Gets 10 vear award Cubs and Scouts honor Shirley Ella SHIRLEY ELLA rerrivra her 10 yrar award for servie with the Sreuting movemrnt frees Ed Somnerville, Buringlea District exerutive. Deug McPetrie, Akrla aI Onario Sciteel for tise Deaf, attended the dinner ia Shirirys houer. (Photo by J. Reateni Lowville Speaker explains forms of crosses y Mr. T.BRamshusu saasuana fisa Te Guplesas ubraet ta mrisoa Pre ee'GCabaret" aiMoawkmonua maap ears as Fiday eveassg Tisyeiat ai varsaus cara ther Rheosas restaurant ai ares.tise gavea Waterdama tr fuses ater aad isatarosa tise play . osisl ev Ms Adie MeArthisaia Ghisiansaanaad ther Geserat Marsne Hsptal meausaga. ta OurnS ound,. emupeatiag Frms trama aprafiaa. Wr isS She dset lier eti tise crossan Wr arr pleated tiai Kea lrma TeLat BSithis ahiome fiMosthe masticmm Souitat asdisapoiesusilsau as tise siga ai SrSain irceulaatio. tatisand i wsa Lasussftr rammoaitp a as used ai tfi iftaried anddaddeOed ai te Te empiy rS drati ai Mes. Audrey protetat desc Gulsas, a liieiag erssdeoi ai a symbrloil thisarecra Her grtte sprit tuesaus Ghrist. asdudestaadiag ean t il Ms Leaise be sadty msaispfibythsesuisu by sitasuagfthe isesuier well, ymo of thseL taite used ins19 UCW meetng te SOiS aiv -The atereama unit ai tise Uaited Gisorch UGC,W. , ieid thies May Ms Nrrîs 1rea ltie hame ai Mes -Ms. camp Campbsell, theOmagh reidrt caadurtrd te iusiesand heid o touching Fi memorialsier rtu s. -Adeyp Gasisaa, amembre Fi foar mapYyaru. Su is. Cer Ms Veima Nreisuand Tiefisnal st :Mms Grare eadbrad had sprssg andsuun charge ofthfie pograsu for te held aut Rap aternoan. Ms. Gesue Frday eseOin fteadisaread ties cepire 12 tabls in s and comment. Ms. Jean orne Ms 5 Wikinson sang the ovly aid Ms. olinaBt S yn os,"A tSheter is e Tsa riPeers.e a tortam.' FranksPeursc Geig MsG. Ms Veima N orresa ead Alred Ford. sectonas ram as artile auds: Me.1 suittra Sp tie fate Sotuos asswit ilve and] -Giraser Tienssie isieaduced compted sx 'tise speaker Mes. Rts Tise suai so Leaier. Ms Leaier isu eii sereteluaris ýarra for Smr msyteriai for is a spouiser on aassin tis ýan sot erri ng tive ftSakon aeepy dap, pagananad tieie s of scross td fas dstrenf fis cross is the stly remgniard )ftise Christian as ibis taro tisai tecrueifirfian. oss ssused bp smoatsaas as tise living vie- ýeoded Sen taiS igroup the ne tJUnited Churris 197S ta retebrats iversny oattse saiofGanada. is tisasied tise fstpeaketandmrse guita and meoshees fa ec home and ierved fieo a detiius Oatuaday, Apr. 28 Mr. ami Met John Leaser et d opn isause is herewarhoSme as tise Gueph Lise fatS annluersarY Dr. and Met Johni Wiliams ut Garsas gave a disere party for Mr. and Ms. Rutl Treamitis as tieir 3tis surddiag assiversuelad perted iSeos mitis a ire srres. Ty iseamoteseafed tise 5fis irfiday ai Ms. Wiliam Teemiti Srt. Wr isS aitt roseraed maap mre ihppy pes. Me. and Ms. Nrman Lagton attesded tiseiftiS asiversary service ai Hilrert chrisoriand apoaf tise day sifS M. Vilt Ainsworths. -ial euchre rit Putteesas ail.Tise coosostter swill eoche fr taneisrcoovea tise parties agais a sIen asasnsuas OctoSer. sye Gentre o Special Sirtisday greslings g, Apnil26suth ta Mes. Grvilletsatt ai da.y _..neSttretavllr an hSm sperial lliiam tsat. ,day. May 1t Wr usish hec reatp. Mes* E. cntiaurd gond braItS. L. Lasng Se., vis., Mueganste Bîrtbday gond misSes ta GTenrycise and Bruce Praftesa, Gertrude IPeines for lose Prucaris, Henry Baiser. Lessu Puddler Roaald Harris, Norman Soanald Douglaa tulaun, Harold Douglas, Mms i D o wnas. Mes. M. Vendra sibalfioar