Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Jul 1974, p. 11

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1be Lanadice Champion. Mitan, tJclt.. Mca., )cu[Y il.YI NOTICE fTo the Ratepayers of the Town of Milton living Nassagaweya Planning Area <1$ Nassagaweya PianningAra comprises ail af Ilé f aormer Townnship cf Nassagaweyc, ececluding tIt et portion whIich has been annexed to Eramasa Tofnship as of January 1, 1974). and T 1 the ratepayers of the Tnwns nf Milton & Halton Fills & The Townships nf Eramosa, Puslinch and East Flambornugh Who are owners of property abutting the former Township of Nassagaweya planning area in the Town of Milton NOTICE 0F APPLICATION to The Ontario Muni- cipal Board by the Corporation of the Town af Mil- i top for appronal of a By-lcw to regulate land use jpbssed pursuant ta Section 350of The Planning Adt. TfIKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation utf te Towen * f MIItoe intends te appty te lTe Ontarie Municipal Board pur sqntteprecisioot Section 20 et The Piannino Actfton ap- prlvlo yLwNo. 00-14 passed an the 21sf day et June, 1974. A copy et the ey-Lae is furnistted terecelt. A lieie giuing an eepianatloe, ot the purpose and effeut et the erqaiand statieg the tands affectaid ftereby le aise turnlshed ANY PE RSONi1NTEbCESTEO MAY,ceitbintfoutm l14ldays enter the date efthIis notice, scnd by ragistered meail or deliler ta the Cark of titeTowenof Mit notice et bis objection tocap proual ut the said by-lace together ceiit a statement et the orjunas et tut objections. AI4V PE0RSONcistIne tesupporttheoapplicationefor approcai et the by-lace may cettin tourteen (141 days atter the dote et ttisneticesnend by regIstered moiteor deliler te the cierk oftbe iTome et Milten notice et bis support et approuat et the said by. iw tegetitarceitt a request tor notice of ony tnaring fital may narced einnoaisottenmarreand addrnss tecctich such notce stouid te glven. i TtEONTobIOseUqICIPALeBOAboncy approvecoftesaid ibylace but belte deing s0 tf nty appoint a ttne and place cOcen any objection te the b7 lae ceili te consIdernd. Netice et en anpearieg thttsay behedceiii be gienonrytpersansceto hae tiind an objection or notice of support ond unto taon lf ceijb or delilered a te C dent undersignerd, the address te ceblcbnatice ottanino is tobe sent. TMP LAST DATE F09 FILiNG OeJECTIONS ceili te tte 311e Oap et Jciy, 1974. DATEDatthe Tocenet Milton tis lice day et Jury, 1974. J. MoDocotie. Cient, Tocen e tn 2i, WiftMSt.tE. MI LTON, Ont. Tht Corporation 0f Tht Town O! Milton BY-LAW NO. 60-14 a NO A ev LAW TO AMEND FORMER TOWNSHIP 0F ASSAGAWEYA ev LAW NUMBER 11067 ENTITLED THE iZONîNO eY LAW 0F THE TOWNSHîP 0F NASSAGAWE VA. AttHEntAS ey-iace Number li-Oltas teen anended tronc tinte i te tinte by thc passine et certain cter amending bylaces utaneino tte Restnicted Airca Zoning Provisions as origieaiiy onaotcd by By-cace Nuceber 11-07; ANS WH'EREAS le consideratian ot ttc aturcsaid anccndieg 0f laces, and ttcir resuitino effect on ttc conselidation et ty- lace Number il-67, as cncnndcd, ttc Tocen et Milton noce deems t neccssary and eopodicnt toturttnr amend by-lace Nuceter 11-67, as amcnded, in urdar te prueide certain nmoditications -andothanges citin ttetootttamndcd tylace. j 100 TH-OREFOPE the Couecil et tte Corporetinof ett j Tocn ut Milton ENACTU as teiloces 1iTtat the reterenon le Section 4.7 te "Sut Section 6.1.2. 