FOBERT 22 Ontario Si. S. Mi Iton 878-2365 TORONTO 86 103 for People of Ail spacios 3 bodoo, brick hoe seclo606 o creosconthe Ec,-pmetovfcckiOg Lake Ontario. Featueo 2 500hs, 6doubl0 garage, Iooodry ,cc,01 panelîed 800,119 rom it foo ta0,800011108 firepI0001 1098e p0ond; coda em 8,00, 0011. To see thîs superb 008000 9)00 us a ce)) $170800. MORE FOR Y000 DOLLAOI A locely 2- s80.09 home I prestig8)e area of Milton8. Ccncenient te c h05001, shopping and transortation; 4 large bedrocms ; 1,/c baths, sheg brcadîccn, cedar soodeck, beauoifllIandocepicg wlth8, celet , lke cown. Single car rage9. Smfor 8csure! 5000. SPRING ALONG OUT 80 sS0 18,1, ooccy IlStcd 2-stcory, 6 8,edrcon brik oIlumno, home, in Milton. Convenle, 80 sco 0S, soppiong, and chuc,oo. Imm0,00late condition, beautifu ly 6000,08.4 and fea8,.oes large eparate f:mI1yror (20 x 15) ,c18h fînoplacol den; 8cnes room; 2 6-pc.' betho sîogle garage. Do yourseI8 a favor and colo. out 80 oeo 18 today. 00)9 $67,500. WANT TO ESCAPE h-c.c the high prIces preceilicg oc., us today? 480 408t liste.a oldo r alum040, 014100, 2.080,09, 3 bcdcoom homn ear Mi Iton Pleoc. Some .cork needed, but 88,10 vau s 8c.d f0 bcd. Soc Ilfo sure0. $35,900. MO. & MOS. HOMEBU VER dcct is th0 is beutiîol 2-soey torbedrccohomeoin Dcost Par-k, Mtes oextra largeo 0,0180 bedroo,., 1l'o botEs; h-eshîy paîolcd and decorat0d fhrooghoutf garage;4)590.0050 ; coohcon cîcyl fIcc,. Troly a 890,119 home andcocoellentfinancIog. It's)ostbo.0 Iistedsohury$63,900 GO Y00 DESIRE QUIET COUNTR y LIVING? W. hace jst lisf.d a vey ttrctive5 cres ,Ith a eeycel,bIe 2 oad 8,008080, moocly good te,., land, 5 acres bush, 2 locîng streeos, wel I-feeced for hor,05o c 0088). TcgeÏher wl8ha mocdern 3,08 sq. 80. hoe w,188 3 baths, 7 bedcccno, separate ap0,t.0008, brcedlcoed flcc,-s, oc.c barn. 80o com pleted, 2 fireplaces and s)5008.6 appcol.oaely 450,minutes,0., Tconoc. Cal) 0l toclay fe appcioc.oent $179,840. FOR MORE DETAILS CALL NEEG A LARGER HOME? Thon 500sure to sochi brick and000 elo0,iooo beokspîli 8eaturing 4 8,06,000,5 800,119 ro005 wth wa0lk-ot 1000504 on a quiet cul-de-sac; ectra 2 PC. single ce, garage. Lots tae e look 806ev. 569,900. COLONIAL-YouIl love the glee8,ing white8 piliers on 88,10 alevated ,en ch bungalow luson utes0 fr051 town0. Throo huge bedr0oms; cer-amic tobessd$0pe,08e, formaie entry foyer, liing ro w.188 f1,cpleceeand dining ,ccnnooinh slldlng glos oo 0,; exta finlshed fieplae In 50000,0081 excellent klcchencabinets;80 4doub10 ataed garaeo ei) s150aed on 01 a0,8018 8,eeo tr"4 and cplOely 800006. Pr1ced r)888 et $85,900 and 0.0.8h 18t. GARY THOMAS, Mgr,:872366 WARREN CRAWFORD 877-7953 TERRY GILBERT 8777- AUDREY NEWELL 878ý5339 1888IiMsagsJOAN JOHNSTON 877-7210 'I JOAN THOMS 877-6342w IIflLtl MURIEL DUR EN 877-6281 8 2 6 BILL CURRIE 878-4944 ACION 864,900 GEORGETOWN 3506,000, 500 080,el'. Large living and dlning ro00, 6,88,0.01k 8000e, dock, 810158,06 ,oc 900,, 138,080.00 mortgage on 8cV pcr cent. $62,900 3 8,cdoorn 0,4. oplît. Oec oo 00, .h bar,, 81,001000, 2 bath,0c0,0 bcadloo0,, wa008,0, dryer. Hon,. In s8,0w- 900, condition. S66,9081/2 AC RE 3 b4,000, bungalow, 4double garage, fireplae, abooo groond pool. Soth of Acon. $79,988 71 AC RES Scncovacant cand w18h 1980 test fronageon the 88,4h Lnc, 00,88, of Acncn. $52,900 -BAR RI1E 3bedor,d0 o~plf, br..dl..,, th.,ghot f-pla-, cîtuated on a IoveIy tre04 lot, Dan Timmons -877-1778 Helen Atkinon - 77-3333 Roy Wright - 77-4467 $78,00 4 be49000, sido-split, cenral air conditioning, folly br0981000,00, super lot, ingound pool 16'.2,10108,06 $681900 3 8,06,000 bongalows, baisement cmp08019 finIshed 0.185 pleo8o,06 0.4110, fioplc, double gaa,0o 00 place bcfhoo0,0, sup0,lor w0,k0,00hlp, triple pavcd $78,000 4 8,06,480 buongalow, on picturescl e 10 acres w18h pond, 800 fi replaeos, sepocO, 18,04,000, 0po980,08 on graeolocl, barn,orraelfor horses $36.5008 TOWNHOUSE L"ed in Acton. 3 bedoons, s114108 8)000 doo, qua l 8y hocboo0. Eceollent 80,0,0. $31,900 -OUELPH $14000 1$ot544n éît 941 p., Sn91 FOBERT H. FOBERT REAL ESTATE LTD. 22 Ontario St. S., Milton (Across from Plaza) I. un a 0 0 - FOBERT 878-2365 ToRON 826 103 1 Milton W.A 1.... 10 107A 09