Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 May 1974, p. 15

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Auxiliary casino brings French Riviera alive SUMPTUOUS BUFFET at the Maytime Bail of the hospital auxîhlary mncluded roast beef, cabbage rolîs and assorted salads. About 300 Miltonians and gueats attended the annual fund-reising event Saturday gh (Photos by J. Beaton) Thse Mante Carlo Casino on the French Biviera cas neyer se active as th8e gamrbling tables aith11e Milton DIstries Hosital Ansiliory Maytime BaIl atrday evening: About NtO Miltnnians anà SetOtried Iheir tock at rocown'and Anebor atod Beat 1the Dtealer, porbapo sot th8e gamtes yoo'd fisd te Monaco but every bit as profitable for, 1the bouse. Appropriate decoratioms of checbered flags and gamine tables filied one rome of the Clsb Galaey ie Oakville imd ballonna aed streamers in the ballroomt gave a festive at- mospbere fer dancing. The Big Fise set th8e dancing mood wîtb everytbiog Irnes watzes toi the Gayordon. Door prises Master et ceremonies for the esening cas Bob McCuaig wbo gave aeay bandsomne door prizes donated by local merchants. Assorîrd donaîrd gifts cre distibuted tbroagboolu tbe evenine as spot dance priors. A somptos ballet of roast bef abbagerolis and asorîrd salo s 2 c- compnird by wone at th8e Bail roosener Joan Gril- litbs reports th8e evenifle 2'2 alfiancial sueress. Uer committee 2,05 Pbil Miiore. Anne Berry, Helen Anderson and Peggy Biederman. îtampîon0 lFenily .Page Excf%%iting rural art in Neubacher show A TEN ON THE HEART says Jim Anderson as he tries his luck at Crowo and AnchUr at the Milton Distsrict Hospital Aaxiliary Monte Carlo Nigbt. Also at the gamiog table ocere tram left Peter and l)ebbie McCaig. Carat Chadleigh, Lyns OJarnan and Rab Coulter. Wheel aperalar cas Mirella Muttari. m u ACRYLIC PAINTING je admired hy Allas Asmnus and Frieda Smyth of Pickering et the Neubacher a pat weekend. Fred Neubacher explains bis love for as depicted in this painting. Women's role, self- around world is stuc The University Women's clab of Milton and District met for Ibeir moslhly imee ai the boome of Mrs. jAgnes BubI os Thorsday, May 2 . Mm., Ethel Hiddell, first sice-president, ehaired the basiness meeting. Whes if cas adjoursed, Mrs. Marjorie Powys gave o short introduction before the film presentation "The lland thatCradies the Bocb. Mrs. Powys visited the small tocs of Naoare in Portugal. The mais induslry is sardine fishing. Il is the comes cho tugîbhe bolots osto the shore. h 1e biots are toc beasy for lhateamofoeis used.> At 1the basb in Portugal cbere Mrsý. Pocwys cent 10 esehooge mosey, the mes cere waited on bofore the corn. Doring bier woit of as hour or more, she sludied the rates of esehonge os the cousiter. This cas at o tîme chen the Americas dollar cas fallisg bodty. Whes site caslfinallycwaited onby the teiller, hie gave Mrs. Powys leus thas she espeeted to receise. The teller cas rery B fustered chen alle poisted 'O01 the error 12 bim. Womes hiiers il Aaoislas, cbich Mrs. Pocys also visited, corn arerarety nee. Wen tbey do appoar on the sireets' they w ar g arment catled a sbodri, wbieb rosers their bead and face. Tbeîr eyes cannot boe socs This is very bard os the eyesight. Women sn Afgonistas base no rights High score IODE bridge Mrs. Oelty Carroîbers cas hmstess April 29 for 1the final pryof the seasen for the lobsyMîltos Cbapter LO.D.E. bridges. Mrs. Glad Richard- son cas the high score for the year cith Mrs. Bobhi B.ocney foc score. Mrs. Ada Gropp and Mrs. Glad Melersie cere the ..toehy spot"' cmn- Draws werr won by Mrs. Marg Sproal, Mrs, Helen B ateechc, Mrs. Virgiola MeCufebeon, Mrs. Hetly Carroîbers ond Mes. Marg Gilbort . J.R. Currie 00 S OPTOMETRIST BU RLI NGTO N MALL i Telepbone 632-7788i atoll. They areecossidered as just proporly. Moslentme are