1.1(3.'t 9 bett inclusive) be dclnfed andtt theiieceoin9 sutetituted them 'Sut Section Ilite 7 bott incluiunve)." 2.jTtat the icci caranrapt et Section 6.1"Pereitted Une", bidcietcd tram Mhis section se tet Setio 0.1 1 noce rcads an '4 1.1 Penmtted Uses Ai .giculturci and conservation uses, inciuading torestry, riearestaion aed attire actluities coneected citt tte conserva i t' ofsoiforceiid-iife, a kennci and theraisingofttur-bearino W finais, auveterinarp establisthment, a oturot, a scoel, c tdpitai, an institution, à cemtnctry, a country club, 0f open aie recreatcen use, a torse recetracir and uses cunnectnd citt gceromant depariments, ttc raiceays, or public utiliiîs, cnd uses aooessony te ttc toreoing." i J, Ttct the descripivle scb-teadieg ton Section te demIt cd and ttc toiicceing usutItutod tterere: Pa..iFr An Acce55ury Dwcilino Unit or For A Dceeiiing LUtit as Permitted by Section 4.7." t4. ITat Farcorcpts and Me deietcd frec ttc uutcrequirentcnts and tteremaininaczonecrequiremeets bcrc eumbered le sequence te mcad as folloces: "b.1.2.1 For An Accessery Dceciiing Unit or For A Dcecliie 1Unit as Petintted by Section 4.7 .Frent Yrd minimum) 7oteci 2 itear Yardl(minimum) :35 tec J. Sidie Yard (minimcum)l bled i1 .iLot Co'ucragc(maximum)il Iporcen 1 5. Height (maxilmum) 35 feel b. Accsscry Building requiretecefs Sec Section 41.2 7. Piser Arca por Ocecilino Unit, (minimum Firet Fionni la! I accccory use oreas pcrmitfcd by Section 4.71 NoeBasemcnt Fuleonemeel ptsn ceStont6 e amne yad nece Subsection j . " Zone nequiremonts for c dceciiino unit on c lot coc llceoiormoreý lots cuisfcd aed cecre tcid le separat n nrtîiay RuraoAoZone the Ilcf day uf May, 0974 j hihut at tte u d aeminimnumt oarauofftieacrescor eecncb$Ooe and ce te sent MATUcE coudle mont tause f iciounc or suitet c fo octor 1sf betceen Ne. t iln ta o sewe Mdgec etaca.mcsac, jtip. Write ce. e. euse, 166 8004-5 tyffton Bled., Toronto 12, Ont. HOUcut Inler for use cf Stecce OMce4342 Pera Augest 29P Sect 3. WANTCD TO RENT-100 er Ptotn ia co moe Ce fam cesh lacntge ~ br3bceaonmtaousec ojst~~g-.s 3abedrmn tuse et o raer li NeeddorSeptember eMe12f39 ELCR TeO ncer Onel, a OENTLY mecedca 3 or te Mon Ocdeo 878234n bedrparbtous, se Augunt c of16 Sttw»l 8l2 dO miena thisby-aceslaallotprevontthncrectioneofone detIng unitoro salg otf ec resticones: i. Front Yard (minimum) lofant . ber Yard (minimum) tOOteet 3. Side Yard (minimum)i5 Salat 4. Floos' Arca inmum iu 2,000 sq. fI. 5. Accessory Buiidig Requiremenfs See Section 4.12 .aO as pcrmittcd bp Section 4.7.'" "u.1.2.