP FOR TASTY SNACKS * Truckers supplies * mirrors *tuols * lIghts * lenses * accessories * 8 track tapes *steren equipment * C.B. radius and equipment *drivers unîturmu * clnthing supplies * western shirts * cowboy boots * jeans * large selection of novelty T shirts " sutîglasses * souvenirs * authentîc Indian crafts MvosT DECIcOLIs FOOD IN TOW Burgers * tut dugu * hot sandwiches *snacks * hume made dnnuts * thtck shakes * beverages Te * french fîtes trys * etc. etc. etc. DayIN#sTANTLY PREPARED _____READY To $0a i Wamoum4~ Uike Us 10U I ~And YouiI&1 LW@ pli- OrFud Canada and Milton's complete service centre for trucks & cars * 120 SEAT MODERN RESTAURANT Ooen MOTEL UNITS & DRIVERS ROGMETTES LARGE SEILECTION * DAILY SPECIALS * GENUIE 24 hrs. SHOWER FACILITIES * T.V. ROOM AND LOUJNGE FRIENDLY SERVICE * BOTTOMLESS Co EL Ct P day * MESSAGE CENTRE * TELEEHONES SOON TO BE COMPLETED. ..SEVENTEEN LUXURIOUS MOTEL ROOMS FULL BATHROOMS * BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED INCLUDING COLOR T.V. S/W CORNER HWY., 401 & 25 MILTON (416) 818-4211 RESTAUn 4NT W.