Elevon Sunshine studonts show strong at Olympics A toalof aIil Bumiie sttalenta, Paul Smith, Gary Seil sluiess jtttrneyed t ElUsiat, Paul ElIluli, Tant tse Meslally Relartieti GI yos Cramer, Markn Bleus, Brune pies in WinnipegB ltle test Armstrotng, Donna Casiot, snel. Tbymre acospas- Gayle Caves, Amasnda Hum- isti bs Buaise Stitol' vine- pseys, and Frastes Leben. lis SL telstol len r aa Thbmngl n Norlt Halles de nelyat Nort Halles pariipans came tseay seiit Aaanises renresiie direc.n- Imalltais, llsey sets a tuas- ler John PatIner. ber of ribbos for Blrssg lis- Blutiesa isaludeti Chtarles lse i eala. Mtimeli Irss lte ARC Istias- Enery province tres msrkmhsp, anti Bumshise Thte Bumine represesta- Damp opening of Farm ers ' Market Insspile offlstatng dri' mentiand soal aspesof al zles anti tisseupsurs. belmeen onis o pes air shopping, 6kM asti 7km pe altieti: bul the attraction for muetl the.neisg.t f Us Ma Far_ m55 suosoaritei by Julia Yt- mn'Marke on Salsrtia sbida of Miltan: "t conte km- Sose rame for lte esierlaîsý caus 1 ltove fresh food." Aboutl a tiznte vendons mere present, nt as osasy as are espenleti laler sn thm Bresstn, but supplyisg basin fruits, segelabies, fisit asd obense, sa litle esiras like baknd gottin asti plants asti tksmens. maros ap ssggy sbsppers. Espect more Market srgasisers Rss Hlarris asti Asdy Frankt kiept a counl of tbe sbsppers and bws fast bosîkis snkd olt. Mo. Harris speculaleti gssd mes- tr osigti kriof as osasy as * Iren or four limes tbena- ber sf sbtppeos woi rame M .E . egree Saisrtiay. Tom amauarsigh, astmalIn in ai nsmbers ibm SM0 Teino aofaurteb rsîo and 200 rnceived gale prizs aecssdary Arbsnk Teankiers' nontedb oa bsnse Federsiion for ises years, and sete tf theeoendsss. Malr Eu Winsers iselutiet Mos. L. reneivedthe bMase ofE Lytss, mb mas; Skie fiost cust catiion Degrenfrsos Skie University of Torontoin ~ oer Poker Mcllmraith, Mrs. Taestiay, June Si, 1974. Dsestby Green, Mos. on Mr. Ramaslarsingb 1mbk Cotes, Mns. Gord Farisse, s b iîi IMos. Elles Msaî,,iiiî and Aosistrakts ftilsoy Mors. Jios Carios or Millot; adnd C arrilos Sol oge andiket M o m Oakviîîn visitrs, andCuricuum.Hefulilld Ms.M. Hillary anti Mos. tkie reqairemesis for tbe Marias Heasey. M.Ed. dogmee ast stosmer by compketiig Ibe fiisak ses Thte market sets sffisialiy courses. opeseti at 9tos. by E. J. In 1972 ho mas thenoeoipîeni McCready, prositieni of Use oS Skie Master ni Cris tingome Cbamberoft Commierce, anti lroo Waterlso Laiberan Mayor Anse MacArtbur. University. For is sersvinn t Several osembers of tbe Halton Searbers ho receivei Nitsn Girls' Pipe Bausd Skie Amard oS MeriS troo kbe playei fo early bird sbtp- Provincial Secssdary Sool pers, asti tlactoses seere Teankinos' Fet ioi seenaieti by ontby musir Presesiky Mo. Ramnaualler George Smans's Super- iarsingb teacins Hisisry ai nmeei stand car, as in fermier Georgeown higki. yeas Welcome 700-800 on weekend 200 camper units coming to Milton Fritiay mîBse neariy 2km0imCa rsi pulliog in15 Miltsn fair grous =ttbgsa meekenti camsp-outlantou ofn lteaBrise. The