--Zne rguirmonts for a dceeiiieg unit on e lot com prising less tten tie acres. fltcrc anc or more lots eeistcd aed ceere tcid le separate ecencrstîp n, aey Rural A Zone on tte 21sf day et May, 1074, cet cf Iat tinte bcd a meximtum lot one et icss tan fie acres, tis by-lace stait nef preet lbe creotien et onc dceiiieg mit ternan, subjeut te ttc tolieceicg restrictions: 1Front Yard (minimtum) lttet 200cer Yard (mtinimtum) 3 tarit 3.514de Yard (minimtum)i blfe 4. Lot Coeeragei(maximtum)l lperceft 5. Migtt (imnum) 35foc1 0. Acconsory Building bequirentents See Section 41.2 1. Floor Arna per dceiiing unit: (iimum FirsI Floori Stoeys No basement Full Basintient t ,300Sq.lit. 1,0cosq.tft. f'/o 9tSsq. t. 850 sq. . 8.aO as ponntitfcd by Section 4.7. t. Wtecrie or more lots eistedl and acre teid te separate owerstip le eny curai A Zoneonette 4tt day et Maroc, 1t69, encludlin o ts che ttcn bcd Iesufficent icI rea or icI tront- cee, Ibis By-iccesteli nef preveefthecerectaon cf onedceiiieo unit teron, subject te ttc sente restrictions as ceouid hae tece applicable prier te ttc att day et Mac, 1969. (Front Yard "minimum" 55 font ". 6. Ttis by lace stai tecome ettective on ttc date tercet sut- iec to rcceieio toe approul et ttc Oterie Mueicipal Board. OPAD a Fi1RST, S ECOND and THI1RD T IME aed Fî1NALLY PASSPO ttis 51sf DAY 0F JUNE, 1974. A.J. MacArthur, Mayor J. McGecie, dlent Tht Corporation 0f Tht Town 0f Milton BY-LAW NO. 60-74 EXPLANATORY NOTE ThenoriginaliZoing ByicebNo,11l-67,forteformerTowensip et Ncssagacecya. ceas pcssed ce Aprit 3, 1967. Siece fton, Nass- cgcceeya Towenship Coueçil tas aceneedd, le mcny Instances, certain portions of the Bylace. Ifucouldenoc appoar, aller mak. ing c consolidation of cil of ttc cmedieg by-laces, Ibat certain efterpretafion prebientas ced impicmeetatioe probientas tae teen croafcd os a result ttc amndments attecfIng ttecron dînai by-lace. Ttc problentas Meing coperleced resuit le con- sîderabie dctticuity cdmieisfcring ttc Zeeieg bylace for the former Towenship of Nussagaceeya, and ttcrnby Milton coucu are, cf tbis nimc, proposieg ce ameedment en the tort et the ettactea by-lace No. 60-74. by-lace 6014 trais been posscd by Mcitan Councîl for the soin purpose of cierlng-up ttc probientis arising eut of the edmîenisfrafion et Zoeing bylece 11.01 as if Is amened te date. NOTICE To the rafepayers o! the Towna o! Milton former Tome of Mîltan Planning Arcal and ta tht ratepayers o! tht Towna o! Milton Who otta property abbtting tht former town o! Milton planning area NOTICE 0F APPLICATION ta The Ontaria Municipal Board by the Corporation of the Tocen of Milton for approeal of a By-lace ta regalate land ose passed porsuant tai Sedtion 35 of The Planning Act. TAKE NOTICE tttte Ceenuil efthe Corporation et the Tome et Milton infends te appiy te Ttc Octaneo Municipal tenrd porsuantt ltte proisionsof Section 30 et Ttc Planning Oct for eppreeci et Bytece No. 113-13 pcsscd on ttc lltt day of Snccntber, 1913. A Cepy cf the By-iac es funeistnd tnreitt. A ote gicing on copionctien et ttc perpose ced etteet et ttc By-a facend ste fisg ttc lands ateefted ttercby Is aise tureisted tereifth. 014V PERSON 1îNTPRPESTED MAY, cittin teentnan (14) days aller ttc date efthIis notice, Seed by reglstorcd ntail or dnliier te the Clert et the Tocen et Milton nceof et is objection fa epprouci cf the said by-lace, tegetter celth c stotemnt et ttc grounds cf suot objection. 