The Canadian Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., Jone 19, 1974 Bl 1 Summer Festival brings many to ý"discover" Halton Museum New visitons froSn Toronto, bustesees ' We'ee seen Kelso Georgetown and Oativille fronm lte 401, but juItne were a=e te 400 people keew bon t0 lied the Wita dicvred lte Hallue eum." Local peaple Cauely Museum Sommer confideil lbey kne lte Festival on Sueday af- museumn nus titere but eever teamo. realizei whit nirs in il. Manywere firal lime Along nids lthe carniage viurst pleauaelly suprised houue, blackseoiit eitop1 ceaI t at IsaI tey fourrd. As bouse and lte bure regularlj sitverai of lhn oul-of-lon open o lulte puitlic, musical nisilors blid one of lthe eolerloismeot uereeaded visitors ta lte festival. The Milton Girls' PipeBand opened the aferoon, fttllowed by Oubkville Cilizena' Bond. An organist played wle gisel enjoyeli tea ie lit main building. Saithlit waeit Hostesses in Ibeir old- faaltioeed gowes guider] visitors je eaca building and at lthe rumetage sale. Several C ve kitling aed braidleg moeslraloaa on lte crff hituuaad a blacitiith freina Oakvll made itoresostes at lia forge. Tee Pîee Tree quit ehowing lthe Niagara Escarpieee, made by Boeele Dowdell of Milton was wn in a raffle. TEA WAS SERVED in the main building ut the Hulton Cuunty Museum Summer Festival on Sunday, witit an urganst accompanying. Brock and Dave Wendover uf Palermo enjoyed lthe restftsl pause in the day's activities. A CONCERT in the carniage house by the Oakvîlle Cîtîzens' Band wau one osf the afternoon's musical entertatuments. Thse Milton Girls, Pîpe Band opened the sumnmer festival on the museum, lawn befure fhe rein. Qbituary Funeral service for Ethel Agnew Foreal service cas itetd M., Il for Ethel May Aget of t Robeton Deive, Guoelph, formertply f8 oeford Tee- race, Acton, whoodied May 8 aI lte Guelpht Geocrai tîospît Boro in Esqocotos. Matceh il , 1900, Mcc. A0-,et 112 lte dougitter ofMr. antd Mrs. Wil- liam Allen. Site 021 maeeîcd le Campbtell George Sgceît cn Esqouee.gApeîtS5, 1922, acd wsa resideot of Campitll- ville tee 45 pecrs, ltrmv teg 10 Acîto o nire years, itandl, to dougbtees, Noema (Mec Tom Palîercooî, S Robtertsoo De., Gucelph;ltel- -Miltoians are peeparing le welconte lthe Natiooal Compers aod flibees Associa- ton compost aI Milton Fate Grounds it weeed. ýELECTRICITY1 Is Our lisinss Dnt be a Tnlierer ,cîthll ~Eiectricuîp. % Cali an expert for 0 Ol-eatins SNew Crcuits 1 Adtiacl Oatlets * Ocîdoor buttas t FEATHERSTONE Il ELECTRIC 'c Mrst Ildre liteccîtardi, 1619 PopiteAv ,S' Aeloc: irter. Danc Allait. 991 Fiest t,îce Miltncea iscter, Flot- 'ie (Ms. El Parsons), 401 l'ce St. Milton. ix grand- iîden aidî once grert- gracîtchî li Site 111' Ér mitter ofI the licîden Agi' gr021, Knox Lad- te'Ail, the Sîco WScme's Ittuîteanl Knox PrecAt terico ehureit lIev D. Sic- cltir ottîcîsîrd aI lte service iteld aI lte tulamep Sioe- maher fcceral home. Itlement c as aI Fairvie cîmetees cîith Campitetttttte ancd Aeco neîgitburs seevtg as0 pallitearers Bill Hocard. Rocy Wcod. Jîm McLaren, S. cure, Campbeiteît11e; Art Ccoper, and Jor Orpieri, of Ileorîl Tereace, Acton. r\e, . ith eopee a,îîîhnieîî' Seapper solv ~ ~ ~ prhes i)ii ad aerois. a Frec demoon- ou.& GARDEN CENTRE H .25 S. at Derry Rd. 878-5063 TAKING A BREAK, lwo of lte long-gowned itostesses at lthe museum festival rest on lte stepo leading up lu lte replica of the old county court ruom. (Photos by P. Ford) Fail fair timie solon Here os o lisIfnoj oigeteullurat Milton Sept. 12-14 Societytfaimoi t is ares: MountForest Sept 10 Abertoyte Sept 20,21 New ttamhteg Sept 13-11 Acta,.. Sept. 20,21.22 Welland rNiagara Anatee . Sept 20-22 Itegiccat Ev Sept 10-1. Arthuor... .. Sept 6,7 Orangevittc Aug.:r1 Sept 2 Biulbrouit.. Sept. 14.15 Osh~awa taIs 18-21 Brampton. Sept. 1:3-15 îttaua t.0evtrat Cambridgeliait) Sept. 5-8 Itcai Acg.2:1 Scpt.2 Durham, S ept20,21 O)ttac.î Elmira Aug. 30-Sept. 2 boeter Itiel (tel 17-21 Eric.. Oet. 11,.12,14 Paris Acg :10 Stpl. 2 Fergos Sept. 13.14 Rtictmond ll2 Mav 10 12 Georgetown ... Oct. 4.5 tîckcon c121 12 il Grand Valley Sept. 20.21l Stelburce Sept. 1.1 4 Banooser ..Acf. 20031 TceontoCt'E Aug 14 Sept)- Baceiston Sept 19 Toronto i 0,721 SOîtter Kitceener Aug.27-Sept. 2 Fair) Nov. 1522 1- Listoocet . .Sept. 6,7 Walitertoo Ocet. 17-191 Loodon Wectcco W cdbeidge Ot. 12-14 Fatre Sept. 6-14 toteecaticea tlocîcg Match. Maritbam .1 ...Oct. 3-6 SIalîon Sept. 24-28 YOU COULD WIN A 260Z - 2 x 2 DATSUN ENTER NOW - DRAW DATE CLOSES JUNE 3Oth Just test drive the Datsun of your choice and you becomne eligible to fi out an entry form 1'ts ail free! For a real nice experience, test drive a Datsun to-day."' Patio Siabs .JýÉ Mrvwyubn Moite pou ccv Paloî iybok Oiea ubn teen Mode tecer icn ivo Ss Prct201 edgcu o tegralte cister --tus Design dricavop.Seep grass prootedecocrete t0 12' c 12ý' modale uvdclecontrol, uses prevent eflloî nvîttoqaîicklpitaîld a bumper. Jut set i a op,'cacy scenand place. Gray cemnent. esec-Grey 1.20 a distinctîce pao3 8 2 x0 30". 10" X 10" Redi 1.30 touch * Sn Green 1.ti0 12" c 12" > 4' 95 2.45 SIDEWALK SLABS~Ax2"-~ 9 ideai for sidewaiks, pati0 Os 4x2 Y 1 9 bwimming pool apeoSS 2 . ~ 22 Easily instalIIOd.24x3 1 - 2 5 ? g aoclon o ieo andfeas Dba cesait latspa LATUN NORTH END DATSUN 010 Martin St. *aauoe orS SOUT F s0 Milton 878-2471 ,Much mower.