Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Jun 1974, p. 32

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li Tho Canadian Champion, Miltai, Ont. Wed. Jane 19, 1974 Lower grades favor new system, but Senior students don't like semnesters With thi eho year ahnot over, our roving rrer o.ot o.om timoat Milton Diotrict H Il Sehool collecting opinions and ides about the iemeater ayotem which was introduced St MDHS in September. During the firot yonr monst of the buga wcre ironed out bt thora are ai a few left, accsrding to reports recaived. Oy itoîn i 1i1 Aller spcndiog lime rmooarrttng and gatteeing opinions, 1 oted tha te largo majertty more simted ci te change alimigt te grade 13 itadrela oremed olînest mtelly agaiml te sommIter îyolam. Grade 12 cladentee Sorte meut pari ided wi tte13, saycgSthal te syîtemr mas iivoed tee the cateoef change. wte sludeets. frm tthe tomer grades seemedifavorof the change. Chacli Meamos, grade t: ..Il, goal. I lite il. The pertedi seecm sort but ymi haie 10 gel uoed o U1i ahanaa Marcteîirt. grade t "ICi goal. tomne nuhjeclu scet ai Home Economies are goal torase ymi rai dc tetter tingo aal tore sa more lime le do more tings. Itwuld b tecîfusingmiSt o aSl tond bt loir oehjrela are 0K.- .Oorlttg Orîac Farrellgradet10: "Il fampion tas 10s disads'acta eopecialiy for grade oldnte. Long periodi teriig tu. t 0 simplifies ttc mot m doesol cul il domo." Mictele Duterly, grado "lIfseasier sn riais tit are more Iseojecla in a oth Simo l'd raliermworktero octoil Simo Ihan ipeod aI tome on projecla." Wendy KNoplan, grade "I tte tl. There 10 tmi, o tomcmort and a lot projecla." Carot Jsynes, grade 13: cetaiîly doesiot help gr 13 iladeils. There are o protlems Uiao advante Tho syslemi oa joil chan for the sate et ctacg seeîoeoty thint desguîhong." Youth Page CAST 0F AUNT TILLIE are memberi et it Peepiens Society at Knox church ta Mîlton. From Leed, Jim Claridgc, Richard Arnold, Date Chari Duncan and Jantice Schuyber. Aunt Tillie' cornes to Milton to raise money Tc raio mecey tc aopt a rtild thresgh Christan Chddee'sFcd of Canad,te ycogpeuple fnox Frrstertai Cturct prescited aStrreacietcomdy Friday and Sotsrday rctllced Auît Tîltie Goem te Tomc. Coder the dirercon ci Jîm trctofeld, thc play lties place in ant Tîllie's country hcme uit Caty McLcal playiig te ies diig role. UcliSe Acît Tillie mhe tales ait mec tiee matE, Lurieda Taltot played hy Marityo Martic, es anxsit te marrted. Vrcmterethe play progresseslotincludc Acl Tille's mcc played hy Erîn Sclitooti, a ymicg icîcîlît hy Jacice Scisylce and addîneonal caîl Dethie Leggc. Dore Charlton, Jîm Claeridge, lact Duncan, Richard Arnold, Donna Jockson ocd Aina Witlalo. Wnrhing tard hhid te scies tc peride ac mresv set, make-upand costumesiand aUtone aer jobs neesary la mnate sert a producton aisucess more: DMana Dehcer, Coaty Jeffceso, Don Nenlît, Marilyn tanderviiet, Margarel Postuma, Sharon McPtail, Tom Hamkins, Sheila Willaln Jonc Wisn, Jchn tealerviel. Orad Omith, Lethoe Machei, liltyc McPhaît aid Les Sargeot. IThe aound ai a clanly hit golf baIl. You wilI click, boci, in glasoas f rom the lIeuse of Speaces. Wa citer a wilda choica eftIhe laleal atylas wilh clar or tlnied lanses. If you naad bucocale, we will set them up mo yeu can clarly mais the bail on tha tee. O n 218 MAIN 8T. S. MILTON 978-5822 flM EUON FAM --- goi, te nIere rein of "Il Mîary Fay, grade 10: "I Sitk l'o good. The Simo goes toiler. The mort o aI aI Uicth end oftheiemeserhbutltcrc are nol maoy peejedla." N o otootmc Paula RutseSl, grade 9: "tory good. The pertodo arenIt loit long. Yoe icaru more. There sn't loi muct mort."