The Canadian Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., June 19, 1974 89 Conctude Ca9nada9-wide crusade Renaissance leader takes ministry to Irelland White fedierai politicians s hanlln, the tant tliree scn o f lte election cao- pag, anotlner trans-Canada cadebas junt concluded in the nation's capital. Miltn ev seit Ken Campbell and Ai rmclimaned a coast-to- mantý inter-chuc preaching mission wbjch bas inctoded visits a 10enery provincial captalover the pont nix motswith a Saturday niglnt rally and Sunday ser- vices in Ottawa. Drsignatrd "Operatin Reconciliationt ibis national evangelistic thrast was proposnd, in Caophelî's oords, 10lo roase th clturch, la tead lte nation, ta find ils soal -- Ile itinerary, obich begas in Winnipeg tant November, 100k lte tram, coopoiled of Carnpbellrs, long-lime friend and cleage gope masician Jim Renne, ans lt St. Catharines-based "Messengers Qoartet, -- tbroogh tai Victoria, B.C As oeIl as the provincial capitais, otlser communities, large and srnaIt, in ohich the Carnpbetl-llcese Tramn han condacted rnanya bir neorly 400 crosades over lte pont 13 years ot ministry lhroaghoat Caoada, oece also on their schedale. Fotlooisg the oestern swing, thc saine teao toared lbroagh many parts of Ontario ate in 1973 and early in 1974. The brilliant yoaog piano virtuose Larry Camp- Mel of Johosos City, Ten- sesaee. accompanird tbe Camphett Reene Tram thrtoag ie tIhirdstg in Quebe and the Maritn concluding in Olttaoa Sand Jane 16. l i lsirnaedI close 10 40,010 persansi tended the rallies and rela serv-ices in rnore Ihan centrms viniled ity the Te in ', 0ecation Rec citiation. Nolireland Il bas been nenrly 15 y since the lte Bri evangetint, Torn Reese, tempîrd tbe tant sucb lessive cross-Canada c sade-ratty baur. The Tean is scbedated cap off "Operalios Ren cibiation' oitb a omis oinistcy in cacb of tbe no and tbe soatis of Ireland mid-nommer. .f lmically, in the midst af 5 Opration Reconcitiatios" leMr. Carnpbetl bound hioseif lay lhaal51 teà. centre of a bhat noiel ofI mslmversy in is ai- 00 horne farcît, Halton ted Region, in late Febraary, 75 oben be prntested the %,iait of ar "Gay Lit to a grade 12' on- beallth clans sladlying born sexnel cnrnpataitility sn the bigb scitool bis danghters rb h obI wat rnight he termed aI- "Operation Confrontation," i-Carnpbell refused to pay tbe r-edacatiosal prtion of bis prnprlry taxes la prolent o 10 obt be terrned tbe con .totalitarian seclarisrn nI obicb bie dlaims dornales 0711 tbe pablic edocational systro in of Ontario. Tbe Halton Renaissance Commiltee, a graso-ronts ntvemnt of concerned parents and rate- tpayers ebigbcetr pabliceactoasyeoa oas iniliated througb MILTON KINSMEN inslolled ltse 1974-75 execulove Sazca'day evening, Members in front are oecretary Don Scanlon, ,- t president Leoter Wood, new prident BiD Macnnan and tretisurer Gene McLeod, Standing wilb lhem are vice-preoident Paul Lonergon, director Blis Flower and regiotrar AI Hanley. - s I - - ~ __ - cuits MILON INETECLUB, formed by tise local ainsmen'a wivea, in-th alalled Linda MacLennan as president aI a year-end banquet and dance th g E Saturday, She is pictured ut front lefI, accepting tise gavel from rettrtog D yGovernor trwim Scott, Wiso was mode on isonorary meme of tise e i a cuPn tise same ovening. AIoo in lte front io Vice-presîen Carol e i i a Watson. In lise second row are bulletin edilor Pal Lonergan, registrar i p n (Photos îyR clippins WE WANTS'ONEST BLISTERS' There are two ways for a student to get blisters thns summer... 