à SHIRLEY SAYERS and Leslie Wilson were married je Knox church, Ac- ton, May il, und are pictured with flower girls Marie Jocque and Honnie Watson. (PhotobyR. J. Jencingu> Wedding Wilson-Sa yers In adubleeing ceemcny in Knox Preslcytecian chucb. Acton, Baiurdoy. SIay Il. Shirley Fayc Sayers and Ronr aid Leslie Wilson oece mue- ried The bride. euth Bell Canada sl the daugbcee ci Mr.v and Mrs. James Sayers. R. R. 4, Actun and tbe greonm. cccih Rciceil Intrnational aI Milton, is the son of Mr, cnd Mrs Renadilson, RRW 2, Rocood. BRe' A. B, McKencîc ci- ticiaied aI the double ricg cecemony. Ted Hansen piayed the urger ced ac- companicdsooisticaicne and Debitie Snusfirid o sang Thne Weddîng Song and Wc'e Oniy Junt Orgun. Hec attendants o cie ccc d et bocer Lyndu Scers bridesmaîds Lurna Sayers. Kathile De Boer anA Rocemary Wilsn and the flower gicle Marie Jecqun- and Boncie Watson. Sent man uan Bob Wiclson and the oobers Erie Wison, lte Inin brntbrr cf tbe groom. Aies Sayelen and Ccaig Sayers. Tite ccedding cake cas made bylbhe tccmcbees and deccoraîrd by NMs Gccirgc Young. Masier ofcirmne Eaci Sayern read aielegram tcom lte groom's aut ancl onl n Englacia. Geesie .citended feen Nh.ssissuac Milton, Guelpb, Oshbawa. Clifferd. Niagaia iFaIls. Kitchenr, Camp- heIile. liOfrangecilie. Gecorgetown,. Erin Reoccd andl Acien. A surprise persona] sbccer andl liei nuibei Mrs. J. L.%Inch.April 20, A niccellaneccssbccee %ýshelîlb hybe bides auni NIes Gordon Jcbintcn April Nf agac a sueprise. A ciiscelîcne eus shecer cas bilA by Mcc. Norman lDouglas April 22. Aprîl 24ea surprise preseviatien Oas meade by ce-orbers cf Oell Canada ai the berne of Cbris Waiher. A miscelianecus chucer ,sgicen by Lseda Sayers lue lelicci roun icaies un Kitcbener ai lte bhoce of ber ciel Mies Giadys Sanders Apeci 27 A preseolalîce cas made lis relativces ofibe bride ait the hcieuofber aunilies. Ernest P'earsonî fnleangecîlie. A terosseau feu cas beid Sucday May 5, hy ber mucher mbheu tbe bride's aurts assedy pouringiteaand seco ceg lunch, Leadership for C.W.L. Heiy Rosry Catitolin Wo- mee's L1= uo hedte st geeal meieg of lte. pear Teesday, June Il. The guest speaker, Mrs. Clore G'Neit , Diecesan lirsl vice-presideet, speke on leadership. Tite League wiii ie icaguaIcg a cours e on ledcctp in tite tati besded ity Joint Sisoonetle. Most wo- meneitowed an intecesl inthe Yolande MrCann, preni - dent. and Eselyn Soseowsiî aittendnd lte CWL conention e Cambridge. They gare b igiits ot lteir trip 10 lthe meeting. Tite Boiy Bouamy Folkt Choir eneetaioed and cas enltusiasicaly received by thec audicur The Chitemas Saeaar wasnset toc Satumday, Nov. 23.Tea was sereedsat lte close ci lte meeting. MR. AND MRS. STEVEN ARCHIE SMITH are ushown following their marriage uit Campbellville. Steven is thc son of Mr. and Mra. Archie Smith of R.R.2 Campbellville. Norma is thse daughter of Mr. and Mro. Dirk Hoomhouwer of 24 Main St. Camp bellville. (Photo by Rand Studios) Wl1 shares India trip The June meeting ofCamp- beliville Wcmen*s Insticiie mas iteid ai tbebhome of Mecý S. Ccam p andcopencclciih a poem id Age Mc. ced Mcs. A. famp base jstcreucncd frcmn tour menib Commowealth REpedition te lndcc ccc h lt Col. Gregalry eAu bas cmcle 30ltrips tclndiacandlcs mcs in tarer of peacelime expecli Mrs Ccampitoid ci lesing Montreale vcisi London. Si- gium, Ausicia. Geecccny Yugcciacia, Gcccce, Tcekey.