Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Jun 1974, p. 34

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BlOThe Canadian Champion, Milton, Ont. Wed. June 19, 1974 Overnight camp new experience Soete, mnuquit bîtten bok an haseIroats arn smme of the remards four Martin St. school teachers tr feting tu prove their the- ory thataltkdohoepe snce c er it capng Te camp ut s lat iae Poin Parkphegan Tn7rsday at 3lpm. ,ndrotnie,,tunIil Fra ut. the sn lime. Teuts acre pîtchtil ndIn- structions giveo os gond out doues houmekeepisg. er inîg esperiesce was part ut ecd activity, trom cooking the meats ta the uriesfmeriog k and nature study. ',Saie of these kits bail neyer been camping, saine 14-liadt neyer caten outtinors,' said vice-cp fietd as be suprisd the atter breakfast clean-opPgn- day murniog. Ch risLea asti i telt tbere moutd ke a g ea ientin taking the kids utdours and awaytfrsm the classroom'" The oîgb t nbetore, Me. La- gan and student Stephes Sent bat beau invol-et tousn intri- gue. Stepbeo mas boostet loto GET OUT 0F HERE SERGE, yell the girls as Serge Luwsel invades a tait tec by Me. Legan usho tbeir lent duriug the overnigkt camping trip of Martin St. sckool su-' cooeal bîm t ranes t u dent s. The girls are Karen Stringer, Karen Vickery, Michelle Knuwles, the stutmnts ai the caîptie Caroline Brodje, Leslie Watson. Leanne Wilson and Hermun thse staff cd At the appsioted lime Ste- animal. phen usas tu tight a trct at- mud sait doms the sting. coosnquestly ignitingîke tire. Magîc. WetL. tbe besl laid plans-in th, escitemeof uthIe camp- lir prepacalios the strng usas dislurbed and tbe plot toîled. Il oas amagnîticent -r lcybuevc, and alot offun. Thes Ikere oas the tus ut a sisg sang ast mienne ruassi - -around thetîccsad evetua lîgbts.sutinstbelents. As any- one wbo as cameth squcats go on lac ino the tiorineing The ibree-quarter mile oriesteecing route lbrougb tkv mouds liadt ta be mapped sut and Mc. Logan ras the course. pUlling Up signa, ai a cecord-kreaking 30 minutes. Equipped witb compasses the boys and gicla wecm rettsired lu match the sîgos milb the compasa points on order lu tînd thir vsay througb the maewitb spced and ettie- A nature study ufthe area campteted the learnîng ar- tivitins. Tbey a ccc ruded oui by lots ot oppoetusily tor cacreatios by gym Iecher Lînda Stands and muacher M.7AYS tIISHES TO BE DONE aI camp sud parent belper Sheila Gut- Joan Kendaîll frey washes whilc Stephen Besi dries. Rar Bauds was a lte riser and is stil eainghis reafas. 1Parents Sheila Godey stil eaing hs brakfat. uho a;so pilcb but as camp ourse) asd Ans Wollaston acted as des moîkers tue the bsterus group ut 35 nia- dents. Thieves are busy e, « Money, a match. tractue matîters and bkes wr vIoles by lety tikîcas sn the lt os dstrict scer the acekcsd, accoedig to Milton At, Aonehome near Hornby a brekak-insesulted in thetosuuof a t 1170 ivoetb ot matchea anti som money. Atlonal teactue saies herm reports samme 1/ crmosed toue muflers otf i ra etocs oser the veekend, vataed ai $&u. And a Camp- betty île mumaneportis smoestole a 10-aperd bîke vatued ai f130. -The stadents are coantîog Stha duys aiiiil the end ut the shool ycar. ils Friday. MXIOSHINALLuX\ RO.\ s always a lot af fus bal Sn Ibis case the fire -e. The Chamupion wcl- sas s hat. Kare-n Vickery and David Kimball needed long sticks. This cames local stadents' a-as Karen*s liraI binc at camp and she lboroagbly enjoyed the ouldoor graduatios pîctueo Thee is living.sn charge lu base a photo pablishcd. FIRE'S BURNING, FIRE'S BURNING sng the expariment at Martin St. achool, thse overnight 35 atudents and six adults us they gathered around camp-out wnas a rooring aucceaa. the campfire awuîtîng the magical lighting. An (Photos by J. Beaton) MILTON PARKS Ic RECREATION DEPARTMENT Parka and Recreation Office - Municipal Bldg. 