Karen Coleman Beginning artist'1s work goes to England As sean as Kares Coleman pints when she as smalth Ie homes o riends and une Se tar most et Karens Her teacher thinits she has a bean te atit she sarled te almost r ather thas play. is eves going ack te England ubjects have iteen animaIs, tlent she slteoid deveiop stch o s1se Within the las year her wiih a visitar oho saw tl n stili lite, or landscapes, in- turiher and cls her "Litle swlms, igc skates and teacier and Bromie leader one oft tiose riends' homes. spired by ater pictures or Lightig' iecase she pîsys kaeiaî-antd paints recommnsded she taite Karen is the daughter etf pitetegrapits she has seen. mris se hard and se qicitty. mt ejs. essons te devetep hec saturai John and Helen Coeman et When she egins tessons Sies a smart girl andt Her moher recals Karen artistic talents. Nw her AepepLc and hegan again in the tait she wold ould like le give her ail te would use inger asd pster paisgs are proadty koog in taiina essons tfrom Mrs. lite tu try sme oideer praise and encouragement t Catharier mtueln cnLom- painting, milS theeeaselCe con," Mrs. Langton cool. Itletasltait. M. Langons s parents gave hec toc Christ- Site loves art and che dees -an artist of sonmenote herseit, mias te encourage hec. She rork brd." -and had heen giving essons eeuid aiso lite te ry painting te uduts. She han'i con- the tamily dog, and youcger idered teaching rhiidrec rther Greg,wmoite in, han'r i WORR LLC&untit Krens motter asited laiten an icieresti n photo- T ravellers hec, and nom site teaches a grapitad toiapicturetfor nuiter et yoacg itpetsts her tupainttfrom. Hensgone every Sturday morning te a roupie o anin Look for this sign! lidthe ohe go loIsIrs.huiid modet airpianesKe. I o'etiigomt Langions,lookit aipictures its ctilIse earty fr1er , I o'etkn oo 632298 rom magazinen and greeticg mho han jot iisited grade holiday iis sommer, hene 632-2928cards fr idea, and pint ii-e t tu no onether or coi are seme usetai satety tipc miai liey lite, mt M. cie'd lite te paint rom- totiemu CO NTYRACHO G ELHLIE Lacgton guidance. meriaiyeor jusi an a ihobby. Check yosc car eloe COUNRY ANCHON UELP LIE ______________ eving, esjtecialiy braites, Larse-3 k--------ricit ranit sandicated 3. acres of resacs. Featurles ho aneheating, attached garage, iricit irepiane, modernikit. chen oitbitlnt le 50and dinhasher,mal tomait keadisesein liing esese and kitciten, paed drice, eclletmwell and raiinp diem. Aukitig $73900. COUNTRY BUNGALO W WITH ACREAGE JusI isted. teutht oI Campteleville on Steeins a.ieaoutiip y eonraaîd smo iedrose bungalowse taturing iuge carpetnd living rosse -lIithrinkttrpace,ilarge modern uctchen, trînd air ieatito, excellent elatd eced yard. Al his on 21/2acres of ardwocd and cedars with alne ie. Aing $55,900 Cash la mrigage. nsu 15S CAMPRELLVILLE MINI FARMS 2. roulies acres oni 3 Sideroad, pnd. CEDAR SPRINGS RD. at KILBRIOE A tlle remodniied older ose se triple lot, tea tring 2t eretomiv iroks compiteir tred cose tostore andschoi, nea- trtare and triple garage. Asiing $48,90. FOUR BEDROOM SIDE-SPIT IN ALDERSHOT nicoIos j~ 0 9 O) Ni:..o .Lrs .Ld N1 hanSreMon Opniam MW- BRAMALEA 8 oeeetwivhOacspit onquiet crescenfî 3itodeOomsdining rom liig tom amiiy ose mwitit corner irepiace, T.V. rom 2011 full iatrooslnidîngdOosratocoored patio. troad Imm and cushntion flrtitroughout.Nicely landcaped, nemiy decorated, clone le GO-Train and shopping. CalilRogec or Jan- itie