56 The Canadiâu Champion, Milton, Ont., 0004., May 8, 1974 Wvitness assembly Divine victory prediCtE Fitteeu-your-old Stephos ment in goverosonto and tIse Didur, ibis type ut uctivily upuldisu otl Misotuuisga mus generai declite on the quaiity souches mauy perss umu 2prsos whu ut lite ure ail pruducto ut proviusy sot contocted hy lyhlneh er hpis humus guverumeut. The the mitnses. tteir do-.dicutiso Iu sere alternative, guveromeol hy He cuutinued, "Becouse ut Jebuvuh God. The occasion Gsd is recommended. During the limited time oemaioing wus the nemi-annuai Circuit the tirsi 100 days ut Muy ibis and the vusi murh tu ho doue, Assembly ut tehuvuh's trust wiii receive sordmide Jehuvuh's mituosses are Witnesses ut Miltton District distribution. Accordisg tu Mr. coocersed nit ail peuple High Ochosi os the meeud. Total immersion is muter ix un suimurd symhol Usai the individuel has convenunted r cuuditiuotaly. Accsrdisg tu a wîtsess spubesmus. ibis isvoives liing o Christian lite and hecsmisg a literul mit- sesu ut Jehoauh tlsd. Dxr isu 1973 user 190t,000 persons in the worid ot Uis stop. A cromd uf 1,045 hourd A. PRINCIPAL speaker ut M. Didur, District ovOrseer 91 tic Jehovah's Wit- jehovuh's witseSses i lieuses circuit ascembîy sOuthern Ontario delivor Use osertheweocndwos muî address Snduyl Th over te weeend w s subject mas, -Be contident ut A. M. Dîdur. accssst depîctisgithe cumisg (to by D. Pink) w arbare betweets Gsd's _________________heuveniy forces aud those s psed tu bis Divine rster- Crawford Lake sThiMnoiquesto a tL wbo miii ho victorius Use pollen study quesio ix. hilw enetit The speuker escoxruged A study wiii ho crsied sut by preparing tor tl nom. He this sommer ai Cramtord oxutionod agoîis oiiumisg Lobe 10 determîse the ugo tbe ussieties of ile 10 atfect and type ot poein thie muter ibis costidence anden ut vaurîs teveix. Il mas couraged o diligent atsdy of recommended ta Haitos the scriptxres. Regios Consservation The asxembiy coiscided Autbarity by Dr. Machs- mith a speciai distribution ut drems uftihe Rayai Ontariu the tract eniitled "Guvers- A TOTAL 0F 22 socre baptised at the Jehovah's Wl Museums thut ibis sixdy ho meut by God.- The tract ini Miltan District High School over tIhe wceken corried out. He asuureui Usemn ith God lu serve htm un- iiere babies are baptixod wîth drape of wa ihere wuuld ho su environ- expluins bas soarisg prices, Jclîovah's wiinesses wîil baptise anîy adtlts-by mentl damage to the lobe us dmindiing tood supplies. ioîn or saool of Watr a resait. corrxption aud mîsmunage- . tr The paose prssata stady wiii hocsdce by Karen Haddes, a graduate sixdesl ut Ysrk Usiversity, as partsof ber PhD thesis. Her tisdisgs wiii heon asl witirmUh ___________________________________ the authurity. Mel Phelps HRCA board appointmreflt Moi Pheips, direciar and shureosder in Miltas Equip- meut Co. Ltd.. bas hees appoiuted hy the prsvincial guversmesl la the Iduitos ,Rog us Conservation Aasrity bordsofdrctor. Mr. Phelpo ix malio and box baur chiidren. He bas iivod ai 3so Mupiewoad Cres. Milton tar 12 yearx. Ho seas active memehof Milton Curliisg Clubtas weil as chairmas ot lte tisance asd moisitenance csmmittee of Knox Preshyterias Citarcit Nemtsusdiusd bas nu suahes. xsuns, poison ivy or bay tever. JEHlOVAH-S WITNESSES filled the Milton ft-om Ookville, Burlington, Misuissugu and Miltan District HigIs ScIsool gymnasium througbout thue atteîîded Soturdsay and Soanduy's crowd rose to two day circuit convention. Ovor 800 of the fsith tOOtio. <Photo by D. Pink) tnexs circuit assembîy d. Unlike ather faithu ter an the forchead, total immersion in a 'hota by B0. Spalding) A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS FAMILY lisions 'itAiool gymnaxiam. Jchovahxs Witness teachingu tugether at. ameekcnd assembly in thse Milton High orge familles toi do things together. iSpaldingi Want ail dogs, cats attend rabies clinic Oy May 14. Dr. E.R. Eari hopes as masy as possible of tbe dots asd cals in ntion aiii ho voccisated agais rabios. Ciiscspossorod by tbe Animal Heaitb Srascb sf lte Doporimesi ut Agricul- ture, hogos ibis