Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Jun 1974, p. 12

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0 12 The Cenadlan Chamipion, Miltos, Ont., Wed., Jone TAXI ORIVERS mos ed, gond doivns rec0r and per soaiî FUI or parlie Brokesage avalîlahse. 78 OUCTING ERECTORS, R EFRIG0E RAT ION MECHANICS AND SEMI SKILLED HELF FERSON requc forpt te me Ful fire from Novesîbs co Aprîl 879 5684 or 878 653e FOURTH CLASS STATIONARY ENGINEER For a Resîdesîil School, shilI icork, saiary $4.29 t0 $4.44 as hour pius gesterooS lrings bestiis. appiy hy Inn. Required ici Instaîl and ter to0 seilrcodilosiso, A. H. BRITTON ergeetil s els BUSINESS equlpmeet. Good starlisg ADMINISTRATOR raton mitE encollent trilge besetits. ONTARIO SCHOOL FOR 878.4111THE DEAF 87-4114mga MILlON 42mn REAL ESTAJE CAR EER We have opensîosfor 2 vlhsiasic sals eprslalives milS os iîhoîl Real EsIats oopsrieo710t lservce the Milton Ous procos Sales Frcgram coipisd mIEh yoiîr ambition. 19, 1974- SMALL bulldozer OperatOr. expe ienced 01111. 8784970 or zEz w M ý~~~ TOO 361 0783. 4m14 Buildings Cleaner Ç'U ', Saiary $2.82 to $2.934,n holir, 4ml. pilusccesll rige benefts. HIIOSSEKEEPER CoImpanion, Shîi mork. Must have Isinto hme thr5e. art MeailS. Appiy Sy lese 10: kep Air conditioned, ail A.H. BRITTON coscosîssues Permoanent BUSINESS posto for sîght perSon. C ail ADMINISTRATOR collect 416 239 89 -tî. â54 ONTARIO SCHOOL FOR MOUEinmoamse THE DEAF MAsUR er omyîlor wailS MILTON llghtlvouse muies.Freom 42m8 andhboard,eas15o1aicme __________ aul for epoîssent e77-1642. 42gas36 1445 rdîgntsnîpper REQUIRE. for Pocilry ProCessIsg Plant. Hoors Susday lhrough Thors- day 7 pm.so 530a.1. Top Reagen good bosnelil i programt. appiy Mapie Lodge Farms Ltd. 11h Lise West of Brampton, IWslos Churchill Bicd.i,12 Mils sorlh of SInils Ace.' or Cali Bramlpton 45508340.4ma equicalenl 1 05 Ior ltehav xctv s annsc cz\nsss We are a large compasy adhvaitefalis oi \?Besmsssesef 700, iscuidg a Relocalol Onatet hc xtnls Our manogoyial assistanceclntCmisoad MILTON AREA Cash Borousos i oneo he 1700 in REtON Bd y L TV70pe Fora cnfiental ntevie, cluReil ksoms lirm need ex- ForcoîidslOiilocis.Ciiperiesced individoal toi Cia re Dises Ma nager 826 2253 hanche bonkkmepisg dulies. Nese a 4011 moment milh H. KEIIH LIMITED, REALTOR lots of a iety. (BI70tl STETVLE NAI 2t sesxeinesotaEETSVILLE PLAZA This mlu esfabliihed firm > fypisI mîfh initiative 10 hardiet a carîoly of duties inciodis oh coordisalisog asZd isîsolincs lients' probleme Ivr he phone. (S2745). No appoiolmssl socnssary. Or345 Lkehor RdE. Orexpasion Programme and Oakile, DOlt t Increased sales volome bas Crated a 42m-t nomber ot openisgS le, Our MeatT Departesents. 5 Reereqoire epesiesued MEAT CUTTERS and oer. HORIZONTA Startisg ealary of op Mo $205.00 per mmee dependiog on past eopssisoue and per- ILO for mast ce 40 hoor woskmweenEcelntien Company pald Onoli ia periced operater. - enepetit Dro PIon OfriemaS onosReqcired to mark w Ae 700 tirec4 of your prsesf saiary and from bluopriets to pesition mîlh liiîed future? Theo adoasue doing 0270 set op. mith as aggrensive ortasioaios by applylso ie pereon lei: Good workiog condi STORE MANAGER DOMI NION STORES LIMITEG Above average Ou HOFEGALE MALL 1521 REOECCA STREET company paid benel GA KVILLE. ONTARIO Day shift osly. STORE MANAGER DOMINION STORES LIMITEO PHONE 87 SHOFFERS WORLD 499 MAIN STREET FOR PERSONAI BRAMPTON, ONTARIO 