Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Jun 1974, p. 16

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16 The Canadian Champion, Milton, Ont. Wed. uone 19, 1974 Lawsons oppose ratepayers - favor industrial development Muton's Planning and Dcuelopmnent Commutter is carrestly considerung a ce- 100100 rand officiai plan a mendment tisaI usuld ailous iundustruat usc on about 2.000 acres ni land north o ni OgO uay 401, unutb ni Fise Sude- road and betren Hguay 25 and lise Fouets Lune un Fsquesisg. TOc acea boing consudered aise uncdudtes an ora' uest ni Highusay 25 South ni Hugisuay 40t and bousded Oy lise Sustees Mule Cre on the usest and Sieicu Ave. on t0e south. Mach ni the tond us on ned bu a consortium ni dru elopuseot lems. Tbe iniinnuog iOcth test ni a lt tens Me. and Mrs Bill Lausson. TOc taussonu on a farma an the FouelO Lise is Esquesing TOc iriser us addresscd tn the planning commutter. Ai acrecent meetung ofthe Town oi Milton Planning Commuttie. a Oriel usas peesenled bymembes ofte Scotch OlcSk Ratepoyers. t usas peesent foc ibal peesesiatuon and wshite ut usas a cesponsible Oriel usitis a usd1 drfisod crîteria 10 Or responded to, 1 frît tOrre usece imoplicatinsbîhc sbould bo consoented on a) ai least lre oi the bouses illusteaird did nt rceciue the perlait.ssionof the ou secs, ushonn t kou are nt isuninel oi the porurses oi tOc Scotch Blocks Ratepoyers. hi nt ail oussees ni bonnes in t0e Scotch Block are i taor,'nl tise pruscipicu nI ibis ratrpayer fcup. socr is cnnteaey opinion gises ennsideaios in tbricef. vc)if i s umplird tisas tise Plaoning ('ommittre ubould cossider oniy a drueloprient plan ni peopoctunnase sire te the population ni the ons Il us inteesing tn note the places of empinymeni of tOc uscmbesofiugcoup. If us mny opinion thal tOi' ionofn Miltin should sot becomne a larger -bedroon comnt-as oei as as -tostitutnal iono TOc locatuon ni tbis usunicipity coaid unil atteaci employ_ ment personnel irorn nîber ara.bat Only il deveiop- osent possibiluîues exust toc cousmercial or inustrual Contiuad fromt Page t ta0on quartsofn strausberruan a year in "rocky Nasa- agouseya". Tbere aefartmsin Naaawa snecond to nare un tise province. For yone information sue, tboe's sni ose ist land inlilassagauseya os tays mIn- liies.'" Tbanbing tise apeaker, Bob MsCuaig usas qucis 10 assureisim tiat drvelopmrntuwsnnendrdi fo ancos nicawborr piciesmfromtNassagauseya %vllaneed tan boosng"- Ail nominated Six eaye two seats Taising nce ni detauls, att local candidates foc Ose July O irdecat election got tiseir oficial nominons un to theolection crieaely. Monday, Jane 17 01 3 p.m. usas Ose deadtine for ecri nomme te otiicîolty declare tua intention tn run for nffice and prenent Ose required dapsArchie Browsn usa Ose fiicst going 10 the rire- focal officera flt user eaely; PC Teecy O'Connor came sn tise Tisocsday isciore; and Luboral Franks Piutisen became afficiI on Oonday. In Ralton-WentwocOs att tire candidates, PC Bilt Kemping, LibecotEriecCunninghaom,andNDP Watr MuOseus ris prmsented Osemneivs atst Fridop. No tant- minutlecandidaesmrmrged torun an undependenta. Obituary M. M. Robinson Seil bnon educatnr. Sus itcesiu uere n01 1nuesaisl and sportsman. M. ctureiuusports andeducain M .Honbby" obinonof ni d un 0932 Oc sougisi the Eaut Ourlunglon dird Tbucoday. Hlamilon seau foe the Pro- 'luune 6 floiung a Oriel gressiuu cCnvcaluucs un thc ii s[lie usas 86. ledecal electiun. Hc aise Mr Ronsn a Bnrlngtnnsccsed ils secrctory- rei en for uier 50 ycacu. treauuuer of theOnario Fuit Sud a Ourlusglnn bigh schoni asd VuelîOale Grenuers' uuamu'd us hs bonor aller lue Asuocuatiun ustul bis relire ucrul olheBoardnof