- ESlen Gmidiog, grade il: "Ils pretty goal heeauic Une iladet rai coiceitrate on soe iehjecl aI a lime." Ste atso Uioigt the tîgth if periods mac "great". Jim Caouidy, grade 13: "lii' ON. Ttc teactero taodod ouI mure aiiign- mecla." Ttc leactees ai d sladente more overmorted, arcording la, Jim. Teresa Kaie, grades9: "I conda tito il. I tit ifi btter, mo're learotig a lot. The parlco are net reatly toit long." Cathy Jefferson, grade Il: "I tint Vos gond tecauoo tore are enîy loir sutjocla a day." Ste didnl tin the periods more loit loog or the mort tond mac tue, heavy. Ade il"ikes system 1 The oemeslee oyîtom aI Milton District Hîgh trhmil hai pecici iteelf inthe nyci et theadminliraion. R.C. HunIer priacipal aIMDHS, doetog aa addee toi the otudont hedy bolt ment poetno il hat a staff remmittee had evaluated te system aid reremmoodod ditt il te coolioued. The commitlao iehmillea c ttpint briet cf reommenda- lieus fer 15974-75. They laclode, Une icmesleeed ergaidioi te ronhinued,Utatltc aineortchdulofporimlîhesd tal quiet places te slady ho previdod, and Uhal staff te prided ath moreeclerical holp. Choit resomrces Il mi talit reommondod Ual te toichers mate grealer isn of te Forum in suppoet of Uieirrcurriculum, thal a snris slady 0f allaidanceo cedures ho madi e tuerle improei omenland tatailady ofStheavaiailityeirof resoiesad iladeot uoe of the thbracy ho undorlaton. Thereommîtten recemmendcd Ihat tero te more artivities for iladecte ci free lime aid tat individual teceen plai more arlivîlies wtiui the bos. A major recommondation mai that tedates of majer teste and proîrrl deadtoriosb h o r dicatcd le pronde ai ve diSstribtion cf mort. SSafety clinic here for motorcyclists Roie tocard, rode 9: "f dont hkte it. Wili four subh- jeta on ooe semeotor yoi torgel tîngs ty the omit year. The period length oa alright..hal I'd rallier have the samne sohiecto lhrosghcot the year." Ment peupile Joha Kejmao, grade 12: "Theosemesteroyol iohei tet liiogta hapeed le MDS no s gel out of ichool inaoshort tim ad yo meel mare people." Doog Vaaghan, grade Io: "lt'c good. 1l yostaul yoa're ooly hall a oomeolor tehiod. " Kalhy Elliol, grade 9: " 1or OI.C Uveoever tried anythiné oioe. Ttcheed = are not teet iong. The hove wori lsad oa ic heoiddie." Joha VanOoglrop, grade 13: .I dio't lieit. Yo cao loe Uie chanre for a lot of joho tecaseof aihUi extra Imo orekto IhUi end." Thae orehomowre added ont hcaone cf Uic semeoter heak aI Uic end ofJanary. Kim Stoti, grade 10: " roally lite il. Ttc period iregî i fine. I Cao lahe extra oahjerlo. " Wort in moiddle Laureo Morrom, grade 9: "Ils 0K for oohjeclo lite Art and Home Ecooieo. The science and maths are tioda hariog. The periodo are loit lotng toc arademie sohjecto. The mosl mort l ieur thc middle of the sommIter." Suc Soriaod. grade 13: "Itfine, Iliho il. I don't tihe Uic looger ichool year. Is briber berasse thero are n Deie McCaoo, grade il, "I thke tl btter 05v Uiao aI Uic tirot et the yeuar Ifs rosi good. I tio il btIer diau the oid iysicm." Woody Dtmort, grade 10: "tsOK. Theopertodi areolt ioo losg. Doolt lite getmig mil t Proibyteria Yun Anycce iterrstrd in coirc wiii zero in oitn- oife srhonl ter thon hont anYUg mnlerryrlîng-the rîght tcctling. halovruof. ctnp cfg year"- loy thus ste mient ef t they ara Cathy MC- iray- iv ited ic ottend a and ctorhing tcc'ivhrrrrc loierrin the ictoit ymirî) ton, Dchhîe Leggo, lan Iern-te ridr sofrtyrlinth iis Sotcrdoy ai Miltcn Ploooz ' (Photo by J. ]Boston) oia temeho deroiret I Roccr's Edgr. Mill St.i cro' operolten c'iih ttc monufacturer ivsponsing C. Currie p.m, i Gainge trs lt Cin the Vioo. tir open tc rîdors ni ail ages bt ihccr heads SC coder 10 shectd t e- Chailco Cc rue s rlrcied ccmpoîîcd hy a rrcpccvihic picecudrot of the Milton aduli. istict Hîgt Sctoil ciodoni Mcicrcyrlrî. teimeir aid coancîl. Chorles defroird instruction ciii te prnc'îdcd incombent cicr procîdeci troc. Bouides soirty. ttc C'arolineftcstoand ircasare î:îcîh Tmîtetril cor or -- cla:mrd surr-prrcidrii and Lcsboargent moi ocrlaimrd Nco iirrgcrir driraird tondra tionishcitcm un thre .