014V PEIOSON cisting te support the application for approoci et the By- cmay cittie furteon (14) dcys attnr the date et this noeicesend by rngislerednmailior doieer tcthe Cient of the Tome aI Milten notice et is support et approuci et ttc ncld by- lace togettcr mt arequent for notie cf cey tcaning tat ntey Me tond giuing aise ttc haine ccd addrnss te cetiet suct noticc stecia Me giure. THPE ONTAR 10MUNîICI1PAL BOARD ntcy approvof th e scid by-lace tut tcemcr doing su t ntay appoint c lime ced place ceten aey objection ltthe by-lace miii te eoesidcmed. Notice of anytccnrIngtbet mcy bnel ilbcgiucnoniyt epo nsceto have fiicd an objection or notice et support cnd ceto have lent celth on deiiuened te ttc Clent undcrsigeed, the address ta eictenoticetofteaing is tobe sent. TMP LAST DATE FOR FI LINO OeJECTIONS wiii Me ttc ibt day et July, 1914. DATED ctttcTccenef Mitnettis 3rd dayaofJury, 1914. J. Mcecien Cicrk, TowneofMilton: 251 Maie St. P., MILTON, Oct. Tht Corporation o! tht Town o! Multan By-Law No. 113-73 A By-lace ta amecd By-iace Number 31-69. WMPREAS ttc Municipal Council aI the Corporation aI ttc TheoriginaliZoeie ByiocefornteTcensip of Nssagceye 3169,easamcncd; contcepicted ftnee types of resideetici uses cittin the Ruracl " A" desigeetet amca; Ai c 2,000 sq. fI. resideece on a S acre 1400 THEREPORE tte Mueicipal Couneil of ttc Corporation id seernrece, B) a 1,00 sq.-t. resideece onea 20,000 sq. ti. et ttc Tocen et Millt encds as foiioces: boand seveennce, Cia 1l0S0esq.fi.dceeiiing unitascan acccssery use ta ttc principal uses cf the land. Ttis dceiig unit ceauid 1. Ttct Section 2ct Oy-iece Number 31-69t s tcroty aended by te erectcd on testente lotcastte principal use. de Icting terefroce cn ifs entirefy, subsedtian j58) cetiet I onttcfd "MNFCUiO FLOOR AREA" ced sut- Cuen ttc intorîce. amndmeets acre prcesscd, ceaie tn sftuin Iberofor ttc teoceoing nece suteedtiot (58): ons ltthe rnguiafary procisions ceiftie ttc originel Bp lace. A consolidation of ftese changes noc indicates ftrfit citt ttc "le loI(a "MANUFACTURîNG FLOOR YtREA" mecîs trat eception et an accessery dceniiieg utit te a ponmitted prie- pontion et the gnons fluer ones cf at Industriel establistmenf cipal land use, ncsîdcntiai uses tace ben coceiteiy rentoucd ' cu Is cscd for menufatcurng un office purposes requ ring front ttc Rural 'A" sectiot ofthe Zonieg By lace. ce cggrngae later conceetrafion cf mono ton one porsae fut Puceac 9t0ug sqtar erîina by-cc No.o 11-61 didd ced stili ceetai acprovcsioncwercty lotscrocted prier ta the passing et the by- lace ccy tace a dceile g unit coestructed ftercetn tere is - fthig centcined intte preset by icce tat ceuid perceita mes'- dentiai use, ettor tan on acceseory dceiig unit, on paccns teat Ccd Seen crectcd sinon ttc possingof et tcbylace. If cees ttcrefcmenecesserr te pans by- cm 60174, pnecîdieg for tese parceiseilaed ttatthaeeencreated duri ng te nierc te tceeefthepcssiegeofttheaniginal by-laceand the