BoomMrs. JacksJarvisand su as enjaprd Sp Lori Lee Fard. Friday, May 10 deadline for hydro report briefs If fyoo at t make ay rummens on tie Slauds GCommissoa*sreport, tis Friday. Mayp10t sute dradisar Tbe Staodioqiri ~resulted ina rca ý - oendationstaI wuad lse h ,Towun ai Miton lmut sarrausdrd by iOuturio Hydea's WV isdno ses. A gSeptic tanks are allowed Hilas RegsoauiPlanasse é Gumoittes suil eromrd 'couarstradaoresrthepassagaof a, uprposed amendment tothe Gesgetous Officiai Plan. ~Tise ameodmeal souad alosuabout2 lots anlise area ai AnS t.,Maple Ave. ai the mstely iosiit. and ue St- lonpariaif River rta br sureuscrd iy sepis tari' sytemais Huion hmis Planing Dreclue Matsc .V,1lll, explai e îles' s sil urne arady ususiale lie- ed thrdie ota culdal ereadly e sevied Sp toma services -< ecause ni the insu lise n aisiesai tie laid. à$J.R. Currie 00 OPTOMETRIST E ' WLNGTON MALL Telophone 632-7788 majror lise wmuud ras east- many otiers sho may alsu ie uest north o lighwsay 401 affected have nouf iero heard and Five Sderoad, a spur ime ram. He saggested May 1a run nrth Cxraagin Esquesing sas the deadile for lands ta thr Gergesasua area esponding ta the totand and thr main branch con- reprt 'Isecause ai the im- tinuaes east of the toua nta a portancr of prareeding sith major ubstato sntise area thu project ituittoo fu mri ut te Fourtis and Fsth Uses, iuther delay." rauti ai 40L Fartiser detay did resuit. Allas Geasoma, hasever, tisanko fa the Provincial Seretary for satioosvsde mailstsinie and Reurces Devefopsesi totd the resutisg tir-up aifoai. A tise Otario Legisaturr as presoreteuse assouootsg tise ,Sprst 9 tiaiatisougis tisme deudlioe for filitg commenta mst tiety aitected iy tise astise Sotuodi report as sent propued iydra ise iave ta tiis sesspaper os A prit a atedy made represes Sbut if arrsved ontise mail a satin isote gaeromea ,Saurdup May4 * AUCTION* The LIBERAL PARTY of HALTON s Iooking for donations of china, ioys, antiques, etc. far its GIANT AUCTION SALE an Moy 25, 1974. Look in your attic or basement and find somne unusual treasures, then take to or cali Mr. George Jackson - 818-2580 Mr. Irian lest - 878-4118 who will arrange for your * contribution Campilfuife CGuisu asd Ssuts tursed ouf es masse lut Maaday ta isasar Shirley Elfa, cuis lesder for tie paît fl pes, aid Nyle lofi misa foe tie poiltfour est isi served au troufasastr. oif are fesviag tise cmmusity, Shirley wmois auresdy mrk- ig sn tise Regiou GCetrerfr flrurisg Haadieapped sn Les- dos as a seretarY is tise risid îtudy restrer, and Ny e isW ramse ut a tumnify moue fousn tiser aes. Shirey Sus surisd for ta pearu as udministrative s- sistat ta tise supritendeaf ut OstariaoteSuat lfor tise Oeuf in Milton. Atsefi ai her maris ai Aieta ilS tiseampbsel- ville otois e uf5suawried wit istand Guides ai SDl and beoresvig tishe e gas tise Rauerreatay. Rua- vers arr Yug boysoaI pr- Guis ers asd Siirey Sas Sers mrking ilS tise coufua an Lndonsiscerse iegas hec jsb tiser anPeirury. cuospheffuitte LionsaCluS hait rereived a roîsig iitia- fionas us120 ColisScrots and tatisers ejayed a diser per- pariisy ampiluitir W o- mess Isîtitute. 