AUICTION SALE FOR HALTON LIBERAL ASSOCIATION AT THE HOME 0F MISS ELIZABETH 00920W ON THE TRAFALGAR RD. 2 MILES NORTH OF OmBELES AME. AND 5 MILES SOUTH 0F OEOROETO'hN. SAM. lUNE 22nd ut 1 P.M. 3WOlosimnsnti 2sacii0< cieaoors; etectrIo somlng machlne; humiditinr; 2 golf cate; Doro boit drIson pressureosyotnm; Colemao stovs; eatt 01< iiger wasttnr; 2 borner iangohfn; 2 rnir hoct plate; oloctril non opnri radios; bathrnomn ocalos; pi. of good 14,, tires; Mwin qe tank, fixe new; 3 cOulds crIbs; Floypen;0 baby cariago; baby scalos; a oarge offerIno of books, tops, imcords and game; tiiepiace ont; wIckor bas. kets0; sitasos; tnigo plate glass miii0i 4UoM6, gond one; punch bomts; a largo qoantity of good dilshos; an excellent as- sorîmoni of casés; 2 conloseots; bi4 cage; 76fi. stop lad. der; 3 boudoir chairs; fiddiehaiik chair; Ont. Lan<0iO Co. ohl tanloin, Cico <13; 24 aid plctoieo aod trames; 1 gai. tîa; bocksaa ; 2 croam soparator bomis; 2-8 gai. tri10cons; waioot and pinns s ond traeig ds., goo oe;alumiium soyOoamozeo prs. oflooWttme sndokokî popoiarosiioO. TOro wiaasobaman"potbarinIiofndi0mrs. Sale management, property 00<08< or faoctioeoOer nof iespae- sibin for accidnts sale day. Termo Cash. Lunch Aiaiiabio. WARD BROWNRIDGE - AUCI. PHONE 416878-6730 8n AUCTION SALE Sat. lune 22nd 12:30 Mr. Norm R. Heatheringtofl LOCATE ON NO<0. 56007<. J UOT EAST 0F 1iNTEfOOECT ION 0F NO. 0£à NO. 6 NWYS. (C LAPP65005S CORN ERS) Of Houoohold Itnms, somne Antiqe, largo soiection et band fionts and gordoo fouis, otc. Antiqueoioight dlock igood workiog ordeil; olco 5 sheif cornei ohaf-not ohoi mnol oldi, wrtngnr washor lgood shape; hall rack; 4ddrawor drosser; Anc4mw aicoim double bed;saOitp and otool; olgOt tables; 044 tableand chairs; oid pictores aod trames; leOwait dlIng rcmsuIfle;ismal200Gensith Tho Wied" type lamp ioiectrttiedi; antique Pak levvni bo; sociotarp dm0k; kitchen toblo and chairs; Lemyt vacuum cloanor; Admirai BEW TV igood condition); occasional chis; 2 omail bookcase; 2 donr hnads; crock; china settiog for 6; caroticaigiassdish; piocesof Bacarla; soiection of china pince; cloar glass cool oh lamp; Sooilen biankelsand othor lian; Emerso combisation radio and record piayei igoed obapel; ci4 mirrors; Stovens .22 pîme rie, antigoe EnglilsO Mo hansmoer doîble barrot shot gurns; isiai kitchen litnsOl coulds motai wagon ineoil; etc. Riding laient mooîoi cith 24" biado; Lawn Boy power omsn ioer sual gardonin Oics; ornait Qoobec eater; baod sas;leis; aid sOip aigors; olectrlo m0fors; grI04er; ex- tonsion cords; listng r04 & equipmioot; scythe; iamn chairs; stop iaddor; 200Il. gardon 0000; monoi moro Items to cOoofl Oonoi or Aichioneer not rospensiblo for anp accidents.. JI..,WMcCARTNEY - AUCTIONEER 689-1778 Waterdawn AUCTION SALE FOR MR. JOHN H HOFMAN SAT. JUNE 22 AT THE RESIDENCE Il A.M. 492 BOOKSlOE DR., OAKPILLE. SOUTHON KERR ST., TO REBECCA, WEST ON REBECCA TO BURTON, RIONT TO BROOKSIOE DRIVE. SALE CONSIOTS 0F 14' BOAT WITH TRAILER AND 35 H. MOlTOR, <970 MOTO-SKI, FUONITURE. AFFLIANCES. AND ANTIQU ES. PURNITURE & ANTIQUES. 