14 The Canadien ChamEion, Milton, Ont. Wesi, July 17, 1914 -« - -qRà mm - I'RADITIONAL SPINNING WHEEL used by Karen Hyrnes is French Caîtadian. The 100 year oid wheei looks right at home in front of the oid Richmond School where Karen is demonstroting the ose of textiles, listorîcal and contemporary. CROCHETING AND HAND WEAVING combined are evperîrnoed with an a lorge iron wagon wlîeel by Lorraine Beswick. Il s the largest of Ils type vhe has trîed and she iF excited about thc challenoge of combînîng the two techniques. F OUR HARNESS F LO(R I OOM is worked on by Elarit Crosvby of thc Timespun teom. She vs wcas-itg a lapevlry usiog gool and horse hoir and Committee asks Board rethink Norval closing t.,h liatt, tRt-aiancea te-vtdace at Nraral. Colttttctt fiav avked She The atcaoatalattoin oiS artatd t! Edaua t ainead She Board was tata r cotcvadr theclotvtgvofthe ratcg tuvaciitherchait.btak Nttil1 Schoot ,tccavdtvg ta taothecotaaaAity t e e tS tttvan Kett Camapbtell markct %aate. alttvagtt ttc 'lai tcatttattaret aaa ne ttf ctatvavittav thetpeuple tlcreinpangast yccpactaattvtrtt ttt-tt thte S,,ad to ale aahtatt i ta the Board ,,t keccyag Edacattav tnanU Augiitt TSlcatvat tt Iovtra ofthe urgrvy ttt ntttttctttavderrvthe poltacs thc Nttrvai situaaîtiov ,a sticvc ha thr Bortd of c.titverhaitlrcttdttdvtte t-ttcatta in ctavtvg thc She Scotrvacoiontav t, ht- Nttttat Stttttl. av Uc utt B -r i o .« t., c i- - a t.t on cot- - tan int of ci t-t-s tc.tt-ktt tct , t tt antdt a t id Uit parentsa thcaaghaat Ballttn -ontt,-todr saha airva wth atartan te high-haosied actao of te- vensititvr edticataona horacrati who roc roghshodaovethepaetOs împostmg their narroan J iR. Cu mindesivievvon the people of He mintine th Noval OPTO~ cesidents were upset ecase the derision ta close the ichoal oas mode hy clatI BURLI servants and then astrategy M set in motion 10 maire il possible. This involvesi, se sa isi. hssisg snnms of the jTelsphan stodeots 10 other aceas resutitng in a sirop sn a1- rrie AETRIST NGTON AuLL ne 632-7788 2x4's 2x6's Programns provide jobs for students ocientcd sommer emplop- moentprograms spoosoredbhy the Ontario goveroment are opecating on Haltor. Oeil bnos is SWEEP, Otodeolts Wocbing in on Enov roomental Eohonce- ment Progroso, which operotro thcoogb the local conservation aothoriiy. The Head Stort ansi Roral Play- gcousd projerlo. osoociatesi wîth the Mitton Pachi and Recreotton Department, are port of o tacger Youth in Action proocoso designed to assist with comotooitY social oser vi c es. Tooprogeama Two ofthe programs are mobile andtrav el arrois the province. Art Trek, teams af studeot ortisti cooductiof scorbohopi, bas already hoso ta Mitton. Thry hrooght char- cool. pastets, modellitig dlay. andimacranne (0the com- mucily centretin Rotary Park onCommosity Doy. and toorbes itvth local troolsi-h admIss The ollier trovelling program os a commutiity inventorp heing coilected thcooghout cosomunities in the province. Thirteen stodents art. -ording des- criptions, photogcaphs and dcotcings of huildings mith historicnl or architectural importance. The Youlh and the Lawo ro g'am' oere suadenis wor day-to-day mli loal tiooed Ibis ynar, miOi .. stodents a..I.tIIg the ialton Police. Four in Georgetowns In Georgetown lotur stodents trainingin 10 era- peotic recreoiion ors worbing