îfie étînubiau ëfkampi-on sILTONss es-ra 12e 1974ieru sass,50 SECOND SECTION BOB AND JUNE McCuaig plywith the dogs in their panelleed family rones. The McCuaigs have beean in Milton for 17 yeara and are active in community affairs. REPRODUCTIONS of appropriale fîghl fis-*x, ~ ~ . turcshaog fromnorsac ceiling centres. A THIS UNUSUAL light fixture bangafrom one of thse ceilin~ beam in thse newly renovute kitchen. 190 SARAH ST. waa built bie- fore 1870 amid horse chestout trees and lilac buahes. Thse white frame houne with green ahulters is now owned by Bob and June McCuaig. Bob and June McCuaig Lovely home refleets old Milton Sarah is a quietlitti1e streel in Milton witb bi has chestnut trees an lilac bshes in bloom. lob and June McCuaig Itve in a whbite lraae Victorian Gothoe bouse prtway betseen Cbarles and pfore 1870 when the house was uew, Sarah ras froio Hugi St. 10 Tbomas S. in mbat oas boown as tbe South Ward. the 100 acres South of Main aod west of Com- mercial, in Foster'ssurey. Thelpreseottlowo bhail badl just beobul 118M5 aod loue bolels secrd the district. Horse-dramo carniages slopprd ai Milton on Ibeir wuy 10 Georgetown, Hamilton, Bronle Station and tbe Great Western Railway. Tbere wece 10o carniage Sbops a annery and a nmbr o f line general stores wbirb did a roaring busioeso. Tbe Champion badl becs pobisbing sinre 1060 and tbe lise local cburbes wcre Epîscopaliao. Preshylerian Churrbcholelaod, Wesleyan and New Coooeoioo. Il is reported the tio obîsîle band bhal prarlised osier tle scabinet mabee's sbop mode gond music 10 listes t0. 17 yeass Ose cas nly guess aI lhc siomber of people who bas-e rme and goce lrom 190 Sarah St. None bas-e lelI more aI homne sn tle old bosse lIas Jonc and lob solo setlîd lere 17 yerom ago. Their son and daugîler Joanne and Peter wee s-ery yoosg aI tle lime bol il dîdol tlaî long Irlore tlcy met neso Irirodo andîthelamilywus madelto Iree melcome in île 1005. do lIc clilde ge il lecamesecessary 10 add a Iamily room andcedmood sus dccl 101the bach ofthe bouse. Tbe room is paseffed and centres os a mide Stone tireplare sdit stone mne I1110 a romtoelabfe lasleflufy decorated roncm whiicb lrads JOANNE'S BEDROOM han a lovely old bed and high dresser boughl fromn the oId Dewar Thompson horneon Lydia SE. The anhlruy stand of horsehoea aud a hitching post indicatea Joanne's love of bornes. 'I 10 île dcl Ibrougl ni ding glass doors. Mos-ing lromn tbe loch 10 tle front of tle bousc, ose rnrounltrs Ibose islrsisg corners and small rooms for mhiel old homes are sol cd. A side door opens in10 a vestibule and rrcessrd corner. June las made ibis arsmost inleeslisg ouIt a heaulilol nId nidcboaed feamrdmwillpaining. An ultra-modern lutches in decocalor's toutes of grecs. pefioso and oraoge is a large Irigîl eoom. TIre s ample counlerrspacc and penlyof calsg rosm. Theowains- colling bas bren retaised and open ceiling Icamo bave Ires added. Complrlcd juol a year ago mhe kilcîrs is Jinc s peide and joy. lesidr tle hilcîrs is tle formaI dining ro decoeoted sn gofd. brooze and grecs. A pair grecs rue compliments lhc Persias gold sooodorh andlbronzecand grecs medaflions of tle wafîpaper. A beaulifu