0260 table, large glass doored bookicaso, smaii ha i round table, love soat, iibrarp desk, oid pine ccpboard., dresser wi<0< 5 dranuors and <irrar, Victoria 0<108 arrnrch2ir. 2 0<80 chairs, chosterfioid, 2 ornait cilidrons deskls, cotteo tobles, loosi chairs, cornor desk, cariotp of other 04i chairs, omail bar suito, chud's stonl cabinet, tables, ornoll bookooso statco, crocks, jugo, carily ot anti quo chInaicare and cniioctabios. APPLIANCES; 000 20" nioctrlc otoce, Mark t aîtonna10 drper, Coidopol do-humnidifier, Siperoroioectrio stoce, bi. & wO. TP, eloot. wasOing machin oith Ironor, eloot. Capi Roto- Broul, king s<00, gos iawns0owor, oloot. garage door opnnr, large amplifier wltO 2 spe2kers, oiect. Irons, large ales S., cielr, deskla0<ps, hall te ps, 3 smallradios, 2record piaporo, aoit dock, olool. loodoiarsser, 2cvacuumci0< rs HOUSEHOLD ITEMS & MISC.; disOns, pictures, prioto, trames' books, set of Encyciopedia, mîth bookoase, 70 National GeograpOlo 1965713, ash trapo on stand, som sOin kit, glass and Stone t 00, ampngntx2 rg, rugs, mirror asstM o iowelerp, nicknracks, etc.flm,< soroon, 20 wiodow fromes with glass, 4 tires, car rack, fruit jars, cooler, oid ie0<Oiierp. TOOLS: lar.go rot visn, i ornal vise, 1 elect. bonch sam, boscO grinder, i elmOt. grinder on stand, threo <la O.p. elect. motors,ec. snow 0<080r, wok benoOO0<1S6 dr0<rs.ect. drill, oamn, rearnors, tules, asst. of large and odd ironchos, <2 Shic11, 2 rake,3Snow shocois,ulargeasst. o its, botte, crw nouls, etc. NOTE; A LARGE ITEMS SALE. LUNCH APAILABLE. CASH OR AFPROPEO CHOQUE. "ODE" AUCTIONEERING MILTON, ONTARIO. PHONE 878-2945 ALAN ODENBACH - AUCTIONEER PROESSR ad wfe eek SIGLE terrible <oochoO scîtablo s guiet<fief in pr<92<0 tarrn hcuseocr sutbe h m ith prinatO 0a<0 and dmelinso to rent begin5100 00061<70 tacilitios. Cail Colct AigUot n0 Esqiesng T00<0 osr60 -549-6368. shic. Writo W. R. Sposce, <M6 alr6p..1 8.-2 <yt«on Ouc ., Tcronto <2, Ost. _ 1 00lm142342 15E0005M 000<0 oit fil iassmontooetrailarge 67000< RESPONSIOLE <am<ipy ont ta <0 5r5pC20 kitchet and rient ferrm w lit hoîso and dîsniog mrn, lorgn usvina bildinsO tenons and mostin rm0<, <400405 bp ugî05 <ot Pasturo. 0pen <o o<tors. On 0<;oInossman and tarnlls. Phoneocccti6to nmîss. Ropip toR. curpetoiR. R. 416 2781-6202 2, London, Ont. 80m7042 00mt0 357 AUTION iALLS 178 Miltos Hydro 878-2345. 2l OEDO00M apo<tmmft, Mois 5<. Mitton, Parking, $7<3 o mlliolso offices 225 Main S<., Phonet 878-576or 078-3728. 2OEODROOM HCJSE in owof Miiton; pho< aller i p.n< 2 OEo000M hoîso, clono to Milton, 8782<6<. O ROOM FAR M hOîesu'iif8ble toi omoti ci.10< <<nii 8<25. stî. hydro and <ont 0.7. 