»'eatour Early Canadian Eotly Ccscdicc close hocco Os11t le tO4O. Oostcod and cof spolled, îcctsicc9 omcs, pinosadoOaklflootc, ObcftrosotndOecx cllent floot p1c cldecssl barc ccd latge poed. Loctot ce 10 acotes, weil t esccd us' sc.114 cf Milton. Asklsg sîoc0.Fs'- futsttc dolcils plecce cail Les Butnker. Escarpment Fisle yecc cld butgalow iccctod cusf mccl cf Milton oc thc Niagara esctrpett lecfticg A bodtooots, seportt disico toom, licin tocst, modernc kic,toth 1 Oitis dishmshctcand stoso. 2- pc1. bathtie s sitaeio eativ one eue cf land, Pticcd O seil cf $0,000.00. For srthot detoils piocsec ontact Wilccca Meddeo. Mîltoo QJQA1 Acton s 102 cresmith 0tcrsc,om kable and the balacecin bust. A 2stoe,,tcotfo 'd chouco was ,ooenly ,ccctc soi a ce-cilableo mo , osto ltsdictlv m ban n otbidigswlicm i reeds. Pine ccli Bet1v cngt. b o, t details. Ackls 11,-be $135,000. Appleby Line Custmbblttlevted rach bungalowmtacar cnc rcc e.Offetletft*OOc0 gcle sclas large living room itf pl ce, cthdclcelscccdckc nc0îcc spacccs septcate dlelsg cccl, b.ecthtckicc kîtchten, 4dbedtcccts, obothooes, paccltcd famiy rom ithwaloutandfirelac, sparte aneleda scsarealisaunal. Loctedcn 1cace rainlot i0omlfàtdclOMhfuf iwofth en1Pt1tccd Plscctcc accn Jcel fo tc. r 05, tact .11. Aokisg priIs $158,9W.0 Country Home Tht.. bcdtcols homse cc tccty os accrc cf land, ear ycs cld. ,Nicely decc'ld thtccogftcct ospbcctds. Atidcal titsttthome fccalckvvYoung ecopie. Pticcd tigAl c ctcc I00 Mass all Doc' Gowlcsd lor 401.115. Campbellville Lots Fe tcctcstlc acrtes cf scenc bccctY, ccesistlsg cf mcturc smale, 0,100, and spruce mith mccv ecitico bcidlsg lcaotio. Priced bcicow tcdoys valces cf 539,500.00. Filce acre trcvite lot miON c mixturc cf tees and cpcs sPce, vic. ltisoncmittlvcctcc70home0lans10 intvourhcsd. Elcct acores cf ,-cllicg Iscodomson thte Guelph Llcc mîttt cmlet spaceorcyocs hocsco cIte- yos hcccbciltyour drcOlshomec. t 826-3085 Milton ~ Q 7 - I GROWING ..THROUGH VOUR CONFIDENCE NOW 42 OFFICEA THROUGI-OUT ONTARIO *MAMISASE FINANINfOG PROPERt EVALSATIOf * AOMS LATS, ACNEAGES * RURAL & 55000600 HOMES *INASRIAS PIlAPERTIES *COMMERCIAL PROPEA IES * OSESTOEAT PMAPEMTIES * ROPEATA MANAGEMENT FERGUS GLEN ESTATES -Vou i tcccisg tlccds tciiotod O suit vos Vosr choice cf ttccdicctt. -Vos, choceocf kitcltescspboctds. Vos 00,10 coc o coiotr schoics sn enmot tiisdsg bcthtoos' ticîtes. -Yoc, doms pacymccc cosld bo c lot loso that sIoccc00. AYouc, 000, ot 4 sodois and 25 hocmes. -foot cccl oosid bc $45,50.00. -Yourstoto cosid look 11ke tAis: THE SUTHERLAND Pr,004 ct $48,00.000 acd hacico 1,537 sq. IL. cf tinisc iîg ares fin15isostbOsou spliI locel hocod c aou citsote. ac cloocObO lot 1980 c 88'. Acccdcgood-iookseccc bottet. "Be tOc 11,sf os vos, 0bkt b Oc folirt on 051 blockl" Ccii Brioc or Lic Stuart 077 5237, 1-519.843-4340, 301- 0590. 0toctoiec Ooolty Lictited Mocitot. 8530121 266E. GUELPHI SA. GEORGETOWN ccc"~"""0 [AR LEPAGE' c1 EAMA' CONTI00005 SERVICE Mocbc cf the Tocto Ocoi l ancdOBrampton Mecl Est oarcds FAR M 100 ocres, 60 cîcar, balace woodcd. Gcod 3-4 bedrooso hocce, baok bars, wcli fecced. Good scli. Woold coocider ceparatiog loto, loso parcels. Ccli for icformatilon. ACREAGE 31 acrcs. This woold esako as idccl sosali fat-m. MeautIlul sel- liog for a hoose arnoo e hitOle birch. Dcclt miss il. Askisg $65,000.00. For Listings - Trasers -Soles F roms Coa st tfoastl- Use 0cr Gocraoteed Sales Pics F00 FOIEttOLY INFORMATION AND MEAL ESTATE SERVICE DENZIL LAWRENCE 878-9543 OAKVILLE - 845-4267 R2- Wed. JuIy 17, 1914 Realty. Services Ltd. BRETHOUR REALTY SERVICES LIMITED 91 Le Bunker Betty logic "Dec Gcwlccd To (M' e r)coct WilIenc Reddee Edsc icel