.Jaty 17, i9yd V1edding Burt, Harrop Doceen Alice Hacrop and Harey Goîdmin Bort ex- cbaoged noms in a doble- ring ceremoey al SI. StrpIlens Anglican Cboreb in Hornby on.lune15. Doreen Hacrop ea the daogbfec et Mr. and Mrs Alan Harrop ofR R. 2Narval. fIne sa emptnyed al Bell Norîbero Receach. Harvey Bort cs empioyed ai Dissloo Canada LAd in Avion. Heisîbhe con of Mr. and Mcc. Uoyd Bort et R. S Aclov. CanoniJ E.Macwelliof- ficiated ai lte crremony whbite Mrs. A. Bye played tbe orgav. Thbe bride more an empire style goms et polyester saten wilb a delarbable obapri irais. Thbe scoop ecbite, bodice. s beecieves avd traie ere timmcd eth lare. Hec beadpieve wav a juilletcapmwitha long layered veil edgodmwitiineilace. Ste carred a bouquet ai ccd cocos, slepbanelio and baies bcealb. Thbe bridai attendants more blor flerai Sloor ievglb gemnv of grergelte milb malctmng jackets and hollncSly sieees. a-Bey carried boquets of mbite and mauve daivies milb babion brealb. Tbemettronofthenor mac Aileev Uitile, vivIeri eftihe beide, Brideemaids et eded Jean Barvrc, vicier et the bride. Marie Wilson. vivier ot lte bride, Doris Sort. civreý of the groom, milh junior bridesmaid. Gait Wilson, ntece et lte bride, and Slomer gicle. Ktm avd Kelly Litler tii niece othte bride, Alan Harcop. tite bride's laihier gave tocr amar. Sesi man toc tce occasiov mas Eart Sort, cousin ofibhe groom, Usiters tnciuded Gordon Hamilton, couvin of the groom. Homard Roveel. Barry Litle, brother-in-tam ofthbe bride and ring terer Richard Baryes. vephem ot the bride 17t people attevded an etevtvg recepiton and dace ai St. Cloir Miavonte Hall. Teacimavier fer the et entng mas Bilt Wison, brether-in-tam oftihe brtde. Thbe brîdevs either received in a Sloui irvgth geme et hier eiib white ac- ccsserte and sbte mere a mauveeeecbtd. The getcat muther wr beige Seeor lengib dcccv mti maichtvg accessertav and site more a pinit ercbd Betore ber marclage the bride was onocedmtitseven nitemers. On Jonc 9, Mcv. Alan fOarrep hrid atrusa ira toc ber daugitter. The copte travetird te Cornmall. Queiter. Ottawa and Algonquin Park for tbe beneymee. a-boy are living ai R.RH 2 Actoev Wedding Cragg- Tbe marriage et Mary Treca and Wineton Leslie Cragg lobk place af St. Dom- inie Roman Cafbetic Citercb, Oabvitte, Jone 22 ai4 p.m. The double-ring coco- monymwas prtormed by Rer, Faîber Modeebi. OrgavinEt wae Mcc. Mary Lottos and soloiet H. Vanoot non. Mary lie tbe doogitter et Mcv. Aona Tresa and tbe fate Mr. John Trena ef Ottama. Sbe es a regist ered oure at tbr Hospital toc Sicb Citildceo in Toronto. Focmerty et Ott- awa and Kapueitaeivg, Mary lived in Oabville. Winston is tbe see ef ttc. and Mcc. J. W. Craggeof Mit- tee. A clvrb at Lûacto on Mitton, Winetec lived vn Oak- Maid ot bonor wae Joae MeGinnis cf Weeteon Bridres moidv carre Mrs. Cathty Bageariet, Timmice, Lynor Tresa. Ottaa ond Evetyn Cragg, Brampton. Julio Lemandemebi et Acten mos fleicer girl. Sest mon wac Rey Zmel- man et Miltton. Usciece more Metnin Crogg, Milton; Don- aid Crogg, Recbmeed; ond PautSteeveseofNewmBruns- eick. Marc