8 0<0mis052 Downon OFFICE 420 square fooet on second fiair contrai downtown Mil- ton aioa, hoat and tight In cludod on ront. Ph. 878-2326 Pu«py Equlpc ROMA I ýiý AUCUN SALES frshPydeoO200s ne. 5026 000, 5165$5 p On 0<0h noudos hydro ai2 cn dO lonsog nd porking,<O.1 NOBLE Toner spa5<20000n 2bdoo p87nsO g sn Acton. Ims<dinn possession. For tirthe or. saio al 853<1155. SUSAN McNE tCE nno0<o<ig47<6 Nicholas J. Longo Ltd. APAILABLE imneltno ne0< Rn tor Is peased to an- booroono apnr<0on< $120; monrco tOn appointmont ot 2iso 2 004<000< S175. on Sosan MoNo co to Ifs staff as Woodwiard Ace., Milton. Cou alloi 5 cp- 4<6-249 53<0. aioeaiostato roprosentatiso. 85m8.639 Oison has sîccnsstiiiy SUBLET onesO rc 004<000 - op...-d the Roal Estato men. $5352a0< <h ha<, introdictoip Course at hydro ,nsiidod n78o4648 o 0808 500002 Cotioge in Toronto 5079. and <s teoking 60r0<2r4 ta 85mn 020 beliMg of soivico <o yoi. Sosan - ONE 00000CM 252i0<n<. oi On oroking ln tOn Miltn cm<troiis ioco<04, bioadimrn-, and Guelph 2<00. 86-8 noMsy dncoro<n4,<frioE&s<ocn, 0<002 a on<h. 878-4504 aller6 85r,8-614 ANNOUNCEMENT ROCEKWOO Double lot 132 o 132 ' od location, privai d Ulr aModo rn 8m 2 HALL Makopoîur 1974 book ingo tom <or DANCES - WEOOINGS - BANQUETS CONVENTIONS, ETC. *Accomnsodations cp <o 400 *0c60 dance S<00r *Excellent har Saciltils and 610000< *Cionroiiod ligOtisa *Modern docor *Fc<ip oqoîpped cooed sposons *Consplete air recpd<ing i<Or spOtO0 i-or torther information & bo06108 arrangemeonts PLEASE NOTE CARMELINA SEDITA WILL ACCEPT 1000 RESERPATIONS AT 070-2400, 8 A.M. TO 6 F0. 006870-6527000 7403 AFTER 6 F.M. w CUSTOM BUILT RAISED BUNGALOW tatfuiy appeintai 2 bedronm home buill mifO Dlamno04 Clay brick, eoterior trImm<ng ialum<inim. Massér Oas 3placeensit«o pics 3pic.oofftamuuprmotanda maino5pc 'bathiln diesigsod Importai ceramios. 2 «ireplaces, marbie f<ooritig ln hîgo eotronco toper, top quaiity tioocreo. Tous notromnip mouilhuilt homoe teatirno <2 loch ceotres, double garago and dooble corpert, mist bo seon to On ap- preciated. Zoo04 03, tOus aoning Is attractive So the prolessionai porson. Broadloorn04 throiughoîl, moce-in condition. Lomer loei comp<otoiy dlcid04 maiting for paeeiing and Miing. Roiersihie kitchen cîphoard paelo. Let me show poc a qîalitp homo bp calling Joan Galway, 626-234 or 876-262 ecenIngs. Aoking 583,900. REG GALWAY REAL ESTATE B RO KE R 16MAIN STREET STBEETSPILLE,ONT. Barre j . REA ESATE MILTON CALL THE MOVER: Thus tOron bndronm sidesplit <s avallahie <0< meditfni, <t offers manp eotras; 2-4 pic. balOroémO, 3 large bedrooms, liing and dIning romn w ith suIdisg doors <o patio, large kitchon, ttnisOMd roc. om broadlonm, stose and dryer ail inciidod. Loc2t04 on large lot close to doouoto0<n and ochoolo. Fr1004 ta oeil $52,9001.00. PEACEFUL