ý Iraq, Iran. Pakistan, ancl le- dia. Olides. conîeeniaen cary witb slides cccl macs sousennssegavser ee anîidecti nacs. lîle style. gcngeapby, elimale inA J.R. Currie OPTOMETRISI BU RLIN GTON MALL Telepitene 032-778 eA 0A IN Tbe hsice cas hlp - ring acquaicce in e.i eucccanidingsd iline y00 teed a "Hume Sceet Home," ugain. Site miii bricg gift and vital information front your eigbnriood husi- nessand ciricileaders. ipressins o illchecour- tides, Shcî-mpbasied cli as ontc cieueyr trip bel a gmcl- îîiic nc lecenîng epcîence loe thi 2B0 peuple en 10 buses icone carîos parts of tbe ce rdl Nirs R, Flîci eepcccecl un istict Annuel ai Bîlicresi cbucsb Peesdeni Mc. 0. Vansishle eepcrec ce enjuf- cbic cllih c nnicersacy cf Nîcunlair Union ced aisa chcnited the Cancer Society cîlecleers chu beipcd pcf lte ciipigc user tbe objective. Pln cue e ialiced foe Niîllun Fuir Dîspiay SPt\ JnIe 6 SIi'N %cieceees luc iclyf6 heiceen 9a.m anducuec i lte iasunis Hfall ce Camp- helîsclie are Mes NI Colline accl NIes J. Aheeliban. Mes. A Cecmpc.cu namedcon- cececccibtelfinance cmin lccte fo bte Internaional Piuugbcng Mach hanquet Sept 27 ai Mcbacbk Rcceccy. Nemescýeee asked ie hahe lue Ralion Stance Gar- deu Pcrty Jue 22. Pecgecm cmmitiee named was Mcc. G. Black accl Ire. B. Ellîit Mcs. V. Ccciram. Me. J. Wheclcbcn aed Mies K Me- Pbeclran are f0 be cespeneibir foc Briefing. Books Mes. L Andrews eqcesied hbooks tee tbe Uivseity Wc- mes*s Cilub bock sale tu be beld ai Milicn Fair ce Sep- lcmhee. Mec. fi Va'cikie itas been in cbarge cf the ueisccme bas- ketiadcewieomccs wecome preccscoccecsnccplicn. A ccc cmcilee was named of Mes M. Maben, Mc. H. Den- ccc. Nes. G. Black aed Mrs. J. Wbccliîbar Thcce oiit bce meetings ce Juiy ce cauguci Mcc' 0 Vausîckie ced Mec. J Abecliban csîeled Mcc S, Ceamp ai tce luecit bouc. Thieves in distress? Milice detuciteet cf tbe Reduen Begice Police is etili invesligtln thte titett ot il bits of dîsicene signais fron iicsd Chemicai. Nîpcssieg Rd .clai Wedneday. T'he bile are calurd ai about - Lcal clubs sare slarlicg te close up toc lte summer molths Wedding Thom bs-Thorn borrow Lorna (Lori) Elizabeth Thorniterrow and Edward Andrew Thombs were mar- ried in a double ring ceremony ay 18 at 3.301 p.m. Rev. A. Cetofficiated ai St. Paut's Anglican Cborch in Mount Hope. Mrs. Fercin wan ergs nint. Lri in the daughter of Mr. and Mms. George Thorn- bermew of lot Martin Si., girl nan Pauta fteornberrnw, ninter nf lte bride ftem Milton. Marbligan friend et lie gromIrm Steney Creek wa tbe mac. Unker .e Derrick Thornborrow, breteer of the bride trem Milton, and Timmy and Teddy tttembe, brethere et thte groom Irom Stoney Creek. manies. Mr. and Mms. Thomits beneymeened ai Kingston and are nen living ait 170 Norrin Avenue. Mr Outeoften goeete wereMr and Mms. B. Theret --ow ef Waterdenn, Mr. and ..-A. Pattitan et Hamilton and the grems greal g test-sent Dbble et Peart St. Milton. Miecelaneeussbenere Milton. Edward ie tbe son nf Thse bride' ge8 an m" ade nere giVen by Ber Saree fe Herbert Edwin Tbemhs et 37 by Fernanda A dame ef eyetet and Saraht Piatlisn Doreen Linceln Rd. Stoney Creek and satin. 