~ r't TONY TIELEMANS cf 340 Main St., Milton woen 1cr rrrcory$25 in a cVoss-Canada fiee prevontion poster con- brord ai an Oic mhly ci the city Csmmittee. Tony, 16, a grade 10 stodent et icudrni uiv lait Mccdoy ocd Mtlon District High Scheei, won iixth peine in the coin cf o plcc e r Tcrsdoy. sen5~ior division of ftho cempotitian. Ho aubmitted the etriea. The cheque was forwardcd te Multin Mulcr mnîr olef To1m mint t-c0 ta i din-e, Fiee Chiot A. E. Clement, who oeesented it ta Tony bar choncrd ils ofic h o ts Leot mue -aapnh n nThurda. (Photo by R. Downsi cOta ni0 m eto .'p.m. tonthe sm e cilths "Yat doolt learo ao mach. The claoseo drag." Nancy Nov,.grade 12:. "Ito good taooym hav cogh Sie la coiceotrate on ymir sahiecta. The longer periodo meurt more mort oa teog dooe. 1lUiio thecmorhioa upread throoghool the onoiester." Jous elght Jeanie Hlactloct, grade 10: "I lite il a lot btIer liau laot yoar. The periodi are juil abomilright. The mort laid a ipread ihrooghal te yoir. ' M. D. tale, molec loacher: "lite te longer periodo, tut 1 doolt lite the icomlser troa. The lachatf contioiity, loir mot break in oladies.' Bill Fay, grade 12: "It ottiha, l'o terrihl. Wo're mil loirniog in the loit tren menti. Thn mort loid 0 the saime. The looger periodo are O in the scienesi but ot in artseiohjeco. (Mat, Englinhi Thorcisamoreooiemort thio yca r. " Mr. J. Horoor, geograph licher: "I teot io ge. Excellent for the oladeola in thal they con gel lhroigh faolar. I tnt l'o somelhiog itat milI improve mitt fttie îemesloro." Trr Kano, grade 12: "I doot lite il. The classos are tc long amI tering. So are the sparos. Ttc ohorter clasoeo more more in teesiog." Gel more done Mardyo Hood, grade 10: "The portodîare toit long. In îcme of Uic classes Uie mort 10 uproad troaghool the sommIter bti n ithero l'o teavy in toe middle. We're nmitlearofiogai mort In gym t's good. Thoreiiamoelime su mc gel more done.- Mr. C. Heath, Forum o oedîiar: "I tit iVo good. The trre Smon is cotrotlld. Thiso iutîation 10 mosl valuahble. There 10 talit lime la participale in reralîi, la gain outra bell, and tu vieit Uic Forum." Ineviem oftese cemmes il seems the Grade 12 and 13 sladeils are tindiig il more ditr tuadjuutltteîem îyulemt thati te studeolo in haver grades. This mmild then orem highly ttcly siece Uic -Mihconianncshesid mnate cure they hove a vole cu the tutyo8federololeniic tyur cntaoct the reicrîîng oniîer bricrr Vridoy. Jece 21. iladeote in teghar grades Ent morte lime adepnto 4te in miite peidoeith morio poriodo a der y. Oldeola n0 the lomer grades may mil haie cooipletely adepted ta the ohorter pertode belote lhey etiperiettced U oge more compreteoiee, perid Au for the teachees Uioy joot followod the ad- miniitratio. SAFETY BIKE RODEO at Ontario Sehool for the Deaf oras canducted lait week by OPP Constable Jim Redpotb. Haro ho halpa Shelly Nooeworthy get started on thc preocribod routa whilo toachor Nancy Ledger keeps noteo and Bobby Neil waits hin turn. (Photo by J. Beoton) TED WINDMOLLER PLUMBIPJG ALTERATIONS TED'S PLUMBINO R.R. 1 CAMPBELLVILLE Cail 854-2413 * rnasocahlcratns *tculy lcenned OUR 5FR VICE IS A SU-.CI AI TV DOMINION HAIRDWAREJ 227 Main St. E. Mit. 7 (ÇŽ%2-Plunge into POOL CHEMICALS AND EQUIPMENT Make Milton Dominion Hardware Your Pool Headquarters * PUMO ROPAIOS * MOTOR SALES SERVICE * EXOTIC LIGHTINO * STREET SIONS * MINI SIGNAIS NADALIN ELECTRIC Sunny Msnafactaning & Uighting 1Hd 818-4111 TORlONTO 826-1223 3153 STEELES'AVE.. W. MILTON %=ýýîrteMp FREE! 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