Jack Richardson S Chev-OIds HOME 0F CHEVROLET NO0RTH AMERICA'S NUMBER ?ý,AUTOMOBILE AND ALWAYS A GOOD SELECTION 0F I. GUARANTEED PRE-OWNED CARS "1969 CHEVROLET IMPALA r"2 DOOR HARDTOP SVO.I automnatic, powier steerieO, pwr brak-s rdio. Finieeod le Miarvent yeiioe, eltk kiack cInyt top ldcerat ié intoerior. White wait1 tireand we.. dises. Lic. No. 080187. 1971 OLDS CUTLASS 2 DOOR HARDTOP 'Eqotpped wdttt VO engins, uomatic transmission. pollue ;Ifflerio. eolier brakles. Finisteed In broz witk a matotetos aInyt Intorlor. Aisoeqclpped sOte radio, white ltttr tir«en ad mag0 wkeois. Lic. BT000d. 1973 MONTE CARLO 11S19 2 DOOR HARDTOP 'Equipped, wl8k VOl Ongles, autoeatic, transeissim. power -steerinO. poner brakos. Flelskad le Ilght grilon IvItte dnlar 10.0 VI YI roof and greee lnerior. Also equlppad with radio, bucket seats end console, wkeel disco. white viel radial tir«s. Jlic. ttEt4ll. 1970 PONTIAC ,2 DOOR HARDTOP d919406pe wit Vil onigle. aotomnatlc transmissiom. Fttielkd tet 11068 brown wItk a dark brown cinyt roof and etrat le. thnrior. Also has power stoorîng, power brailles, radio. white opolle and wkool dises. Lic. No. BUC 327. 1973 ASTRE HATCHBACK Equippedeith 4cylleder ecmoeey onglie. Finitkod Ine knlghe 11iano it88 a nectral lnerlon. Also tas aotomatlc tran- klànselm.wradloaad whito walls. ILic. No. DSJ 351. 4973 MERCURY SILVER ANNIVERSARY 2 DOOR HARDTOP Flniskad In Cortez OlIcor wlte Blue intorlor aad black cînyl *of. Eqclppod witk aetomatlc transmissiom, pallir stoerlng, .power traakon, radio, air coeditlomlrb, white oeils end wel 7U1scs plus maey othertectory options. ILic. No. HCOO2B. 1I972 BUICK ,JSABRE CUSTOM NIpped witk VO engins, aomatlc transmeission, ttotsked -I Cortaez biter eltk a black cinyl roof aad block oInln- e loator. Aiso kms power steerîng. powver braklls, radio, air emditlmtng, wkiteoi atires and wkeei diu. Lic. No. FLN j1972 CHR.YSLER 2 DOOR HARDTOP Eqoippod wltk Vo engins, actomatie traesmission. Flelskad lIoZodlae Blue ith a blaocoleyl rooetan blueeletonlor. Also equipped e,îlh power stcerino, poeor brailes, radie, white wall tires aed oltoei diece. Lie. Nn. FHP570. JACK RICHARDSON CH EV-OLDS Hwy. 25 S. at Derry Road 878-2393 878-3812 29m Mm0ý] 0F GUARANTEED CARS 1974 BRONCO STATION WAGON dwottol drive, 302, V-@ origine, pomor stoorieg, radio. Fieish.d le grennd white witt, matcking Interlor. Lic. No. HDW7S9. Just Ilke branO eew. Balance of Warrant. Priced to seli 1913 COURIER PICK-UP Finised ln Mtedium bille, radio, lavé mitago. Locatty owud, cm owoer car. Lie. No. C70075. $2695 1913 MAVERICK GRABBER 2 DOOR 302 11111 automatie, power steoriog, radio. Finistad In Blue end White ot teatcttieg bucket Interlor. Loe, milieoe, one oweer. Raised whtite latterai tire trlm ringsaend hubecaps. Lic. H0N070 $3095 1912 HALF TON PICK-UP FInIshed le metaiiic browe. 302 VII, standa*O transmission. Radio rear stop bompor, levé milisage. Lic. C7M25. $2795 1912 TORINO 2 DOOR HARDTOP Vit actonealle, power steering. radio, white wails. one910 r Immacciote car. Lic. 0ZC394 $2695 1911 LTD BROUGHAM 4 DOOR HARDTOP Finlshad In yeliow witk black einyi rooft. Faity oquipped Iecladieg air comdltioeieg, one oner. Lic. BTRf42. $2795 1970 DATSUN "510"1 STATION WAGON Flnlskad lIntiarcest g014. radio, 4 speod transmoission, one ow9.r. Excepticoaly clean. Lie. No. OSK531. $1695 1970 MAVERICK 2 DOOR Finisha le kright bille, matettinO leterlor 6 cylinder, aclomatlc, radio, white éeils, wheol covers Lic. DSN328 $1895 FOR FAST FRIENDLY SERVICE " Oeuck Balaton *BEitt Tattyn * John Btythe * Gerry Arpa " Barry Beetoti * Hugh Hamnp " Buck Gervats * Ron McPhat 409 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2369 "m I.VHc[SFR AL GALLI NGER MOTORS MILTON PLAZA e MILTON 19 M TOR RIDAU50 Arcodtioned co.Lica0t 78 1970 LENCORN COIEAL DOOR ADO G010olRs c ke n d irtortioe. Lic. DStt543 Air C onditionied cesare beîng DSNappd . 