AND RELAXINU: Lmcated on a frai hait-acre lot fOis <Orne bodrom Mome make an <4aa< sfarf04 homo or <402< for a rotir04 couplo. The homne oa tastofî«py dmuoral04 lhroughoît, ninctrIc hat, broadioo0<, a<uinc0 oiding, gorage. Bcp tom and esiop tOn sînmoer is SOis ount<ry settisg. Aokisg $46,900.00 Open tacitor mith good torms ocaîloblo. A PLACE TO LIME AND A PLACE TO GROW: This praperfp ho Ideol tor one vihoa misheo <0 ilco le the apertno and base a gond <0000<0 fro0< office ronto. Ronm for another commercial buling0 marking drancingo aoahiabie. Askiog ontp $94,50W.00. INSU RANCE: 00e carrypacompote lise afiunourance, F IRE, LIPE, AUTO, etc. FOR PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE CALL 878-2888 Bih Ceosai 878-2806 Jack Thorpe 677-7200 Gloria Oowaid 878-356< CANADA TRUST REALTOR Halton and Peel Division 2 OR 3 BEOROOM houon Out- okirts 0f town 0< ln the FSoNI5800 Rndrnon< in quiet country On Jilytp lt. Colt homo. Linon nptind. Frais colinot <.262-4341. soe53 parking. gentilenan protnerred 2or 2 00O00CM h08on tomiip itO <In ohitoron. 870ý LEEL FA0M tond In HomOsy Odmt< WANTEO Coootry homes, tarons, or acreages. Be a tandtord and reot thot vacant house. R ENT EX Wilt titi pour socaocy tast and at rio cost or obtigation. Many screened and qsatified tenants mailing. Ph. 547-1844 t a.m- p.m. RENTEX 7ldoys awe Look for this sign! CALL 854-2655 ORITANNIA RD. AT COUMOUIN Oo2ititiiip iandscopedo4bd0o0< br-ick country 000<0 05alargo o0' toa<urisoilargedoublengarag, hot w250er2<lire places, full roc 000<. romodoiiod ki<chos. Friond to PARK LIKE 5ETTING 0140<' homo in Kilbride os largo lui lot <00<0<100 triple 02r200, 30 or 0<0<0 Oardoiood cedar, artnlsi elpi.i50tra< istfront of hoîso, tul romodoiiod interior stith 3 504<000<5, moi tirtoce, cOimsoy osdl oirisg. Frics 048,900. Torms ac2iiabin. ESAELOT AT CAMPBELLVILLE-22 roliig MARGARETKEARNS acres with 0<007< homos Christie & Woods Roal acaîlablo. Fr1004 <o ssii Entoto Liusit0l is pioasod O C onnoînce tOatséro. MargorOtJm Koarno Oas sîccnsstuiipJi cO<spiot04 tOn Ontario Reat Estato Associton Sales w Coirso, and s 000< qualiii W R as"as Agent <o look aller a0l pour Real Estato noodo - Plos cal. 1- ..o........ a 878-2764. S it CHRISTIEIo 1 & WOODS Real Estate Lîmîlsd, Broker 189 Mois Sirel Milton , it<s easy ta buy TOWN No noMd <or M o cars ln this Oondy location 900< s a home Mdcroo0< homo now indor construction. 54,900. Son 1<alcs todapl Cati Margaret Kan ihalcs 070-20<5 or 878-2764.Kars w t COU NTRY CAMFBELLVILLE ARIEA: The trouble arise Brick bungalow on /2 ocro, 2 as n O as lOnot biedroomon, eotra bedrcom ln <en 0c '«ugO 0<0b basoment, rsc rogmnondo <a oîhpoi conspioting, 2 cor garage. sirmoilablo problo Askisg $53,5W0. soilr r mn PILLAGE STARTER monop basks, 5< HOME: imnding institutions isuaint reooalod 4 bdrom 2 At one tmeor<aoot storop h me, fa0<iiy roo0< the marke o larod 1 ii<OScundeck, dooep lot.! othors areou oofi<u - Aiking $45,000. Coul Margeae cStanlp chanoino Koors 878-2<95 or e78-2764. markeot bhat <hoir d, An ooperioscnd 0R MILTON AREA SOUTH 0F expert in his local n 40< Roal ostato fisanco 20. acro <arni $1,250. per pi0<ps lOroiOh <h acre, fertile solt, ocer0looing osabisg Roollors creek6on propoity. 