ra. on. M.-l,- Atboc Ont., We.,. Mayt 15,197i4 AUICTION SALE AUICTION SALE for of the HARVEY BAYNE Rouge Hill TO BE HELD AT THE FARM, LOT 5, CON- (Reg.) Ayrshire Herd CESSION i ON THE 7TH LINE 0F ERAMOSA consistng oapprolmatel e hed.31 cows.atund 4 hulera. TOWNSHIP, SITUATED 2 MILES EAST 0F Seme cows fresh recently. Balance f0 frethen in July and ROCKWOOD ON Ags.FOR FRIDAY MAY24AT 11S.OOA.M, ELLEN CHAPMAN AND DALTON CAIN PIGSYork xLandracesew due end ofApril; Yrkx Lndrcn FRIDAY lUNE 7 AT 1 P.M. sam bred ln April; York x Londrace sow bred Pcb. 22; 2 York x Landrone sours bred Mar. 6 & 25. At the 10,-m - locafed on the fourth fine No. 6457 SouthEast of TRACTORS AND IMPLEMENTS: M.F. Ne 5deentC Miltons. Halt mai betmeee Derry and Brîtannila Rd.. Approx. N.6 leeatc miles Socth-east of Hwy. 25 and approx. 1 mile north of Ornngh. tracter w. M.F. loder; set of choînt; MNH. No 33 gos tracter w.heat houser ; Cockshctt 3242 plow, 3 furrom 12" bottont Catalogues avallable doy of sole. iadlustabiel trip beoms, 3 P.H.; Klogsklde vibratshonk, 2t9IT~ tooth 3 P.H.; Cockstctt double disc 32 plate, l.H.C. fertillzer & AUCTOtJ L.L grain drill 15 disc; 3 drcn aller; 6 section harrows; 3 sectIon horrow's New ldeo No. 12A tractor Spreorder, 3 boulters; New CHRIS A. SCHOUTEN Idea tractor mower 7' cut; Otaco wagon w. flot rack, con be converted bock t0 McKee wagon; wagon and flet rock; New 878-2576 78rma6 Itolland No. 268 baler; McKee harneoter ln gond condition; 60' of pipes; hay tedder; horte coltîcotorct tooth; Cockohutt 3 Section drags; Mlldmay thresltltg machIn 24' x 36"; 100' U T O cdilue bolit; pump lock; Perguson circuler sow 3 P.H.; Newco CT O panei gate; turnip soer.SA ETagaSqre MISCELLANEOUS: 2stoger kettiet; 2 coot Iron plg nhreughs; S L rfla qae M H. No. 51 wolkbng ploan, uted tor plowlet matches; tonning ml ITepiIgn 0;lgtne ea oltrea- FRIDAY, MAY ilth, 310 Main Street, Milton chors; Cedar poIns; Cear stuas; Heanlock lumber mostly 2" - ~ Tooî-omialtotc 12' & 14' long, alto sonne 1"; ;eery; top pan, 47 good pte 10:30 Om To st-ora nîs, 760 oquare n spilesetc.;heeptOedracr saoantc,;tor us 76nsuae tuait tend sprayers; set et deterners, gond; steel altgne boat; cattle (This sale wat originally oiler ; 36' etension 1606cr; set ot high beam scales. schedulnd ter May Oth but b wos cancelled dce to weotherC cditionsi.a FEED: 1 ton Herta bariey; 6tons mixed grain; 1500 baies boy; na 100 bales stram. Cloning Out Sale tor FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES: Ladies aide saddle; hornons Mr. Fred Petrie maker's cite; oath stand, kiften chair, Jerome weight dlock; 016 tbreshino pcmp; 2 oId buggy wheels and neckychc; 2 016 Seinction Of garage equlp- rockers, Oay ted; pressed back high chair; lots et picture ment, tools, truuk, car and frames, seceral crocks, abotl15in 011;0 pcs.ctfgoccltIo bIe truck acvcsserles, household loii. cocered ucgetabîe b butter patthes; cinearecruelts 2 and antique items. trames & tng for pickie cruet, crtse, 2ronsteOcovered LCTD55 asa sugars; 2 appie peelers; stoce pipen Shaît; wlcher boby Dr.TD-15 Iguiloton mdm y carniage; ciýl lamp b 4 lantern; Beatty nînetrie