Federal election underway Haton and Hattn-Wentmoetls riding poliicians and citizeno are geartng op fer Ihe Joly 8 Iderai eletion. Tie elecion maceihsey mo tsrned on tat eek woisn ptiementlas monltvod aller a non-con- fidence motion iseangiitishe Uhrai goseen- ment ta det. Ahbrlnk eittmwenissofcampaigning ap pears ieiha Ithough lie etocion eal raoght local ridinga iilool decirod candidaes, lial sodd leremedied efore lie end aIfliis mnonts an al lie parties are sciediing nominaion meetings. Tb irs le a onigisl lWdnesdasl oison Halon Liserais mot at Ontario Scisool for lise Deaf in Milon tla selectisoeir reprosenaaiso. Onisilie psicien Dr. Frni, Phitisesai and Gorgeomn in- dustrialini Franks Allen are inlise rsnning for tie partysnd. 801h hase been quietUy cmpaiîga ong Lhrain for lise pool 100 wfsn ond once a ainner is deeiared ha milii tua isinatention la oing votes fom the ncmmilied. 0O'Connorready Hatan MPTOrryO'Cnnor, misadefoated incsmlenl Lisrai Rsd Wiiting in lise bal elecion la Ociaisr 172, le espacled ta ha the chaicemisen Halo Consersativos meel ai Witie ais Seosdacy Scismi in Oiais- ciflle tib isrsday In anme a candiae. OConnor says hons ready for letheelion campalgo and confident hin record inlise Rosse and lise cOrret PC pajsnIarily mlli sond iim ack tu Otaaagnn-lisosgis Ena shool leacisr Carotyn Holsntein in lihe ast federat race, hase 01 ot ct sedled a nomination meeting botlocal nupprters said one as "imminet". Ms. Htotlein ran tiird ta OConnr and Wisiing la 172, palliio 8,8010 vsonlalisiingo 2000and OConors 22,000. Hallon riding inclodes al]Uf aI Oisit, h01 part of Mlo a MaloaTremaino Rd. tise rama Lise, ailthlie forme r Esqusing, Gleorgetown and Actan areas, Ena Toma- ship and lise lownof Ena. Tiere as an 83 reent treol n tls at faderaI etertios Kempling inner Hatln-Wenlwonrthi nciodes Buringlon, hpa t of Milon frmerty leomo as NorisBringtond Nasa aaEas and PWest Ftamisarnsis ona aa Waterdown. ta 172 an 82.42 percent turnool o tise 76,00 oigiiste soters swept nom, comer Bill Kempling of Duadas snoeofsce for tha Connrsatisos. Ho deféated Lilerat stadard-hearor Norm Meluiosns20,00 tu 21,000 wmisie tie NDP candidate Dicison Baltey pattod 10.010. Tieliseen rldiag associaioos for Hallon- Wnlmorthls mit horoady tu hogin etecion campaigningiylihe end ofthe monlis mie tieyhavettir candidates cioson. First t10101 intoaction itllse eLiler- ato aller Ise nomination meting on May 2101t08 .1. in lie atroamn of lie Bocing. tan Hoiay Inn. enisesisarom 1073 may ho ronewod ai tise doar, but nom memlersis iit hase talectoison at aI moat 72 hauss efore tise meelin.Afler tise issinesso s flinised, Ihre iiile rofresis- monta and dancing. tnformatian is avait- aiste fram campaiga isedqorters ai 639- 2156, or 2157. Spaiesmen say. ome candi- dates are shaing inlresl t t eir names oernt reloanod. nULLETIN: Erte Cnninghame, 25, of Burltngton annooscod iimself Taesday esna candidate for thlis tln-Weslmartis Lis- ral nominnaton. lin a publie roations consultant. Tie noxt day, May 22, tie Progressise Coneraises iii do lieir nominatlng ai M. M. Roison Higis Scisoslin urington ai .20 p.m. taformation n soilaist froon Jim Sanhroogisat Hamilton 525-1660. Bill Eempting oIfondes, sittial MP, says iel con again and theparty la nt enpecliag any PC appasition. On May 2, tise NDP iii cisosathaie Ioderai candidate ai Centrai Pubiti Scisool in Buseinglon aI 8 pos. Visitars are osai coma andolsest speaiser mili bc annoaso cod laler. Waler Muliseici, a former pro- vincial candidateo s espectod 15 con. Pot Cancy an more informoation ai 634-5497. netringalfficers Hattns returniogalfficer is Joisn Haipisi of Oaisillo and hal isnouy ibis eais linsng up eaameratorswms t m osl a lseugis lie entire riding, rêording tisa names of ahi- gilse sters in tise 20 pati. An enumera- ion saff of about 450 iii iandn thé cisora. HaigisI ias aready mme