4\ 1 \ï ' \ PROCOR TROPHY presented by P.L. Rebertson represenftlti Rick Rowley (centre) etent to skip John Short ifeff I and Paul Johsnson. Misumog etere Reford Gardheuse and Bill Gallinger. Giame & Fish News Thetseather, unlike opening day, bashbeen anything butklord F.t the tinkerman. Cold, wet weathet' has delayed the seases by aitleast toee week . Some et eou fat northeroi laies still ihadt ce on themn laot eeekend. Ifyo are planning a tripfletth ttcetd bc est te contact soineone intthears The cold weather did net hamper the openg of picherel sn in Southers Ontario hewever. The rus of pickerel in the Kantartftancas thetstnyears wtth ntany tish in the tce te ttsree peend dlans. At theriverin Linsayntany had tttirtfull catchhbyl ecleck and were on thtrssay hachtoTrntohy roti. The riverseented to etaive ith ish. Mst catchscrere stade trelhing sleciy cîth e rapatta 1ure. Ooteeaygeon and Feteton Fatts scere atse cestacted hy yeers 'esy adthe ren in beth pleceswan spectacelar-geed stscs for the pickereltttsheresatin the KasataLats. Stese Keee "green rocks sttmn te ht e'erking as he cgit a ie = nd rimbes thet oening day et Thernbury tite tîstnng wîhDes Kearey, Lerne Lyons and Keith As- drewso. Ren, Don and Je Marshtall Big Pratlgtt, Jtm MeLais. t0rirno Rige eod Ed Adamson cete tishing as Umtpa in the Perth aet aned caught leur Sesely sptchtet. Des Marshall caeght tht mostffjh with Jim MeLain puing inthe a'8st. Bill Modntanfllthing ith hs witGert got a Soely piekerti nttech sheetd take thet rephy thss yeer. Jas South is stit rigkt ie [heme atler the rashes trepky wîtaoB psao = te eisoe les~ te hss sggsc4 atceady. Des Keetfe ae ahttynthl2Me eïk Tht Gelden Herteshe Trap Sheettsg Club has st'usd up ansther succtsetut stases. Long tste trap shoottrtandctner Of dnayeards GeorgtBrtencas top mn cth 275 poinse teilewed clesety hy Jtnt Andrewsn with e total e1274. Des Keartsey earsed 261 poits whit Jim Smith et the Haltes clehshet47 sf20 as tht lastsheet. Jit is useally star the top--tastyear heeshet25 straightand5etstretgh. Tht Hcltee Spertsmn weund up a tscal year cîth a nuccestul dance Saturday eüght et tht cluh bouse. These danrees h e eoe eel knuwn adeare lways a sllut so catch tee car danses to start cees Sail Thry alcays heve goed messe, gcad serrcasdisgs, gond cempastesshtp and lets of geed food. Clarence Caties, Norman Coultr asd hîs ses Garry spet the pentngetfptchertl seasnsctth Aes Couson at the famtl> cottage sn tht Kawartha disttict. Sene heautîtul pisherel wr saught. Garry Coulterseaught thttthteauttt rtght offthedock and Cla renre Catesn get sente large pîsherel in the river star Linsay. Je Wînder and Dase Reccahi took theie toits Rshhte asd Redeey ltssg a wetk age and had a goed altersees telseig their soss hec se, tîsh. Wt thte te, set a geod lathtr-ses relation- ship. Thtre are sente sîse etallard dueke asd Casada gerse nesttgtinthe northrn parltf Burliflgtonand Milton. Ifyou etsesriss aey oftthese ttestisghtrds, please do set gostar theeneseor disturh thtt i îasy way. Senne ducs haeded hy the Ministry et Naturai Reseurses [ast lait te Ontarie have rsdtd op sn Delacare, Alabanta, Mîaryland, Ohio. Mississippi asd Kentuchy. Quehee's Cisadel, ses- structed in 1823-32 is tht tleverser Geseee5's suntntr resîdesce and cas the site ot Churchill-Reesevelt carsînte cesterenees sn 1943-44. Il5i North Anterîca's onis toc- stiid city, pars oft he upper tocs sillhtîsng cicle by watts. AT. MOORE NSU RANCE 854-2271 POLLOCK AND CAM,4PBELL Masiuteset HinS usado Moentat Mntsttgst 'foatoo 621-760 ~ GALT *Waîaaieb.Nss A. Cairns president Archie Cairns cas eltetd prrsideslt ft Miltce Lace Boclingjy Cae eta meeting at jusa night 