pmnesnt me. Section i ut ttc By-lace 60-7 aduels suleiy ceifl ttc nenuceter- ing ofSections ie ttc by-lace, in ondae eaire ttirea contante ta ttc preposed aceedmunt. Section 2Set By-lace 60174 sicepiy doietes c sefnecc Iront a ccrtain section, in onder toeadd ltthe eiarityofet MBy-lace-Ttc seece is minetcd le ceotten location it ttc bp lace, ttcrnty ntctîng Moe by-l1cm md ce nclccniy. Sectiot 3 aI by-lace 6014 clarifies lte prouisions ced regela- fions attecfieg the coestruction et at eccnssar dceciig unit anesccepcrcni aste pincipaliland usetamthic i isac- Section te ofby lace 60-74 inscrIs a prouision for a 2,000 Sq.tft. residencetna 5tacre pencelieite Rural "A" desIgected croc. Ttc section also Inscrts a provision for e 1,000 sq. f. nsdenceeneapcrceieofilad containitgiless ttces5ces citie tte Rural "A" desionetedacroc. Ttesc tceeprouisions (b) "MECMANIZED MANUFACTSRîNC FLOOR AREA" m nsthat portion of the gnons tiser creo et ceIndustrial establistmenet cetict s usnd for ceonutacturino poirpuses reqeiing on cggncgatn ietcn concetration of oec persan or iosstfor ecc900ûsquaenfet btnoticess ttatone persan tan 1ecubîosesqucretoeet,cofftionorae used for suct purpases. Ici "WARIEHOUSINO FLOOR AREA" mees trat partiel et tegnees fluer orna oftan industeici esteblistment nequirne ce cggrngctc laor concentration et lcss ttce anc persan for ece -1200 square tedet Iloon ciroc le suct portion aI ttc establist- ment:' 2. Ttct Section Set by-lace Number 31-69 Is tnroby acecded by adding cf fer subsedian (100) fterof the toloieng noe. sut- section 000A)- (1l00Aj -AREHOUSINO FLOOR AREA" -Seesubsoctiot 1 3. Ttet Section 6 11311) (aIo bylace Nuceter 31-69 us Cemnty entended by dcieteng tron ttc table tenet, en Ifs etirefli, ttc item netitied "Industriel Establistment" and substitutino thencta thc tuiieceing race items undor ttc tcadings as dcsig natcd: TYPE OF USE MINIMUM PARKING " Industriel Establishment oFOUIREMENT cetta grossfi oor creo ess 1 Parking Spoce per 300 ,mari 10,000 square font square lent if gross floor industriel Pstablishment cr00. cittcagross tloor aea of (cil1 parking spoce per 'W0 f0000 squace font or more square fontet tiselor aea for the initial 10,000 square tantt and; FROaIDbD thaft ereailor e portion of the gruess ticor arsfsuctcstabIisbment qualifes as "mcbaniaed maeufacturing fioorcarca"or as "cecrebocsing tiser arca" as detied in Onction 2 1501 teet, ten oe or Mth et ttc felloceing stal appiy te tte tiser oiresd as In eocess of 10u000 squarc tonf, (b) Forceactt900square font et mecteniacd manfc furing floor area: 1 parking spoce plus 600 square font et icedscapod opon spaec en addition te thc procisions et Secfions 19 iSilblieiiii and uSi2ilb)iiîii tercet, ici For acct 1200 square tant ofcearehousingoorares: 1 paring spaec plus f00 square font of icedscaed opon space en addition te tte prouIsions ut Seefions itiOl Ibiciii) and 2Slulibiiciiil tercet." 