mentltruuait lna rganizain E dnca tun icous 0940-1963 us 1961- He us a charter includuog tOc tuaclunguos meusier ni the OnrlingoO usoard Semoe and 411cr unal Roties CiaO. gasaiuo usi 1958 ni the Mr Ronsn us sucuuuedi cunu itcu, and Nelson lu; bus aile. the former Tonsship iluruhel Hauskins, a 'laugbler, Fdna, nO usa Allu is veduatuoul Hlino ard ofu iain uicn i',st Mr. lOinos ru steOe and a brmer hufh uuorked lor the Hailtulon Scheel principal. Speuuuuulr usin S 40,1 an egauu A ii lenunrualsevc a huis 'ducaiuoo dues un 19191 in eld a1 Weliungtn Square thi nuigluorn cuf v bulocu United Cburchbflninusdby a moin te ulinton riiolelamils lunecal. Milton man awarded chemnistry fellowship Davud eduseli, a chemistr teanier ait Port Credit Seon- da rylScool, Mssssauaag Oas 0cmn ausarded a Ohl Canda Menit Frtbowip i Cisemintry lac study aI Me Master University un Ramil ton ds sommer. Mc' Peduscîl, misa lises a 140 Locne SenlsDr., Miltonai Oneu of20Fellnus choses iro sigbon shoo sci n tais h n ugh shoui uec iC4u0oaten a fu-ee einsiutel co us mencing ityl i.RenIbaincd lsoutons RSc. in ciemi s'y frirm Ose University ni W id soc in 1968, bis M.Se. Chem- iatcy icam Ose University o Torante in 1970 and 000 BEd. un Cbemmtep, MaOsema uis mot Ethuraion lit Ose Univer- DAVID PEDWELL sity of Torante in 1971. lie joetted Ose staff ai Port Credit sn Ose intecsage nfid da Oeeasndacy Bsantu tise saame botwea teacbeca and aniser- ae. sîly tacotty. PaysaO11comte Eamb Bshel Fela ip pro Tise Bshel FeBaosipo pro' sides payont of taisan tee, grsamu n ils tîfOs pear, s a stijtead if $M0, teaset ai- desioed tebrig science tee- loirance ami accmmodatian chocs up-ta-ae oni capidin- an Ose campus. It alasm uera anadngbneeda in th aay Zenaed materiot toc che2?a tfiN f oint i - =abcaer worhope. Bshel' plicotians or taitg seol uinat enteniditUeer taOe tehing Empliais je ptaced PneMM ta 925,050. I am sure youare aace that an tise population of nue touso uncreases sn usili tise demands forincrasd social services 1lam aisesure that tOc catepayers usill Or con- cerord about tOc cosîs Oi tOrse services als reeOccrd in tbe nuit rate. Neiber agriculture socr vacanut land wiiassume a dispen- poctuonate shace ni lise Fenm the locegonn cuom ments ut usili Oc apoet1 von bhalt 1and mne arc un laune ofi nduuteiai and commercial expansinin Ibis community for tOc ultumate henefil ibol il n ili vonteubute foc ai lise cesudenitS. Voues truly, William A. Lausson, Doris M,annoss A HOUSE UNDER CONSTRUCTION in Campbellville suffered e6-,000 damage Monday when fiee broke out in the basement wiring. Some joists wera burned and the home filled with smoke. Ffrefighters blamed a mal- fianetion ini the electrical wiring. The home us loiae in the Campbell Heights subdivision, (Photo by S. Dilisi lii pertenstion can content tOc condition and hyperteson,. accordiog t0 Earltslietcion and treat- auoid complications in a tise lOntario, tract "ounda- uset ni Oufb blond pressure large majorty ofpeopleusuib tin. PEI Ted Mist Terry Lachapple Ken Lefaive Monty Idoahon Our readers write THE BIBLE GOES TOO Sir: 1 usas sisockrd recentty ta hear a teles'ised neus report stating that the trustees of the Hatton Board ot Education intend toremove certain booksfrom hig Schont tibraries as unfit for teenage readero. The claire wai, tat a signiticont minority nf parents had objected tIncertain ooks being on ttie shetres. 