~Irnmio)iEdiffirialIPage Canadians, hoping againat hope that their postal service will bie untangled sud new efficiency added, are bound tu, be cuncerned about calla by some union representatives for the public lu leave postal codes off mail. The suggestion that workers will boycott mail that bas postal codes listed, as requested by the postal departpient, bringa tu a new 10w our bupes for improved deliveries. We dlaim nu detailed knowledge of the hsggling that goes ou bet- ween postal sud union officiais. Obviously there are deep seated problema and presumably in- justices that neod to bo wurked out. But we detect that the public is about fod up witb the mail in- terruptions that take plscc as wsllcouts, legal or illegal. The introduction of postal codes is the tipi of the automation iceborg sud automation is always a tburuy problem in union management relations. Wben tbe volume of mail is mounting as it is in Canada, it is essential tbat efficient methoda of bandliug bo develuped. Wbere a sorter can handie 500 pieces of mail iu an bour sud mechanical surters con bondie 26,000 the degree of efficiency is easily seen. Other industries have bad to introduce stresmlined methoda ton, to keep pece witb mounling volumes sud increasing labor conta. Automation in utber times sud in otber industries bas sot automatically reduced em- ployment levels, that existed prior lu introduction of more efficient systems. There are examples that mail service can be efficient and in letters we've received we've seen if. Consistency is too often lacking, however, to make it dependable. We don't suggest that poatal codes and automation will be lte coim- plete snswer to providing ef- ficiency. Peuple will always couti for the major measure. What diaturbs us is the satiunwide coul for a form of "sabotage" to the postal code system. Frankly we're ait the point where we are now going tube more conscientiuus than ever about put- ting postal codea on our mail and we suspect Canadiana generally are fedi up enougb to feel tbe samne way. What the Canadian public wants most in ita postal system is ef- ficiency and we hope those in- volved as union or management are going tu adopt that as un ob- jective and work ouf prublems with thal in mind. The poat offices in the towns lke Milton seem tu stili bie staffed by peuple whu care, but trouble in larger centres like Toronto and Muntreal, wbich bondIe much of the country's mail, naturally has ils effect in ail centres. We hope Canadians will ignore a requesled boycott of postal codes and du their part to get the mails moving efficiently. iyeAt A tbird instalment of municipal taxes is due witbin tbe next few days, even tbougb tbe municipality sud tae region bave nut finalized taeir tax rate. Two instalments of su interim tax bill were collected earlier sud now tais instalment is indicsted as tbe first instalment of tae regular bill. is an indication taat municipal custa continue even taougb budgets are no1 finalized. 0f course if tae municipelity duesu't collect, it bas fin borrow aud that cost would unly add lu tae costs of operatiug local governmeut. i'reliminary budget figures for the lown coats ouly, indicating significant increases may well bo altcred hy au iuflow of provincial moucy in thc formi of atart-up costs but the range of 5.5 to 13.22 milI iscreases is staggeriug. Add to tbat tac impact from Uhc region, wbîcb mont observera feel may alsu bo high aud the weigbt ou tbe property owocr is sure tle boeavy. Gctling the current instalment of taxes paid may bo tac sient of thos yet lu cume. The maze ahead docsn't look very cucouraging. IIèwnti ng b rie f/ly Folluwing Milton's lead, the downtown businessmnen association in Georgetown is launcbing a fies market and far- mers' market in downtuwu Georgetown June 22. Il will run esch week througb the summer. lu Oskville, the downtowu businessmen have gune together f0 sponsor s dowutown mail June 18i tu July t. We keep hearing mure sud mure borror atonies about regional governmenl-uut just in Halton, but elsewbere. Recent examples: Aller a year of regionol govern- ment in Waterloo, the county and municipal staff osf 1,750 bas grown to 2,740, or a 55 per cent increase. Iu Ottawa-Carleton, spendiug bas iacreased by 818 percent iu five years. Coat of uperating the regional goverument in Niagara, ot couoliug local municipolities, bas jumpod in four years hy 85 per coul to $41000,000. And in une Muakoka Region township, a residenî's taxes rose from $50 in 1969 lu $220 last year sud are cx- pected lui bo uearly $700 Ibis ycar. Where will il ail cnd? Il is lruubling foi resd 1h01 the sugar maple is decliuing in auburban ares bocause cof con- struction damage, and altered drainage patterns as well as salty slusb from roada. Avenue of maples in some suhurbon areas are bosutiful but rond widenings sud tae need ta coter lu modemn mobility is tskiug ite 1011. To hs aur maples as weHI as aur elms would indeed boe un- forianate. We