stece, 4 bur- twr. gBrainto) St. and Golp ners 40'; Beatty wringer masher, O.K.; Tercan tan & heater, Lîen Brat ot. aQdEGWlh good; hot mater tank, tellet seat b wash basin (fixtures)iLinjs f ...Hy Boston rocker; oîd pine bench; grain cradie; oid rocker PARTIAL LIST ONLY- washmr; plane harcost table 7'6" c 3'6" w. end dramer; cistrn grunner 2 H.P. air compres- pump. 5 uery oId milk cans; o16 pair attachable skates; o16 sur, 5 non drum teist, 2 ton Iodle; old Moa kettin; carnical truit stand Idamaged); oil geored holstl, 250 a.mp. Be- lontern troan model "T", alto head Iîght; wagon loch; tet et gent A.C. melder, 2 Oey- chimes & tome sieigh bolls; 2 powder horne, 2oid roiling pins; Acetylene meiders, metol r; 2 tam herses, hock yches; boend bits; cross eut toms; old working lathe 13"X4' lgood r, churc; Jaques &Hayes couch; homemade rocker; od sfiteon; sbopel, braire ricetino ma- n 2 016 suhool mops, cisc ter making handles; parts for spool Chico, hydralic car ho1sf, cra610; mooden wagonwhcei; aout 100 oidwondn spiles; seit garret brake drumilathei(car of wondnnharrcws; rope bed;mwagon seat. and truck), Industriel cocu- THIS IS A CENTURY FARM-lst auction ever cmn, botter y charger, Se"' held on prcperty. Lunch anailable. teauy duty Sioux drill and stand, Sunnen pin hole grin- TERMS. CASH NO RESERVE FARM SOLD. dcr, drills, fop and dies, oil- icok detocter, body sonder, Max Sforey portable grindor, Reomtr dr Ive and reurmers, paint Rockwood AuCtioneer 78a0m46 tprayer mltb regulaor bote, gear puliers, trond fonds and sckets, impact mrench, car stands, icO tam, AVR. tes- Auction Sale ter, 1 10 oltgqatdriven gerrer. ater, 40 ttr. of 4" boomn end OFPHOUSEHOLDPURNITURE,APPLIANCES,SELECTION trolley, 27tt. steel beamd 0F GOOD GLASS AND CHINA, ANTIQUES, LAWN, GAR, 16".7", einctric pilaner new, DEN, CARPENTBY AND HANO TOOLS, MISC. ETC. IN 7- shili tam, tire extin- MILTON AT THE BESIDENCE LOCATEO ON 10 COURT guithers, truck tires up tof900 STREET N. OPPOSITE THE COLOUR t'OI.R WOBLD - 20, selection ot nem aute STOR E. parts tfor cars 1936 to 1955, for large selection ot usait cum ber 2"x8"l', 2Ox6"l',. 1" FREO SMITH etc., hot water bolier, gas turcoce and pipas, wooden et. Saturday, May 18 at il arn. tice, dnsk, locCashcy salie, IBM flanc dock, tiling cab- FURNITUBE-Lurce mahogany curved giost china cabinet inet, Natiol cash regIstor, with anrrer bock and 2 bottomg dramers. O pc. maleut dinino misu. oftice equipannnt, roono suite, cbosfert id and choir. Day bcd. Omail moinut drop Br;ggs and Stratton rototîlier, oest table, 5 pc. chrome kitchon suite, kitchnn cupbord mlth 2poer iOwn momers and sliding glass tront. houerai tlowor pedestals. 3 parlocr tables. 2' other garage and m isu items uery 016 lovasoats. Large p;ne storaoe cupboard. Spooied etc. Approo. 000 cement piaticran rocker. Pine table secrefary. Very oid piattoran blocks. rocker. 016 hitchen cabinet mith loch. 4 dramor dresser, Uickr aran chair. Leathor uphoittered arm chair. Duncan TB UCK-1966 Mercury le2 ton Phyte drop leat table. Cor ner cuphoard. Oak woshstand. 