1 question ushether a mniety, significant or other- wise, shonldhbring abnutinach acange. The 'sactrciains that itis aminority. t usas mosed te Write this tetter flot ooty becauor 1 fetl that individoat tantes shnatd sot dirtate standards for thc entire sehoot commonity, bot atse because 1 question ushether sosne nf tise books mnoioned are onfit. Soir parents may fret that ports of The Catcher in the Ryr, for esampte, are tue candid. t doobi ibis in todlay's usortd ushere teenagers attend mosies whiCis malle tis boos positiu'cty virtunus, as tl reatty is. Tise langoage may offend some bot tise higs ideatismn thai transcendo the tangooge i stiti lhrre. The protagnints* sense of famili'. awareness oi iriendoship, desire for thsereal and not lise phony. bis hopo for o tîfe Witb a meaoîng rather tisan an aimtess trivial hopetess existence shine tisroogh. Mont teenagers Witt tell yoa that the reat impact ni the book is wholesome-most teenagers are able te preive the message. 1f wr are to judge books by bits and g ires, cotiser tban the total rifeci ni the k.toaggest tisai a books dealing Witis lecbrry. prostitution. fornication and masturbation sisoald aise rrasonasty bo remosed tramn tise tiirary shrtues. Il yoo ignore thse total message of tise bonis tisai micains tise Hoty Bible garls. Mark Twain once saidtIn thsefirs place flod mode idiots. This was for pracmse. Tises Hr mode Scheelt boards." Thiîs overty mtraîns, seli-rigbteous, pompons action ni tbe Raton irastees certaîny boars iein out. Oincerely, Bonnir Powell, R.R. 2, Milton BIOfK-BANNINC. NEXT1 Drar Oir, t ami otterly dingastrd with HalIon's Board ni Edacation trustees. Ranning scared, laits botuseen tiseir le gs, isecause ni Rev. Camipbell and bis ilb oi tise so-catîrd Rnaissance Committer. NrsI Wr witt be isaving algocdotd "NaaÎ-"booksorning. twuonder if tise Hoiy Bible ison tise rejecird tint- ibere us sonne pretty bol stoit inolbere,iyotmlooior i. 1am deplyuorry for tise trustee wbnsr wiie was sisockrd by oebonis. Maybo il sOc isad read and evalonted aifewusscbbooksasi sholand isad discaursd 10cmi opeoly, shc woldO't bave goor iote sisoci aI the books she read. This s wbat education is att about, lracbing the stadent 10 isandîr "lite", nt sosie Cinderrîta Syndrome wbere lise bandsome prince meets tise pane virgun and tOry marry and live bappity ruer alter. Recentty t tectued ai Acton, Milton and Gerorgetown Rugis Ochonts. Relieur me, tise kids are great. Tbr nly tiig tOat scrrus 10cmn up are stupid nareow ciiod adluIts. breatbing dows the neciss ai students and teacisers. William A. Johnon, R 2, Rocbunood I17:30 aime ta 6 p.m. Thurs. & Fri. fi 9 p.m. HOME DECORATINO CENTRE 25 Ste oies Ave., Milton 818-5400 0 878-3263 FREE DELIVER! & ESTIMATES . ..Whether building a home e adding a room e finishing a rec room e building a garage, yes eoe if tf ls îust putting in a sheit or two .. . Bring in jour plans e ideas e jour list ot materials. We'll take time f0 exchange idus, itemize and total jour cost, with no obligation to you .... This Week's Lumber Specials 2x4 -141/211 Lin, foot 8'tol16' 2 x a8-35c Lin, foot S' f0 16' Lower prices available when purchased in larger quantities for bouses, cottages, barns or garages. PORTLAND ASPENITE CEMENT 1/4 48 X 90 ICE Cash& Carry LB. only 1i 'T W BAG SHEET Roll out a new carpet.. just cut to fit! SHELVING 11/16 11%4 x 52" $1*35 A 11/16 11% x 96", $2e95 EA. M FORMICA HANOI PANELS 1/16 24 x 48 B 0 W IlEA. bus Weldwood Ranch Tone Stains * No mess, cleans up anlth soapy mater. e No ahiectionable "Biais" odour * Drues 90 fouci n one houe Gai,. *Easy to a pply aniih brush or rouler *Lasis and lasts and lests * Anailabie in souids or nemi- Reg. 11.95 transparent CEDA PIk-NIk TABL1 Ready to assemble 71 ~ 7/16 4x 8 BLACK< ASPHALI IMPREGNATED SHEETING BOARD $2299 I I um SIF Fi BREGLASS PANELS WHITE OR YELLOWONLy 26 x 96 4EET 0 RXPANELAND TEA7 mý

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