ils oficias aIflise tiree ~ litca1jsrtiest ayout thlie ground ruesr rth"ais ,slyetecion. In Hattn-Wentmorlis, Danald Goadroos of Borlinglan is ans as retocning officea afler running lise 1972 elction for lie id- ing. Tiera oera318 polis in lise ot elecion ar Hatan-Wenlosortis Escarpment plan area has no land ""freeze" Tiera is no "freene aon land in lise Niagara Eurarp- men Planning Are, soys Waler Gooing, information officer fr lise Niagara Escarpment Commission. A map and article otining tie nemiy defined planning area appeared tet eakin tiis nespaper coocernod anme readean miss hase land in lie planning areamiicis amisaces 2,000 square miles of lond fom Niagara ta Toleamary. Bu, accrding ta Gaing, ousde ofoeparcel .f land clone la Burhnglan and Milon miera tisa Paris oay Heu acverlapa an tie Ecaposoni plannin re, liera ara no contraIs. Hoosasr, Mr. Gooing sl i lise commission is maial railtoosrds a deints maiiprogracomiich w mli dacide miicis areas oilil e liooed la deseiop in a styte compatiiste ta lie Escanp- men. Any proprtion in lie contrai reea munI gel ai =o tmil om lise Cammission1 efra liey oaa make cianges.tIfiiey are soc- essful n tn g aerm.t tiey are 5h11 ssujoct .t is local building reglationsi osiicis mus le compatilelisiat Ecarposeni contrai. M. Going noed tlisn as ometiing enirly 000in Nots Amrica attioughi aonme parts oI Europe hase ponered in this type of daslopmeont. He said lie commission munI decida osiera lise à A mamma FOR VEAIS 80U0 97ATE LAWN-BOV* li almot 809ve needs a tuns-uap! 21" Mosini8232 SELP-PROPE LLED 12199r, BOTHE GARAGE Voue Lame & Gardn Eqsrpmont Contra For Complet. Sales & Service i-ly. 25 St Briteonia Rd 878-3912 crilical arean are miicis nead contrats. Os a matier of oseaho hoe especîs lise commission oili hase mapa s wiscis ui clear up o lot of questions people in the planning area may hase. Tisa planning ares iclsdes Aclon, part of Milon and mostofHalton His, altisougi il acoidn Georgetomwns siaing tie old osestern Tise Est.saapmeot Coco mission iopes 10 iscve a Masior Plan crcoted wîllin lise nexItishree years buct municipalitiesoiliin lthe pannin ares milI hase c ciance la participa n lie final peeenlatian osishicn l turnosill e handedhback to lise agions and ccunias la cosîcol. Going noted thal proponed subsdiviions along tise plnnng area are lrcody hasg crîtinieed isy tise commission as oel an ohea G oveansoasi agulalory isodies. Tiis il csîrallesi tirasgisthse Plans Adsary rascis of tise Miislay of Housisg miicisnuismitu lise plans 10 23 addticsal agen- ies for tisir commesis, incisding lise commission. Euarpeolregclalions iiis apeede ait local oning hy-lamswmiicis are 001 compataiste ils i, M. Gooiol said,bisal ie feuliera woold se mre gice and bise lian in igîi oning iy-boss aisicis stale lise type of iousing osiicis can le bilt. Ha sid declopmenlal conleolu cnuld ary froos nit la lo. Toentyflica enple are o eeolyed y lise commission n lie Georgetosniead ofice iut ibis sumler oilI sisini ohen isancis offices are apeoed ai Clarkssisog, ne Tiornissry - and Grimsisy. Going etithlie commission iad aready prograssad raaidjy in lils understanding and pions for tisa 2,000 sqaare miles aI Escarposeni. BRaptism service aplîned ith s oalea ram lise Jordan River unday mrning at St Pauls Unitedi Ciurci, mre loua inants. Ro. C Haîner aisainad lise Joran Rver mater on his raceni isil la lise Holy Land. Tisos iapizad oera Josepis Aaron, son oI Delano and Mrsiso tisie; Clinlan Wade, son oi Dasid and Particia AnnaFarisas; Karen Margaral. daugisiar ai Gary and Alice Fetr, and Shari- Ana Hope, daugitar ot Norman and Cathsy Wite, MAY 1 CUT IN? Dr. Franks Philbrook moves in000 Franks Allen while he dances with etty Robson, president of tise Haltan and Hlton East Uiberal Asociation. Mr. Allen and Dr. Philbrook were introduoed us candidates for the riding Liberai nomination on