1. From a sunburn (the resuit of lying on the beach too long),l or, 2. Blisters from good honest work. ire a student this ,...e... WiIIilng studenls are now lookbin for sommer emptoyent Cati Canada Maspower for avoulable opplcanitS who cari * tilt vacancies teIt by vacationing staff * undertake projects sot usually dono hy pour regatar people a becî,me oselul assistants. fits a tact tisaI many sîndeols are quallfied to do speciallzed isindsofIwork, 5 mSowhknows ... yoa may get a isead start on trainn a fulure toit firme employer. And please remnember-femnales ge l honent blisters" laa Canada Maýnpower Centre for Students, Onkoîlte Milton Clarboon 138 Randnll St. P.O. Building Southdon Mail 845-391 979-5092 923-2520 Cao phellos prolent and 000 nobeen cIose bo 600 mnti- siecs. Th i ' non-sectacias, non-parts" Coorniltee o pmmcsntty prepacisg o brief lac tbc truasens oI Hallon Board of Educahion, pro- posing edocalionat retoco in ocean canging Iro curriculum content and teacbisg oelbods ta tbe phitosophicat pluraîiss neededto satinlactacity serve our present ptocatislic Society. Wlndo incident Late sn March, ose oigbl aller the Renaissance reginat eatty liadt dcaon oearly 1,000 people 10i the Milton District Higb School ta prolent oasy distuchîng trends in pablic edacation, oidsigblovisitorn tbrewa tint- nizcd rock lhrongh a hcdroorn window ai the Campelîs' renidesce, scoltecisf glass tbcoughoot the rom obere 10-year-otd Katby and ais- year otd Ohetly wr sleeping. Campbell taughs about the dangersofegoingnt ta leasd focr "eclo Recon- ciliation' obes "I have enoagb trouble living Ibal Christ oarned that He did sol corne '10 bcing peace" but ta "cceale dysaoic tensions Ibat nbabe an out oI destructive ruts loin constructive reneot. Recatting the cir- coostances in obich tbe tc« 10 lretand oas firstcproposeT Camprbell tells of "the litte otd lady" oho approacbed hirn aI the conclusion of a crusade in the Pesticton iB.C.i Peach Root Conven- lion Centre, a coopte oftyraro ago, and aller 'giving me a big mothectyhog' naid: "l'oc been ocavina toc a spirta aoakening in te Oa Valley toc yerc. God han ansoeced nue prayers. If He can do ithere, Hecan do itin Iretosd. l'oi praying that God ouIl sendi yoa men ta Ircland I' Praync ansneed Campbell said Ibat sn spite aI bec big bag bie oodered "If site really ton-rd us when site made finat suggestion. asfi sorgigt retond laoconcered inbeongan- ooered"- Coopiteil noted Duale Uniernityns citation apen the conîccrisgofn the LL.D. degrer on Prime Mininter Trudeau,atle. weeksago: 'Voor aspiration lu creote a tant norîety gises on con- fidence that in the global sillage oI the future, Canada will showo masbind an enampte of succeslot plurationi." "Wr are in a position îobpre or conflt gise sach moral leadership isternationatiy"- saysCampbelt. "but ilisny tbroagh the recoc îing poivr ut the Gospel of Jenun Christ that oie 000 finid the spiritual resources ta av Gnd and oueoneighbbur as ve ougbt. That's wbat's necded most in Canada and in Instali executive Honor &"Kinsman of Vear"' Instlation and awards masy fturs to gel the Milton trois Sotît an bonorary the acard. night for theKinsnen Clubsof club goîno Her aisu chaired member ut their club, on A "dooder" aoard cent to Milton and District, betd tbe club' n coco sclin g hadith appreciation toc the ork be Deputy Goi'ersor-etect Buti Oalacday ai the UAW Centre aI the Faror' Macrbet tant bas donc in Ibeir tormatioe Plolmes, ocho ban a habit of os Mactis S1., conctnded the year and brougbt in moce neo year. The Kinssoc ainu dmodting on the tabtecltt nwservice club's licol fuît oroheen i3i thon any other presenîrd as bonorary ichenrore hie oinits aoserviîcn year of sersice, Relirisg (and Kinsman in the pool year. He oembersbip lu pont Drputy club meeting. The local charter) precideet Lester also recriord a pinifor ayear Gooror George Carrie Kînsn liad preservrd and Wod wasomailler ofcece oflperecl atedaice, and A certilicale of appec tramdbhintastdfltleand moies for the briel aller- wat osentf the top four sn the ition o'ao presned 10 The presned i 10 bîo. disner cecemooismobntbe Mape Leaf aiard coo- Champontfor ilsassistance yeac's aoarids and peices petîtion, ohicb is based n in pubticizing club actioitîps. A dance tottoord the dîsoin once distriboîrd and oro participation and effort. Editor Roy Dos acrepîrd and aicards presestatn officers oece instltîd. President Les Wood and bis Ouests iocladed Deputy ifel Barbara eacb rrcrived Governor-etecl Bob Holmes, an aiirndance pin ton livr Drputy Goernur 1973-74 trors ut pertect aifendasce. noosILLu trois Scott, pant Drpuly Gse year pinos Amit 10 Bill1111li Gonnor George Currie and Speck. Oitlt Mactionan, At ao viniting Zone E Depgty Mclor. 