016 iih însciated cap and ex- aaternity hair. a.to od chairs. Mple chest of troti dramors. Foncy maleut tlcwer table. Oak tiomer table. Oak HOUSEHOLO & MISC- bedrouan drester, coeitli dresser, chIld's rocker. WaiOut Birdseye mapie chest of doube bed and MatreSS. Setoibunk es complete. Smo11 dramers, 7pcn. dinfing roan cuphuerd. Set cf steel sheluinO. Secerai trunks. Oak desk suite, cherrywond dlicig dramer combînation. Blanhet box mite battoan dramer. 2016d ronan table, French Provin- bedrocan dressers mith airrers. Very eid saol drop ont ftable ciol chestortioid and chair, 3 wîth 2 raeers. 016 h itchen table wlth dramer. Oak hall rack pce. bedronan suite, Simpli- with umbreilo stand, compiete. Chromo hiîchon table, monden City spin masher dryer, 20 cu. k;tuhnn table. 2 sniaii pine tables. Bentbood chair, sponled Il fr0eer4 burner elecric baby urib m as a uradin at one tîme. 2 toiding chairs. Card stoce, G.E. trlg, 66 chairs tables, unýe larfe piano . noîx2 ocai rug. Continental k4 ted. and tables: seleufions of cdd Utiiity cupheard. Largo stea mer truek Ilth rolierS. 016 buIler dishes etc. boxc usniil wardrobes, secnrai large &tanail picfcresoand tranmes. 3 eklmsadohrlme oa oilnfo Thisale consistsetof alrge warmers. Lantero.ucrocks, goodtoilecionetfsealers, gd telection ot garage equip- soection o moder and ntiqe lossnd chinGoquerntitî ment ail in gond condition et bedding, rn, quilits, etc. Sucver tieaService. plus misu. items. Hootohoid items seit tirsf et APPLIANCES-21 cu. fil Gonerai deep freeuer. Zenith 4 10:30 a.an. (raie or he) burner 30" eitctrlc stoce, like new. Weostinghouse automatic weorAconrnt w.shnr, aise like new. Frigidaire retrIgerafor. AstralOunroActnent rntrlgerater. Debumiditier. 2 blaCk and wohite TVs. B.E. fidor raeontibi or any accidents. polister. Vacuumn ciconer. Philco radie-ecord ployer cen- Lunch Booth bination. Console Singer eiectric sewlng machine, saal eiec- On Groucnds tricl appioncns. TOOLS &MISC.-l2anoueted girls' unifcrms, clownunitormt, JIM MCCARTNEY, approc. 5iuuord ofucutto length hardood. Mtc~ AUCTIN EE bocktam. Complite icetishicg kit. Camera ed cmltr A CIN deceloping kit. Senne ceanent blocks, i4Va drill. Saol hand drill prs.4-5 gai. gos cons. Push lamnanomer, like nem. s powner 689-1778, -n-,,1 nlectric loanoer. A 40' and 32' extension iodders. Dean. ot bocks, 2f ancyclepedia bocks. Srmall spoe aorns teoter. Gond quotity of bond and lame tonlsoand moany more PVMIERDOUWN goo6 usabie items. 78m3 Terns aro cash. No resorces. bouse ls soldomner mccing. 3wner or auctioneer ot responsibie fur accidents. AUCTION AUCTIONEER: CHRIS A. SCHOU1EN 878-2576 70ma3 3 BEDROOM hocte orcpt Ward Brownridge mont, Mlo ra Rcterancet, hi the anc cf Licened Auctîcnen June. cîs-591e. Pa an Lnestock 80ec074 Pore tere Sales Phone 878-6730 N T iiili -atssAllTpes icangf ;j ýM SALE Fcy PADDY WILSON Tonight, May lSth at 6 O'clock At the residenun iocated an 413 Kisgsligh Court le Milfon of household furnillire, 09- pliances, misc. etc. Honte is seid - omner anocing. Pull îlet appearcd le laSt wcek'sa paper. CHRIS SCkOUTEN AUCTIONEER MILTON icana3 annanent, washroom. entrai MaIl concept. Fully ir condltionnd, sprinkler ystm. Gond parking. Cali