42m9 THE MILTON CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE TOOL & D bas vacancies ie the fol ioming occupatijons. BOOKKEEPER Qualified je aIl pha~ Must do trial balanue. Saiary segosiabin. and die making anî SALESCLERKCapable of working To do isside sales of builing supplies. No bidatmtv soperlonue nuossary $7,500 t0 $9.500 ye4s. Hospîfal, modicai and fi BAR TENDER îompanoypaid. foio drinks for restauîrantf and faoorn. Cosî oflivinîg ailomasn 55ould bacs eopnrielne WAITRESSES / WAITERS, COOKS, DISHWASHERS FLEASE C No eoperleouesreqoirnd. Vasîoos hillS. HOUSEKEEPERS PERSONNEL Live lnor eut. mages vary. STANDARD DAYWORKERS (CANAD Transpertaeinlt prooided. $121$15, daY. 346GUELPH ST., LANDSCAPE WORKERS 877-6 No eeperience seceetary. 53.0, dlay. SECURITY GUARDS and CARETAKERS teerol positions. WELDERS and FITTERS Mustf te skilied le $5.20, Esr LUBRICATION MAN No noperiesce inecess4 y. ors 8-5 Mm day Friday.E ELECTRICIANS MOORE PARK PLA; Rirlgn homs.0, tir CLASS 'Ai BRICKLAYERS Mainîly Pros Top magles nos eoperiesce. ALS HANDYMAN / WOMAN IPART To do building maintenance and basicSEVC eqolposett repaIre. 04.50/bsr. SR MATERIAL HANDLERS HELP R tenesal openIflge. Ragesovary. . Good Sta For Prther Ioformation cail 1 Bonus P 878-4139 e Ail Bene S Canada COentiff de Phone 877-5119t Manpowsr Main-dbauvI0 Cenft, du Canad" Apply in pe M.O,. . ee 42m STORE MANAGER ioperieoced Truck river and General tand aod Plant Work. Superior Propane 878-2318 42m7 requfil e. aaslc osacor pls cmmsion 5. ihe SU teasul Pifo musto heodhon Caeou e Credl eanger positi7o s te7futur m. 25, i merso te Baf 481.s 19ma Guelo StV.et aortown.li s010Agol. Fo goaraiuslee Ca Cre Femae JaIk Fere Jac Reaseh71ore 878.37 ory 2$7 mie01. hO 41 2lmag CdaUr Hege Ranil Femrc 854-2338 L BORI tfor t itbout su close t PLANT EMPLOVEES Requied ful lme; 3shit operation. 100 percent cern pasy benelits. Ay.. te perses tm: Ms. R. Adams The Pigm~ent& CheeiiualCo. Ltd., Main St., E.. Milten Buildings Caretaker Fer Resideotiai Schoel. $3.48 to $3.60Oan becs, pius excel lent frlege beselils. Shit wosk, ssust have gond heellll. Appiy by letter fCI: A. H. BRITTON BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR ONTARIO SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF MILTON DE BOERS MOVING and STORAGE Rectoîre Pol time and part-time mes ta Ioad and unload furnitore Apply neA at3OOGuelph St. Georgetown * or phono 874106 42GAM36 y ACCOUNTING CLERK eREQUIRED FOR e medium sie office. Top saIary -good hesefit pro" APPLY IN PERSON Maple Lodge Farms Ltd. 6th lise ment of BraslplOn, l Winssle Chouhill Biodi),1/ msile sortl of StesIes Ave. - DRIVER I N Forltandemtrusclk 5 dey wek lssunssary. Reago suae 90 $4.30 per SocS. Exelslent Rfrî,sgn benelifs. ully ex- Supersweet Feeds Ltd. 39 Martin St., Milton olerances fond fions. irnins mit fuît lits. 1 1t69 WOODS TesI ellite, siees 6, $500 er besl ester. 878 4950 etter 5. IROQUOIS set op camsper IlE iew nfPs 4;caopy. spaee tire, malîresses. Picus Coleman eOliipslesl 818-2432. gem? 7529 TENT Trailrs for sale ns 5051. Donar Traliers, Hwy.7 West Gnorgetomn. $175104 or 877- FO ALE-Tscocantpes. fils a Ford piCc-p Siers 4. TEST Traiter for sale orset Dosas Trailers, Hmy. 7 wess Georgetown 8510 S or 877 NEW LOW RAIES Ist and 2nd M ORTGAG ES Service WRelI ltegrlty O.M. B.A. Member UP TOt0%VALUATION -Combine lsI and 2ncd. -Pey a Il yocs bille. --Combine debîs. -Buld a house -Add