251 Main St. E. Milton - 878-7211. Program Information -Rotary Park Community Centre - 878-3292 Brown St. Arena - 878-2671 PLAYGROUND PROGRAMME Daims: Jaly i - Aug. ta Ases: t ta1 yae; undee t le accoinpaaiedhby anaidait Staff: Peaeiii aresied by trained teadena. Prografetues argaed = actliiSes in draina, crufts, munis, aponta, amoy telling, active and passive gamin, aadinini aertis. Speclînta are betd througlnut thsmmcc and me invite paresnt participatio. Opparbttties wiii ha o<fered ta chiden 10 attend v arions points of inieeithbotb locaaly and mili the region atiniimumncot. URBAN PLAYGROUND Lncations: J.M. Denyrs, WlI. Dicb, Rotary Park, Durset Park Times: Masday Ibroogh Friday - 9 a.im. ta 12 non, andi1 pou. tu 4pin. acathar permiting. (No sup- vision Aog. SOs> DAY CAMP Location: Scout Camp ut Woodland Traia InorOs ut toms> SDaims: Beginin July 2, camp ta scbcdalcd in four - o-mark lime periois. Ages:7-12 yes (Boys anti Oicls Statt: Trainct leaders in astdoon actisities. Transportation: Via hous leaves Rotary Park ut 9.10 ain., sac stop ai Woodward & Ontario; reltas toi Rotary Park apprun. 4,15 pin. Mondays ta Fridays. Fac: $20.010 foc tino machs; Fumtiy Rate - Maximumn of $55.10. Fac includes transportation, frac milk ut lunch lime, one overnigbt camp oot taiily night, frac swms ai lte vamp, arts anti craft, canouing in- struction, anti osa spocial avent. Pragran> Camperai, taking, Intian lune, nature lure, nis, staey tellini, aponta anti gamin, draina, conkouts, music, picnics anti smimming. Why a Day Camp? Camping ta a unique exporience tue every chiti. Hen learna ta play andi cammuniesate in an environmentlawaytfroin huma. Iltprssitiinuap- portant5 for outtuor living in groupa, 10 teacb shills of cuinpsratt, omîmmiof anti canouing; anti ecourages aN appmerbsu 0f the Wonticrs 0f Nature. NT>No caiuts, me bava facilitias fer rsiny days. No Camp on Cîvic Holiday. TENNIS LESSONS Wîlt h boitel ai Rotary Park evary Monday, Wcti- ncaday asti Frîday murningui train 9-12 noon for cllten 8-12 years. Losoon sScit Jly B. Faa: $s.ou 1ore6 lassons. Regîster in atiance. Lensous are cancellctiAugust , Traiout instructionisaproiiad. COMMUNITY FACILITIES The Deparimeni sporules Ose fulluming facilities toc Ose Coiounity: i. Boynn Commuily Centre 2. taeookvitte Comuinniiy Centre 3. Rotary Park Cmuinoity Centre 4. Bromn St. Area 5. News Acesa -Community Rouin Poe information cagardinu rentai rates, tacility use anti iee cati: 878-7211. The Depactouent bas a joint use ageement mitb Ose Bard of Educatios. CuIt 070-7211, if you moult tOse Osa sc ut t theSchoontpavtiiisWardsl,2b3. PARKS Wart t- Hendersn Park - aseiac Omagb Park -Ocîtasmua Rd. Druminî Park - leitannia Rd. (For informatisa contact Oubvilte Pacbs anti lncreatiun Deparimeni 045- Wari 2- tity Park >aster etvelupmen> Kingsleigk Court Park Rotary Park Centeonial Park Fattingbeonk Park Waketieldi Park Vic toria Park Scias Bout Park (antr devetupnent) Dorset P acb Ncighbuhoud Parks tardertimvelupmcntl; Tut Lot -kessers Churchill Avenue & Lornm Scots Driva (layground Location);- Park Adjacent ta Rubart Baldwin Public Sckol Warti 3- Seaubville Bull Diamunt Caoupketlvîlte Sali Diamout Scuobvilte Park -adjacent tu acuobstilae Puhbci Schout tontier desntupintu ROTARY PARK POOL SCHEDULE Mooday Tbensgb Feldsy 8:30 a.ou. -12:3o pus. Smimouing Lcsooo 12 :30p.m.- 0>30 pou. BusinssMensadWomen Swml 1:30 p.o. -4:30Spou PubliecSmimming 5:30 p.o. 6:0 3pou. Fuinily Swimining 6:30 p.M. 8:30pin. PubliecSwmiing Saturday. Ssnday anti Holiys 1:30 pou. - 4:30 p.m. Public Swmmng 5:30 - 630 pou Faouily mmung 6:3Opo. 0 830 pin. PubicSwimouîng PUBLIC SWIMMING Cbilden 20e Stutimnts (over 12) 35e Ad Ils (oser 18> 75c Faus:ly Swm minug hour $1t00 per fauity Business Men &Worncvsao Swm 0eper person Faouîly rate maximoum $2.00 daeTimuestforppubic swmiouiH tlbcannounced at alatr REGISTRATION INFORMATION Rlegistrations Payable lu the Town 0f Milton; mail lu Milton Psrks ont Rereullîn Departateni, P. O. Bons3, or taSsver porsooally ta Ose Sacceatisa Office, Municipal auilding. 