Best Realt & Insurance LtcI. 878-4118 8,mt, Pully EqulpPed Ultra Modemn ROMA HALL 3M STEELES AVE., MILTON, ONT. Makn yocr 1974 booktegs nom for DANCES - WEODINGS - BANQUETS CONVENTIONS, ETC. *Accommodations up te 400 *01ff0 dance floor *Ecellent bar tacilitins and hitchen *Coetrollcd lightîno *Mdodern decor *Fully ncqcîpped Sound syslnm, *Cumpletn air recyclea tiller systenf For turthtr informnation & booking arrangemnts PLEASE NOTE CARMELINA SEDITA WILL ACCEPT VOUR RESERVATIONS AT 878-2460, 8 A.M. TOO6 P.M. OR 870 6527 OR O7t-4903 APTER c PM 0E OEOROOM opartme tfO NASSAGAWEYA rent. Phone 070-2460. 10 ocre parcel about 4 miles to-me ~ romn Mohawk Racnway. 101 MILLSIDE Drive, spacleut ldeol tor herses. This se ont .bndreem u.parîmeet montly open land wllh tome acO ýIOl nirst cfiune, 878a underground springs to make 061 5m3-152 a pond and o smeil pince ot 2 ON bedS. part ta'wonds ot the bock. treshl deccratnd, nec rleMCila bncadlonm, $165 Sf75 per 639-3355 mceth Incledles hydre, air Rcs. 878.510 conditionîng cnd parking, imedat ocuany.Mr Canada Permanent OSmf"8 Trust Realtor 405 Guelph Lice Borlington, Ontario ____________86m3 TI 1NOMPSIUEîAU maU IN MILTON ~ GET THIS SIGN ON YOUR LOT! QUJIET LOCATION on large plcturesquelot close toW. 1. Dick Schooi smart 3 bodrcom brick bungalow wlth attached garage. Plnlsheô 'nuc root. Maey ex trot included $55,900.00 with double doers, Cathedral cellings, largentinished rec ronrnetc. Prlced tosl l ot 059,900.00. Vnndor will help wlth secondary fleanclng. LORNE SCOTS DRIVE - Immoculate 4 bedroon home, both ensuite. tomîiy ronm with sllding glassed donrs te large tenced backyard. Beautftuliy broadîonnned througheut $65,900.00 MAIN STREET-Prominent cerner location 62" e 132'. Large r60 brick and stone bouse ot lmpcslng stature. Zcned commercial and tirst dotss lccation ter otticns, stores etc. $79,900.00 20 BEAUTIPUL ROLLING TREEO ACRES Ultra modemn design, large4 bedrocan home, many excitlng teatores, hlch sloping cellînga, large living roon (15 e 211/2), separate dlnlng ronm (11 x loyal, family ronan (12 c 331 with t rnpîace. Large 2car garage,ucirclr drie, pndetc.$11,100.01. F OR RENTgaragle, extra mido parking and annoucering FOR ENTmaikout te patio. Large comblned living and dinini 2 Stors ~ -, ail windows. Strongiy rncommended at $6n,WOn.00 2 Stoes i n 50ACRE HIDEOUT-Beautfuiy trted with a cre cuer 2000 Sq. tt.) On Main Sf.t ;; concrete block building and moul. JcSf 6 miles up IMilton. Idel for Hi Pi and inuestmont. Llttedat$i5,000.00 Makeanotter. ecord store, antique shop, aite or officns etc. 00111 re- tode tO uit.GET PEBSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL ASSISTAN Phone Toronto BGIEET non sacsCAIL STAN THOMP Downgcwn OFFICE 20 squaretfeet ce second onr, contrai domntomt Mil- on rea, Moti and lighf In- iuded le met. Ph. 878-2326 Olmtt RENT FREE îouse for summner ta eiec- rician and fomily milling f0 ;andoanimais and unedrtkn cmiing renouaI ions. harny possession. Caîl 854-2155 'RFESSI ONAL womon w score turn;shedi homre in Dorset Parkowith saine. For more information cul 878- 4391 attnr 5 p.m. uLctzCOIC Hot mater Onaters mithtfreetervice. Pcone Milton Oydro oic-2345. 