ospcltid 700 ta kM peuple frosm eSatas ast eartn Canada are osembeos of lte National Campers asti Hiters Asciation. Tbny are bostedt ai ibeir assual npring rame-mlt by The Whila Gais Wastierers, a locai ramper club in GaInvile. Chaîrman for Use camp-mutln A. T. ".Add" Wtsdley of Miltas. Bis mife Rita osamisedth Ue rain-noaketi Milmo fair- goands yestertiay anti iî optisisi itait uves mers amtng 1, 500mse WiBs asti ta stin participantrsm a t~ vaeiltnei oo ie Ctatia-eanb provinBce wBB vttne represaeslsib. Bitdens lo OakvüIfe BBd BarlBBgtoB oere aisea ai ltse oueest u arsn is Studtis mers greteti ai tlte WiBBps ai. rat n- sete.Ma-'Mr'.pî eatured ttfetin ta teïr qBsier Tbe Msunisberg G in theUsnersity of ManitoIba Farm le pisnnine 000 residetttes. esciting meekiesd. Tho M Vice-principal Mitchtell Apprenisiion Weekiend ravstiabt ttleir gret a B- fesare an atdie-v ctumtdtions5 asnd lte gond preseniatits "Coy oS fotod "lWn Itat a grisai lime," Marski. Aise dtrisg tbe sile said. miii km piiided maibs ai Paradeti mages ride aisng Skie m Aludeta were ptraded 10 area ai Mttnisberg. lte sie of lte ment ta nom- Gary Hute, bioSogis e is sseimutig asdti ranit charge of educalson,i a fi ielti evensa. Stdet oenied ibis mas pari oS seere tisa aivrns saine lime 10 Siismoniesi mogralo Trustees... The Canadien Champion, Milton, Ont. Wed. June 19, 1974 15 BU! Cool reception... lise arski day id a anoki t Sien (Connttitss Im PM@u Oea) be disnussîng books, bot mailer tf ceinsorsbkp, bust raikier Skie procnss ai Skie commuon sense. "Catcber in meeting. Skie ciaimodtiho The Ryn" mas nne of Use menlianisosn mas Skiero and hanks mith mbieb be espres- ibere mas a sysSoos mkoroby sud dissaiislarliss. parent or trustne criiiîvsm Trustie BUi Hurdsotimndereti coaSd km handinti mbai educalinnal valse mans Watson ojentid to kiavig inbeorent mitbokioks dealisg ts conne it Skie kioard Sable mih thm Rolling aloses, laSer asti presn restiuionsl Conedanre Clearmaier asti t have kbok' removnd icom books oft ikai natare. Skie isi. He niaimed Skie kiooli Broungil wtukd be oamed asd pub- Trustee BiilVenssaidbhe ised in the press and th,î msntiered Skie same thing mositi cause a seraîshie ta mkies bis mon (14 yeaos tIi ai buy 5ha1 particaiar book. tbai lime) kirsughl ihose s-eoy Board Ckirmao Bi bkis hosme. Venus espîtineti Priînsior expkaioot al] books tuast ai tirai moini bis son titi nt os ibe prts-iociaSiî sot oeatiitg ai ail. Nnm Use aaikiorîaod iai hai t ho pas' boy bas oendt inu'siey. serd kiy tkie board i eou o Vennssnniai bu mas s'ery loran. pinaseti miib Use osaleoisi bis Preooier askod mby tbe son smas reading ssm. "l'os boardiuoadonot seos the istin nt sure kiom, bat bis Seankier tker years. "Thal's kiecoovi kionsgbl hum along.' i nover poesosiod Skie Sîstino Trustee Dmb Gmodis nalled ti ier yoaos, Boinki admrait on Use board tb "kieep iraski led. outiandkirig te godbooks Dick Goodin. Do. Homo in'" Hoardock. Tom 'Watsoni Challengeti ky Trustee Er- ast illSS Huod more amone nie Berlisar ts define irasb tkiose trustees cspoessisg dis- and gstd books, Gmodin sios- satisfaction iîh the Sios as p!y sai t i s an easy p eseted. Sevraldeciard dislisnlisn. "00e ail bnos." iheir onSn ta vote' agaînt Ski' "This is akirreninas docu- Sîsi. mient. Ifthiis is nt potused kiy Skie boardi, pray telile mile iil bappes?' trustee Tnny Goodi-H .n lt year askiedH i h s . Boinki esiplainedtheib rnssîi Icaoina donmPage On.) esalti bo a sterile Eogiisb oeqafoedmwasdisoovScd. course. 