B4The Canadien Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., Jun. 19, 1974 Newcomers Club off ers 9ô-, oý light of friendship TiMe Lioki of Frtodship wiit compieied a year of o boe kepibto fo olu otiser and aciities tu lot year sn Mitton as the Mes- ses wmrn f0 Milton corners' Club eiocfnd lis mont once a mosth ai secood executiso Monday Anglican Churcis, tiseit evening oftlast wek Tise aimi o casioaray of i Ligki of Frîrodssip is a rere- tihe f050. sony of ioduction uhon oach onaw esocutilr member tssaiw a differesi loored candis i iv a fens the whbite rondin of the Weicome Wagon otnesu Hostess Son (tibson per- ualaage formed tho corrmooy tottoinig a format dtooerai An ostîmaird $it, tbe Chartes Hotet. tocomon age tu signala bas hx presideni tsobet Hicksos lti ird on thn Canadiai hier rd candir os a symbet OSf~ i ai.1w iracs b bigis rogards for tbe f05- Mari nand Bronto Sis muoiiy. Miton prociof nihi 5' sools ton Region Police ns Vîro-prosîdeot Rosalid gating. ichardsonhlais a boocaodtr symbolitiog failtbandtrustino tbe Town ut Mitton. Socrotary Sbirtey Sobseidor's randie NO PAST mas green to droote grovsi'b A mrer reports: Janet Cindey lti a yettom daugister Sluobcd bînt candio symisotizngmeatb A aid 'Wbeo i mas you pisk caodtr mans lti by bîstory mas m y r membersbip seretary subtert.'Sble sid, *Bi Sbirtey Grie Wbrs voit mccc my age The Nenscomers Cluis bas bapperied' eetings rodur o Tisey Graco r mois gisi on idam- o Paci- eHal- r age, t desat ,mbot 30 year career ends for teacher Kay Lawson Tbe Sprysidr rommimity- isonooed rtitriog teackrKeyy Lamsoo aia rcpiooinithe scsofol on Tisursday, Juno 6. Sbe bas bren on lise staff tberoibhe pastt10yors, and b aiugbit pronlousir ait naou district seboots, on- . rtodiog Srookis'ttond Stone Sorclrios badl metttrn o sporiot poerm aod presnoid bier witb 30 ced roses, one for eccbyear ofbher carer Luggagr Promn parents, tearbees, studeots and otiese in tise rommisoity came o gitt of tuggage. Mes. Lassoo, busisand Jack and daugister Caroltisr in Esqurstng towshiip. Carol is aiso o irarbor. Tise Sprysido scboot staff isrtd a diir aitie Squire Inn sn Brampton to bonor Mes. Lasson, mises ste sas presrntrdmwitisa rtori radio. LIGHTING CANDLES to cant a rajs of light on the town are the new executive of thte Newcomners' Club of Milton. The installation was conducted by Bey Gibson, lefi. President Isobel Hlickson, vice- president Rosalind Richardson, secreiary Shirley Schneider, tresurer Janet bership Shirley Grieve are oeremony. W.I suggaests signis to mark disappearing commun fties Iinrnby Womnen's Instîtute met aitie borne ai Mr H. O'Connoon June 12mîitbnine :mrmers. 550 vsitors and tmo hblidren preseot. Mrs S. Wilson opoored tise meeting. Thso rminutes ni tise tant meeting moere rend b> Mes L. Sampnon. Correspondensce consisterd oSa notie ni tise Manor Lomo Party JoUnc 2., tise (AC Centenniai Pestisal and Atumni Week. Juiy i O 14 iriser teom "Cao Sasve recommending canceifation of tise sponsorsbîp ni tise 17 year-old Cione ris id for bier bratiser t. uig Cosi-Si. 10 year of ogr l was decîde Institute do, ta help finar "Meals on J I Tise Scotchs Stuck Women Instîtute met Tbursday ai' teromon June t3Oto Lfgny Hait. Fourteen membecn andstmn isitors acre present. Theo rocati mas ansred nis -Wbat i serve o îtb a Casserote." Tise secretaryf troonurer. gave b er reports and serai -Tisanis yon" notesmere read. Tise announce mens regarding thebabr sale ai the Manor Juse 22, mon rend. Any member may contiîbute to tis soie. The motter ai tie Virsisday