4. Ttis By-lace stoil tecome effecfive on ttc ate tercef sut- lectfoarecen eapproccl ofthe0Otarioetuicipal Board. OPAD a FIRST, SECOND aed THI RD TIME Mhis 17TtH DAY 0F DPCPMBPR, 1e73, AND FINALLY PASSED. A. J. MacART UR, MAYOR J. McGEACHIP, CLERK Tht Corporation of tht Town ocf Milton By-Law No. 113-73 Explonotory Nott This By-a io eccdfthefuisieo Rcstriecd c -c a ylcof thenMilton Planning Arcc,obeiegfthe Zoeieg by= leceottToen ot Mlot, by icce No. 31-un, as oceeded. MOVI NG? CALL CENTRAL CARTAI3E & MOVINO 878-3351 hoe sn ac rne anycee e AUCTION SALE FOR ST. STEPHENS ANGLICAN CMURCH HORNBY ON STEPLES AVE. O MILES EAST 0F MILTON Sat. Joly 20th at 12:30 p.m. Set cf O gunsfecr ctairs, od mes. sef of O good secid cticken coopchaeir*; i commec hadctir,1laay boy chair; scuerci ofter goed old chcirs; 5 cturcb teeging lcceps; 2 sets of taeging equipmnf, minus taeps; cnfiqun tont Staal; firopioce martel et mirror; chtefrinid suitecroent itctnn fable; vaecuum cleceer, 3 comparfmeft steel lonknr scîtebie for servce ssfatin, lite noe,;lw moemirrors, pictures. fycces, gicss, ctina ced By-lace31î6e prnsenly procîdcs: Cturct soard or cuctîeer nef respeesîble for accidents la) Secfion 2, Sut sefceto i (58 'MANUFACTURING Sain dcy FLOOR AOEA'ceancsftat portioneoffthe gossfioon airsnf oan establistmenf cetict 's used for mcnutcurItg purposcs ced Terces cast Lunch cecilabe office purposes but des nef ieciudn crues used for dtorage." WARO BROWNRIDGE i b) Scction 0-13 (a) i Industriel Establistment -"1 parking Spacc per30squaretfeof maeufactcrnegtfoorcarea." AUCTIONEER bylece 113173 propuses te rndefiee Indusfriel fluer ea ento PHON E 878-6730 thrr n ec categories as feiloces ceaeutccturIng tiser aires, cecctciedcanutcturngtteeraeat adeartousiegtfor 'ltgoe40 ae;as dctleed le by-lace 113-73, iesfccd of the one cctegory FrCmlt eisfing en By icce 31-69. FrCm lt By cm f113-73 aise proposes fo reduce fthe parking require. Auction Service meefs tor indusfriel esfablistments en accordcnce ceIt the ctornsaid cafegonins. procidnd ftat cil industricl cstebiisb- Chrîs A. Schooteo meefs up te i0,0ue squcre tant steil bn rcqulrcd fo preuidc fthe saeminimum parking requiroeefts ced oniy plants 10,000 AUCTIONEER square font 0e mure, cecy bc grcnec rcliefta procide parking, Scies et aul types pmoeidcd the use 's le cccordane uith ttc etorescid cate- gories. le aty cuce t, ttc rcliet te precide parking ftct Is Sales ceeducfcd ceyutcre. graned by ftîs by lace, le spocltic. ciassityIee ttc fypeocf Tel. 878-2576 oeration, îsoffsef by ttermquirmettpruidecndsaped opespce lieu et pcrking. Ttc cmouef cf icedsccpcd open R. R. 3, Miton, Ont. lanîif spoce requireceefs fo te preuided eecid bc fbe ditternce btfunne ftce mînimuce parking requitentants and ttc Ward Broworidge ceceieuce parking rnqinetonts. Th esnfrthe pro- visions of the iandscaped oen spoce isfot ed eccilcbic Lîcenscd Audience, IneOrdnr te icrasc teipcrkin, iad eteuseoftte Farce Licocfock building 5i'uud chace te a une thaf ceouId roqui re c grecter funfr ce nubcr ut parkcing s paces untr ae if stud te ented fO tis by lace ceas pcssed on Ocucebee Phone 878-6730 lth, 13 by ttc ter Municipal Ceucîl et ttc Corporation etAof iasAi ye ttc Tocen of MilIetooeetur. prucessino cees deiayed duc to 1pria-l Ilpe