81lmtttOS ioueyunE for hontes $30 O monthcoâch. 878-sen3 iocated. oic-ý5n SUBLET one SedroSm opart- nient. Nemly deceratnd. 8ic- 5715cor 878.2086, atter O p.m. MZODEeN COUNTRY opart- ment. Centraliy iecated, ucton. 853-169on m37 2_2OOM APARTMENT wth or0a couple. Repli Boc No. 333 Canadien Champion, Militon. IN CSUNTRY homefurnithed saoil artanet. kitchenette, privat bothrwnonci n. e trancc. Garden piet ocalaibie $125 par nth. Avcabl June 1Sf. 878-5634 2-OSE bodrtomr apartanents treshI ydecorotnd., nom 00006 ;oom, $165S$175 Uer muyty includns hydrc.ai con m cl;y cr0e crl;nc Mni oniey c849 cnd U713 Ouîey 019171 SELF CONTAINEe S bedr00ni aportetent, eiectrlc hnoted, Main St. W., icudes tcse, trio, mcther, dnyer, mater, and hydra. business couple or adule prcfenred. Phone 8ia- oceSpicoeauetter 3.20 pa.. i-ERDIm oporteto clown- tow location, parking, fri0 antd stoc, hest & hydro le- nioded le rant. 878-364s. SUBLET LARGE 2 bodrocan cerner apartanet, onalioble Joce 1. Mayfair APortaats 8781à.02 Can a Nealtor .e~ Save You Money? J Thern are al ny mays euparieeced Reoiters guide their clients to make substantiel saclngs 060 aîd cesfly mistokes 0e vital point Is tee appraisol of the pro- panfy. Unies$ the caluotion is close f0 the fr00 mRarket velue, the sole mai tecerne etenInely drogged out and couid ecenfeaiy anean the sel- ler wiilbhaoetotakea iowertbon-morkef price to nofectatsale ifthe proprrty acqoires an image of heing undesirobie te buiers. A buyar wMtoutoacurnent knomiedge et pro- panfy salues In a locoilti mnuet reli on the keom- ledge and inegrity of a nepoioblc Roalter for guidanceftoavoid paying topomuoh. But frequenfly, theaMstcalubn part cf a Reato's service te bis clients is his knociedge Mf decelopanent trends le bris comnieti. lasa panticular orea nom eoned for single tomn iy dmnlliegt on the brlnk of teing reeoned for h;gh rite aportments? The kncmiedge couid hace o drosîlo effeut on fthe een tuai calue ot te proparty. lea particuion section baing by-passed as the comanety decnicps? Or going dlomehIlli An exparienced Roalfor'snexpertise Is bis clicnt's protection against a cosfly mlsj udgannnt. JjN cholas J. Lonigo Ltd - la 9 ManStreet, Milton asttih s.* ica 0900 pe Oa..an. np.m. For Vour Canicenience NEEO A LITLE HELP? Attractive 3 bedronan brick bungalow with 1 tedrocan boseanent apartanent for thot etra incoane. Single garage and conveniently locatdoncquit crescnnt closeto schonis. usicino $52,900. Coul Joukie Bonbon 070 4129 or 639- COUNTRY LIVING AT ITS BEST 14 acres mIte 734 fot trontage, 5 ycar o16 brick ranch bungalow 4 large bedr00ans, 4 pi ece ensuine, taanily room, tlrepiace. cupbooards colore, S garagns and S bores. Auk- ig s176u900. Bots Cnscon t78-4129 or 878-2755. ROCK WOOO 3 tedreenr brick and stonn bungalow under consfruction, separote dining rocan spacicus kitchen, fîreplace. AshitO $56,00. Ccii Becs Cesuan 070-41290cr Oic-2755. STREETSVILLE SCbo cfe your bck yard. Immacuiote 3 bedronan brick te0u2 peors ne. Broadiooan in L-Shaped living dnn aires. Large kitchen. Cail Yvcnne Bright 878-4129 Or 878- 50. N