ofd oîalogasy table was isought from a srcond-lasd dealer. As Ibere mccc nul matching clairs tle McCuaigs osn te Scolland] for tle loveI[ old lalloon-lach chairs. lleirloom TIr sideboard mas pur- clasrd trnm an antique store onsMartinSt. al onelimccoc hy tle laIe Charf ie MacAr- thur. Illasa ricbandformai apperacacewsillh sofid sîcaight lises. Os tIc sideboard is a porcrain fiord silvcc waler fug, a gifI foc tle Mc-C aig's iif ore ddisg [niesr rom lob's sister Gw-csand bier husband Res, Lorîs SmAi of Oyama, I C. Il liadt blosgd 10 lob's geaI grandmollec and las lîrrsinsthefamîly for oîaoy yra ru A second smafler sidcboard dispfays a foîely blar and o-bile Wrdgeisood ueo. To the rac of tle dioing roam is a sIsaf des fcadinglbackoutflcfamlv TIr front csf rance oe isl a smaf recepfiss ares. I is lurnisîrd sosîl a lyre hall fable olîl leaiy square base and os-af top. Il blonged t0 Juners gruodmnoiher Hoshis. An attractive gofd-edged mirrand sîde candefaîra arc ceolrrd oser the tale. To tle rîght a[ the coirase- iila largerbayoîssdov ss thc ltiigriom TIr gees and goldsare-carcîedlthrosgl hre in isss ricîy ofsiays. TIr ba s sormufîs deaped iii gold ftie-hack oser of raight sheers. Tvo faffoos ladk clairs nil Oc ciller side of us Hep- cleohsr [ale in îhe o indow. A greensNcehcetclcserild cnrsione isall o Il Molli Laham bird peinsoigreeno mais. Assortrd antiique oltfe clairs are placcd arouod[theioom. Asirs old secretari beionging ai ose tim te ob',grca grand- mooflr hasft op sheses if l-os ovarting area uncdir ohich sua draor anti chec To smi cupsarfs ai the Iolfsm maIes hbi- zi insi [oCofuco an deorti% io smafl.pao a gîft I îîs- from lBek, otm mi -s- daiais 1 cead- upstair. het[ii-s-i thi eofcaocrs of tlii and îfing roomo TIerea- - hedrooms and il bhiihisI I a gosd iard salluta Ts icý sar el is roircirit lis; Iosrlsiioodro ceuilii sîil isrnei spiodss pAntique, dîsplayrd fier eaniw seul a'd dreser e i is lhe sf-f fi--si s Ïleot1-o h-os-- [c Ldii St. a, i, sl lis seaeIld chais in [hi-e51 The suci hecisîsasî ha, esapie -pool lied TIc NlIcitig- ie li-e.e Iitiic of lie [lots-an talnt re iaIs- \Iilti hett-i lac-e tis eiofple te lns.- Bocli% as a tutu fi- ssSî ies pst -srsieto si)( its a C'lob tati a ot-oii tih fiitsciic Isdge [ssii put- iciý otsicalslit eiiitsfs- h-N scflti[ sith tIe [[tss t.iiiissceiies it o,ý tise ,hoir aiiii Anglic ittiitl 17 st-st-,agt isune liiî l'a, leticî (si [st it -l. h m lo teSt Iii \giicsuteTida 'lis ,, ilii t]-ais- tii- lii l d homteti iltoi te titi 1 ADDITION TO HOUSE includea a large family roons across tihe bac with nliding glass doors opening onto a redwood sun deek. There's plenty Of room, for lthe dogs la romp in thse artistically planted garden. ATTRACTIVE GROUPINGS of furniture in tise McCuaig bos include lyre hall table and higl back Windsr chair, bottom, andabcv ee Hepplewbite table and balloon-back chaira in front of the draped bay window. FORMAL DINING ROOM han mahogany-F tabl nd allo-nV-ackchairs. Thse nideboard holdn un heirloom snil ver water jug having helongrd to Bob'n great grandmnother. 27th in a series on homes of distinction in Ha/ton by Joyce Beaton -- ch mu vol. 114 No. 7 7 1 rio