amot 2nd Mortgages fromt 13 percnt. CAL L: JOE REYNOLDS 6 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ANDOTHERS AIl clailms agaiest the Estate of REGINALD KING WILSON, laie ot 73 Robert Street, le tbe Town of teilton, ln the Regionai Munlclplity of Haltes, RetIred Labourer. deueased, cobo dled on or about tee 138h day of Aprîl, 1974, mont be lîleel mith tbe undersIgned on or Seore te Stb day oI July, 1974; Iberealler, the usdersîgned mîidîstribol the assais of ibe sald estleale hecisg regard only 80 the claims Res filed. Dated ai teuton, Ontarlo, Ibis 141h day of June, 1974. HOLDEN, FERRAS, FORD& HAESLER, t9a Maie Street, Mli:tee,Onterlo, Sor fosor the Admie strator. 77mlO Ward Brownrîdge Licesed Auione Farm-LivesIodE Fursîlore Sales Phone 878-6130 AFysaisais -Ail Types AUCTION SALE SERVICES for 39.1043 (Evenings) Or DONALD DEBAIE 527.4557 Hamilton AT HIS RESIOENCE (9na.m.-S5p.m.) LOCATED ON 53 ROBERT 6tf STREET IN MILTON, AF- doî PR00. OSE BLOCK EAST 0F BRONTE ST. 1M WED. EVENING AEECTnueeimaileT, large. Anseeso ram soin cJ UNE 26 AT .30 P.M. Fr5 . 7,,inityioial Street.55 878-3202. Chesterfield and chair, kit. 7oiS 05 uSes table asd $ chairs, dresses milh mirror, cheet ot dramr, vaniy dresser wltb mirroir, coiton table and 2 end tables, arn chair, odd table BLAKELOCK CARTAGE :nd hair baby cib, uilîdes or Homo Office Aparfmn ted, twis bed, baby carniage, Mes doit carriags. olhes odd boye, Moes 4l radio. Fleetwood bleck for LightInldostrial and4 mhite TV, (raenrer-n or Commercial Geliossies flyl pole lamp. 2 mail lampe, desk lamp, fable lampe, for Piano Mocing and Univerel sewleg machine, Gismansfis card table, dlock radio, for Curtffus g Smoko stand, hais dryer. and frCoonsService and aIl Ihe olher rego las Lom Rates lotosehois otonsils, Mithon dlock. and Christmas MOVING? CONTACT R. SCHINKEL CALL 878-2311 CENTRAL 42mgaB CARTAGE & MOVING 43 IMLOMN 878-3351 17-9444 CUSTOMî mrsilsprayisg osa is L INTERVIERe 9846. 42gamf CUTOMhi_ cucîis _ an timingoel-,en0 Millos ami lE MAKXLI' 43m00 610 ses of goal and fal JEAN AND .50 Donsmnoso of d repair. Moltrwell, Scîllaed Wohoar Prom blueprints te sophso s icnddlsg. plsasn arts, dits. 7051071ciiiB Mcîuaa l'oiascîsl P rfloct ai Guelph 82480084. le iSurace remims obersonc Social Club dram In, 10, 05005wr VY Sof1 Bll Pattensos ci the Millon P flcO mas Eeih B. Gercais, 3Ot Kingsleigh Crf - Milfon. ON TACT: 1m 7 DEPARTMENT un G 3 95 50N PRODUCTS Loca, o efry RdCI and AI LTD. SiGulph Lise Phoeer1o0; GEORGETOWN .92168CAPN eqci pped, slnepseigh. Shell staionm, ces mf nc4an2 68amoîf 6543 CA GORGEW MECHANIC ut End WorE .0 TIME EDE PT. EQU IRE D îrting Saîary rogram f its Puid for appoltstmet rsan to the ,MR. DON TUCK 42mga36 TRAILERS frailVss Ici Reef. Apache Har Tops. iosnail froilers for the sinallor cars. Oakcill Boler Trailers Sîeeps 4 Very cempact-fIbregeee On Dispîay NIRT END DATSUN 610 Mertin St. 878-2471 tarn8 TERMS ARE CASH. NO RESERvES. DWNERS MOVING EAST. OWNER OR AUCTIONEER NOT REUFONSIBLE FOR AC- CIDENTS. AUCTIONEER: 878-2576 - AUICTION SALE MR. &O MRS. JOHN COSSAR Ontario TO BE HELD AT Minîstry of THEIR RESIDENCE Governmenf 42 ALICE ST., ACTON ServIe RIGHT BEHIND THE Po.) ON TUESDAY General ,E»VENINGS, 25 JUNE Contractors AT 6 P.M. SEALED TENDERS mili te Appiances- Kelcinafet sg rndnived utîl 3:00 p.m. good one -cross top =9nar; LOCAL TIME on, Viking nîsulrlu sfoce -30"; Thorsday. JUIY 4, 1974 Lemyl vcumc