1ipeari Sirey wsa prrirtrd sifS ier l tar pis isI S omer- rifle ut uriagtaa District Sautisg esmcutive. tshe and Nytr afua reeeived gis ram tisir rerspectiveGCui paris and Scaut trous). At tise uge utf16 Sirley Se- s a Girl Guide intourisas ir goldcoued. ose stipuation Omagh Hoi chsea as ises tamaork isil Coisi. Ger ose pes se is madretatia tirindsisias sas evidrat mies masy aut a-toms Cut, Seouts aid par- ens t ttrdrd tise disieis ier isar. Roue Day, District Ladies' Aiiury perideal aid uis camp ruais, Sud nstalgie taries ta reats as did Aignar Hemoisg, prosi- dent attise Ruef (agiosLadies' Auifiarp. Tise Hromusng Soy, Breas, RBiland JarS aur ai ers under SBisrtrys guidace and ere attieds arrsifth ieir maser ta isS ier seif ier n rsumai. Go- mriser ai OiSD, Daag MePet- rie also atteaded. Gursi Donna Rytai, risaiesua- mnas ai tise ampettiltr Gusanad Stouais, sai ms- lreros ot oremosies tac tise eveiag. Head tablie guesto nctuded Jar Andresnand irisy f îsrr, Sraufiag assist- ants; John De Rtam, Dn% raig asd Jase Rrtos, Gui leaderes, MarshalliPyatf asd JaSa Gapland. Eti Daigle Sa asuosed tise rate ai Aieta sifSampbell- vie cabSanad RBre Kirisuiy s laiig avec ram Nyte ftzs as Straster. Tise dinnerrraoicdrd mitis Siirtys irtisday and s a gitier mtise as givrnaa pers suissriptian ta Tise Gchampion. "f t'a a gaad may fa erpap sifS tise matcalrsus mies pou moue ou ai tom," sise eommented. memakers end Ru Mc. Ceeul Putersou Gel surît misses ta Ms. tam Fianie Se., Mcas ClarecerFard S. and Morts Tuner, al patients sn Mltn District Hspital, Memberes ai Haeaiy Suths 4-H4 HamemaiiseCluSbisld1 tieir maris meeting an1 tatunday Map 4 tan ue( proj et,-Tise eeal 55e11"- leura ginls registererd and1 succerstfufty eopîrîd this1 intereratng club maris. Ail esgit meetinsga rn elSrid s Drumquin Sp Ms. (ecif Pattersas (Itaiended tan lal amisk tinorre sympafit tisasei suis moues tise saddea pasiag ai tua Young girls ourees MeDasaril and Jarqase Tisoanat ut Mississauga, wabs urne ilird in acarnaccidentonaatitansia Rd. as Api 18. Te girls urne gine ta a bridaI sisamer ton a fimd. calter a sa gand-niee ai Ms. Hugli OConour. itisdap greelsaga ta Aady Ternes and niao tshepherd. Wefrtmr oue ta Mssa Audrey Lawrencer sui arried baeisin Canada fes,,a Gad, AriaereOetlp. Audreypas a truciser for tise families ai misinaanirain tisaItreiga field and susl Se as tfugi tanfora yrar. Audrey sili e a garas ifS Smr sistereRtS and Sothen- is-lam Bill ailry and tamily, Bitania Rd. and tienda arr fuakisig torard ta hereng Smr speon las frsn Atira. hail il h toue grs having a ggmien attradauce BRoard lsa mme camplted and tise exhîit pasard for aciiruroset dus May If t tise trsual for thé Orat. Sonia May and Helen Opafren iii bribhecoammenlatuea un tiaI date. f tereraid mafisers and fiirsds are isvitcd ta attend lise uternouasprogeaos af 1.30 pm. As a grand finale tise membres and laderes M. Patteesunanad Ms. Kierran rnoayed a deiesaus paftarisk luncsosafotue isesuasmeal. Membres ave tearard a gerat deat and had a lt aifatfus uoriag tagether an use pool feu muatisa Eacb sili reiea sterig sivetlra spau n rtieir efforts ai compilsag, a reord booi, a recpfile and dsplaying a pate ai tires maffias ai acievemeai day 'lisey al] bave peaaaulmumories of meeting and ra-operatiaf astis ara girls . Tiselradera tua havetfeltilta pleasuerto suris uit sacS a ire gnaap aif teenagers. itiday party Mes. Ors le Stoutai Stteetuvtlle. a former resdtofaiOmagh area, aa garai toonrt a bîtiday dinner partu brid on Map 2 ai theishome oftber grand-ier Mes. David Otd, Toronto. Attending surer Sm betisen Thoamas M.Glbraitht ai torliigiaa, ber siten Ms. T toosu. Mston, iereanad close tresduM. and Mes. Gordon Rbinoa, Mes. Mrris Traere, Miss Ie Hornbv Euchre parties By Mes. Jim Hlamilion fisday greetinso are aise, Tise Nonth Trafalgar extesded ta, Garry Htamiton, Eschese oisbissfd fie weeisiy who iii celebrate is ifl' esches party un Satuda, day onMay 13, and aimo au Ma p40 