0312<0- ransoors tloandtfrot type brick homO. Excelleni 110<10 cash, 0<00 otho intcosl<os potentiel. onafect salo or pur si 10,000. Doos Fapmest. <s addition to «ini particcior properlp, eSACRES: tacod 0<1<0 tho sone Sono workoblo and 000<0 terms or othor 2<000 oodet. Agkisg, s*SOo. witO proper<p miro otnr $<0,000. 009p0<<. dors. A protossional CALL marketlis the besnq pouccidoselectlt0 878-2095 878-6057 and fsciiato Vyoir SNi 9jfïe~ib~? Ilf<f I '1611IIIItO Fo att~j4nîitebCOMMI 1istile Irons 401 and Counmtry Living l<edroom brick bîngalos finmmlthroplace. 2b Vet Close t0 Town an petl v100 <rom ocre, niceip landscaped Custom buill brick bungalow,. look todap. 070 4<29 or Broadlom in living r. <000< and mostorTH Q bndrcnm. Den or four t THh .cih irnpioc rîidObar. Mary octras. LîcînOet 02 9.900. Son <Oic and moke as pOlos 0<1<0 Mector Lomo, caui 045-900< or Beautifol Ravine Acreage -App. 38 ocres -Zos04 agrlciltorai -Fertile Olgh land -Stream rctt<Og throigO -1,000 <O. trontage on Tromain ROa4. -Building parmi t aca <tabla. Wi1< toko hock flost mor- Ogage. Coul Nlancy Rîssel, @M-9001 or 027-4553. Borna ALL AT RALS 8m D olgsO> eh s m n yoi donthaveol e0 daps? iey- coomypthat c2s 00< -i<omti0<5 s an n ms < or 00<0 biper a90 isouces ot mortgoge iot co<panies,.Ooroo asd pricate individuals. tor. onneoftth0< oren mortgogo 0<osop mollo <do. TMeir situatiin ir. aiosg 0110 <ho 0<ortgaoe etoir is.0 sfecosoitp, an iortgage o <00 market. is th1e «<oe 01o04 thol o roal est2<0 maorket ti trasact proprp o peroans nuiSO rc<atico<p r0ise oulcd boioable t0 chose. iing the right source <or a Reaitoro oro si0olneims d topropose chansin gomests thatmwl1 makOOa ,-ctico t0 mortgogo lotn Reoitor 0<00 ksows hîs uaiad of04i asp apecialiot oalogc2rd pour lotorosto pcrchaoo. or salen, of a hcooa J. Lono Ltd. Mais Street, Milton Open oa.m. 9 r Yocr CoosiOOO Trafalgar Rood. Oeil kopt 3 s, combinatios kitohos.<amiiy oths, doîble gorage, re om pricann patio. Ail tOus on a 1/ .Cail Jookie Beotos <or pair 039-2039. ULIET LIFE Attractive smo. 6 oo, rs ý un, al0 0009100 0<1<5 a Locannd in thes .m1 vilage rf 5Rocword Asoîsq SM,"S Sos il foas ith5 Ros Croo 9794129cr 919 IDEAL LOCATION Thto 3 bedroom 500<11 <socaO04 in ose of Srontscil<no linoot arnas,01050!oochoo. <doot <or commcti<tg. 920 Oiiponsparat04 rec root roadp <or poîr ides Gico MItoO Lalousos. o cati at 070.4<29 or 870-5<07. SUMMER PROJECT Buil4 poir 00<0 cottage os Ohis 115' On 