Treca cf Ottoa mas ring bearer. Reept tee A rereptîce toc 125 gorctn its eld at lte Estaminet i Buclîîîgtov. Music toc tbe div- cer-dancemwasprevided by Bas Cormier. Grace andthte teasitae bride carre givoc by the bride's brotber-iv t aca *Tresa Hogbi Stooren et Sf. John West, Nem Brunswick. Man- ter et ceremenien mas Boy Zmol mon Tbe medding cabe mac mode by tite iridees motber avd bier go by bier maid et beonr Joo McGiooio. Mc. and Mcc. Ccagg boney- meened at tbe Holiday lnn in Mevîrge Boy, Jamaica and are voca livng in Qabvilte. Ouf-el-toms guente more Mr. and Me. H. Sfeovoc and tamity et SI. Jebn Wect, Newo Brunsmick; Mcc. Aona Treno, tbe itcidoc mailbor trom Ott- awa; Mrs. H. Curraooand Morte et Ottawa, Mr. and Mcc. Marc Bagnacier, Tim- mis; Mr,and r. Albert Bacb et Raymere, Saebotcbe- men; Mr. and Mrs. Cbcin Kewaleity and Mc. and Mrs. Fred Bemler et Palmer, Saebatcitemav. Soers Otiter relatives and gooste carre trom Hamilton, Milton,- Rockland, ArIen, Niagara Folle, Niagara-o-lbe-Labe, Carlyte, Toronto, Pickering, Nemmarbol, Bancroft, Lon- don, Breetdin, Atwood, and Oabvit te. Sbemere toc tbe bride more give by Etena Octooste of Oabvîlto and Jvao McGinnic et Torecte. A slag toc tbe groom mae gîven by Robert and Molii Cragg and Bey Zmolman. Thbe rebooceal partymwasbheldbhe eening betore tbe medding it tbe home ofthe groom's parents. Edna and Edithi Joyce Nation wide display Tmo local womeo have won tries, t0 go on display for one on bow beeotlfol the baoner oafion-wide re lnfion for a year ocrons Canada. wll lok when if ueffll baoner lb;ey od ed n- hung ie the lovely old cbh terd in a Presbyferlao Bainer coinpefitioo co- at Bosfon. Sbe orged tbe Chorcb ceofenolal cern- ordioator Sbext a A. Kirkland momeo t0 continue fbeir mark pefition. . Edea and f lbh commeoded the womeo on in fbis aree. Joyce,,members of Boston their baoner by sayiog Tite beoner le tbree fef by chorcb deoigned and hoobed 'Four banoor is very meS four foot. The basic the forge boneer wbich reods deaigned and excetllenf background colorisa gold wilb craftmaonssp le dianlayed in bloe block prioflog inside o "Titis do in remnembrance of tbe boobiog. The colora yoo calbedrot-cbaped enclosore. me, 1875t, 1075, 2075." selected were usedt meof A forin et Cbrisf in flowlng Mfbhoagb nef clcosen os o eftecfivel y and tbe mbol e robes oa in fhecenfre. winrin is respecfive clans worb sa moof arlialic." Aaoorfed colore resembting fbe banner bad bren chosen. Ob. hc1nrcb sfoined gloao complefe ltse ateng itb 100oef tbe 300 en- Mo. Kirbtand commented oufnlde edfies efthe bonging. (Ehampîonl Family Page Wedding Duff-Bennett vows Zimmermon United Cborcb Edna Dott et Norval. Catbie on Appleby Une mas ce- Walbe epndespecially for tbe Thbe double ring coromony Duan. me og f Sendira Mary mas performed ity Rer. Pamnels Bennett and Gordon Stanley Wayne Irmin, witb tbe bride's mre ti Dott on Jone 1S. Thbe bride cousin Ornitte Sinclair bae Ib te finib genecaîlon of einging, accemnpanied by Te Bennett girls lo be marriod in Gregg ain of Cotiing- wero tbe Zimmerman Cbcrcb.