64 The Canadian Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., MAaY 8, 1974 Thse Milton Minor Hockey Association will hoid lte allouai meeinag On Manday, Ma> 13 ai 7.30 ai Martin St. Schitol. The meeting laopen tuoay interested citiznn and te association wooidtliketu oe ful haute, Yoo con show titem thot yoo arn interested by yoor ottendance on May 13. An the MMHA president saîd recently, "Hockey o 001t jusloaword, il is ao'ay oi lite inMilton". Happy birlhday ojoltes go tu Ilino Maozoraiio, R.R. 3, Milton, who celeitralen his birthday on Sooday, May 12. tIyou are ondering why Nova Scolianl folk oinger John Allao Cameron eolerlaioed in the local tlent concert pal on n conooclion wilt Fater Murpityn iliver Juitier il juni happeno ltai John sý a roceol newcomer tu Milton and s liing on Docset Park. John appearn ireqoenly on toar wih Aooe Morray aod mont rocenily was ai Mansey Hall on Friday, May 3. They were iealured in opcal Masicians' Peosion Fond Concert, oîoging wiltt the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Congratulations aod hest winhes go to Ivan and Beroice Olicitte, 150 Hesop Rd., soho celehrale Iheir 271h wedding annis-ernary lomorrow Thornday ) May 9. Mr. aod Mro. Cecil Cooper, iormeriy of Miii Si., Milton moved tu London aboto lino yearo ago. They are oow back in Milton and are residing al Noble Towers Apis. Mr. Co Oas employed ai P.L. Baitcon Co. for nearly 30 earo. oce wrcome lte Coopers' hock Lit Milton. John and Judy Den1 fiirm Detroit o-siled Jadys taihler and moilier Mr. and Mes. Boit Dance, Williams Ave., on the weeitend. Happ ithday wishen g 1Madn Hoeoîng. 217 Pair way Dr. cho cetebrales hec birthday on Manday, May 13. Miltonnls certinly gesaing, uccording tu Muitd Cb- Operolive Nursery School reports, AI une Lînie, no1 su iouily years agiatlthe executive worried aboutigetiingua large enoogh erooirno Things have citanged-lte scitool han 34 studenis sigord up for lte 1974-75 terri wilh 25 on a scailing lisi. Because of lte omiterof parents ioterenled, ilitas hees decided Li0 hold an afiernooooilursery school pcgamn on Wednesdayo and Thurnayo aI SI. Pasîns Chuecit Educalion Ceoire. New resideols on Milton are: Mr. and Mes. R. Neult front Missssaoga, liviog on Asihenait CI. Me. and Mes. J. Riesiteery and lamiiy brom, Scarhoroughlivsing onJoyce Blvd., Me. and Mes. L. Dssharme and daaghler broin, Kingston living ai Gîro Eden Apîs., and Me. and Mes. C. Jones irout Toronto living on Fay Cl., Me. Jones cornes from, New Zealand originally and Mes. Jones ieom Ausiralia. Wr sceicometese peoplr la The Miltoo Minor Hockey Helpers Association held lheir anoal dineeanddance on Salordap evroîng ai lte Legioo Hall, oitb ahout 200 in allendance. Head taitlr guesîs iocluded Presîdrol of lte MMHHA tloeolhy McDooald and lier itushand Doug; Milton Mioor Hocktey Association immediale pool peesîdeol Clos Mowheay and hin wie Mari; MMHA Theb Most FConnus Boget l~i h od O presideni Jobnoy McLeun, and his oiir Dru obo is Ireasurer of MMHHA, Mayor Anne McActitur and Coun- cilior and Mes. Art Metanson. (1,010 wrre presenird la Norma, Wilson oho oas on charge ot gales during lte hockey seoson, Millie Thtomas oho woeked itard prpar ing lte dinner and han benaminar hockey sup- porter for muny yeams and armna manager Giro Daoce also received a git. Citarlie Twiso and Gieo Turner ieom Sortic Sourids provided lte music for dancing. Janet Lasole ai lte 2n4 Milton Broonies rocrivrd bier Golden Sue last Wednesday and Debihî Alleo received bier one year star. Gond oorh girls! Mr. and Mes. Chtarles Word, 6739, Fit Line, eecently relarned home aller ;~rnding lte oinlee io sufny Miltn Cu-OperalIs r Nursery Scitool itcld a eseculise meeting on May 2 