9 Should you always choose the highest appraisal? Whattfator- la most ilkeip tolendace a heme amae- to it bis pt-eett mitit one pat-ticla- t-ald estabe agent le pt'etetence to athens? Weil, as ahp reputahie Real0er heows. tl la kiiiutt compete mlth an aet-ealisticalip hlhappralsat cqaotalion. A t-cal patate agent che scut-as a Pt-opett listing Sp the simple decice ot qaotlng an eppralsal figur'e ho hom competitice agents wli nec calas, la rende-ing no ona set-ce, lesst ot ail the sellar. Good pt-ospects mho ccald htaue hecome ueets sitpamgp lt-cm a properlo pt-leS bepcnd itsaue.Asacoîd chancelarsaitthern la seidos t-calied and e the metthe drag Sp the pt-cpa-tp gels thc nepatatice tOmre la acmethlng ct-oea mth t. A nepatabia Reate mili net cetprlce a Nause le as appsal 0e scu-e a listing lt-cm a seller. tl la cgt ethloalip deesile, tl moold Se Inlielees te Bts long-range rapuaation aid il le plilt peet- bSles. eapeoiaiip lo- thc setter. Il la mise tb t-eembct- a t-cal calate proleasiengi whe appt-aises poon pnopcttpo 10e pet-pose of listing il la nol cttet-leg to bop te pt-opett; Oc la onip propoaiîg toi $il tl. Th1e atual Saper c il tmatent- b the Oodge of tOcvaue BNîcholas J. Lonigo Ltd. tLla 9 Maie Street, Milton 118l Ilifl openm 1mm OcOa.m.-t p.m. For You Conucîleece COUNTRY LIVING Elcoatcd t-anch bungalow, 3 hedroomas, madet-n kit- chen mt eatlng at-ca, lange llolngnaam mith tîrepiace, 23 Sp 26 t-cc. t-ocm cith Iid atone tireplace, laend-y t-cgm, mat-hip, offioe c- don and old nonm. Sidleg deo'rs 0e patio. Doable garage. Prt-i t-ces, aittubsand gandea readp ton pianeig. Ail this aid 2cres. Cali ogen at- Mitoit 878-4129 - 878-M3gor 87t-U6g57. 8th. LINE AND 401 Lauelp 3 bedreom bt-ik bungalow so canoeninl lacated lort-h1e commute-. Lange licine t-aam, cm Oinction kllitcn and temlp t-onm mîth it t-piace, 2 Setit andcat-tiaile tlnlshcd t-cc. raam. Laucdrp oo off hilchcc wit eett-aîce 0e garage. Bcaetiflli tend- sacped. Cali Jachie Belton 878.4129 or 639-2039. COUNTRY STARTER niai bt-ick 2 Scdronm bungalow caltlng to Se lielsited Off ealde an iu act-e 2 m iles lt-oc 401. Tt-p poor otter. Anhieg $42,000. Jachie geeo g7g-4129 or 639-203. ROCKWOOD Newm3 edt-gmSbrick bungalow, larg~elivingncommItith tit-eplace, dlntng t-cgc, ca-in hitohenacnd bul baccment, nlteated on M6 Sp 132' lot. Asklng $56,900. See iltdapclit Boas Ceacon 878-4129tar-878-2755. STR EETS VILLE Attractice 3 Scdreom br-ick semi lnne ît-igtbo-itad miitt acitooi close Sp. Poli baseent readp lot- pau- umoi ldeas kor pu- t-cc. t-cgc- Have a look scion. Cati Boge- or Mitci 57g-4129 or 878-380a wr e78c5s67. Banch style brik bnglo2 edrom en1 acre oit- iculer dt-iue. Ptt-eplace and col et-as, t-eut-action t-cgc. Cali Sosan MoNelce. 