at 878 4129, nos-3evu or 039-2039. COUNTRY LIVING AT ITS BEST New custom Cul 6mcm irick bitngalo ic-a-ICmany etras. Loated inton village ef ocitmood. Priced te sel t $56,900 Se itleodaywiti cosCecon 70 alrtor 878-2755. tacheler apartmeunt attocised, proessionilii 1 COTTAGE LOT landapecnd Pcîce $74unie.reisn115' v 349ac t u t 2n iles reseBncroft. Cose le CALLnaimmivg. Aniin 4,00saclO. LuMtch Laieacesse. a7s-aire or Jîm Watson MitMES OF OE AKVILLE & MISSISiAUGA AT MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 8542655 086rn12 osinaie 86mT12a3i TREALTY AND [BES IN SU RANCE LU [ITD. TRAFALGAR SOUARE 310 MAIN ST. M ILTON i BRICK RANCH TYPE BUNGALOW - Plan modern proesioeai offic-This oeil mi ntsined and immaculnehomeehassfouritedreoms,largeotsmiiv ross, 2 tulll itaîruema, pics modern, a4oseofic saîitl or denlsl. decler. tc.Cenrloiiair condi- i inend, auirmîns neltland aia. Wei lcaînd. Asking i 62,00.00. - TH REE BEOROOM BUNGALOW- Close 10 Higi Sceinl Moreit iîen for laitterse This in agoued, 3 iedrsese itngaoe in ien condition. ire I recraion rooseilhitar. Ped drveema. Weiliinsai- i atOd, eting resta les na $160.00olpr ear. icnip andscspud. For Irter deloîls ratil Art Pesceck. ric- ed riglil an $51,ev0.00 DORSET PARK AREA- Risnd Bungalow. New birckt itngao,hut in gr- age. Latsed on a quiet cui de sac. A great place toc I chidren. Loer evel wiiieasiilyb ranntermed into a i eacili lsmiip room.S54,9a00 . DORSET PARK- tarit spil. ern ns an excellent homet asletviiy derr sld thrsagtoat. Broadiesediilivngrenm anA separ i ate diing rues, coseotberlaitntslli roose oit log - itrnîng lrepiace. Alacted ugarage. oling else 10 - de.-1st moein. Oner ranslrrd and mst sell - Mae an oller ankîng $63,00.00. WOODWARD AVENUE- Duplex. Have ver itene iseking for lIhe itenlin a rose fralmoder nome eilh on apartmetn 10asgment ynr incoe? This home mac eentedniter as du i le pisrasailarge singlelfaseii home. Excellenldncor, i immaclate hovnnieepin and prime catio adds up te voire. Ankitng $73,n00.00 NEW 3 BEOROOM BACK SPLIT IN COU NTRY- Hrc in a teatiilly locoled homo e le irai stagesut compietion. It cou enioc living an a largen3/à acre lot w0th loisetf trsh air, tremeedous iea-ofethlie Ecrp nltcovcldi the 3itedroom homeaitVah- ccem, irelace, finished famiy room, plan eiltran- vIner Cdrsem or T.V. rsem, themiilehoeforn ou. Douatle alachcd garage. Primad right an icovoo00.0 POUR BEDROOM BUNGALOW- Hece i sceur chanc e le more inIelhins oeil kepl home. diumînem sîdîco ail round. Parndi drivenaal Thein areneomany homesin the area luhe his going foriess lia,5,0n00rvi.00Iîîmndîaln cossion. Gondi iai ares Jîm 00)er s snxobes tle cisine isstcaIrs as star slesman. Cal)l ise or more Otils. Askitug INDUSTRIAL SPACE- Weihavaeiolly ccrriced and sprinkird indaslrisi sau fr l Ioneranoîtu rom 2,000 le 20,v000nes. .Ail u.opniivnic prime O od locations. COMMERCIAL- A modeeroc200sq.fi. store pies tnovapsrlmcnln a-îlh cpaate etrance. his desirahit commercial pro prty rînus iv S6000.00 per eear ut presnol Priced to FIVE BEDROOM, BRICK TWO STOREY- Once vf the lîvet homes inte Milton arcs. Large roovs: Musicroram non lir condiiovedi, [iving cor00 3xni0air reedilioed manIer itdroose 9lenT wiîh matr eiectric coctlrv.teeiliiicindscsped grden l ron e eeoh for s pool.Prime Owbmai $890.00c. DUPLEX CLOSE TO NEW LIBRARY- Am onlramtertahin home. Each auprîmeet is sel-o aned. The leaer unit ns air cndieeoed, prs sn prch. tasameellînnhed. Larg