ut lte home of social con vener Cinda Richtardon, 337 Oaub Bt. Titane allroding oece Norma Lepo, Elsîr Muotord, Beryl Rutledge, Susun McLeun, Saodra Pollen, Kmy Butter, Ruth Wilson and Colores Meluoson. Sopervisor Norma Lepa wi11 attend lte Association of Eaeiy Childhood Education of Ontario (AECEO) Con- vention on Kingson on May 16 and 17. A pi col is bciog plunord toc the citildeen on Julie 14 (the aest day ni scbool) ut Ratilesoahe Park. Me. and Mcs A. Prince icomn Scuehoroagit arc e residents onLoreeScots Dr.. Mr, and Mrs D. Wilkinson from, London htave moved i on ooadoard Ave. anud Me. si oMes. G. Ford fromt Port Credil are neocomero on Robtert St. Wr orîcome ltes 10 Milton. Sisier Mary Kesso (Conose Harbin) visitrd Million an lte Mr, gr0ttend the Mass of 'tt ngîg mariting lte 251t unîverary of lte or- dination of Fatitor J. Morpity. Accompunyiog bier oece ber parents Mr. and Mrs James 0l C. Haebio. 1- Elmwood Cresc. Hlappy irltday oisits go tu Ivan Slicble, 154 Hrslnp Rd. obo crîrbeules bis bic- lhday on Tuesday, May 4. Boit and Claire Dorsey and family, 1027 Lor Base Line altended lte United Kennel Cluits 'Ail Brerd" Chtam- pionsitip Dog Show in Mon- treal on April 27 and 28. Titis oas a booster show for lte Boit Mastiff beeed and lte jodges Me. and Mes. Harry Coltians teom, Eogiand came especiaily for lte eveni. Their dog Bulitaven Clairvoyant looklthehbesl ofheed award and alslaiteiesi opposite ses. Titey arried home oilh a teophy tram it te GUrtd Keooe Cuband one frottlthe Bull Mastiff Fancirs clit. On Wednesday es'eniog (totight thie judgesMr. and for dinra lit te Dorsey home. Foltossing dînner titre oill bie an "open bouse" for anyoneinteresed inltheBull Mastiff irerd. Tite Bela Sigma Pii Soeoeity, Ela Phti Citapter held lteir biesI Meeting ai Aprit ai lte home of Brima Sitelloo, R.R. 2 Georgetown. The progeam, was peesenîrd h y Helen Coleman aod Selma Bhelon, rolilird "Painting lte peeson". Helen gave a itistary of maite-up and a demoutration wan put it y o memhbees of lte Shteridan Coliege modelling On April23ua merlintg as beld aI lte home ut Mary Coouo. Robert St. wilh eo- itosîros Carol Brookts. The pr0ram0i 00 presenîrd ity Diaoce Jacksoon and Ann Citambtees. The iheme "the Beaultul" was demonstraîrd by pictures showai%eautin On Apri 30 ail lte chopies on the Oabvitîr area met aI Wîldoood Golt Course on Trafalgar Rd.. for lte 43ed anoual fouoder's DayDMonter. Falloviot lte dioner the chuprs preseoird lteir reports and beir "Girl of lte Voe Asards'. Tite rituels oece pcrloemed toc lte various degrees and lte pins ocre recel ved for rock. Duriof lte latter part of Aprit meoiters of Beta Sigma Pi caovassrd for lte Cancer Society in thears Jerry and SusanoMcLeanof 71 Titomas St. eceolly relucrd Iron a holiday in Atlfast, procedure At last Hallon Regionul Couocl bas aprocediirality- 10w to olio The hp lao sels ouI ttc raIes and regulations by ohcit te meetings are tu ic opcralrd. The by lao oas pussed aI a meeting Wedl- nrsday. Tite ity-luo oill requent depuaaloos tu requent per misio tuppeur five days prior tu tite meeting and drputalioos oill it limited 10 Theo by-lao also oulînru lte babavior of councittors and melthods of dealing oilh bu sines PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT for the Sunshine visited the classrooms lt learn more of the needs Sehool for Trainable Retarded was increased by a and work done with the eidren. Kinettes from left wagon and two tricycles when members of the are Carol Watson, Maria Martin, Barbara Wood Milton Kinettea visited last week. Hoping to do and Stella Hobbs. more for the school in the future, ~e womnen (Photo by J. Beston) 9Oth birthday Sunday Agnes Cooke revisits room where