349 lot, 2 <silos fromt Bancroft. Jcso ashort<Oik fo swim0<108. Aohing 04,500. Cati MitcO Loleonsos 878-4<29 or 878-5867. MEMBERS 0F OAKP<LLE & MISISAUGA MULTIPLE LISTING SERPICE MILTON 8-4129 TORONT078-4317 86me !!READ THIS TWICE!! OLGER TYPE 3 bndrmom bungalowu miSO oompn<0ip romodelied isterior! Specioco kiOches, Oandp 0<04 ri-DoOacOed garage. Nostted on o <roMd pool-0<20 lot. Excoeloent starter or retlremeOl Woc<d pyS boee Orly 347,00077 Sme i0 osd mako an uoert NEAOLY NEW4 4 bndroi0< home, 2 battis, tinisOed rec o ulpy tosc04 lot. A borgais ait <05,000. COUNTRY ooMMd 10 ocres, pond, 3 hedroomn oto. Tmo <o choo Irons 085.000 and 0<10,000. COUNTRY costonn boli booitp mith 2 car garage, teatîros gorgoo kitchos mîth maikoit. stastor bod- roomowithhath. O<s<pahop.5 kip0and0a1lumptromn tomO on 125 OS. lot. Aiking $72.000. For prompt, courleous sersice PLEASE CALL ANNETTE CHUCHMACH Toronto -742-3838 Multon - 878-2051 The Royal Trust vp- T- 1Company S Real Estate Division CHARMING OLDER HOME atsosg ohodp troos mith gardet stretchng Si <ho Mgeof t<ho mlhi pond. Groous living rois fommai 4190<9 rois, moodern 6it her, l'o Satho. 4 bndroimo, sosris0<sando a<sdroo<s. A oeill 02ar04 for hîme <o soit <ho discrimisatiog bcyor. Bp 25. paitOmont 0<17<. COLIN OMILLIE 670-5000 IRRECULAR SHAPEO LOT oihinsmauingAdistanceSofdo<s<ows Bcldiour drea< homo. Aski<g prico rodoiet. 53 ACRE FARM - plt-lecol homo to2tires 3 bedroomo, 2 battis, big kitchon. disîsg aroo. large lîisg roomi, fisbshod tamilp roi0 wltO firoplacnaandO2carqgarage. Torrt-iO hucrdsqare foot Stick building Iheatod). as o<d barr and a mas <sade sprisg pond. Ackisg $<30,000, CALL rush ROYAL qiméER- 878-5000 COLINS MILLIF GEORGE SM<LL<0 6]VEARS' CONTINUOUS SERVICE Momber of theT oto Ookl asdR Brsmpton Real Estal Boardo 100 Acrs60 cdor, balan<ce ,ooded, Good 3.4 bedrocm Mooo,.baskSbar ,<00tfnOd. Goid soli.Wouc<onr cîdor coparatîrg loto cio porcols. Cali for sn ACR FACE 37 Acres. This stold mohr as ideii omai frm Beaucttc< cnt<îsg tir a hîons amcsg tho white birch. DorIt miss it Acksng $65,000-00 Fer Listings -Transfurs -Sales From Coast to Coast Use 0cr Goarantued Sales Plan F00 FRIE5DLY INFORMATION AND REAL ESTATE SERPICE DENZIL LAWRENCE 878-9543 OAKVILLE - 845-4267 hostO Actes Homne of the Week uîrsyloon & ilkout te palir r rocs sa c 8900 00 Cali Patricia Jcrp 053 U420 or <0000250. Urguntly Wantud!! 50<10000<00 sui<obus tir appleo irchrd. cuith or without builiîs u ot $100.000.00. 3 botrmmi home os crutry lot $05.000 00 5100 acres. o<d sOose Ouse cp ti $150,O0.. Colt Patricia Jcpp 650 0420 un 026 2223 ST9EETVILLE, ONTARIO 826-2253 86magitf ANNOUNCEMENT a F OR AIL YOUR REAL ESTATE N r Maurice Beaty -878-6418 - Rus. 451-3341 - Bus. The Canadian Champion, Milton, Ont. Mcd. June 19. 1974 13 EEDS D.GODDARD REALTOR LIMITED Represeneing ý&lý 78.8