e l. A mstrenvenn lelt lcationan od et oac rem rafic. Real 0000 valuea I$54,n9a0.0. FOR SERVICE AND SATISFACTtON Cail Best Reaity loday 878-4118 TORONTO LICE t26-ae15 Foi Afteî Hous Serotg, Please Cali Bob McCuaig 7-2894 Art Peacocit g78-644-7 Dan White 87-3001 Donna Murray 878-9744 MEM8ERS OF THEOAKVILLE REtAL ESTATE BOARD The Canadian Champion, Milton, Ont., We.,July 17, t974 1,- I~wWatts 1 i tù Witec deivig cilte country, ite alet te turse ianecmwititemerging veticea narromibridgesamittrocrete aides, ibridgeos ad rolveets in puer condiion, aIne mcving tarm machines, and animats mandering osto the higtmay. tAcad lte car carrtutiy se pansengers acd luggage miii not inteclere ith yourviem oi lte rcad or rt yoar dcîving. Travelling at cigitmiith a teavy icad in your car or tratier may dirert yeur headligits ut a hîgiter angle and tend to bind ncoint motocînta. Se esperiaiiy raretul te dise 70cr lightn for thercoveoiecce ot otiters. tDon't drive toc tar ut o îme. Taite cent breaks on the may. Highmay ftique ras ilti! BALLINAFAIJ 6 montv old 3 edroose cantOn, Clt tior bunaow, lacge lo' latvi lcroos a-It ireplacdoitle garage, &.r.dloo and arclianons. Spclaco lacr ien. Mrs. Porher 270-6000 GEORGETOWN piance Auiingl A WINTERS WORTH cf painting succeundu Karen ('oleman, who juon tegan ockivg mith 0110 otîder ihe guidaoce 0f Mcc. ('aihacitî Langon cf LarSviltA lacstfa11. The latedcape att hec iap wiii he setnt iv Etvgîaîîd.ttce firîrd of a neighbor mhc admricd il while vicitinglîrce. Philosobits Bv Edit Sharpe diate posession, arge 1.1 iql rie, i l u,. nui i l d yii- ia i -0, a hedroorsn, 3 iarriianddaliiuiv.-hAîI-i-iiiii-ilait gi-î, >oms.'den, recr cose, îîîccigiii iii loi i' iiial ug litIil'-l 11)ii Seauippnd miv ap Ili trvS' Oil.iiiuiil'i, oniig ildo cearA breadlocm. ii-ihc-iivi- b-îuî, îîiî i sucer,9 citfera ine led. thei- hil.livi ior ipi-icsof ci LiiJultdgo" cvi'due Mcv Parkter vrîîcî ,îîîî i )(-.,d bIl,1,hl i 270-6000 ni, 1 il îîîîî i iii i,î- 1îIiiîiiiî l -0 I - ,Canada Permanent jtic ýre ýz tpIý(U îgt i llte itihi1U ).î anîlî Trust Co. Nour ,wn ii iii îlot1 Drodon St. W. Turc valv ie-iii-ii.Lc ýii thcari .9 fondeivi bu( Mississouga ioni le absentîI iiililie Iýý he Royal Trust 5 -Company Real Estate Division COUNTRY SECLUSION-5or aens ci peleareaith canne0 ibute1itsdenspitnsetinthevnedarc Pacn and quit are i aiundanece n thispîcer ci crnprric Goc pnd cca blckril id.ng sod a hahvbarn arn 5150crn the prcpertv. Askitng $135,000, rendol viii heid I morlOaOii ESTATE SUBDIVISION-No. i recale in Cmpbell rile on lu2 cre mt. Rased 3 tedreoo hbugalo in col onial stleu.nFamllrocm, dei,.andiclntcf utmdn pr vave Juni isted t $84,900.00 Call no. tis .unn EXECUTIVEsTYPE-icaie n th 1e miii cena ank, me of W orln odenad ices) hoeesîlîrig o hveo oeoemvin te, enmoil Thec irrroeed gaîdens on thîs one area-crIC lite prîre ef admina vo bAskiog sircove T rvy voue eli r. JUOT LiSThi-feur acres ieaciiiieiic rcad couvtry lot aiii rae ngalow. Thcece viii vccd ome paninvand decrsin tmokeil AT1. Searaiort .7 acrnscîs rnpragrens ard horid On clearra Sue. Thiisnna0celluent investmant epprlanilii and ervrv inîrrenicd cvcuid morte qukly. utYDU AE hndcuanda-ldihceInoultvcrv .000 no cn 5)1 r te vrvoclov e ha-cîtloifivII iu- .I te vIrile foi vi nhoev.1,0 Tcvs1,ýf1ýý - tu mca l agrcc vrt yu cvao havenaaTîrvhe ocî c ninea-hccc YOUNG PEOPLE anting o te Ot dtar mn-homne? YeouuId do ailtetita, fturcetrn iter otfte tmedcpieoes me Ca in onn apuilmnent, rent te titer t10 nu morîgage pOcsents. Vour lrvnstmeiii tha itait ail0100r eggn mn onttaskt. CALL -TOC ROYAL sUMi 878-5000 COLIN SMILLIE 86m t12 ____ _____________ iaee lînîrd. Lire ne the pair oi it Mllte caler a ýp le ie ýs fa i'"it il-il 1 Il, i i -1.)