* wood on tbe elecfri0 sc- ansd Sbo is lte doogbfer et Mc. cariln. Beene andttrs. W. J. Bennetfot Matron ofbonocwanlbhe andf1 Walker'n L ne, Bort nglon, bride's coosn Carol ceesin and fbo groom ea tbe son of Harrison, and bier brideos- e Mc. Stanley ond tbe lace Mms mo do more e Iser- n bm on V MR. AND MRS. WINSTON CRAGG are shonj follosvîng their Weddlng June 22 at St. Domîmci's Roman Catholie Church in Oakville. Mrs, Cragg is A HONEYMOON in Jamaica followed the June the former Mary Trcoa, the daughter of Mrs. Anna wdiing of Mr. and Mrs. Gord Duff, now of 4233 Tresa af Ottawa, Winston is the con of Mr. and Trafalgar Rd., Oakville. The bride is the former Ma-s. J. W. Cragg ouf Milton. Sandy Bennett of Burlington. (Photo by Piper Studios, Toronto)____ _______________ Halifax loses wartime image 2,000 at Ct,icad tu, cage B2 pioyed important rolet in lte erly dereiopmenl t ofHalifaxt. lInm spolie beco Nel tac amay is accoter architeraia gem, Province Heuve, lte etro ethlie pro- t-ncaa tegielalure vivre taie. lis chacmîvg libtacy, cord as accortoom toc mav yeors. once reverberord euth lte lert oraory oNov ctatia'shet kneonative son, Joseph Howe, miteriamous triai eon lceedom toc lte presn teBrititb Nertht Amecica. Halîgectans revoit bit caetior, by vlaging o Josepht Hoe a-ti - ach ilalober. Peritapv Holittoot carrent charria vîccit fronm lte pleasanl itirndîng et hitortiend modemn buiidiîîgv, Local building regulaltons revtctct lte brîgit i e offciice tomers vo ltai lte ponocoamia tirewtrai Ctildel Hill e ii he preverd toc fture generaltons. Peeitapv, aire, itir lte cava aeri-tihîltta t0 lte magnîticent publie garero or lte vylvan tOO-cce Poîi la-Iaat P'art ltai gitet di-inlton Halifax tuait i plrovani almovpbrre. Cood retaurants and raterlaînincin htave booscd tbe t's imageinte yret o ancor mh iite id yrars ait aind bato t celurnedvîvnce. itbribicciuira gourmet eorataadrraeed iocr, ouiituoid teopvelcitfoodiitirtintug retauants anti dining roomr al] cir lthe cit,. ltoiceof entrtinen ilo 1 ou pie o movie thealces once iormed aisiftt e enertiatmenl in itis port ity Nec, tbercettucb am'ide coiceio good jazz clubs te initmate toontes 1a -vabîrateautclubts -titiye'Iihave in pauerdrctions rvery nigt et a-ose vtsil. Titereare plenly et cînemav, bot it ttc 1h ritg lita ibeatre in lte aîty ltai bas ertvrd theaculturalitackaterimage. Tite ter ond proeional tbeatre, Neptune, bat bren bctngîvg tîrvi-ciats theatre to resident and %iitor fremûrethan 10 lcr.its prevecce ban weed lte local appctite ter coe ite theatrc and boy. in pari, cern reoponvtbie toc lte grocati et tmallecîcemtproeivîecompavir at- trmpting tepcoîideaaldiencenmilbmore avant-garde tare. A tviitt Halifan is cicr taec trah ie pregrant ai lte ew Daihauvi e Unitersity Artt etre: be'svam0t ieetioivdste itingihappning thrre ml.etrita rock thectorvîmpitvyaconcert rtitay bean ecarniat of bacvest racing ai eearhy Saab- v ir licent. minîch hoavtu a dining mom, ictîrge. and pacimologis toc lte en nymenl oi opri-talers, taytimet con he tilid mt galling, vwmmng ai