with Oie handicappsd and Oie cbronically fil as Part Of an Alternatives programn gearei 10 the teisore veeds of Ontario communities. Asimilar prograso,"SS S10 todeni tovolvemn oSocial Ser- vices employo foar Hatton students in community ogencies such as homes for the agesi, doy nurseries, shelter ogencies and in- formation oasi referral HOME DECORATUNG CENTRE 25 Stees Ave., Milton 818-54000e878-3263 FREE BELl VERT & ESTIMATES . ..Whether building a home e adding fr~a roomn a finishing a roc rooon a building a garage, yes even if tl s just putting in a sheif or two ... Bring in jour plans e ideas. ejour Iist of materials. Weill take trne to exchange ideuls itemiu and ta Ted Miii Terry Lachappie Ken Lefaîve Monty McMahoo jour cost, with no obligation ta you .... CIMEX CONCRETE or MORTAR MIX 90lb. bag SPRUCE No. 1 Construction Grade 2 x4 PR ECUTS 921/2 Abava Strictly Ftirst Camne Ftirst Serard -While Stock Lavs PARTICLE BOARD SHELVINO 11 '/"x 52" 5/8" ~' thick ______ l ____________ 1~~ :onomical Avoulable in Green or GoId PLANT STAKES Bundie of 24 Rpip-f L r piu a se PLAIN WHITE 12 x 12 c $R CTN. EAC ORO5 f 64 SANWAN PREFINISHED PANELS Reg. $4.99 4' x 7' Panel ~Afl While present $449 tock Iosfs No. 1 LONSTRUCTION GRADE 8 lAi!16 c Lengths 14 / Lin. Ft 8S ta 16' Lengths Lower prices avoulable on house, cottage or Displays for Oie Ontario Agricuitoral Mussaum prssentlp under constroctin neor Kelso ors holng col- lecteil andI catalogaed ai an agricollorai ministry farm nerHawbestons wiOi the help of severol siodenti. ose siodent sa in the area as port of the OTIR prograis, Otudents Training la Indus- trial Relations, wocbing wli local laor uisoons and tabac couictis. Share cost Hotton Region Public Wocba committme agreed 10 enter lin a coat ahaclng prograso wilh the Acton Legion 10 replace an eight inch semer on Cameron St.* The cosI of the semer is estimolted ai $11000o and is to ho sbared on a 00-00 hasis. Thie legion la boudin a itew pcopocly tl omos to finance the oporolion. Hornby Lay plans for garden party This la the lime of the pear 1ha1 the Hornhp Bali Clubs "I sen yoo dud liart of theelob youiseif, sir. l'il hav ton charge 700 for thsi ainmn il bob worh asnay fom Ourmshains." Hocnby Park. The hall garni wiii he helsi at 7.00 p.m. followed by an interesting program along with Ohe Dairy Princesses ansi Oie Furroo Queens. There wiii hie a fall night of entertairmeni plan pony rides for the young. lThe ladies and gentlemen mlii ho kept haay ai the lanch counters where there will be plenly of delicios pies, lce cream, coffee, tea, adpienty of chocolale bars, gaso and poiatu chips. Aonivernary greelinga are enlendesi 10 Mr. aed Mci. iTue Shea, noho wilI ceichrate their wedding anniversary on < 8ea~în sMENTS WEAR MT. >202 MAIN ST. e5pf MILTON 878-4472 $/fl6 89 3/4 Satucday, Jalp 20115 lat miabms tai JsadMtel. ..teary greeibs are HagbOCoasior, wbo cels- hcathe ir msddlsg ansi- veraary os Jaly 1ti. Beat miase toi Mc. and hics. O'- Connor.- FAYS ELECTRIC COMPLET E ELECT5 C SERVICE MAINTENANCE CONTRACTINS HEATINS RENTALS 878-104 FREE ESTIMATES $ 1 349 OPEN 1:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thurs. & Fni. fi11 9 p.m. OZITE sAttractive eDurable e E 9' x 12' FACTORY OR SHOP GRADE S ANMD ED 22cî ___________________________________barn__________ cia tte 1 1