hope preservation of the maple cas bo uppermost iu the minda of thuse whu undertake devclopmenl of new subdivisions. Juhy 1 in Milton is Communily _ Day sud we hope an ides which was fil iuitiated last year can bo huilt " upes. Events are scbcduled and go those who plan lu cnjoy the per- fectly-timed holiday weckend in Milton have plenly lu look forward c ta, from bauds, parades, fishiug Ir derby, car rally, free swimming, baud concert, jazz baud sud uther po eveuls. Those who parlicipote will gel the muaI eujoymesl, as usual ha Our readers write - Diar Oic. IneParty Moyoneoftlhe lcalnenn ape ro narried anadetinenentpaned yt'he tîherai Poet. ni Ballon onnonetng a onciion to rainle fondn. for the Party. This onction wsOn t0 bc heid ai mhe honie ot Mons E. A Rinhnan on Teraagar Rd. on Mon. 25. 'rhe nnghlinetorelthesale-tcntireneiiih r i nn inn inni au nii, Myntnnanndtirriiednii hn.oinpleut> oftne to revien imai nenihed to hidnnw Tte ooctioner oiinoiîind thait thene onin be a deiay in the ntaet nf the soie until t:30 p.m . si thc hope of attrcting a targer crwd. Ongnn were psted on the higimnay.At thin point a nombr ni people rft. Wr naited. hmoever, and fisatiy. shoetiy aitet 1:30p.m. the anctioner anmoonced that the enerotive ofthe Lihecat Party had decided ta cascet the sate for thai dlay. This macs most dinteesning for thone nion. nsio had wnaited. i pentenird titis droîsin ti the Liberai [atyraie ssRobon, and ta the ieteeis fsrHty cnite in tie up-comiso Oenidnnnthenrin.leodnng ndn.rrtnn.nnginnieomnimnnion notmiet1ian.haegoin- iied, thn.lire innhnthe ibneal Part> of ingotithepenoret nniinttit. toon Balnreiiects n toituide oi the -public Inn iearnrd fîrsthoni bot the tino otntanding tinined"' neednînnhîn.cncounn.y are spirituaasd phy- siclncimihoinrder nourn.tru. Fn. iltound on eiron.eling dn.n.nmnoo iry hytrckhtorny tirs(i iitiinKoutnouand Jamen. Alexnider. Mloundou, the oatter heîog where i nnoid htUipnner Cre.c , Iingtn n.hnly set op honn.eeepînî and inhere the field ofiei nw onicurd. Thanhioiiy t nn. noi nin.g the trnch' We na one inl na n ic.nnienng ninnnghecoond.i han iit"Mtl POSTi\ liiiih nnnns hei.nnn innnnonnfiatninve itntconingntn 1.nntii.\nl h ni-t innîn rI n t inn tnn n, it' TIIFI-t roail hi cKn mnile rondn trip p i Mliir hon. goane ii Tchad,' Atnîcao n one îotn.ono forget. Four hnn.cdayn nntrndoced nîthithe T.EA.M. nissin.in iiee irent ne tothescpnin office renpnnsitilite, nenniettrnhensent toi rindhahhom, asnriiasnaiisminmmny ctec tOme ~ ~ ~ S io.e stnad reds .nations. Serine again many cotiagnen Hon cas t condense more ihao ihree nnhom t'd met yearn hetore was a tiest toy. mnnths in Chad min a 00e-page letter' My n.iay at N'Djanena conscidrd nth Since i coot. here are somne ni the hîgh- the siate cusit niasn Atrican reader front the iighis. noeih. afiocdisg the snghis ni festive Lraving France 121/2 houe. later than ciehi-aions and ait thai accompanirs ihem icheduird, a sacprisnsgiy coot temperature tor tiee suecessive dayo. Itsieaaey, a greetrd ne on aerinai ai N'Djamena on ian pcohibit. nue tahîng photos wnthout a Feh iî.30 am. 1 tnancnnfortahl inoo costiy permit, no the gaiiy decoraird light coati, though t havnt nworn ilintoce sireerotarymas costomed pespirs, camets, Liviîng on the captal sery ios montits hocs eic. asd the clone psnsg ai Oie gave me opporionity in see fle in a v.antiy presidential car aul cent vivn.l as maema- difiereentcountry iron a new nantoge point. orlon whicnsot be nhaeed alih ysa as The French reently arnd enamrd me to otn nPc 1 And fis njrnng win.n put oint oireadv foet. og.oileane. cmnierrmoast fait. pion. another tent * logsof nincOrn and twigsn.nioiheee n.,11ihîely hagsstnannhed ogont thie onde ni fine hlounse. 1 sinpin vha.nn't in tnn idothinsnvork, Biesn. 1 hone thnn bard hch, ohnich gels sortee.tcopring, fr.onn-ron. In. aiinnnt nnposn.ihle In hnte hnd-. no do the cnn. Thininonimrethanoitnould hav'e cool nnc in hoav, nnoniod rohinnd oint. i thn Chncao oi tht 0920 n. O thi. spriof, the mini Btinticoo. org-d ninyirien n d non, tooh a niiinch ai i tien ire.io- hnitnntith the t'Nird- hon. heen nniinn te iil ,nin areninn gonngIo ge i .nn , oI [nil nnnn % Ila uffl nIl n inn nil' tinnninn ,nngini'.nn nnnninnH 'o n hnn tiori ne, i r orn lii thi iten Ohe telt ihe o pioneer, trn.ing tieu enonngh to ivneon. t had ridmyseilfofmynild pnwernnoer inaft ofigentie rage. onhen i cioildn'i ntort in. Ynntan't hmre a kid itha oiner noncer On i houchi o ne%% n0e. t gn one- ni 01 student n tai im, t.niy hy thentenine thot idtoihin.cear ilhe diit' The anis nert. There are nI enght flowec-beds rift to cake and dte. Atnd the storm windono are nhili on. ithe ïnnnndiot- canne of a Il the aller- ca osrecroît, rn-ported and reiunedforo resn nni o you correspondent, toacet on the Haor Committee,n.ave. and eoept thot hnn. frnend, - -n. s ot appointc chai-man. thon n.hnnnîg hin ntroog dicer- mination tohave inonoay THE CANADIAN CHAMPION AND Unnn SHIG C 'IIo/ . , E 1E .