'os nnt sure sebai Tkm plan as Si nom, stands met tis for an Esgiish coarse moulti sen about 2,000 acre, oS if thelist isnst passnd." land eossd industriel, SThe Vine okiairmas Jstiy Aies- area inStkvOd mentid îsoIîîdi anderoaaidtrustees shtalisnt Saiiland ortkiof Stîgbmoy boimeen Higkiiay 25 and Silo Ftsriki Lino plusscondS amea beoo Hiîghioay 401 andi nomnfi of Sioeeve Ave. and bouandod by tie 16 mileCcooSi on Ibm mesi and liighmav 2i osn o avi. Noatas dollar', Coancilsor ik l)ay surîîîli fmiS ihorn had hooîî a misconceptiton He oi,'ifilec mdbhacouple oftiays oftdymeamhr, the groundst skimlti be in saifacloey condition. Mm. W"eiey stys Use campera almays mae a pointof lnang teir apgronss cleaner han when they fonthem. Upen arrivai Fritiay nigit there wilibe a donne ai Use fair grosuds asti a steak barberue miUl amail Use caompema on tair reiarn lroo Satardoy toustr of Use Bruce Trail, Kenfuasnd Ratiessaite Point. Bunday orsnng Miltonciies are isviltid ta at- tend Use tultisnr cituncb service ai Use grandolanti fatrisg tbm Newe Day Singera front Carlisle. THE ONLY PARKING SPOT in the rain ane day last week for Liberal candidate Dr. Frank Philbrook seemns to have been oulside Terry O'Connor's Progressive Conservative headquarters. Philbrook's car, dtaly marked with a "Vote Phiibrook' placard mas spotled parked out- side the PC headquarters shortly after thse luron federal candidates spoke at the Milton District Hîgis School. Poob .Dls Urges imnprovements at old Milton jail A Girand Jury refiir il' Il dicatescuaitareasi hePo r ,ini JaiS in Miltîon anc tm opcoNide an aeut i-icreaiion and vecs pcoýgcom for Sine pnioociv. ton id ecait hîoulî ho gien to longer TV hoors in fie e10010g or coiS îihting SU aîile, reading on the c-liv.sh The jury aisei inOfîi-îiiil the' pciiviciiouoiriono Ilit "Thecourt was in andlI meîî-yooiod Skie ocotoil ta Observeî tbe detiîcioo oS the' inieriormalan lollillg A portin J Silo ct[ie(f o amii hallîfi S;,lo iîcuicihe kmte ai110 Silo îobioi, Regîon'ii1 ihaîiioc AiSan SS'îî aii bhll authSorized coeputn iiit the ioiililg iiiOaniîOiof (ustiionotd about actilng appyiîîai Masso.lidiîoi projectiîasibeing pooser! lin doîoiîyoos. n0t ilî tho oooiiiîîic,. fie clio'd the' coOmIîîlo iad n0t lîcîdoîl tho plan î,is dosiioS' - coîîld ilîlil malleiono m hich Iheh isaooî muanlsuo~a ite ee se0vianconliillicloOlotinthe usîng (aN dollarsv t1eric Afici, mumh îl,'cion and ooiticîom Stho îlîîoipîîiîîalo backilîîtheodrallll oardlctir Marie ,hy fici pleî'î ii lîl tr Silo meetsinog THE HALTON BOARD miitaivofds ildimî9liloo Ad ofie nflo .1 u 13 %uaoolcnnniiFIsa ilmr ais f.0 . t i )loto Tune ces o ac