leases good For repaislsg Cosîsol Joints ose. E oreke c uu m and waterpronling Stean uleaees pele lame; nions Dute aI fthe Ontario Suhool lamp- Regina lons poilsher; for tho Deal, Ontario St.. Mil- Sste&am miomaster; fans len, Ontario. and healers;,eetriu EnIe Plans ansd Speuiliualioss mîli shaspeser. te On dlsploy aI the flolng Construction Association FURNITURE-Large Offics: uhesterfleld & chais - neariy AssociaItion For burISer Information and Tendes Documents contact Mr. E. Vas Astine, Mlnslty ot Gocer,,ment Sercices, Regionau Office, 345 Park St. Re,' Dondas, Ontario. Telephnne: (416) 627-3515. The lowestor anytnder oit dresses -searl IV w student's desk, bed couh, Lany BOY - like nemI Oc- cîinlosai chair - rocer; oid 04k nighl fable, 2 math. stands; o14 rocker; coften table and 2 end tables; chrome fable and 4 chairs, 2 chests of dramers; 044 chaire and fables; aise glass, china, pets, panse. etc. necossasly accepfnd I MISCELLANEOUS-14 H.P coor il lamp, pack S, VAS ZANGEN sprayer, basebcard heafor; REGI1ONAL MANAGER 1drape roof assessUy hem, TENDER OFENING Christmas Isen and NO. DUNO038. decora tions, Johny Foin 76m8 laoedry tube, Edgeste skiii1 tam; Rote aw om wr - good; E & G 'A", drill; cor- penters plane - narV nem; Bissel shampooe; 24' x Te Relomn t Mey Concern:tenleion iadder, garden toole. If the omner of e Ilght blue etc., Jauk-ail Jack. Capril, Lîcese No. APB7U8, Serial Nn. GAECMES508e1 TERMS CASH etored on my premîises, NO RESERvE Europa Coach Reors 20 HOUSE SOLO Main St., Miltbon doit ro SOT RESPOSSIBLE FOR cIlamne by Jone 219h, 1914 ACCIDENTS Il miii te soid tor coste. MAX STOREY SIGNED: EUROFACOACH WORKS ROCKWOOD LTD.. AUCTIONEER 20 MAI SI ST.. ILTO E C H ALFRED R. SPENCE R. R. 5, GEORGETOWN AU CT ION E ER. 78gam26 AUCTION SALE 0F HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. ANTIQUES. GLASS AND CHINA, HAND TOOLS, GUNS MISC. ETC., AT THE RESIDENCE, LOCATED ON HWY. 25, APPROX. 1/2 MILE SOUTHO0F DUNDAS HWY. AND THE FALERMO STOFLIGHT. 11/. MILES NORTH OF THE Q.E. 000V. GILBERT HARNEY SATUROAY, lUNE 22 AT Il A.M. ANTIQUES AND HOUSEHOLO FURNITURE: Gone mitE tEe mind lamp (pertect), mniature aOn ONI amp, othas $41 iamps. hase llghfs. brase aladdln lamp, brase banging IIBEt milE malching mali l igts, maisol china cabinet, malsn drop beal table. maisol drop meal gaeeleg fable, malsol hall sessIng fable, =outo buffet, oid pin fable, 3 spindîe teck chairs, chersymee spsing leg table 1098. Bcretnood bavei glass hall rakok higE spinle hadk chair. pine lin upboerd, smaîl Pins rocker. pis beklng table ipainled). Dancan Phyta drop leat disieg fable, palsted pine drsser, smalI pins leilbon. oîd Irosh. oid cEiId's rocking chair, 2 wclker ltrs stands. Oak combisotion desk and bonkcae pint kîtuhon chais, maînut ssoke stand, pie milIl sf001. large pile utest. emeil Duncen Phyfe drop leal table. wlukes rockIso chair. coloeial chais. feisphose table, pîne gos racE. kituhen table and chairs, eoice filint cabinet iteak), pieg pong table, oId echoni desk, 2.36' youtS bode, mondes table and 4 chaire. oak flomes plantons, brens jardiniere, bars lanters, tire grate, ceppes telles, salirool lastern. maîsut peedolun mail dlock, 8 dey cI00k le. glass cecer. antique radio 1M,0 carloos edd chairs, treasle soming machine, brans beils, csecke. uranterry boni, Cussler & cves pictore (sorce on tEe Hodson), and ether pîctuses and trames, glass biutter chors. hand palnted