0h55s Fluer, Ocias igud uti Governor John Smith. Robertsn, Pouf Lonergan, 08m iv IIITE Bill McLesean oas in- Oitl Cootey, Jur lOrsin, ROay lCl slatlid as president oI the MacArthur and Nei Pcreston. clab toc 1974-75 obite ii wîte New Kifi Linda oas inslled an Sponsor tabs fon oponuncing CILL Kisette Club iKinsmten's neo Kinornen opni- aoacded Dupont t6oJohn Street, Oakvinl 8454233 oiveml president. 10: Bill Specb 31, Bill Dolon tooite 3toStoIes Ace,53,11, 07820305 Nnrnesrrnluive Mao'tennan 2, Pool Lunergan O0tinis Ditrituoos 243 MainSt N.,Actot 053031f Gîier Kinumen on the 2, Rod Lewis 2,and Les Wood, esecalive loiude vice- Gese McLeod, Mach Grenier, prestdeot Pool Lonergan, ailss bloor, Ray MacArthur A Complote Liee of Re-Monfatoted Ports neccetacy Don Scanton, and AIlMcvec nerracb ". treanocer Gene McLeod, Ray MacArthur oas ato , îîii,, cegiotrar At Hanley, diceclors aicarded lte club's pablice 0h55i Ftooec and Frank speokino tcopby. McKeon, and bulletin edîlor Mapîr Leal aitards toc Use 0ur Machine Shop Pal Mactis. Kinette accuoutatisg oonr 100 peints nxecnlivn inctudes nice- for participation and aI- Mtco Notizn, Renotils; Colionnosd$ýrfcc president Carol Watson, sec- tendance lorre aoarded lu Vrale Dus AotniiOne 0100110 and Brai iu cetary Carol Scanlos, Kinsimen MacLennan, SPecIt, roule RnooI0,ou Iceasucer Marie Machsn, reg- Moocer, Loeegas, Contey, fira r Evetyn Opecli and Leois. 'MacArthur, balletin editor Pal Lesergas. MoRmown, f"looec, Martin, Thte Lester Wood tcopby for McLmod, Piesoo, Ocaston. Kinsmus of the Vear ict ta Daug Flornice, At Hobhs. Bll Speok of Hocnby. Billocas Barney bHitderson, tan Maie a membr of Streelsoitte and Doug Wlatson. Kînnoro ohmn the ides of Ilosoî-ioterr tormisg a oea club in Milton Ootb Koosmen and Kisette came up, and hre workrd Clubs madi' Geputy Gooernor This mower culs the grass, then cofis and re-culs the clippinOs nto a line mufch 1h01 dîsappeOrs down nI, yoot law0. No hag t0 empty. No clippîngo 10 robe. No thatch buîid up. No dangviou.s discbarge choie, Faolt safet, civanvi than l'ything vise yoo'oo used. Avaiabie in 22" soif- propi<f 22' aid O8 band-pop0 ved modls. ots. A cocci yard ahead. M C Consme MILTON MARINE & SPORTS LTD. PAtn 25 Cnmrciaeol St. 878-%i21 GORDON'S SERVICE CENTRE R.R. No,?2 Trafalgar Rd. Georgetownn 877-5365 lretaod and sn oc oortd loday -' bhhite "reahsticaty n01 expectng oo toioeibof minstry in celand 10mabe mucb dillecence sn tbe preseot otimote Ibere," Campbell dines behieve 1h01 tbeir trip "coatd rascomaoy Cbt-ntioos, in Canada especiotly, 10 pcay toc the bcating of Icetond's oundo. asd bolt coutd contrihute significanfty la a faroing of the tîde in bant troabird, heautiflaond. Il's ta he Imped! tbat the Canadian "Prince ofPeacc Corps" vifl hi succeonfl in snemaueas they tabe "Operation Reconciliatios" 10 tretasd ibis nommer. Dr' James A. Isaac mential Surgeon) Wîshes toi annaunce the comecement otis pin- ctice for Famiip Dentishiy Dorset Park Heatth Centre 34 Wilson Oc, Mitin,.Oninrin Appoineonts: Phone thn and 5.30 p... 878-7274 078 7275 MON. SAT. 3 9000 REASONS for installing promist concrets stops E1lnniurhnleb»I l Eper,'iionstalied wthut piles ni ceaient and sand o 3crn o frost problenis lion Railings ta Match DECORATIVE-SAFE PERMANENT FREE oeSTMaTE EXTRA STRIN P78-on 5 T Ma ON-SLIP PATIO $LAIS 81-83 HYDRA-PRESI Gîves the professinnal .j Adds extra value t0 pour Precision-madeaunder pressure adennder ter'ifin hyd'alic pressar-OYDRA PROS7 resist onst danege. Vourchoice 011, hdOiO.nea,ai. the noni-theyprnh0n Clip. CATHEA GONCRETE RESTORATION4S LTD. 250 MARTIN ST .MILTON. ONTARIO, CANADA Ask us about the exclusive Amnericon Motors Buyer Protection Pion Vba&kdmem betterbecuse 'w build them better MIITIID@ OF CLEMENTS MOOS MILTON BONTE ST. Jee ust Nspital MILTON 878-2328 Alto homfie ai 74 Jeep Ch"»he /\/J~this Summer With a deal on an Gremlin Polair Beair. n stock lor mmediatc delivery. Thi sai covditoe dto slmtd Corne on and order yours today. bPIMC AR CONDITIONED E~Ç~ER~S$3113.