married Agnen Coohe will celeitrate ber 901h hieltday on May 12 and con rememiter ohmn Milton pool office oas iocaled on Main St. obere lte Tom Drue situe store is low. Titis oas ut lte tur of lte century when hec loitr Rohert Stewar oas onmailler. Bite oetde 1e pers in te pont otic ohi ýle lte. tarm Viclorian itooe on Charlen St Thte toone is no home for lteGorman lamily and il oas in lteliving roomn, lte nicesi room on Milton" according tu, Mes. Cooke, site oas marred in 1913. Recenlly Mes. Coohe elurord Lat litI montmfme ailernoon ira oiit Py l Gorman and eemininced about lte 1ovl doym June 61 years agowhelenhýei er pluyed lte oedding marcit and 75 guesis mingîrd lbroughoul lte spacinus Isoune. Aocestry Mes. Coobe is lte greal- granddaugitee of John Stewart, lthe huilder ni Craiglea, an itoric home in lte Scotcht Block in 1832. Her maternai porenloge gars baci to1 James Hume, aitan an early sellier in lte Scotch Blockt in Esquesing. A tall and gracionswomaOn, Mes. Cooke n nl one tu, nil bock and let lte reut ni lte old go ty. Lia yeuc site moired lu lh ite ud Sboles oiit er sonAlex andhlits wte Rult A trip ni 600 miles in oneday. - I can't Oit wilh my .Irmns inlded, s ite seys. "I like la beep my banda bon)' muking ltings for buonars. Site is an active memiter of lte Coronutioo geoup ut Kno Preshyteriao Citorci as oeil as maintuinint bier oon home in bown. Pat Ford Pal Ford is bock in Thte Champion's oewnromn titis weeit and sites planing lu, spond lier sommner itere as a reporter and pitotograpiter ontil site retaros la classes ai Carleton Unsiversity in This oi be lte ltird solmmner ot oork ut Tite Champion foe il- y eu-old Pal, an Omugit resideni. Site han jumi tinisited iter ltird yea oftan Hnnors Sucitnior ut Journain progrant, ai - Carleton. MEMORIES FLOW as Agnes Cooke, heme with Pal hue iteon conoectadl Patrice Gorman, sits ini the room of the Gorman oitit Thea CIoPion fe lte bouse where she ocas msrrled 61 years ago. Mrs. pont tise y£n, nithr as a Cooke ociti 9o SOn May 12 and will celebrate the port lime reporter or on toit- Lime summer help. Site woae dy with her son Alex and bis ocife Ruth. Wchite Ouis Hi#h Schoo neos (Photo by J. Beuton) for lte poporsa Yoolth Page for titrer peurs wilt site was suSl attie th iakviePln fv grd a i s itigi soitool, lien enrotird Plnfie g a uai n Carletonrs fouroillera course Siteridan College sa students on Frîday, May 10, and isno 00 ntering tir tird spe-eading lus sit uanue oiit a moroing convocation somrmer os a reporter brr. l ormai conocct ion sciteduird for il o m. ai lte ceremonîns ovr tise daims n Milton campus. David May. Abotos 1,000 nOidents Ca m pirei1, incomîog oi ite grudualing titis peur. Presîdeni of lthe Ontario Encept foe lte far norlt., Thte Milton Heavy Roadituildees' Associaioan Canada lies in lte zone ni lte Equîpmenl Scitool sa ex- will uddes lthe moening'n prevailing oesteriy winds. pocird 10 geaduair 28 aooemhly. It's the tinoe to pamper her. The gifts you're looking for are ail here . . . ail iovely . .. and ail for Mom. TaIk on Australia given to Institute Mes. L. Andersonowao preoenied an Imsilute opoon lsneuo toche May meet in 10ppeiaiioo. ofthe CampbeUville Womeo' Mim MePiedan gare lte latie. Mrm. O. VanSicitie 'Ten Com m entaofu oponedoý,itt a poem, Hani Relaions" and an .Boyco," international qoin. TIsants For rU eaul, ideas toc oere espreoaied tai Umoe who tuture mentieng progromes iteped olOs lite CuIs and Bop ocre gisen and are tlu e o Bru anut atier ohici copi by Oie convoiterao f MlanMcPiedn and Mrs. M. stanPdigI cummilteeo. Colline assistaite osles in Membrs are aakrd la itake nerving lunts. toc tise Manar Lawn Party, _________ Jane 22. Mrs. R. Efliot ouIl ho maing