fecteicalifins vithin Prouincial Legislutioe crectieg ttc_11cii Rogionai Munîcîpalîfe et Haifon. Tee saîd Legisictioc tes nom 85 1 RTEI been aeendd andfthe preseet Cecîtci oft the Corporation oftte FO*' N Tocenof Milot s centiectg te prudess by-ce No. 113173. lawca fufen eferafire b curcy co eeccfie e Cek Ofce, T bf Apartmevts for rent Mte ubcndbOefclgfO 'neOuTcno efOtle and fusa bedroom bylace Ne. 3169, cs aendcd, 's aise auaiieilcfor ieactio apartMents. Adults, cf fthe Cents Offîce, 2el Maie Street, East, Meuton, Oltof. Only. SUH W FR AREOcOR Y NOIFE AS ABOVE. DiplomatApartmenfs Tuse of Milten 7M-I arc similan ltthone contcied in the original by lace No. fi-67. - A C I N S L Thstypa ut an amnedment fa the original Zonieg bricce., S L e steuid nemndy the praticems tat Caue arise oct et ttc in- torprotation et ttc censoiidatod ocecedmonts fe ttc original A U T O N SA EGERALO OIKKEBOOM By-lace. Ttc cceedcenf us not iefedod fa impose me mestrice neguitions ttan eoistedcittie the by-lacemteo ut For SATURDAY, JULT 20 AT Il A.M. cs pcssedîin ttetirst instance. Ttc Oy-lace dones tocenuer, ai.ora' ane TTtFRLCTC' iP AT0 AE Io.fo te evlomet o poprtesth ereecrcatet dcng lAT TH PILCTDlý IE AT FWTR te teracero ttc pcssieg et ttc orîginal Oy-lace ltthe pro- MRc & MRS. ste. PARKERt DOAN Ct THE 4TH CONC, LOT 2. AT THE K ANC J ient tice. and ttcnoby elumînetes ttc Ccndstip mtlct appeens RESTAURANT ON HA. c. GO NORTH TO Tf-i 4Tti dONC. tataotcccrntetceetîg Ieoceenes. Tc îeceîîîto100 LEFT. FIST FARte ON THE RICHT. by-lcce s for clarification purposes and the aceedceet dones aarunicrcteAfueOLTYPUF NT VceopcCuioaiblr nof dimectly cane propanty. o TYEUPETVlao2ps oiotlbie Friday evening, July 19 at 6.00 Pm 'b ras gale valves, tracs pceing and otter pîpîeg. apprue. 3000 Ta sucecericc ttenoregaieg; tiseedmnteuiliecepermeit , et cruapcnîneeftîeeudrTeera tisuofbuilding permits for lots oneafcd bctcenn ttc dote ' FURNITURE-Jccqucs & Hayes coreer ctain. Jacques & th.ti ail. Aiuiutu.l870ftofeatty fracceitsceufchdnaand Oe eigieaiiy pansîeg the by-lace aed teay 31, 1974, cittout Hayes crcechair. Jacques b Hayes recler ctoir; Jacques & -agr.12rud5 is agn edr n hr.4 onecussîtefîng acrecaeîeg. Hayes librcryftable;.JacquesoILHcyes side cair;cealnutoavlcinigdas3ontaklfecrirsye e at.Lre table. ctestentîcld; mapie ctosf et dracens ced mîrron; 2 cedîcatontank. Apprue 4 ciaegitgceatcreis. Largecquaetty Any turthe information nequincd ie conîctiot cett tis by- continetal Sets and siegle bet te ceatot, lite noe.; iay's of glass jans aed boffecec Tuledo stuie type ceeigt scales. lreai iccecan eebtc;nedby contcctieofthedier's OficeTowneof sceciidest;ec snglecteds,nprueg andcatrsscs;cet. speeng geedoeci 310-aedcuc--barttaes. Millt. and mattres. dresser; nught lotie. Mandrete truet- 2 LMNS111 44dee rco ihN.10 B-aNo11steamer Mruets, frunt ceîtt roued top. Side chair; lamp table- FARM IMPLPET uudee rcu et e O -ylc o l67, as aened, 's aise accuoabie fer inspection meeden tttce fable ced four chairs; Westingtouse înîg. :i.H. Iront end bonder, Nuffilîcl O fcfur ceîth Orly 3300 tirs cf ttc Cient's Office, 2t1 Maie SIree, East, Milton, Octario. Spatn cees oie radie; spool toe fable. Iang office cupboard -' Msy Fcruusen atfurruce 3 p C S2 Setuce place. Spend King SUCHOWNES AR HERBY NTIFID ASABOV. 