070.4129 et- (519) 824-0655. GUELPH - ASKING $31,700. Pamllp ait-c bt-ick semi, 3 Sedt-onma, 1102 battis, lot-ce licving t-cgc, cal-le kiloiten, eot pet-leot tar cat-deelcO. Cati Susan MuNeice 07g-4or et(519) 024-0655. SUMMER PROJEOT Build peut- ome cottage on titis 115' Sp 349' lot luit 2 miles actalde Bancoft. Ashing 04,500. Cali Mitoit L.ciescess 878-4129 ot- 070-5867. MEMBEBSO0F OAKVILLB & MISSISSAOOA MULTIPLE LISTING SEBRVICE MILT0N878-4129 TOBONTOOPO 4317 PM stars.. (ontinait Coi, t-.g. One) adiy. Thc priese esiciae- ci-. cd te "ate" uogc cand pst-t- contrale casait cn Bi- Oaie and the reoedieg U. ecenmp as exemples of lice teilace ai sco c polit-p. Tht- Canadicen eocoep, Sp ct- ponioco, Sas gt-owc ac rate M.ceight pot-ceci ea t-n de- lic Lihet-el gont-cemecta - t-les, b eu PCi eopecie for sateidie a ic lares gaie and an ailh; t-cea ceiin on mtgge icncet rtes we aiou alette, Tru- d c teimod. Poeyp gaul The audiecet-t-hcac0Inc0ep ai Se ict-odaced ch LiSerai solution Oe icilatea., bat ho adcieed 00cmn O sae t leir appase oeil OSep St-ccd ulcet lu bail tesap. The pt-fr ped lt-giaîatig of bte t-oct- spe-chi of Jat-ust-y fut-ma lion biens uton phe tys pulicp, lin tuld lionu, uîii lionne Onrget gais:etncuataong andin- aocicg productog, placement of soloîdies ce basic gonds oS as fleuw and milS, ami finacciai aid tO tbose uSe t-an'tkeetp 9 with the t-ait- et inflation. -Dcalbeg speciSt-lp cilla hosicg, St- t-viomed the- ce- t-mat morigagesit m sode- cOelp-pritced Scacsing cclp, al. pont-ac eftc home, and git-- inad$MBgr-at te fit-ilca buptes. TOc final etad wcgld besare cftective cdmo elimicoiing the it-det-alsMies aaonbuidding mat-ticls, Sie ccid, aicce oalp coasomnos, ot decelopon o ugd ht-ct-Si Sp il. Truodeau cammt-cdd tOit Naton Libet-nl Asocuiaionc on ciooeicg Ftca Pbib-aac as ilt-i- tcandidate-, aatiag bis et-satbaam for cammuitp uat-bandbiaitrongiot-Sof in tOit Conadien pt-opte. Il uca ce ehnîoolp pet-- sancaudience. Noi oet-bit-n mes bonrd ccd tSe ocip demonuiraon mes c man ubu clood ousîde the anl uitb a proelut Placar-d implpîcg thit Trucdeau gact-emnt ma ai fiaitano deiicig t--Sme pop. Benre lice cnamd dispocaed toi OSe Sent- gardien St-id ai Kac-OaS Anena, On. FOc- bt-euh pt-estai than pnime muint-uîwioaT-lt--ead- icg "Nu. t cn Heic Then PM pnumpl ued dl lu mup lic suet-ci litou 878-4420 m Iton Pastt- Bot. M. Chisuesoen Tel. 87n8.20 Sosdcy, Jane 16, 1974 Tite Lot-d'a Ocp BOSTON 1541h Acnieiutsa-p Set-oices, 11.00 cm.-Ouest pece- thte Rnu. F. N. Young. 