plates, antique Northere Eleutrlu table pEone, gieger bread ciouk. seaits lers, miik glane case. suSses tee set, Ironstone 10$. depreselon glass, Batle of Reaterloo plcure. eilîer crean and sogar. coiourtd mindem giats. miniature soby log. cortosallos cup, C.T.Ait- masser case. coauE IlgEts. nidl etanps, maisit ovai lamp table 2 French donretfandydupt andsauciers, collectionetftbe steles. pouh bomi set. TOOLS, GUNS. MISC.r 22 rifle, 306 rifle, 24' alcmlcdm laddnrn. eiecfnld bodon timn mess, elecf. drîi, fuld up picVic set, ukill saw, chîld's go-cari. Hoath-kif amplifies and loes.0 2 lO3swlmiSg pool, small air compressor and palot sproyns. complete mork shop. 1.5 h.p outboardnmotor. eeutridEheater lirescreen,.Qrattesadtocils, table tan. ridîng lame menfer. boy's and girl's ElgE seed bikes, 4oeher bicyclen, uenent mixer and noteir. 12 stelt tfon peste, emal il 11urnace, electrlclrelnsnet,.mbonI barson. Eseed Inn oval elnk etc. etc. TEREIS ARE CASH. NO RESERVES, LUNCH ASIAILABLE. OSER OR AUCTIONEER SOT RESPONSIBLE FOR OC- CIDENTS. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THIS SALE CONTAINS A SELECTION 0F GDOD MERCHANDISE. PLAN TO ATTEND AUCTIONEER: CHRIS A. SCHOUTEN 878-2576 lames& I Il ALICTION For Complets ACEO Auction Sermilce FOR Chris A. Schouteii Mr. & Mrs. im Sears AUICTIONEER Sales of aIl types 494-4TH. LINE OAKVILLE 2 Sales coeductedaflYmture. BLOCKS NORTH 0F THE LAKESHORE HWY. Tel. 878-2576 Friday evening R.R 3 itoOt rti lune 2lst at 6 p.m. Forniture. eppilasces. camp. ing soslpenft and a geod MORE ollering et antiques. AUCTION SALES WARD BROWNRIDGE PAGE 13 AUCTION EER ALREGIS AUCTION SALE FOR MISS V. MOLESWORTH 39 CHARLES ST. GEORGETOWN (HALTON HILLS) ON Saturday, June 22nd aI 11.30 a.m. OF HOUSEHOLO FURNISHINGS, ANTIQUES. QUA- LITY ANTIQUE GLASS, RUGS, POTTERY KILN ETC. Relsigeralor. Moltet elecîrIc stove, vacuum cleeser, Steinway square grand piano, Chesterfield suite, old radio, ccslalss, trusk, tee magotn, bridge loonp, Ms. and Mss. parions chairs, maIl sheloon. neleo9 mbeteot, maisct bonk sheices, 2 old Abbey chairs, crocks, mal- sol lamp fable. maînot mslis$n boo. naleol t$4dlng gomme table Circa e8s0, bonl onk mrlslng des Cîrue 1M4, nabout msliig desk milb masonlo omblesi, wonb stand, bras$ candieslicks, brots maIl sconces and mir- sors, roond onk dining ronm table, enctllent 3 p0e. wet. sol bedroner suiM Cisua 104, smaei onb sidle chairs. china cabinet, nediepoisl side chair, circoler Osees dose table, diseer bell, meloot ooai table, bedside table, 3 good s44 dressoirs, 2 maisn single bede, welsot leidiso table, large qoastily ot oid bockt tome inl. GLASSWARE: seceral places oI original Biue WiIom, coppes lustre, 8 pue. selliegofe Royal Crocos Derby china, slchsdl cryssai stemmwase, Limoges china, sait usiioss, sselion of Libby gioss, cons and saooers, sev. ferai piaet ot Csasbessy glass. Mary Gregory vase, heacy plaIe silcosmase and- otter fiee selectlons ot glass. PAINTING AND FRINTS: 'SmIss vIllage--Oscar Schliisor, Frnch Colonial prîis, "Retreane fromt Mrin pics 2 parental IsrcIosal erins. RUGSr 9012 lndies Abonson le mol t quolity sage casionss51055 Oysa-Kils poruelais unit, potners aeel, ion box, gardest MoIs. HOUSE IS SOLO AND THIS HIGH QSALITY MAT.. ERIAL IS BEING DISFOSED 0F. A COLLECTOR'S FAlA DIS E Selling by somber. Owner or AuCtioneer not rnsponsible tor ac- cidents.

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