3dSrs filng cbine, 2 rawes. 81c" 32tI.cauger,ewItudercrriage netbbneend muter, bat 50C OWER AR HEPb NOiFiD S ceop. durs fîîegcceec. 2Urcees.bustl ceaeurcsprcadmr on rubtur. Triple K e f. colilafot J. Mceactie, doert MISCELLAsPOUS-Approicel i10pices et Bridai Ruse cethcecucer s.geedas nece Oiadtey cote scout ctopper. Craie Tocenu te uitn ceia, usty Licoes. Crystai. glass and cinea, ieuludieng boxcandceagun, IH. Off cutiuafci 3 pl' Caisacweaf sprayer 77.2 Wdgecsccd.ue utcuffeg-inei goceuis .eaîes; qcanity of itliyuiepandC2 t hOcciesclil p 7I ucornuiplanter. 20 cld u veaie cse fer a steeple ciccrock and d lu'ge;"' ~ g.,iugiIciiilîe d'c ;Da cdng "Tcrontou loais et buos inciuding Tennyscen Acrc eel hydrauci .oqul ,s.i c-,1 '.ghi ccci 747ae' smort and Bocts et Pants. Mcnd iuggagc. chromte picypat ueuaaieelueyu illru uto tat cntast necceSinger trceadisewiegcmachie; iaemOwer; scles, 6 elcfnie ceeters, utCoî 'îî'c items. Scram p'ie. large 2 e~onocse tousc o c poe montes, oe.; titeten ced coetieg ufeesils; flo îînn eii.Cbee elrde aeeec cCfe eid Doceoon ment ut Milton, S2c c ceont. cnrpot; laîselgardon teoiscedetton sceau items. - Cp Appiylta nue Ne. 248, Ttcir r ah N eeýs we rtrn.Qoasl uOFFICE CanctOan Ctcmpioe.1 CAR-1969tParisiene 4donnsedan -gaed cundition csewth rocsaecs.Nnsro.Otttfie ceasi 8 m12.9SO Fitanse Centfiicete. recetiy. 420 squarectcct an second Sciiing by bid Nuceben. flocentral doentecef Mil TERMS: CASH NO RESERVE HOUSE Luncuaaiiabio by Knox Prcsbytenîae Ladies et atedcen. ona, tet ced ligtt ien- OL Omner or Aucene nef nesponeibie fer accidents. fade n iR*r-T r' OL1 Omnen's Ptone numbenr 00f-4029. Phd din. 78-2326k W f Not epnsble tue accidents M ax Storey AUCTIONEER: Ph. 818-2326 ~~Rockwoood, Auctioceer. H I ,SH UE tîmît a BiLuSYT*R muf7amlSH ISA CH UE 878-2576 8al 878-5352 etsmnî bdOm apcttmctt. aacilatinAugusf lst t7t-5841.- rentiec uustl1 lspcrtc basemenf bacticice Suife !eth Wn4piecc ccfhOsl45t00ccpr ceente icans, eaf, liglils and cicletely fumesOcO, O mie moerth et Milton. 87o ONE bernece banettnt apantmet tccsed. pricera, enta ccc -ila c in 'c cendiately $150 a ceente. ti8 nACuELDe apattent ton ment S8t cecete e ct and nudru cludea. Cai tic 3t04 otfer 6.00pce. S 00CM aprect aîth kt- chnt e ad c pine hume, pelce ate entrnccn broOdiOOm, stoue. trio. Business couple or relieM couple prenfcmmd.sit.1)aper ceente. 8ta 26S oconiege. c BEcORCTe cpcrtmenf on ceaie fluer aI duplex, quiet, casement mvitla icuedy tubs .ed ceostite macehete. rica cci sie iC ceente SutcSl cfor eouple et couple 2ONE bedrooce oncelcents frestiy dctatea. nee brocd- dlcioeîeg ced parting, tm medUate ecoupncc. Mn. eccîey 849C713. s.Milion, priite ontrence end porcing, Sline cend triag on iciuded, cualiabte noce. $105 c month. 87t-2748. a I 1 77 LEGAL 1 r777ýýGE MOVING 1 77ý LEGAL -1 1 78. AUCTION SALES i

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