1.30 e.Ducat peache-. Onu. Joite Mut-tap, Knox Citut-cit, Milton. Fcllamshlp and t-ett-esiments taliaming. Naset-ulceatOmaab Nut-set-placilitles Pou at-e tnvifrd 0e came and celelitate milS us. CHURCH 0F CHRIST No. 5 Sodet-oad cd4Oth Lice Trafalgat- Mitoste-. At-dRoassait 78605 Saaday, Jonc 16,' 1974 10.00 e et Bboom Scitol liesses ton acl egea. 11.00e m .-Mot-cinq Wt-sip 8.00 pet.-Pt-ecio ot lte Gospel, Sandcy, Jane 16, 1974 09.45 c.c.-Oundap Scitoal 11.00cam. Matnie0 Wt-sitip 0.00 p..Fcmiip Pt-cpm 7.00 p.m. Euening Oucaelislic Set-vîce Wenedap O P.m.-P-cper aed Bible Stodp. -Witaacgcn shahl cali upan tecneeot lte Lord aitali l saee Bac. 100.03. Pt-ime Miaisine. the litlo lit-rallp et-cs tht- "St-ai miciait-r" uf the- Qateca' Pnicp Ceuccil lo- Canada. He a cot-mcllp e member uf th- Houe af Cammaca ccd leade- ufthlio pett cen- mccdicg a majuti Ot-ne, elthoogi e senat-r la -qali et-ciit-ed tai Suld lte office =c tO lSir Met-Secam Bout-il and Oit- Johna Aitti Sae doan sa. nccholog Chue Sffdb*-iw__________ 0BOSTON AND HIGHWAY GOSPEL mwmOMAGH CHURCH SYUPRESBYTERIAN Aaucocasembpato CHURCHES cAPeecmsOaAsscmbles Rt-uc te af Canada R .W .Lewis B.A. B.D WakefieldRd. and Hc 25 The Canadien Champion, MilIton, Ont., Wed., Jonc 12, 1974 15 Fastener.. -n1ý A Cordial Friendly Staff ta Give You Kar Raab Fast Efficient Service.' s-FREEZER ORDERS I 0 'Bv2.:) GRADE A-i RED BRAND :lm *, \f~5 Delicatessan Specials 136 MAIN ST., MILTON THE PR ESBYTE RIAN CHURCI4 IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH MILTON Mielaten. Rnu. John M. Muray Orgoamet. Mt-s. L. Vlesblem, Sunday, Jonc 16, 1974 11.00 a.m.-Ollneaervice Semoe Titie-Sanedi and tPelfane'. t.45--Joniwr ChoruS Suiteel 1O.45--Seeien Ctu,-oh Seiteel ZOO0 p«.. ouîg Peoples Society. Do 700 nt eeots tn Moitent Ceme tei Citurci. GRACE ANGLICAN CHU RC H Qrganat: Roeett F. Argait Sanday, Jonc 16, 1974 Trinity I 8.00 a.m.-tp Communion t.30ae..Seniet- Cu-ct, Schit 10.30 a.m.-Junior Clt,,ct Scoel 70.30 a.m.-Bptsm, t-lu Euaist and Semoe. Prea. citer The Reu. L. Renne. Thsrsdap. jolie 13 10 a.m.-Celp Cemmunion Yeuaetnalmoa melcome etOGrace Chu-c. 2tîoc880 s n tm w 3,lau99c, ea39" 31,-99c 99c WE TAKE FREEZER ORDERS BT PHOIE 39c' 878-3388 sp« 49e PICK UP TOUR "FREE" NEEF OHAIT ST. PAUL'S CHURCN 0F THE UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA Maint St. al James St. Ministen: Bev. C. A. Ca ce- B.A.M. Dv. Orgcelst and Chitrt Leader. atts. Cet-aid Magne Sandcy, Jonc 16, 1974 toc0 c.m-atp Commun. lob0a.m-Holp Communion Nursery lacîtîties auallable. EMMANUEL BA PTI ST CHURCH CommercialSitreet, Milton. 1889606 t878-3542 lo,rî, Peste,-, On. william %oter, Onterio Bible Cellege. Sundcy, Jonc 16, 1974 te45 e m. Soie Sciteel b LOoam.Mornî ortsitip 0.50 p.m. Saut Seruice 7.00up.m.-buenîno Wo-sip. Aedeesdey. 