ICHOLAS J. LONGO LTD. R EALTOR MembersfO0kcilleand MissIssauga Multiple Listing Service MILTON 818-4129 TORONTO 826-4311 CANADA TRUST REAL ESTATE RARE COUNTRY GEM Satiln a luth gren oalley, this 2-ocre estate beus country tranquilîi and creature centiorts which mili apponlto the trly discrminOnqbuyer. Two thontond trees nd acosytafil rOnamiwth wondburnIng tire- place makes this beoutiful brick splfItevel home O borgoit at 079,000.00. Cali Maurice Beaty 818-6418 8m toaron. Beautitul ciecos tromn ,ek tiowing througb tf, smart the 25 HIghwayl Excellent CE SPITH YOUR REAL ESTATE SON, 442 WOODWARD AVE., MILTON, ONTARIO - Phone 818-2455 FIRESIDE REALTY EB LTO., REALTOR CROSSOAK VILLE MILTON Country Clirnate TE L;kc f0 ive lne bo untry yel REAL ESTAte minutes foi tomneond ail Ifs & Broker" cancenlences? Cali today and 1miii so oyu hem. The equ- INISUIRANCE LTD ity on ycur present bome con teip icu ta onliie your dreaan. 3 bodironnit, panelied E3 roc rocon mlth firepiace andt bar, 9020 sun deck ocerlook- an o park and grecet baif, close toi Milton S59,000. Cuit June Close 845-900f or 827- Country Estate Acreage Build your emtpricaiecoun- try home on this 37 acres with a andsomely treed racine eut, minutes f rom Mtono Hamilton and OakcilIe. Cali me to discuts t he ece lient tlnatdieg ocailable to heip Located onea large tome lot 6e 132 Ibis tbree bedronan you sta r? immediateiy. uîdnsplit ottnrs many etrus: master bedronn 11 x 16 Nancy Russel 845-9001 or 827 wth 4PC. batbroonand waikit cose 5xe7 kltucn 4553. m;tb double ccnn stoce, dieing rooan mîtb sildîno dloors 86m3 te patio, large living ronan, second batbrocan tînîsbnd ____________ famîiy rocan, broadiccln and drynr ail înciudnd in the purubose price. Coul today for an appoîtaent. Ashing FARM ACREAGE Ony 52,900.00. WANTEO FOR RENT From 10 acres and up with or 1200 Square Pt. store ln deotntown Orna. w;tbou buildings. Suitabit for horses. Por confidentia FOR PROMPT ANDOCOU RTEOUS SE RVI1CECALL and free nualuation pires 878-88 Ca000 Lewin Soles 070-9136 Jack Tborerp877-7260 cnge Winther 845-7549 0 Boa Cross 8it-2t88 Gloria Oswaid Oic-3561 Residence 853-1990. 86mn3 E. W. Stone Ltd., Real 1cr, 6f Lakeshore Rd W., OakyiIIe. AaE.LEPAGE1 FARMS WANTEO M. i T I 1' Cali for free nciution- JIM BERTIN Ousiness844 1770 61 VEARS' CONTINUOUS SERVICE Resîdeece8Si 46ic Memban of the Toronto, 00kcileaed Brampton S to 2u acre porcoit, mîtb o Rcal Estate Boards mîthout buildings, grnofiy i COUNTRY HOME 3 bedrcoms. large liing yootc. taily kîtubrn mît5 oncqe dinrg urea Fui; baemnt. 2 cuar garagr on a ;urgroneracre lot. Ecîctrg gocd irstlnicytquiJust listed at Only $59,00(1.00 For Listings - Transfers - Sales - From Coast to Coast - Use Oui Guaranteed Sales. Plan POB PBIENDLY INFORMATION AND REAL ESTATE SERVICE DENZIL LAWRENCE 878-9543 OAKVILLE - 845-42671 6M BAYLEY - MacLEAN LTD. Why leave yoor file in the batik? We are in tneed cf f irst and second mgrf'baget on proper- fies ln tItIs area, Please catI Nicholas J. Longo Limited, Realtor 818-4129 86an3 xIL - _ - I 1 1 RI, RIAI [ýfAT[ ýj, iýjAj LMAI! 1 ýý, RFAý IMATI ] 7-770R P[Ni Ni a r f n foi-;i-to 81M6 à