Friday ut t he ausociationu uspring dunce. (Photo by P. Ford) Near $4 million Permits for growth officiais ai MiloS Buldng Deparimeni isaed permilu for cons truclion alued ai $3,852815 duing lise monisof Apai Gi uai $3,70,015 oas foc reidenial construcion, ni,a00 for induslial construction and $6,800 for in- shioional and gorameal consruction. Tie induircal addition rered loas an addition la lacililies a tOntai no Rock Drillers on ulceles Ave. lise rosidnial deccloposeals încludad 26 single lsoilyisomcsoand139 00 isusingunmis. LOOKING FOR A HIGH QUALITY USED CAR? Lookingi i STOP See Us Todayl On tise Spot Banis F nancing With Credit Appronod THINO Dasher Riaudeni.s hvisac Ja i e oseaiso a of iscot los ctlis suosoea lbreak. Kawasaki See Canada the fun way this Summer' Fr«. 459-1213 The Conadian Champion, Mlton, On. Wed. May 15. 19,74 1 Johnson feels shunned by region bureaucrats William A. Wicked Wiiie" delegations munt appear ai a TieCalition spoisman Johson ni Nassagaweya, cammittieemeeting nteadofsys ho propanes ta en- sksan lor the Ontario going before thn owhole courage tise rgo 0nt GaiaeColilin and ila 55 coancil. an incineratorp,iec tne- memiser grou b, fee s ia Nopoins ohere isere iodunîriai ieen sliediy shai he Whea Johnoson called anessmeol la needed. The clis iureaucrats" ai Fridayiouarrange tunpeakltu îneîeraiarn prosimily Halian Regionai Conci. ihis oeekscouncil meetin, woood encourage somne in- Johnsonowsoscheduled la he oas tlid by îoa staffera h dustries ta locale liere, ho speak 10 regionai couacil couldn'l go to the coanril said. erdier ihis yeac on lise need level-he ooaidhaveituspeak for i-cyciing of garisage and la the puislic oorisacm a regioaaiincineaaor pro-oilire însiead. C lbae irai nultlie couldn'l keep lise -Tiere il no0pointi .n going C lbae licol appoînloeni dueto10fl- t10a committee-t1 didol cvote 8 t it d y n a ad ocien a second for a comittee,Is oted for a 8 t it chanccuasnchdule<l h e coenc il. t ihinkis is ime ose ws ooked la speak ta a gaI lirough fme ai ts Robert Anderson of 20 graup oi cludenis the snme bureaucratic reditape and our ah01oceerigho day. elected reprenenlatices gaioallisth day, onaMonday, Is e meanlîme regional oit' the feacc and dd somne- May 2adolieathome tu couscil inlraduced a ns pro lhing,' Johnon tld tim friands and faosily on tisai cedural by-lua'ishich raies newspaper. day tram lia o 4p.m. INFORMATION TO THE RESIDENTS 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTON Garbage may be taken to the regional land f111 site in Oakville Please ses map below Take the rattie and roar out of garden tractors and what do you have? These new BolensTractors. Tisese rugged 1165516 isp Blenslurctosaequiet.And 1h as some, Becsus. tisap o notulon rmufflaaad. Bol aeengoneered ron tisa nside out. Ta cul noisa and vis rati0n.And givoyou sopisni cad nom pomer for 4e averp yard and gardon chsars. Wis aiffortiaus operator con- taois. Lika Blotns iydaotatic drive that gives you flit orward t0 ze ro ta tti ci-vorsa with oaa pedal costrot. -posilîoa iydraulîs tacis- ment1 bis. Dual roor miseel braiss And Soens excluui9o power loching coller clickis momea, tiller or nnow- Ulrowea in lino mth usut ingetip pres- sreO. Ail thmils ouc ioice af nom loin or single olinder 16 isp enginen. And al liis bilît mllh Bobons raiabitity, The quiet BoenstracorsoA goodyard ahead. onsu rMILTON MARINES& SPORTS Liii. QFuvM rdut 25 Commercial St. Milton 8786321 HOURS 0F OPERATION: Moaday througis Satcrdoy 8:30 arn. ta 4:30 p.m. Closed Sandays & Hoidays Right ow! Ouf s ai2interest rates a=re ti*hihest we've everhad! Toronto Dominion off ers record high interest rates on both premium savings and term deposits. Whether you're thinking short-term or long- term, there's a-TD plan for you. There' s neyer been a better time to invest, 80 ACT.NOW! TORONTO DOMINION the iank miera peope moka e d ernc