The Canadian Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., Mai' 8, 1974 5 Nva Scolia maoonamed by he wangranledllithe trtory SrWilamAlenander mheo hyJamnentini1t21. - , THE BOWL (top) and a hit (otm.Tenwy Sformed Milton Cricket Club nturted off the N e w c icket club summer neason with' an exhibition game againat St. Edmundos of Toronto Sunday. Through the summer the Milton nquad wiii be playing am clielms OSD hom e rom Toronto, Buffalo, New York, fi t. ares By Owen Faulknor with cricket, these This sommer Ontario matches will be a Sehool for the Deaf will pleanant breath of be the home of the ilostalgia-the ring of Milton Cricket Club leather on willow, (MCC). 'good shot, Sir" and They miii be playing polite applaune. in a league including For native bora teamn from Toronto, Canadians who do not Buffalo, New York, St. understand cricket, Catharines, Welland, 8pectating may prove Oakvileand Brantford, an interesting aod Matches will be played faocinating diversion. Saturduyn and Sundays vSpectators are in- with the opening match vited 10 ail home scheduied ogainot Oak- games.___ ville May 18. ~ 47IU LŽ Nontolia For those of ua from overneas who grew up MIilton rookis.., aids Acton' Rnnkie Paul Wilson of Miltons nereil Inn goals 10 lielp Acln Bamns deleal 1the Arîhur Aces 15-7 in 1the npniflg gorn tI he Central Onarnnor "C" laceonse seliedale in Adtos Moday *'etter nee in, Gemorge. They soid nir Iand broiher Steve '"t.-i maveol 10 Milton front Erin-taoa wmieaha" dole a year ugo. They were imprennive enoogli in Reans' pre-neaonn g amen 10 gain ntarling bertbn. Sieve seored lln'ee goals in a 12-12 pre- J seasBo lie Ramns eained k againsl lie Jnninr "B' Oak1- vile ComChenk Wayne Young paced 1the Aclon alluck is Mnndoy's FrFsf league npeser wilh foue goalant Campbell had t, Pool Wilson asnd Brnce B Conlisley Inn eoch and goalie Gary Tuekosz, Dove Manen, George ArIoso and Rick C CL Newmansone apiece. 5MLS.I BRa ply in tse mesi ___________ divisiosni 11e 10 leam Central league olone mîlh Artliur, GOmon Sound, Mississoogo and Long Branch. Bestdale, Bolton, Osliawa, Hutsville andI Orillio are in 1the easl division. Take a Break. ~~ood Oe odvaolage ni gromisg nider ns you cao -stand for more and fait tor lens. There must lie a shortage nf .hIt. (rom thi nnay Iota ni people steetk i. Il yoar ship doms corne1n limse doys, il's docked 11y th1e gnsernireot. Otappiness a findtag ymur glaise. seon enougli t0 rememter wly yo anted Asolideisaa corve dutrncannset a lt ofn tsins straigliL Cm.t ona frtendty orieaet Murray Blond Drive-la, Stadles Ave., 8704W20 wlies y.. cane lat far a tasty .nee-tbe ga ng" att bare! Opan 7 days a mmli, Detly ta t0Op.m.. Fri & Bat. tatIl pi.. Ontario School for the Deat an a base of operation. OSD gymn inotruclor Owen Fauikoor in president of the club. (PhotosnbyD. Pink) Sports complex at Bran te Park The home ai th1e 1981 Canada Suiomer Gamen wiii be built near the Bronle Cre ek P rovincial Park, Premier Bill laias an- noanced Wednenday in Toronto. An Oiympic-regalation smimming polwih ai- metreiliving lamer wiii 118 buiiî this year and anarena, gymoanium, indoor track, ouldoor irack and field lacîilies and aihleac commoaioin miii follow in th1e nexi fisc yours. Toal cmti