i nil servlOiet borfr h u odrO1Uw iemnclse BI1CYCLE ®BONANZA Brand fl- SEKINE - STORE WIDE SAILE ENDS JIJ CHECK LAST WEEK'S CHAMPION FOR HUNDREDS 0F STEMS LISTEI 1S0 BROWNIEI'S SPORTS NE 29--- D -FABULOUS SAVINOS iMILL ST. MILTON 878-4602 - 'oîa î u îtii i aher thar . ' llfi iî,,îi o ue.li lîoe,id Hulumes climnd filet thny knappiovals culikio * Sevnrai cotainiiiûrs tobk a dir vmiew of the poBoam. ICou illeriicok kDay sad Sthe n province wsS sayîng they'd dofiavorsftor bone and sot for okbers. He saggested Stie uninistry .as using soviS means' ani noiedthe 5kmason young pniopln couidn't buoy bottis igbinow is kecaAseofSthe ioigh internstrates ýWo've bon a targei ofthe proincn beforn. ils not a mote o wai ya do for as, bai sebai yoo do ta us," Day Fard. deaboostoad oiormiiy of housîogthatorid becreaei as a rnsult of te goverrment 5miicy. ComiSor Ari MoSansso, a siattoki supporter af Ssm kiom oasîng applaatiod the AS day approi'aS perli buoteoonddimorentaltis'l ta0510000 saiary brenket. He oeti bere msald bo moro Militrias ini ikoa ranthgobn in Be $4,00 io $20,Oo ea " 1 for one bope ibis miii lin a targoS Breat Wr have ton tnany fat eai coiitciiioio berrobsad inrefrence ta sain ooboitspoken agolovi tire poogra se Cmanibtr Rosi Poîî'odîîlk saggosiod ihe province Siod coeaiod aoioo soper- siruture, raiSon foilionr tbe oine Siai airffldy noîiil Mayor Annen MacArthur saîdthe ouicîil skiouid teck il Uhe proposai closeiy and if possibl, find anoroaoherr, tbis poogoom could lb, iiiaiod. ejected from patnents simpy bocooso tbe ispart mta maoiod neo î-ilnido "We masS kiave a place flîr economy hosivig * se oo The mayor doiocood a05 votenor donîsion on the mailler and asbrd 10001 ilors t forgeS aotS tho nii.plcbîing and loy nt oa bc sO cour pletely ngaice. iohos Ne.e 1e, Ta Noce!y o *VIVBMI~~W«kW - msiSpeoiais a> Ortisee by Phoe No.s Hondegqsn larg CUCUMBE RS4. fo No. U.S.A. Betty Croater's Engist SedlssFRUIT 8'~i 9c CUCUMBES àor HE 2R pkt Ghi s oi s terat Stlc E P RS 4faor SLICED WHITE C )r1 bc Tang FLAVOUR CRYSTALS BREAD 3-z- GRAPE o Chritiei LEMONADE 79c CHERRY 0Betty CrBocker's TURNO VERS 3pkg. HAMBURGER PI AylmerHELPER 599c OZ. Tomae Rae Chil Tomate, TO A OtAS a3btie Beet Nsntis o Lasagna Dinners U.S.A.~ ~ ~ ~ -s IdeRir sey Twit paix GRAPEFRUIT 8 BATHIROGM FreshLean-MeatyTISSUE phu. 39c PORK ROCKS 4. Johnson "'119 IPO K LVER 3 Is.H55555 & Gardenf SPray FlushA- Boss Kieene anio Lentilo Minestrone Ï BABY FACIAL SOUS 311lo-7 c1 DIAER TISSUE lrb1 etn.o 4dr 12.496Os 43c ~~-LrsJ5 ,C _________WATERMELGNS ec GREEN ONIONSlag BANANAS oRRADISHES LETTUCE h:: c 300nhî25 -RGASTS L "FROZEN FOOD SPEC No. 1ioerw 5 FRNHFRIES ,.53c CABBAGE 2had Farm Houis Freh -Leant Chesisiate, Cocor,'ot L5,050 CHUCKorBLADEC oBade Cream -,1 a 3 PIES pq 3C STEAK 7 OCEAN PERCH FILLETS Pkg 63c fil.a ____________quarer iPGRK CHGPS BONELESS Crova DINNER HAMS bII 1,e -HR RIS .1 hait boneless Cry.vac KUflSIS bc PICNIC $ al La S.P. 1'S SHOULDERS lia $1.15 COTTAGE BUTT POR k RGASTS b.55c RanaL LakeSntSl freshlean loinSLICED SIDE PGRK CHGPS bn lit .09 ACO I J . tq il