1973 MICL ONT ENTMX 2 DOORADO 0018kg comol c.o erin sti. powr raes rdi. ic As88 a oto, u Drcn Sal y 14.0 milec Pto MOTRUCKRE ES 1974 FORD STTON PICK-U Eqa l ped filtrs Wlenaot filo Cap 0. ie. Lie3 . 19MTER3 MONTEGO MXOUA 2 OE STOP Wh uotiptrSHOPING, ale rks ai.Lc HBYand SE3 ORE IC -U Stretaville 826-1434 Toronto 925-0887 29m7 1 1 ý 1 ý 1 li i ( t i s ý CI R ýALF 878-2962 88 Ontari 818-5394 LEARN TI DIVIE o St. N., Milton TRACTOR TRAILERS 1974 DODGE CHARGER Brand New 2 door coupa. y.@, automatic ré éveil tires, wkeei cocoro. Stock No. 041. $3,695 1973 TOYOTA PtCK UP Drivée. IcY 1 2,00 miles. Lic. No. C7373. $2,10101 1973 MAZDA 2 DOOR COUPE Oneowne0r. Lic. SCF3OI. $2,250 1972 DOOGE DART 2000OR HAR DTOP Equippod with Big a utioeoti, white rernote controi mirror. $2395 1971 POLARA CUSTOM 4 DOOR HAR DTOP Vt, autontatc, powor sloorleo, pooer br Lie. HOY1OO. $1695 MILTON CHRYSLER D0O 878-2962 AM CLEM ENTS MOTORS of Milton Bîonte St JOST NORTOF OrSITAL 878-2328 1973 PLYMOUTHl STATION WAGON Air coeditioried. Lic. AHB0837 1972 TOYOTA COROLLA 40000 Lic. Ne. A0S275. 1971 MAVE0ICK 4door, 6cyliner Lie. No. HAY a45. SPOR TABOSI 4 0000 STATION WAGON Lie. No. BVR20 1970 DAISUN 510 4 dtor. Lie. DTU672 Scow o can tra00 igit hore in Canada! dli, white -Tu ion Tec DeductibIe! _Placeme,,t assistace -Weekend training, alto Fer application and inter ve w, rte* Satety Depart conl, The Canadien Inittîtt ci Tracter Traoiter Trinoiig Toroato 11, Octareo or cl 1416 86 4 931. lEooiarIy Tr:osCacda ransport Foul or Part-Time Maie or 10,00le for cleanin '000cr uscars. Excellent w011 tires, 000es & baellcts Apply lei Les ce o., G ALLINGE R MOTORS LTD. Millen Plaza, Milten, akoe, radie. Ont., 87802883. )GE WELDER 878-5394 Ianu00otolring plant. Clean. fairy quiet we ki co 29M 7 diio cocc Geooes 878-2241 anytime THE MILTON CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE has cacancies je the toîîowicg ec- cupations. BOOKKEEPER- Up to trial boaeane. Senior position. DRAFTSMAN / OMAN- ktoohanieal. Ietereedioto pcoiion ORDERLY- Seee training prolerred. REGISTERED NURSES- Nureino 4010e sl vit te clderly. CLERK GENERAL OFFICE- Typing. eotce aocounlîeg or bankinq rcper -re, e reterred. ZFëICE CLERK- Typing, hue0n and vareoeoierîoial duties. SERVICE S TATION ATTENDANT- iHeore 3.30 9.01 12.30 0.01 WAITRESSES/ WAITERS- No eceeriocce reqe ired. Ail shifts. SECURITY GUARD- Teporyjob for3emorfil. Sheorteordere. Nocee9erleneeqired. HOUSEKEEPERS- Varioue positions aooiiable. Salaries vary. FITTER STRUCTURAL STEEL- Eoperieced reqoîred. $0.20. hr. WELDERS- Seocrol lobe aoaiiobie. Wagesovary. MAINTENANCE MAN, WOMAN- IFacory ork. CONCRETE FINISHER- Ecperieced. MATERIAL HANDLERS- Seoerai positions aoaîiable. Varyicq oages. 1970 MEEO EUCLID DRIVERS 0000 HARDTO i Lico Ne. BUL403. For further informatîion 878-4139 1969 GALAXIE 000 Canada Centre de a Dcc,, vo l Manpower MaIn-douvre NuoaiLc. No. Centre du Canada DR Z 035. 1969 REBEL 1211C,0 10 2 coor bordtop VO aatomolîe Lic. No. DTV 357. MOHAWK INN \eeeee FULL TIME CLEMENTS MILTON AREA oatne/Barmaid M OTORS $,W CO-OR DNATOR aeCcik BRONTE ST. MILTON This vieil eealedlirme, Dishwasher Helc 29016 eedseperienoed sorltanda _________________lypis 01,011 îiiiaiveel handie 0Desk Cierk a variety et dotlee ieoidlno Part-time Only job oerdiogand reoio Ï1-1,1111 ig clente probleete clier lthe CALL phoe (S2745) Mr. Shore -854-2277 WANTCD 5000 Saie of-y 85 273atr6 $4 FSPONSIBILITY WANTEOooesO 0107 cer, in me tel hardie 011 Mekkeep' cg PLANT EMPLOYEES Qemod 0iton. 070-6c97. dulies. Neoer adullI ,,enl1 4101044à wutI, lotsof et rlOlii (91708) Rei,red ul t1 iooo i shîi HAY wantedCircleoee B acoperaion. 100perent om c5t 7242. coco44 pr benelîte. _ _ MRS. STEWART A0017 in Persce te 43. MPLOMENT845-116Mr. R. Adamsc WATE 345 Lakeettore Rd. E. ChaeberofCoeeerce The Pigment& CUS9M eedeprtîn, Oale uilding Chercîca Cc'. Lld. CUSTOreO Mpie arai OaloolleOnt. Maie St., E.,' MilIce and, coni0ilo0rs.89 7 2333 43m06.438 42milat FV-FHICL The Canadian Champion, Milton, Ont. Wed. June 12, 1974 i IMILTONI hh ICHRYSIERI FORDý