part> in Jufy ai fs Manoir mons discnssed and arrangements complted. A iriser concernîng plaques tu be orocird ai locations misere pont offices base or miii disappeaemwas draltamitb n Thfs matterwas tnrnrdnrr s i.R. Currie0. OPTOMETRISI BU RLIN OTON MALL elphon 62788 Enchaning andronnaoic. professtonaiipereparnis flowers add tise portons tnnnh fo a00 ..eding Cafsl iii fori Orosat bouquets, junraf pincs *ail lue tisatsnpnni*l isay FREE A brids's transI corsage wllh «cht compleite medding oder. by membrn iii do ti Mis. L. Sampon gaie t ise terasurer's report. Mitton Pair tostîtute exibitmwasidisrusd to br ptosdiy Ilom. Tbarsday. Sept. t2. Commîttre f0 ptan ibis inctudes Mes. H. O'Connor, Miss L. Godmard. Mrs J. McCareon, Mes. C Patterson anis Mes. C Wriggtessortiî Tbe Jsiy meetiognnoutisbra four tu perbaps Sara Lee Cakrs. Seaniatro. andsKienseeg Mrmbrrs smit] b notîtîris isefiînteiy os Vias lter. Propose sigos lits Il OiiConnor gave a report oi tise Institute an- ation ce Lheels" totbe educafionai cnener. For lerit Miss Marion Kerr ni University oi Guelphs and tîrtîtian trom Ontario Scisoot for tise deaf %poise regarding 'Meais an Siseefs" îCsrryonn ms interested on bhipotf Tplanis for si der peosand ban- ticoppdpot Tbe WÀt ti e isgsv donation to ibis moeiby cause. Tise report fromtlDistrict Annual was given by MrsS.Murray. Mes. Harrismwasîin charge of tise program filfe "Pus mîtb Casseroles". Mes. Currîr and lts. loison mcc on cbarge ut retresisments. -Tis Prîdoy. Jonc 21 is iiatiy lbe urst day ni &T. MOORE INSU RANCE 854-2271 Barry Sure, i Peopeietne. 818-9501 ~0 inneeel ecedl domnteme 10 ieS.Mlet. niversary heldin Liny Hall, Annuat hetd in Hicrest 'iturcis May 22. Mrs. L. Sampson wilt send innane of simalt places in the rom- onunity whereosigns shoatd go upSugestions norre Whaley's Corners, Omags, Mciordy's Corners, Agertoo. Farttoo, Bloomtield, Auburn uni Drosoquino f note ofappreciation is to br.sent tuHiirest Churcs for ho1dihg District Anouat, aio fi. Crawford, pianitt Mr. Lakigmwhonsangoltosaod two judgrs. 11,11 Colt a on nriog o firueor clippiog opi tabtr Bonis A short outlineooeach menîbero tamîty trrr mon handrd inoto Mms H. 0*nocarator. Shr mas crvnr and thrrr Tweodsmose History Books oüe n disptay. f tir mtnitog c bord nsith tise tn.,îîtutr Grace. Lunchs wat srd by Mms C. Oîîigglrnnornb and Miss L. finulard, hosteso. Clevely and mcem- FaiyPage (Photo by J. Beaton> bu4I)I rm I T i n COLLECTING BOOKS from the barrel at the cor- ner of Main and Martin Sts. are University Wo- imenrs Club members Dolores Goti.enberg and June Andrews. A second barre] in the plaza also holds donationo ta be sold in September uit the Mil- ton Fair. A door-to-door canvaso is being planned by the club. (Photo byJ. Beaton) .FOR EVERY WALK 0F LIFE 111 e Black e Ivory la Navy e Red Reg. Priced S BROKEN U s colours & sîzos Reg. '6.99 - '7..8 Sal 45 Treat your feet with the KISS 0F COMFORT -for a happier walk of life f rom rresent awarais at St. PauI's Cbitdrrn recrts'iog at- tendancerawards atSt. Pl't United Ctturch on Sooday, Juner9mwrr Pîrstyrear amardsmwentto: Misrttr fiadiry, Ponta Krrr, Corotyn Ruinrr. Carotyn Stutlivan anis StacrY Pitiips Second yrar amrds mrot toi Donatld Featherotoor. Pauta Wrtbr. Stevn Hatoer. Kristrn Kerr, Judy Bayntoo ands Geloftrey Pottro. Ttnrd iror amards vr givrn tuo Ttm Potteo, Joolor Sribo t. Karrr Wright. Dianor Comtond, Monîqur tt.