Tises sessigti Gioieus Plant os tise samne faisessesoirsi pîs sufisday. tise prises01- - goig M anie Anveesary gestiguare PercsG srrWon, Jim etedd luMr. s a rM amloRpu t , RUMelvis cru, miss mI cfea Suis iPrestos, M rti sats thesr seddisg as- Guinsisgisanad Hassl stivesary os MaY 16. Rosi Prestos. sutises ta Metis ansd Tiss Nortis Trufalgar Marguerite. Commusiîy luis isld a succesuful sucises Party os Friday, May 3. ise prises - a uses musn isy Mlsreol Iis, Doaty Da lf arvey Duos, FAB A MySmmii, Rua Sires, Dave Domlsg, Mary Woris- mas, Dethert Dansu, ILofa Fine Furniture s" Forster, Gladyu Burke, Dorolisy Featiserafos asd utAToA TO Resis Dare.YTva RoICuS Bliishdays Birtisday grestisn ffare NYLE IUTZI receives a gift and god iSites taro eded ta Mr.¶iarold MILTON El i Daîgle. Campbellville Cuit leader. Nvy e has crosser, miss ml celeiseate heen ceulmnaster iu Campelville for the pant t e itho n ay Besuis. Bir- four yeurs and is moviug tram ite district. lotDnaBrk. i- (Photo hy J. Beaton) Ca/fs drop, but Fire tosses rise Altisougis tisesumiser af year. alttisugistisere sere 212 seriaus ires dropped, ire drafisu arrosa tise resuitil asses wmmd ap ioprovinre. 973 In Haifos, arrordisg tfou Hatoa's major ire total rprt ireieased iis suseis iy dopped tram 450 ta 436 isut tis fisueattise Ontario ire tise ire fss istisose 436 ires Marsisai rose $693to $1,8,754. Tise Titere ueer sodeatisu ut- 12 total sas $1,1707.34 triisuted to iserlu Huala hit Sest record The Arias ire auresailudtise bost rerord ofa at-suoier ai 'a ies droppedteusl 5 t Sut maredame ite s fe3 p roi ect Briagia iad iewerraols clsu ere recorded isut damsage tofatrd $5133,867. la DawsuMes. Florenre Jfeu the previusayrar ifsas 210 eaut hs der lady recessud ires and $434901 damuage. maa gis. gaad sisises and Miltonasnad Gakiie iad flarai triiutrt s ier periat similur stafIstira, tesuer iros day. Friesds sisis ier masy ibut mur- damsage. Mussas' moare yar. Afatity art y rails drapped ram 128 fa 22 sas aisuietdisyiserrrisidrr isut tise tous rase ram l$15T,152 aad grauduhildrees ia ta $463715. Ouiviiie iad f31 Strerisvitte. ruttu roosprerd ta f44 tise Suaday, May f2 wmut toe preutaus peur buffise tosusas Chistian Famsily tuandayutup ram $431700 ta $813,374. Omagis Presisyterian sAurris. la Gergetosun, tise umiser uiC.y Mrris Beaty is ras- ai iressancreasedtfraaS53 a vairsring ai his isome T6 lusi peur but resaliig tos taiiosiag a stuy is Oaivittr sas dasus rasssderabiy. Lest ilo Hiospital, Wrsisis hio a sas $44591 tasi yrar con upardy reraurry. areid ta 16,858 use previaus Bruisday greetisgs ta Ms. yeae. Beverley Fenssas. Miii Mrtns andes Ruas, Harold 0 1 L ri Dougas, Ghisstapiser Dufty Vaounsagers have jOit si DOWNTOWN GEORGITOWN Judy Grdas. John and a hall muor arrisaai MarKissoan ad Leri Leescuhuat tafre ie sommer 877-2311 Ford, berais srrdisg is laie A tesu tarmerusi is dstrict avr tarird spiso ptastiag Sut due ta sui ___________________________________ setierad land conditions, tise ied maris ias bee deiuyed, raussag nmurS anxetyas seeding s suaaiy iniised and thSe geais up Sp tiis date. Let u sapa for a Lsae. sprat Ima arris recratip ta Edmonton and vicisiip for issempiaperu, Gul it Gsiai Garisn, eau- dootsag sunsey tests tan suipisueruainentia tise campansa gs iinm Mes. Roaas troouf ta jasa ier 1busisasd ton a isaiday ueerd and uisitrd Ranff, Calgary . and toured Edmonton. Aword f0 the wise When it cames ta hot water, uaing it wsely-nat wastetully- makea good sense. 1milton hydro vour Iwdro*4 1 250 Main St. - - . phono 878-2348 t, àl t