1Not:iet lswming registrationaccapteda4Rntary Park, starting Jne 17. Rlefus&:a Will ha mata ooly if activity ta cascelicti on if winniten otificatin ta recaived one mark prion ta commiencemeant of tIse prognain. Admintatrationcharge ot82.00 millbcte edacted fri refund. Note: A. Registar ourty as registration la Iinitet, B, Minimum of120 peopletla requicet hafone prograin penceeda. RURAL PLAYGROUND Locattoans Travelling Playgrosnd - arook- ville/ CainpheliniUe; Pey Menny / Dnagi. Timin: Tentative Schedley anokvile-Mnday pin., Wednesday & Fcitay aal day Camphelvile--Tuesday and i5tunaday aIl day. Perey Merry-Manday pin., Wedncsday & Friday aal day Omagb-Tousday and Tbunsday ait day. HEAD START PROGRAM FOR PRE-SCHOOLERS Lecation: Rotary Park Cuminaniiy Centre Daims & Times: aegiming July, pngam ta in tino ibree- mach bine perinda; Monday iiicougb t nFrida, 9 - 11.30 and 1.30 - 4s.0 Ages: Peesehonlens 3 ta t yas inclsive Pan> $2.00 forea hnmmweehpugam Staf: Teaioud leaders in eary cttldhnnd play actiities. Programme Includin creative play acivk tea anch as dreina, stars telling, sing souga, and gamin encuuragiog selt-exp=son, and self-confidence. Prugrain cancelled Cisic HldY. LEADER IN TRAINING PROGRAMME Teenagers 13-tf inho are interested in gaining esperience ithe leadership field arc invited ta appty. Not iSly mill tse appcnt erîataigonpygrounda, day camp, pool adspecial ereni planning tat mil o bava the oppaniunity ta asjoy lte tan and esciiement of camping, spart par- ticipation and fellowship. There issu fe fotIis prograin; and ait participants are subjact ta staff rcguiallooo. Note> o firin cummiboant cas be made on fture ain- ployinen. Course Ostisa July 2-12 Ttseucy ai Rotary Park 9.»012.0. Child Sebavione, Firsi Aid, Programme Planning July 15 Auguni 2- i eeh ou aacb of lte foauowing: Playgund, Day Camp, Poui Augoot t-if--Leader's coice 0f location for ltae final bo ROLLER SKATING -romn Street Acana Baginning May ta - Sept. 10, 1974, every Friday and Sa trday evaninsp 7.30-9.30. YOUTH IN A cure for surrmertime Blus tue ters froint 13 - i6 years. Tis programme a scm-ordinated by a youtb- uriested Diractar and uporated by and tue stadent. Programme includes drop-in centre. Activites: S Sportu-bahetal, vollaybaal Couhoutu Park Juin Sessos Danres Fand Raising Sibe Rally F-e>: $5.00 for 3aebks 2sesions Wbere: MartinSL Sehool heginning July l ai 1.10 pi.m Trips may ieorgan.ted aia minimal cool ta the participons. A straîf advasca registraion na ceqsirnd ton Ibis programme ta aponata PIeuse contact D. Kelly prier ta Weid July 3rd ut 870-3202. MILTON ROTARY PARK POOL 1974 SUMMER PROGRAM Owmmng Lrsns Prehegincer $7ou legionce 7.00 Pc -Junior 7.100 ['4 Junior 7.ou SurvivalSwimming 7.00 Elementarymat 7.100 hi Interediate 7.00 intermediateAward 7.00 Senior 7.00 Moins& Tota 7.10 ctald $12.00 2 childeen ltaginner Mois 7.00 Junior Moins 7.00 Losuon asailabla in 3 sessions: July i - July 19, Juiy 22 - Augs 9, Augoot 12 - Auguat 30. Each session coinposad of 15, asic-banc lesasan. Seume Madallion $20.00 Amard ofMerit 20.00 Leader 20.00 Synchronined Swiniming 20.00 Adult Lessos 12.00 Leusins offered in tino sesions: July i July 26, July 29 Augst 3. This sommer thcelRotary Park Pont mill be nsaning an Aquatie Club, mhieh ta open ta anybody intecouted in cumpetîbion smîmming, diving and mater polo. The aammar progeam for the club mitl bo hctd trrm uty i ta Augusi ata cSot at $30.0 par persan. r - -- -- ---- REGISTRATION. FORM ------ SNaine (a) Addrems Phone Programmie Staring Date Locatin _______________Tino_______ Fce Enci, a

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