îdtry, Jo-Anor MetNrit. Janet Bayotoo and rth Ci oppý Fourth yrar awardnmrent to: Trrsor Rîrbot. Jrannrttr Frrn stra, Davlid Feather- store, Ricisy Arnotd. Craig Ruonatto, Lerno Ersin, Drbbie Comtaod and Drbra Warmington. Fiîttbyear amords srnt to Kareo Strîngrr, Tom tamrence. Verso Comtand. Jan Rîsos a nd Ans Sun- Sistbyear amardsmwent to Atlas lainer, Donatd Wight, tDavnid Harringa and Ors Jetfferson. Srients year stu dents reeing amords încluised OrtfY Ans Sbannn. Gaît Wason, t.yaone Hanster, Catby Acold, Chiscs Arnotd aînd Wanda Ramsmttoiti Eigbtb fer amards ee Shecyt Wrigbt, ,.tftrey Wright anis tesis' Wat5505 Wayne tribot and Donna ftuntrrrereîsrdsîntb yrar amards. Trot b yer amiardnt ot 1 Mary Pay, Nancy Lamrence and Sandra Samnbnttom. Barbara arr reeivrd a iouctern yer aard. THIRTY red roses, une for each year of hier teach- ing career, were presented to Kay Lawnon ut a reception ut Speyaide school on June 6. Red is ber favorite color. A set of luggage was the com- munity's gift. LOW COST DENTURE SERVICE COMPLETE DENTURES $180100 Prnfessnai cars by lcesed denture iberapint onu uable ut: Streetsville Denture CIinic 8 Maiden Lane, Ssontuolille. 826-2881 Family property laws affect every one of us. These are the proposais Ontario is considering to improve them. Hans you sor tbougVt about Vom mucs pour tifs is atfetei by tamîfy psopsstp lasn Psosafp nof, Ynt, VafistanytfVîn5poOu v oSs un- toucVeisVpfOhesOlas- thse popestypyouomses bstoss pon were marrnes, fhe propsrfp yonnas acquiresisî o r home, your jointisfk accoart. ous stoisîf, v sur nuoo s rîgOfs Sonnons famîfp tas is to unisarentof, seraf years ago therOntario Gousnmrit aSsedfVhe Ontario Las Reform Commi1ssion CISCS) f0 nonsîdesithe i efsuance oftheeoîsng tomes f0 toisn 00is amis n froommesis ppfopsiafe ch anges. Theommission Von rpostes anis nowthe g ove ' riment is infrstes ifs learoing pouf fraction f0 f0050 îpcnmmroddtons Shu[d dîmoisiip otffoiiy pffpcîiii.cdiinq th farnfy oine dciii ci on hoi i(tl p.id assefsVbsisnunfnped ofn teasis iuo arnage as asocial andssconoic patnership9 Sfîoniis a synuse Vs cntie fIo n interst in the proprfyof themarnîage evnohern eor she has bers actasr or unS uithlu ni How shnufi fhe mite s non-monrfosp cosftribution tsshedeuefopmrnt ofthesoissand's b usiness Vo recogni cris Ifa synfe of oton snrsVîp of psopnrtp mens instsoisced, shoutis a conpis Vase the option 10 drus up theîi own confiant or makesother arrandementsfno godir fhe property ofthsOir marnaoge 9 S00uld ion pînynses changes appfy to rnistîfg maifiagns ns onfp tuofutuse marfiagos? The Commission dis sonsîdor str kindn of cnmmuniy pro poîty nystomn încinisîng tisos in wVîch sVaring montsd fuSe pions from tise urne o marnage. As Ose OLRC proposais nome stand, annots acquireidisnfing themarriage would ho sVasoisonfymwhenfVhe marsîogeoends, The Commission afon tecommrnds thot isotis 00usrd afnd mite Vanna dutp to support thisor csifisren anis f0 support soîs Otiset, mison tOe othr s nin nord and is unabin tu sorS. Do pou ustree wîti tisn proposais? Wr monit f0 inominOai pou fOinS. To eniabte pou to, feasn more about fhe OLRC proposais, pour ont arin toern ment flou otters asconcise. eanp-to-uOinrstOOd boobiet, osvil os a film on the nuisions tor gsoap di scussions. W ivit you to sonis tor tise boobtot os boscos tise tfm tor pour group. Anis, mois tiSe tu knos wat pou tOinS of tise OLRCOS proposais, assoitl as otiser chsanges ponis tiSe toi ner in tamîip psoprtp tam. Asies' ailth fortos ose isosignrd ou serve pou. Minis of utheV Attoney Genross Tiono O-fai n M7A f15 The Mînîst f tihfe Attonoey Geraf Roisert Welch, Hînînfof Government of Ontario WillamDavis. Premier M u ýfflII l