£fl~ .~ B 3 mWIELE ETYLT W REMIO GROWING ... THROUGH VOUR CONFIDENCE NOW 42 OFFICES THROUGHOUT ONTARIO Wed., May 8, 1974 - R5 1Il * MORTGAGE FINANCING *PROPERTY EVALUATION *FARMS, LOTS, ACREAGES * RURAL & SUBURBAN HOMES *INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES *COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES *INVESTMENT PROPERTIES *PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Î%- MOTIIER'S DAY 365 days a year. Ens,-y singiedsy sf fheyoy. is remarkabie ountey,-aflssyie home spoia s ot a beotter, oasis.-. ifppior fle for mss. asd ail tse famiiy. Tis home has fice bedrooms b throe tir- plases, f00 suri docks, fh,-oe bafhr-ooms and a spedtaculaf view. Jusf under flares,- e0f iond. Esf,-as galirei Cali Don Jaf">ie foday for an ap- poinfs.OOf. $139,900. 36f1.050 or 877.5237. Lots of Londi Vs.»- wisif s mn commearOd. Hos. s.uid you ilke B gorgees acresS, sons, cleared and Io reses? Then dont jst wisif, cali yos. fairy gods.othe, Jean Mogeestern. 877-5237 MAKE VOUR GARDEN GROs. While lving cosnforfsbiy ln fiis SpaslsUS 4 bed,-oonn homsefounilnone of Geogetons ffines aeas. 3 banhfols and aspeciai entrancefor the kids- are bs lnals.es lourd in fiis fine homfe - sol f0 mention thevey large basementiI55t0!iling for your speciai toucsif f0make fla nch faiked aboutf psrt ses. Sods good Cal Sue Cal 8f77-5237. INCOME PROPERTY 55,055.Ofdooff buys this Actoe prspof y. Vends. s.iii gOotisfancing. Three sparfment ,-enfs help psy gae. Cemfnreyda osnsn, nea,-ness le shoppisg and fufure GO-Train make if an attractive posposifion. Coli fAar Towier f77-5237. Tfsee bedr'ssm ralsad bungalow In Georgeton. Prsfessio.fsliy f inIsffd rac mssnt wifb fiefld sifns, bey and basement complefoiy disided. Qualitiy b,-adissm In ms a,-eas. Gssd fastefisn>-ousfat l.04,000. ys.> canft afford f0 losifafe. 8-las sor Lia Stuart 877-5237. BUILDERS OPPORTUNITY Sioiy acres ln 0,-le Township. Bsilding permit aisile, come and saiei Coli Ufia Paerson totlay 877-5237. CONVENIENCE PLUS! This lovely 4 hodysos. home sa vr close tfoshop- ping and schosis. Walk-sou ros. fthe dining roos. o tho ouy oonced bsk yadfor theofmate en p.-vccv Cal Lala Wi0ba 775237. NO BATHING SUITS AFTER DARKlII Hel01 siicky! sommer days aye alimmI hoye buf you coin kepcosiiln yourown Ingssd polln the large gardiensooding Ihis osocution behody ms aide- spit ifh amiiy ros.formai diing roos., extha oarge kitchoni and iooh broadloom fhrooghout f0 comnploe the picfs.e. Sais yoo, lfutre homo s.>. Joan Morgenstern. 077.5237. mhis sîde,-, qusily home s.ooid neey give as.sy ils age by ils apearsnce. Il mst sisitnlo be pprec- sf60d. Ve,-y clo to fhe GO fraie, schosis ond shop- ping. Csme snd have ailook wlu Lsiio Wheiyoba 077- spaepesselofn and a homo like noone else's Look no lorîbyl! We hase iisfod tis reos.skabio 3 hodroo issoid be mor-e) homo, ss.peeoy cr peled, 2.000 square foot ioooyy hom.e on on ox- lyoeiey largo lot ioaoed noay Erin. The sto0e tire- riscs. odded bay and Infriguieg fomiiy os.aral extra ; 1ha1 moke this homo a Iose sf0a kind" 1 Coli Sue CayIo for- more Information. 077-5237. 27 NEW HOMES IN FEOGUS ai Prises range fr50 842,990 ns 46,890 hi) sole modern gos hoafino 0i double garages di soddod yards ei Byodises. lifyouc Il 100 x 150 lest lots Prses sobjesf to chane. Thoso home s.iii ho pro.ssIdIonalfi,-sfssmefisl serve bsis. Don't o sf0s. Phone ows. information se fhesa homes sas ho oblsinod by sonfeoling Oriae and Lia Stuart 877-5237. VARIiETY IS THE SPICE 0F LIFE!! This gygosus country homo bas s ss,-iefy of fins iosfoyesto suitfyourisamilyoods. Losh broadios in the liing and dining yooim extra ilarge sunny kitch o, 4 hodros and tho dosor a oit of this ms.id. Tifero's a ,,ovoyed potis and econ s wishing s.eii1. Buldonl oisif, If yod Ik osown fiis isseiy fions csii Jean Morgenstern 077.5237. Largo home s.ifh an exseptiosai larse 0ft. i500143). This home Maturs 4s good sizo bedyooms s.ifha s.ashross. off the master bedyos.. Open so. li o lenabie you to uild your own er oom. $5,900 .* Coli Lauya Kingston loy fuyfho,- defails. A OOOM FOR OACI- CHILD And msybe more ospare. 5bedyoomsand adon. A ishen oarge esougi for5 dining bul siso s proper dining -os. Tifis ifome.o 0110s oeeylifing tife choosy iss.iiy s.oud wani. iclding a uniqueiy landscaped lot. Coli Laila Wie005. 9 MILES TO GOTRAiN Tha's s.hero yoIilie fifte 5 hod,-oom home you've heen oldesg for. Ceifoiiy ai- csedhioned, lar-go living, dining yoo. s.ifh hgh quaoily hyosdlicm. Dos.nstiis y os sonrlxl the hinshod ,-soyeais ,-sem. Aul ihis for-s price that wiii scon ho hlstory. Cai nos. and ask for Ma,-g Towler 077.5237. SOFFER NOMOOE neeomb,-iestsommer? This yayorea t he bar in your sontyally air.ssedlried home. Locoind in a ceryyattractive soighhorhood. This 3 hodroos. bungalow. s asoilebie for Joiy possessson. Iftenturesoayec roommIth exhast fons, so,-port, f0w-window. and choIe-ueOk f0nce. Phono nos. for an appoinfmonf f0 vsero. Allis Gonding 077-5237. noUEmLT MN 266E. GUELPH ST.* GEORGETOWN GEORGETOWN MARKET CENTRE Bri0e Olifen Mgr-. Tom. Cooper Alan Gundieg BoU Martin coli Noble Doiiy S,5,11, 87-0 Jean Morgenstern 07700620 0,ian Stuartf 077- 1242 ' Sivia Gylsoa 077-5237 llag Tocier 877-2f04 Lsss Kingston 077 5701 UlI4 Pesys W3 2668 Ebb Tc,-knglss 8719044 Lisa Wi,0,-sO Makel l'anoo 8a7707458 877re ake -237 Toronto 361-0590 JJ Irene Ripley 877-9668 877-5701 877-5016 853-0219 877 5001 826-4444 877 7244 8774210 877-8860