7.30 p m. Ppye- end eibln Studp "Letus euter ,et ithe Cose ot lthe Lord mitht tianksg ne and inte i-is CoutI oi PUECKLER CHOCOLATE 007 000-GOT OsE FREE TRUELLER COOKIES COOKIES lto.40c XOX RHOEN Reg. SOu ST.* DAVIO'Sand NASSAGAWE VA PR ESBYTE RIAN CHU RCH ES Minister. Rnu. Douglas Lowry Senday, Jonc 16, 1974 NASSAGAWEpA 10.00 a.m.-Communîon CAMPeEILoîLLo 11.15 c.m.-Commonlan Se-- eioe. Set-mon tille "lThe 'e"al. ig Poern l oi Commun- MILTON GOSPEL MALL 306 Ontariîo St. N 078 2022 Chionstîeoo getiteoed le lte Lord Jes us Chit o Lot-es Dey Sonday, Jonc 16, 1974 10.30 c.m.-B-cakicg Bread 12.13 p.m.--Senday Scitool 7.00 pm-Oospl Servuicn Wednieadap, e p.m-P-apnr and Bibln t-ecdlng. Ai Ai-n Weuoe To these Servce .1 This is a teitittul sapieg, tioat Chie-t Jesos came jeta tite mati4 te saut sines. lTim. lCecîinead tamn pasa Oe tnomdepuon, ionseîd. Hcelton oeid lion lieu ul maunutue clint unel, leejico esd uood ounnus i t ,iyed cneneint uoi e lie ni cpncielly lactoonnis Thaellocn would inoîule 300uiu 400 dilinneci lust-enno,. Heilce lies dno'nlupnd ad îeecnd catid leinog tenh- niquns. A Canadien paent lasieonciocund oeiieoachine Heto dnvopd. cl m unnoelîlily tu lieo maiu ad- oeclegn of then nu macîhine but coins il cou l faite a yean on imu lu gnl ail]utflion bugs oui. Heiloc lieu bn luodeoino taui planning lion ne' pla o and cîd lion bioldieg uou i ion nquîppnd oii saro betis, stoocernod a pool tae Ion omploneno. lin saioi lion litm was e ci- on in o loue and ecooous lu hoen haeppy ncoploynno, Haion nlimo boihth ion nod lion nmployeennuîclltilue iunioo Nonco Lecieil moU lni, lion poliioy and pnromoon ion h lion He o.oid pnnoî dnt Seam Slupp ueoaxiu tb ecteliulih cood commuait% neleiuos Hne idltelinim iolendotu liuld uncooceno and uîîolîn nummucilo nollngn sludno anil poooiioly inciocologso M- dntsou on ligtisoutoaiicce. l'io lit-m elso anteotsto t anad scoubletstipa te cat- standicg siadensand gise .ouendsofimnnit Ludsercicg sioudnbs. "W'Ouecnttoigcnk odth Young mins aid draw ol ion iedter peple snto u -gecleetoa' Se eold. La% oet-seidithe it-mmillf- ie conusltig st-tvice. Ace- oung la Heilea e coaseli- uonoonnrvce olduct- clients on ousouuns a lotalf mcoep. .¾ppaenclp =eo sarpIinr lonoduone aledrtd îlot-a iltno. btut chai lice isolt olulop ' o 1110 pot-ceat it. ovict- ceîd lt-e St-m'a dcci- luoI lunae ina Milton macO' dî'nidndpune niccnnmta. lb- old lionSt-m ueo ans- ions lu lit oui of Tornoand uoond lu seillensea- an oota illind leio- mart-h-. ln sugnoind lthe fit-m uoouldcl line adot-ect nival Ou i. 1obertnniu lincoone o h nn u es lenge- maete toi Ie on, c e tcnt-ve bt-lo-e. Ohmo locel reut-ci-s liSe Kncus Cosenvaticn At-na ned es ettnections tan OSe luun o lolelet- Ca nude s otliera tertret-nr 1.5 milion s u dt-cile, 40Ope-centaf I ,ooîdaoal.e W