marsing fWedsesday) sn Loxcille asd oi custinue t arionux locations sn lte csusty ustîl next Tuesday. Dr. Eari ix bead volorisar- usn 'ath lBr amipton District attise ot Animal Healt, and notes maxi infetois presrststnaaesand kus. Vaccinatio o ainmily pels wii ast as a barries bewes widanimais andlteiusiu ppulalias oi the csusiy, ho Sîsce symptams ai rabies sn oiher mus or asimal are geseraily fatal, asyao mba bas hees bittes by or bhoosis costactmwit a rabid aimal mmls receivo prampt ireat- mont heore tbose symptams doveiap. Ouch ireulmosti s sometimos poistul. (lisie dates The cines are tar dags and cuts osiy asd wiiib h eid ait Use tolicaig loatios: Wedsesduy. May 8 tram 1:30 ta7:30p.m. al Cootral Arosa. Nom S1., ta Burlisgtan. Tbxrsday, May 9l ai lte Municipal Garage ta Nassa- gaitey and the Orage iti in iarabv tramn Io a n o 12l no;ai lte brrsu Co musîty Centre sn Actas tramn 2 to 6p.m anodlthe Municipal urage inGeorgetown trom 3 Munday, May 13, ai Troairar Memuriol Holl in t vl rom 1:30 ta 7:30 iManday, May 13, ai 1rtla Memo rial Hall ix LDaoS toues 1:30 tu 7:30 ISiore os greemetngu 1817 ;br e vu =eso Jvr shs nste Great Labos Me %.1-Wnld War Ilosa Txesday. May 14 at tite Multas Agrîcuiturai Hall toe 3 is 7 p.m DOsers are requosied ta koep pets us a leasit ai Use cliiic, andareadixod nuit the asimais shauld ho ut toast ima manthsolad. Ail animais uitaudhboaccampasîed by aduits, A BARSAIN FORi TEARS 50103 5757 LAWN-BOY' Engîneered for YOD by Colonial/Sunnibilt! 1 H" 25S. t BituilsRd. 878-312 ' Four namned consultants Four petople in the Hallon Bourd of Educution synteos more promoted tu the position of consultant during the hourd meeting Thursduy. Mru. Arlene CoUlard, Mrs. Lynda Hudson and Mr. VeraNott mere appointed au primary-junior consul- tants. Mos. Collard touches ut yronPublic Sehool, Mrs. Husn oches ut Wellngtoo Sqar chool and Ms. NOtt tocesu John A. Lochrt Sehool. John Redmile, o toucher ut Nelson HihScol o, he protedoan yertr ua cosultn svisiot for grades bindergurten thruugb grade 13. EXERCIOR Reuumoderato exor- cise s adblue for genorul heuith and sceil-heisg. Per- sons mith heurt trouble, hum- oser, muy suifer trues user- exeriion and shouid uimays cosuli their physiciens about the uOsasst ut exorcise tbey shud tubte, espocialiy inoes- iremes ut bout or cold. IIIOU EýV- Osce a week for 10 weeks sonne locky Datstus test driver will wis a lunurious new Datsus 610-2 door Hardtop! The 610 is a top performisg 5-passenger car with the famoos rally- tested Datsus esgine. Asd it could ho youst FREE, just for takisg a spin sn the Datsus of yoar choice at North Esd Datsus. Whes fou test drive tne of our Datsuos, The first week's winser will be you can enter your same sn the big determined by the judging organization Datsus "Spin and Win". from ail entries received front Datsun Then, every week for 10 weeks, dealerships as of the week of April 22sd, 101 wînners will be determined. 1974. At tht conclusion of Datsun's The first prize wnner wilî recenve "Spin and Win", one additîonal a new17 Daus10 artp D A U N wîsner wîîî be determîsed from The sent 100 wînners wilI getaietisreevdThswsr beautiful sew Datsun qW wîlI drive home the super new 'Steering Wheel" wrist watches. Datstis260Z 2. NORTH END DAISUN elle Martin St. 0 JUST SOUTH 0F 40 Milton 818-241 b < t SPECIAL '11111111 PICK-UP Saturday, May 25 THE TOWN 0F MILTON HAS ARRANGED A SPECIAL GAR- SAGE PICK-UP IN AN EFFORT TO ASSIST WITH SPRING CLEAN-UP. -Collection 8 arn. to 1 pion. -All items must beet street line by 8a.m., ho insure pick-up -Please place small items in a suitable container -The collection ns for large unwanted items sohich could not normally be taken os a garbage collection -This special collection soili not replace any regular collection. BL A My bu towsd oaa FREE * CR CuIt Mitoe Auo Wreckers st 554-0055 PLEASE NOTE THIS PICK-UP ONLY INCLUDES THE USUAL URBAN GARBAGE COLLECTION AREA WITHIN THE TOWN 0F MILTON. Yur of-prfluso lu makino Ibis erueeam à nuons, vinlie bupprociated. THE TOWN 0F MILTON Home Economy "Torbrook" ... from $10.126 î i 44', "Cambridge" $8,645