'tbe weddieg cake BiBl Sbirtey Pearson sed and i n ml1 da a-ca aeb h rd' Helen Tbernberron; Dorts pter wit Jon E. mit otter sed wen Ihee tier, Bett, Aima Adasn d tei an Son. tbe decoratiens donc hy Joye Murray, and Marie Dichso Marie Dickeen, a trieed et Donavan. A etag psrty ter the grooe te bride trem Moent Hope, Triplta Kingstn wan gîven by Mark Catligan cas msîd et bonnor. Feitecing tbe ceremeny Bridesmsîdn were Tcrry crans adineer and dance ai 447 Fair, sisler ofthe groom Ironm Wieg for 150ogete. Cltt Bilt, Don't mine Milten Stoey Crecit and Doeea oncle et the bride tremn Communîty Day ceta Titereberren, eider et te Campiteltritle, cas toast- bratiene. A flt dsysto el in bride Irem Milton. Ftoer mstler and master et cer- stere. NINETY-SIXTH ON A SURIES i$ I A Mark of Progress in Milton MR. AND MRS. EDWARD THOMBS are Shown following their wedding in Mount Hope. Lori ta the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Thornborrow of Ml ton and Edward is thle sonl of Herbert Edwi ][omba of Stoney Creek. (Photo by Battlefield Studio) Wedding [ýîhIîâ iI Smith-Boomhouwer Thte marrcoge et Sierce Campitrlsville, Mr. and Mms Arcitie Smith and Norma Rocs Clugsice. Mro. Bobiî Boombeener toit place Joor Hepburn, Mise Marg Regie s l i ai SI. David*s Preshyterian and Mec. Deug Frecmae. A Glen Triangle Fanienerswlll hea cen Mlieon lndostrp locs0ing n Harep Rd. le ýCitrcit in Campbcllsille. Thte olug 1cr lte groom was beld a plant presmitly under constructio. We neleeme uhe cen ledasir and itepe they cacdtetigbl ccrcmony nas by tici Mitcitellin nli fiid Milton s gend locatin. The lecreaslng comber oi Indasties losatinB In cnducted by Bec. Douglas Oerlingion. Milton ls anetorne sign ni progress as the ton Brens. Lowry wilh Miss Sbirley Foiloo'cvg a itoccymoont Cbestersorgaeisl. the eastcoas Mr. and Mrs. MsAciSmtofR.R.2 bellanc Ase W. mpm e and %e 45 Cabl --.l . Fer a progressive Cl s Campitellvilir and el cm- ai cempetàtîeie pioyed hy the City etX conlstat vrte duitreMcadMes cenieicoial Ibis ycar. Speciai Dîrit Soombcccscc of 24 Main c aebigsi Si. Campbielcilr, and iasoucvecir coins ar en od208 Main Street E.. Milton 878»2894. nursery scituol cracher. anda cilbtday party il.. .. .......:: pluncc 1cr Jly 1.... ...... Denei. tite bride's sillet trnm Guelph. Bridesmaîde sere Licda Inglîs et Grange- ville andMar.vAndecek of Campbelliiriii Blet Mitcbell mas beel mari isitb Kec Smith and Bey Evans as uniters. 1010 ai reepien An eccning receptien ai Campbcilviiie Lions Hall can aîiendcd by 10o guesis. TitE bride sce a goid pie ltai fielonged tc ber maternai grandmibcr on aecwn made by bee moiber. The cseddicg cake ccc made by tce groom's mober anditis auni Mes. Rues Clugetun cf Carlislecand cousincMrs. Fred De Vries. Thebr ioniii mateaîi grandcibter and lte bride's paternel grandmntiter boih attendeit the ceedding. Ociel cisc guesis came( ircm foronte, Hamilton Caelicsle, Burlington. Miton Gabsîlle, Smilts Falls Guelph. ced Grangesilie. Sbuisers ocre gisen by lte beilesý ciiege triendo. thte ladies cf tit illuage ci R light now! Our savings mti-Aerest rates alrfe the igWhest we've ever had! Toronto Dominion off ers record high interest rates on both premiumif savings and termf deposits. Whether you're thinking short-term or long- term, there's a TD plan for you. T'here's neyer beeni a better time to invest, 80 ACT NOW! TORONTO DOMINIO)N th akweepeuple make the Uifference 878-2336 -' rÀrr-À.f-,SOLI D STATE At Zenth, the quat ygaie itefore the naine gaoeo 'The new models are on their way.. E4549 Maracaibo Outstanding reductions on ail models... E4548 Anteres RICHARDSGN'S Open Thurs. 8 Fr1. fil9 p.m. 201 MAIN ST., MILTON