- . g .i 1 hl, , i jer t' il ,hî , il uit a di e hi id h, and- lilIl 1 cv e hurdiSevie ST. PAULS CHURCH O F THE UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA R- C C eiA v Seîiday. iuib 21, 1974 levco -brî. esreîil' vîiec rrevc lerîav CherryI ecg Pc cc-thvof My. BOSTON AND OMAGH PR ESBYTE RIAN CH USCH ES lieGL,,,, 1,, B D Sunday, Jriy 21, 19741 Ne Seiver I Ocipho10, ji IcI btrrîS ct One Chrcul t1000cam. derîv ,-thv I.,fAegesi GRALE ANGLICAN ST. DAVI'S and CHURCH NASSAGAWEYA crvid oRîl ,tF ergail PRESBYTERIAN Seiîday, Jriy 21. 1974 CHURCHES Trîcîly VI M-1 Gu-s viPreacehr r cihdeaonv leDîeglavL .,cy HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHU RCH e loCai ascse hic c he P o ec-WlA emobics Wecî-Icied Rd Ord Hoy, 30 evli 08M7 vrî206 s che Lrd sDay Seicday. irly 2t, t974 0 ev0cg Orslvp ro-ep F-lci1 Praver ibeceev d8p OPlacer 'Ohvnuerer chah ealiuapur CHURCH OF CHRIST ,00 eiy CoveioNo, 5ideradoandatLice i0 JO aoc veHly u. Eearil lIOlOlOur hý, erîroi.eoday .Iiy 21, 1974 Mîvînler 10eâOa ,i Jei versr.ier^ Cl Svodoy. 4d Ot,1974 vie arenuiovor eloieir rvoce rc e1e oo m bible Seiool aGrac Chorvh Ladre lel 31g300 _____ihar r - Mcong oernip EMMANUEL 9v0ep. il Precein of et n BAPTIST THE -vPel, CHURCH PPESBYTERIAN MILTON GOSPEL -1,.huvi i i HURCH HALL vil i- INCANADA )c 'v A '13cOLtO i- iýth hvvday, Jvly 21, 1974 MILONI iA-1 Chrîv cura leW. Oibritoohl M .110, liva s. Mrnig mrnhp P, uhi M M,-lîav urvdDac .00 a..i.iiq.iiirsh l Mr, L VIuvhirlll Sundap, JcIp 21, 1974 e.ru p.m.-SSa ervicace bunday, Jriy 21, 1974e 0.3 a.m.-treaiting Bread 700 p. .Erelno mer 1010 p.m-Svnday chosl soir 1700 pm.-Gospni ervce î0le-ia,, cî ,,,-c-- ,oil- Odneendac, t p.s.-Praye Wendaac .30 4ip. o vuro e m,i e drca qJuly ai arAdtBilereading. Pracer and Bilte Slody. Even. Ail Are Sinicame Tt Thes 1W, c-c, ucinvi Pass thn Services. Leluma nIer Into theH-amuse Orad Pleur in Jsus Christ Thte ases of the Lrd a-It thatksgiving rNurnery laviitirc Pinane etecdse, and Ttdsy, and avd iclv CisCourts ilh noeîchargeofîîve PForerer. Jise Batleep 878-6506 Bey Cassidp 878-4294 Mike Ledmitit 87g-4873 Brian Best 878-41 18 1 86. REAL ESTA from waste Terno r guehage weced in rs.ner routine pic-hops O' l behrgoing art lotochomesand bsinenhen c ry nloir '76 or ervr'77 lioring a wivre yar pdlot stud. Ontario Hydre iii hi- burving 50)tons ofpro- ces-cd geichage a day ie georralicli statio n Mss lisagi Scpiralicv et cmbustile nalerial front c-a-eiglasiandcietai anid evher ccv bcroeng con- îîî uli'l ivndrd ai an nii ', milionîî 'etropolitan 'r oo ornd plant bricg buii)) crcToconto Inter- naionîîiai irpiri Thte îîîlii-ri-d revet il vl hr lruvid l idesîîin-cleLaite- îîîuu. obece Itîdro iii kcey dciailedllinanrial and opyirinîg records ticdeter- mine the net ialicrofipro- c-îvvîeiivuas uiel. Mcdi- hv-îuvions t ahevîrar vîsiig $:1,5 millon arenx liii-) d lu be cierced ty tce peu, iîcca Igoerrcmrni, %%ic -1 i ls i- iiI ncontri hte ,vp îl Iion i ite b Wais), roci Sacte -hidi [ecni liusprediried ihdl hi-vstatian roulAd li- îîiicii iirarvibort 10 per cintiii lceroncisgarhage. mcilnie viconts te 1.6 -iiirir itedro Photo) or re to re ýs, For Your Corivenience 86gaý40 eeoloo