nrarby broches, sightseeing on boy or boat tors, or '.0e uniîqueî eppyotoityta coiteucdeccsat toc ihrt-t itourv onc a 150,icot cabinter, i-tr lfre icaîr bit cotact Nota 'Scotia Informiation Office, 45Richmond St.,Wet, Torctoe Oni. M5H IZ2I ma rket fvr ,00 popl atned MitIon's Farmers' Markt Stirday. Mayor of lte Markt Andy Fronk noird lte cromdn arr geitine larger and lte nember ot tenders freoter as lte season ges on. itiinglers Accordien Bondi miii lie on bond foc enfer- lamnent Salurday, K.T. MOORE NSU RANCE 854-2271 KARL ,S Rg " EUROPEAN MEATS & DELICATESSEN 5 Specfal Il 09 136 MAIN ST. 878-3388 Mozarella Cheese o .Reg t.9. Speciat XOX Cookies * s . *Special 49e * * * ~ * s Kari and his staff are Iooking forward Pen Tur. A Fd.to serving you. 96 p.m. 9119 p.m. FREEZER ORDERS Sat. 8 - 6 p... AVAILABLE ON REQUEST« FOR A REAL TREAT DROP IN SOON A solidi investmont in ynsc futurs tht , .amtO t, ,,, - - ' 1 n m, os -ttiIesin t n ss t i oc i,1O, He Oons Osais et.,t th e e- t ne, i y nOO,, Oa l an bugt n e h O nsn , i ,. a o e.,e.n et.. RALLIDAY XOMEs BIIPLAT COURT ,e1eMneoac Aec.noe 5.cav,o- iîi ONcE 637526 bride's Mrs. S Mr. C recoplo lthe Bu Hall,w Sridgm brides Van T Walbv. The te persan in the Zim me Gow g groom Bonnet t, cousin Sbamn r, and triend Jodi Niece and nepbem a nd Leslie Springer ce tiomer girl ana ring groom's attendante mclt mon Barry Gow, tbersLarry and Paul t, tbe bride's broîbece. tond Wnoland, tbe efthIe groom. gdinner and dance tbe grom 's gr and- Mc ate.io Monfireal,ý ad .iboh grandpareofs Mr. and ilatterd Bennett aod tecar Collr. Thbe on fnr 150 waesoldaet ictinglon Optimiste' itb famity triend John ce tbe medding mie- xlos sbomerc toc the coco giron by Yvonne eyi, Pal avd Sbacas and ev prnger. idremaidn gave bier a aI sbomer and a mnily sbomec mon bctd basemaeni t lte romantcborcb. Barry ave a clag fnr tbe aI tbe Miltov Legion. EDNA AND EDITH JOYCE are shown with the banner they designed and hooked fora nation-wide Preebyterian Church centennial competition. The banner wiII go on dinpIay for one year acrosn Canada. The women are members of Boston Church. MoDougail Reunion The fbird annuel John F. cempelîfore. Tbe reoclon andl Mary McDoogatl famity cemmiftee thin yeer mae reonioen picnic mon beld et coder tbe cbairmenebip et Hornby Micnic Greounde Mr. Hl. Coooelly. Sonday, Joly 7. If mas the Neof yeor'e committee lo to lerget fbe tbree rmunions be beaded by Mr. Jins min.l cpeope front an for Mcoogalt and family. away an Florida, Micbigan, ........ Obio, Servie and Newn -~ Brunswick. Mien Margaret McDoogall, J.R Currie0. feender of tbe annuet meton co uabte t0 attend bocauce et itinene and wae OPTOMETRIST greally missvd. Gomee for cbildroo and BURLINGTON adt e mre ecjoyed onder MALL tbe leadershtip et Loccy- McDo golt. Erery romn- petitien wac eagerly cee- jTelephone 632-7788 teoird by a geod cembor et Final Sale. 40%OFFEntire Stock @BODY SUITS 0*MATERNITY WEAR *LINGERIE *SLEEP WEAR eLOUNCE WEAR OSWIM SUITS ~217 MamStAilton 8854 Colone -ae s ytand ibosm e il -inger it io od5m ciickenviffa 878-411-2