n y el aoknaoval bal th1e pool is enlimaled ai $3.7 million. Davis naied the sporis campies wiii 1e ased for national and provincial championohipo, mchant and communiiy programs and for the devriapmeoi ai coaches, jadges. managers and sports admioisicaioro, Jîm Snoiv local MPP and Mînioler ai Governmeni Services, oaid 1the centre miii defilieli' sot 11e uned for professinnai sprins and said Oakviiie a chnen anthe site cause of ins "ideai geageaphic location to serve the largest number of exoaci sie of he nem constructiohon 001no been deiermioed. It may 11e on land adjacent oc th1e provincial park, bal il miii 11e chosen 0o1 1n interlere mith the park master plan, 11e said. RAINBOW TROUT Weighing il pounds and measuring 30102 itiches is proudly shownb Bi Tyas, ieft and Neil Onntrom of Dorset Park. Caoght by Bill on n six pound uine, it taok 20 minutes with Neilos heip 10 "talk i t into the bout." it wsea caught on an annual finhing trip to Oween Sound sehere thse men admit to catching nothing but a cold in previoos years. agameyai Township Coanicil had connîdereol the problemn. hiave to have ?and rezned be- lare 111e iom'n consenin 10 establishment of future deveiopmenls. The imo properlien aiinmed in1te reolriciing 11y-iom are Mohamk Traiter Park ai Campbeililie and Milton Heigklv Camping Groundson Tomn Line near th1e Heightsn (Canlinaed fromt page one) Groands. Neighbnr Pal Slraw bold coaici ihe reprenenled a nomber of reoidentsin th11e aresaand ihedltoopposelioe developmnenl of the camping groandaon thal location. Stram and member of the graup he represenin hadl op- pasel 1the maller daring er lier connideration mhen Nasn- MILTON SCORPION CENTRE î Camping Supplis - Lame & Gardon Eqaipoont Barbeces & Amcesois -Lawn Chair - icles litAccasoris -Mini Bika - Go Carts *Mowaer Repairs 6Bike Repairs aRentai of Mowers, Roto Tillers, Spreaders anbd Wheel Barrows 137 Main St. E. Milton 878-5952 Mllo. Junior 113, Continental Fîyers i DANCE foaturing "Bus Stop" FRIDAY MAY 17 9 P.Ef. t@ 1 C.11 $4 a couple Milton Agricultural Hall Refreshments WHEEL HORSE lan&garden tractors Complete Une of Lawn & Garden Equipment & Accessories. Make your selection and write your deal 1 Your complete rs for. . n & Gardon a Complete c i headquarteî ePARTS ej Plantsa Sh::s SERVICE Eveihing in DaitO 8.38 ta, 530 "' n" Supplies including -Bat. Ia 9 p.m. Rentai Service. LADY MAYOR RIDES HER * YAMAHA TO KITCHENER COUNCIL MEETING OFF TOWORK- Cambridge Mayor Claudette Miliar has fouod avecooomicai way totravel daili' t cil' hall Ironi her Blair area home. "How Cao you justifi' dricing a car esheni the molorcycie gels about 125 miles tolhegailoo?" sheasks. Mayor Millar lravelied bi' molorcycie toaa regiooai counicil meeting in Kitchener iaslmweek. 511e has ordered a sidecar bo heip ira ns port her briel case and t11e 4 ccasioaa passeoger. RecordePhoto b Gecrvsanihout ona ... Y LAH #0 MOTORCYCLE & SMALL EN IE SPECIALISTS SSALES *SERVICE *PARTS d 181 MILL ST. MILTON 318-4212 Campgrounds .... (Photo byJ. Beatotil 1_____________________ 1 ATTENTION I Annual Meeting & Elections ... for Milton Minor Hockey Association May 13 - 7:30 p.m. Martin St. School ARNOLD'S LAWN & GARDEN CENTRE HWY. 25 SOUTH AT DERRY RD. MILTON 878-5063 1 Ùlà-ll 61.