'Edgar Fesser and Archse Service tvr lected an first and second vire-presidents et the meeting. Bareara Oustîl and Anna Cairns have hets tlected ladies' presidens and vice- presîdent resptctivetY Basket champs Tht jesior boys' heokethatt teent font ioly erys sntw tht HellteIl Coeotye' aet Schcat Board chams, et' set defeeting five thet teein et e Iternentent in Qaheitte on Saterday. Tht hoys, fron grades e. 5 and 6, were ceaehe hy teacher Jantes M Gerale and Irained Sp est> ethyten tht sen- jer Iemr, Oncer Teyner. Trn menthters cee Vel- trie Hersasse, Metthent and Mike Bradley, Asgeto and John Crici, Marty Danten, Aedrec deGreet, Tony De- Pede, Je Geeten, Hal Oies, Jerry Mezerate, Bradley Nadatin, Jint Soucie, Mark Trayser, Teddy Vendtnkeu- set, and Yse Zuliae th. odie neerhnof yo and 112 ynteednt.' Tht intersiati oel syntent ef standard tinte cas edeopted in 1884 fer g1t threugh tht et- fortsefor tendferd Flemsing, the Canadien cisil engineer and raitntey huitder chn cas aIse designer et Cesedans tirst postage stantp Rams lose Atter cinnng their Central Ontario Junior "C" Secrosse Sege epener against Arter, Acton Reins drePPed their sent smo ganes hy identicet i4-i0 nsres te tht Oses Sound Satellites and Mississeega Athletint. Btrece Ccaksfey tired tees goals. Kevis Mrsees netted three and Stick Necw-an, Steve Wilson and Paul Wilsn teslied sngles for Actes is tht 14-10 losn te Mississage Monday night. tan Ouft ef Bettisafed hon signed citk tht Bains and Kent Kentner, a teugh lie- hacher with tht Georgeton District High junior foothall Rehella ptayed hie first gante Monday. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTON PLEASE If NOTE THERE WILL BE NO GARBAG-E PICKUP VICTORIA DAY MAY 20 I . PLEASE REMEMBER * Collection normalty made on Friday and Monday will be made on next regular pick-up day for your area. BRUCE McKERB, h'dnsk Sapnrii.enot m - - - P.S. Ptnai Gaîkago Ba9- on. asaitak.tn at he tont ma11 io, Orly $250 ior 50 hans - Mo'. Saiia' mole Convnien U". 1W.-IKE 101 R ,VEYT,4UToMOBILE A MERR Y .OLDSMOBILE 350 V-8 Astomatis Poe Steering *Poe Brehes Dolone Bumpors eWheol Dinse White Wall Tires R R1di Leasing * 122.-, 1.311S ta oninea *ying.. Siale Price -427.5.00 .0 es., Ml, 1t. 50,000 UISnoon 'a I OLS CULASSOBOL 46105 I B00 CaytIoiA2 b of ni4000.00 ai '137.11 WE HAVE A GREAT SELECTINOF MOUES *"'aiho3onoi ooo.tns.C.C 2 DR * 4 DR * Air Condltloning JACK RICHARDSON I t's the good "OLDS"I Days OhU~OIE~~IE STEM b! Club Hoase 12 Baby Scott MANZ. L..BABY DIAPERS OLIVES 790 PgO. 0F 24% 11,39 [Var 24or.PSWDERED 'ILIQUII FOR BETERSEIT DISHES 590 -in Otn 1179 lQID PLEIGE For Furnitue DE R LEM.N OR nREGULAR ...11.19 .,0z 79e BAR-SQ- anHOUSE & GARDEN LIGOTER 39e 5rtsAOIn $1 .29_ "P S C TAKE N OTICE No aDaixr. on WeekIy Speclals Ord.red by Phono Ch isOnes "GOLDEN POUND" CAKE E.h530 Chros' MOTIOS o BOUNS PRO 0OF *,Osr Fresti taple Lodge Gradeo "A" Jo ic Staooi Large si es .55P N 0D Watormolons $ 5 PNMNA Canada No. Fa ncY o USA MAC INTOSHir' Cit Applos bgi 75 8 Lottuce2 4 , Apples 9c Cabbago 2 iiads49e Prodoso U.S.A. NonCrop Floride -Indien River 14FRONT BEEF Ct BEEF IS SOINS UP IN PRICE Wrpe 9LB. ORDER TRIS WEEK FOR SURE 88-2460 BACeLefo Pt ao Caepn nldo SIDE Woth 23C LB..PROG Fr005 -Lean 04005 OROUNI HAMBURGER LB.7 , Mapto Leai Creonas SIDE BC N LB,. PRO. 75 Mapi.Laiar asPac WiENERS LBS K-9 Mapie Liait S.P. Cryneat COTTAGE ROLLS LB19 F r B o b T d er -'f a s t e F r o o b L o a n M o a O Y L 3 0 PORK LIVER LB 490- PORK ROCKS L F re5 -Loi - L ean 9 F lahb Loank PORK CHOPS LOe CHUCK STEAKS LO 99ý Frens -A" Fryoro 9 Ft'onh -A" Fontis CHIOKENS LB5eCHIOKENS LB. 39 A S IS FRIMRE BF O 17 O11L T RE EIE 9826 j.~oaLantaa&~a . . Il