maple creaut and Mes. VunSicitiesoOl hoe hoio bresad tor lte District Anuol Suite-Oit on May 22. A donation wao votaid lu Ose Hulasn Manie Fentival, ohoe Mes. W. Mahan ou reru tbe Campiteliville brancb trpp Articlero t e t tuI=ul diopiuy aithOe Miltoo Fuir oere ottered, and culering toc lte International Plooing Matchbaitnquetloan discumied. Mru. R. Eiila lit District Diretoros report and memiters ugrerd on lthe Nelson renoistion regardifng ploques toc dinuppearing centes in lte ai. Mes. Vanictte reminded lte meeting ut lte 4-H AcIsievement Day on May 4, MAsTERBa DEGEE tse Food Forum on "Pouiiry Pienor" May 9ual7:301 ai non Gordon Edourd Timbrs, Church in Georgetown, and S.A., ut Milton recried lthe Ose Pertorming Arts Festival degree Maier of Divinily on May a. iith bonoes ut lte convoca- Therea onti-poiiution lion erereites ot Knon Coi- genue mnet May t aI te home [llge, Toronto, on April 00. utAin Ackmun, and lte Gordon oas aise te recipient SPIN volantrees toc May 4 of uthlie Goidir Memoriai and 12 are Mea. L. Anlieros Ocholursitipo and a Opeciai and Mes. O. Vanictie. Geadate Ocitoluesitip. The Australie tao Sourd ut Wueid Miseion bas Miss K. McPhedrun sn- uppoinîrd Gardon Lat St. An- teoduced Mes. Grant Camp- dreo's Pembyterlan Churcit, hoSl oho g ave an inlereutiu Siut, Ont. Thte ordination ta1k on Auslratia, inciudlng oi taitle place aulis home therorlgimsand cailloutas ut te citurcit, Kox Prenhyterion in pe ple, and lte gmogrupty Miltonaon the eveniug ut June unelitoule. Mes. G. Inglis 23, 1974. Smoke contributes toi pollution 'Omoite tront iturning Iea- plaints and bas lthe autitorily ses and debris is nul oniy an lu laite eniarcement mea- irritant, aggruvuting ta sure s agaînsi a7y open hues- enpiruiory ailments uuch as ing niit casses diocomfuet or asthme and empitysema bit o o e tnjaputenlt prnpeely. il aise conteihulen luo acoin-- munilpos oserait pollution -The pondi!sil o popluler pEoitlem," nope Paul Cocit- spot for spring fishermen. busr, Enviroument Onlurio's centrai region diroclor. "A hontire may ho conven- W or irot lu pou bol dMm pour e r seigtitur lite il? Indiscrimin- ui pnbunn s nul oniy av i bl bilo mannees but cas aiso e o il b hors. Yos, yoar Citampion is "Omoite tram, huruing les- aaIaitie un Wodnesdor at ses h le expluiord, "cumnlus lthe tolulownq ewsdeaIers: carlton monoside, itydrocor- hons, orgunic acido, porticu. HALTONVILLE lte moiter und nitrogen ox' Jeseisas Garerai Store ides, Ose msar villuios tout- ing ouruair.' BROOKVILLE Cuses accidents In addition sesuie tram McoLeoots Store farut and open honfOres bas itren hlamed os o conîrihu- ACTON tory factor lu traftic ac- doton Omake Situe cidents. Jiots Oe aed Out Ttc Mininirp ufth Ibm al Mutk Store Koviroommni mont investi- gale ail air pollution con- GEORGETOWN Feodieyrs Store Jo's Tank Sitor Delreo 5moito Stîne SPEYSIDE Spepside Gorerai Store HORNBY Hoenby Goo.ral Store Countre Fure DRUMOUIN Deamqatn Store PALERMO Palermu Store Colling's Station LO WVILLE Retson Gulf Atount Neoso Vaetp Lamnille Varie KILBRIDE Caoto's Store CAMPBELLVILLE Mohawit Inn Earipos Garae Bnb's Trucit Stop MILTON HEIGHTS Daoiau Verety Parkitode Generat Store In aod Aroued MI LTON Chalet Restaurant, Gro Drop In. Honods ORota.rart, Osd s D,a elIn, uosEsso, Ollonoo s Fruit Markiet, West End Mitats, MitIn Varlety, Fitth 000ee Stop Haris taner, Beciters Sture lTe Champion, Eisiey's Pharonacp Ledwlthes Super Saoe, Milton Delicatesson, Milton Deug Motar, Ptaoa Omoite Stop, Céaeon estaurant, Mec's Miut, ioanloleso Restaurant, MitlIon District Huospitai 10-25 Service Stiation. On her dqy ... give her a gift .fiom.. Th#«e Flora ShoppDe 224 Main St. Milton 878-4482 CD i-I. e t, 4 E rLovely Gifts for-~