TOADITIONAL ISTYLINO is s-otlosted in tis sviil s-ept i s-edSos Aiscn 2sto-ey- Estes-tais in tifs las-ge liing s-esc and disiso rs-es Mscn sili dellsht ln thes s-sous- s-,od its-iel sîtif gleamisss as-pliats-es asd tife den clse ifs. tl clo fetes 21? bats Witf a poolsizî sis-ot onIl quiet sts-sot siat s-ewoAid thefdiscrims-lP atssss falysss desîs-e? $78f,0s0 s- As-s-sNsLt' RENOVATE- Bifsil on- ca attracstiv-e vtifaopack lke selltng ansdsriverct ba-ktis - eds-oss, 2- stos-es hore s-sssss -oesplots citif 1s,- oss, large msoderntch50elssd spcosdis-îsO la cyror.Wtif seci cls-sss-s- sidlsg s-st isstallcd soU a s30,005 ses Fis-st Mostgase tifis hocs sifos-d oel tsts- Vacant ands-ecds-for irretccsdas-spanctodk- WHERE YOU'LL LIVE TOMORROW-Utosffl 3bedl s-oes bris-k ifs-gaif Ow st las-ge living s-Oses atd dini00 rse, can exsts-as nles-idle pas-ad ds-is-e, tinssied s-es- rse and extra5 socndstfcrs. Nis-els-laods-oped. Askistg $58,900. NOs- MANs' AROUNO--Tif-qoas-fer acre lot na Trafaclgcar Rscd anda 40igifccp. Coespiefei tece-d- prîs-ed sigiff af 533,500. CUSTOM Os-ILT NEW HOMES IN GEORGETOWN- Orly- fco ieOt-Eoiis dofcied tifses atd toos- bedroses bickisi aed aluioclum bungealos with attced garages. Ex-tra large kifs-Aest L-Sifafsd liing gnd dising roos-cil citif este bafth ent suit", s-los large4 pes-.osdasstifPtw piesot tifefaill s-oses. Waiis DON'T LOOK AT ANOTHER HOUSE-sstii s-oo'se s-ses 5his spstiess 3 ifodroses bifsck asd clumiium- bas-k splîs close to ss-hoois and os-ge pissa. Oces .i11 gis-e posse5ssi teendofo Jun.Exs-ellestcss-fgage ots9so s-es- s-est. Ss this ifoce in Georgefowntsodas. Ossîs OVIN TOUR OVIN BUSINESS-Taise fife ifs-l bp tife s-ss-ss and Aalk lno tis ssii estaiflissU "s-as-lots-" bsinîess and shake tis ,tf s-os-s reos-la- clis-tele. Ail tiat s-quis-sd isass-iliignesso foskifas-d and a hea-ts-, of eethiases and s-os-s stop tosard tîtaspiai sidspsdess-e ciii ifs reas-hed. A s-eas-dlsg s-as-es- s-os-ss fos- s-st S34,000-.00 ies-lsdi00 ail stock ced tiofos- iIg Ail stofecens, f as-to atd tigures as-ailciff e sr- qust. An esfaifiisifed bifnoess Isa gft, not a risk. Ccii A MUST TO SE E-Tifis tcoso-es01d bris-k defas-ied ed hfome is sifii scli0 disfans-e of seifosis, shofp- pisg, GO-Traie cnd s-es-setiseei fas-lîltIff. A defas-ied single s-as- garage, a firepias-e acd a front s-os-sh as-e ail osifatssed ifs tifs fs-ls- lcsds-ased proparfies. Priced at $64,900 tifis ifome ciii netfacsf. BRAMPTON-JUST REDUCEI-Litigsa-e sar-e itiseaoctifol cnd desis-aiit ase. ms-se bed-ooes sideos-lit plussden os- ftoo-i iads-oes clocn, ifroadioss, disiscashe-. attas-hai gerage, pas-eS drive, ail fifis for esis- $66505. REGAL SPLENIOUfS-eofifs-iis isced ln Gie Wilias s esis s-osfss-s oid frois- graclous whsite bifs- - wisif ecpfioal brodloom psacîandds clod Ileseoo-ddfsa ecdiae d g frontand ba k fle and calkies distanc-e fro sesedO gocs sswifhsfcfely traitsand fIoweregsh s-bs, sse-in sg Stcfs rie555 os-erookengfthe&rditRiver This IstrulNafure's everyhing Stating rice11,6,9W.Parcdise. Essartaimn eese sawassa pleasure for al DID s-OU Es-ER HOPE TO FINI-an fs-o s-orcent s-as-sered. Tfere sa a multitude of filafures fss Pie. msss-gage with 24 peors fs ru? Bea tiflS3edrSrn sent living. Large s-vig ross fesmai dinng roes sidcssli, finisidtfaesllrmont, paed drie,aacaif sps-sos foos s- rose wffs fireplace, fuls- eqoipped gas-gecitifestrace fo fatsiisrome. Lo-els- largek kt iciee plus s-tilfy rosor o aux s-ar kfsfsee aed e s-selsîss'ss sdisie ose.lescsslfecd- faths. Doubles cagargeplu wsalu k os sesiseent. ssood sisoro. Gef fifis lot sizei HOxl5O On edge Of tOwn Awes f hap5 A PLCE STHSPAC-Re- rses fcssdr- rsesXCLUSIV-E WOODED ACRE-2 mes cfr ses n fsen and cor-shoi added to fis tasfefli s deorafed ifomefuldng orovylaekihn TVrom2 cils L-sifcped istgdintieg croc, fitres bedrooses ifaf os5 rc ssfo-a-s00oe o slssd-crp-sr5andeseeîssr dasr in~e s-ant replces-ofshomeefor $79,500) bussiedl Prîs-Od f0 ssii cf osiy $62,9M0. 877-5213 TR TO457-175P E