sery moch alraid of the influence of Western won. Mes. Powys used Bhese instances 12 show Ibot Bhere are masy corn sn 118e corld much corse off thon ce are. The film "The Hond tnit Craies t18e Rock" shoced the diflerent brcefs of comen's rote and self-image. Many diflerent opinions cere espresned sn the film. Tbese rasged from thewomancwho cas poerlcly.bappy in ber rote as cife, moîber and bomemobker 12 118e comon Who derîded 10 lise sport from ber busbond, leasing the marrioge, sol the masi Appreclate selves Tbe film posed the question "Wbat does o comon reolty cant?" It pointed out Ibat w enmust leors 12 op- preeiate fbemsetvsu and loch for approvat of îbemsetses. Aller the completion of 118e film, a discussion f mh ploce. Relresbmests cere thes served. lierda and Fred Neobarber beld as art esbibit and sale featuriog 79 of Ibeir recesl pani c as eehend Ct sn Dorset Park. Witb pewal asin Bfont Nec Yr th8e Neubachers seld 7U of th8e 79 po stiogo durisg Ibeir tino- day esbibit. They witt bold onoîber local sbowisg sn WNovember. 7 Tbin sommer their art con ý ,f be sen aI th8e Art Cestre in .) . tawna the City Hall Art Nathan Pbillipoi sqare ie Tornto, and in sows ot Nagr-thIe-Lake and aI *' Gerda washornin Austria and studied art sn Viessa. Her lurther studies tseb ber ses of Waterloo, lefI, 12 Switoerland cbere she irt how nd ale his perfected bier toucb for rt sow nd slé hiÎ romnantiti reatism. lier rural Ontario sceses ebarcoat figure studies are appeating in their escellent (Photoby J. Beaton) composition and arlistie quatity and base won hier mon y awards and recognition by the arl-conscious poblie. Sîsce eoming 10 Canada im ag e Ilerda deselopod a love for the Ontario forent and counîryside and bier ap- proarb 10 the natue sese sa lied raptîsatise sn its superh and decorative qaity. A Casadian artisl of Austrian origio, Fred receised bis art eduialion sn =oop He corbo invi meisbut prefers arrytîrs for the true color and esertastisg qualily. His poricular mastery of th8e fanlttastie reatism bas acbîesed consîderabte recognition. Fred's poistiegsof nIorses, lares settisgs, pioner boildings and the raral Onstario orese of bygose and prenent dayo bas been exbibited in Earope, U.-.A. and Canada. Hîs art sa eollected att oser the wortd. His recent pointings isetode m asy of tbe Hallon coun- tryside. i MILTON TELEPHONEý ANSWERING i SERVICE *CONFIDENTIALt ePERSONALIZED 878-2020 bo¶FLDWEX 0foueâg ahe ai eove'Q way Choofrom a wde seection of.. *Gloxnias *mned pans *Bega Begonnas *es 5&mvians *portadlmns *aranemes m5u fiscs s HENR Y GOR TER FLORIST KILBRIDE 878-6213 Phantom 197-4 Anniversary Sale... 8-MY8 PANTI HOSE and HOSIERY Phaetom Panti Hose Reg. $2 Per Pair '0.60 3 lPr. '4.65 Hug-Me-Tight Panti Hose MiReg. $3 Per Pair '2.40 3 Pr. '7.05 Sheer To The Top Ail Lycra Support Panti Hose Reg. $5,50 Per Pair '4.40 2 Pr. '8.60i Polyesfer Body Shirts 31 Reg. $11.00 ~8.79 Conte elebrafe oic/o sciogo ai.. £~UMMMU'or ilton P ~246 Main St., Milton 878-3961 Mapio Lodso t-resh-Grade "A EGGS 67dz. 59c anmoîîoe (LIQUI) CHIOKENS GREEN FOR DISHES 391 2. 79c Punch POWDERED Ajax ALL PURPOSE DETERGENT OLEANER Pre prioed-99c 10C LiquiS AmcOnia Jl Giant Box 79 Box orP 93 . Dran0 Pa10oli22 "Gold" CRYSTALS MILO HANO SOAP 18: OZ. c BATH SIZE 2 per paix49 can 59 1 REG SIZE 3 Per pak 4 '"'LEAE MAE NOTICE0' No Deivery on WeekIy Specials Ordered by Phono Sc 5hneiders 16 2 lb pkog - BEEF PATTIES 'l.89 F185 Il 01 REG---ssECOO WAFFLES 45c FAN CV MIXED TMATO KETCHUP 3h 2ote 95e TOMATO JUICE 39 Neilo' 22 FAMOUS j ICE CREAM I '2 alon $1 ..ch STOK U ON 114141 "F ROZEN FOOD SPE, UI 55e0 VEGETABLES BREADEO SAUSAGE 79c Alora "Ten" pkg. (182 oz) OId Coutr p pg585 PEPPERONI PIZZA 11.091 FISH & CHIP -42 85z ENIOy RUHpIODUCE WITH IVERY MIEAL Canada-No.1 2 n.pkq. Canada-No. 1. 3 COOKING ONIONS 21825 45c CAR ROTS cý,21-5490 No. 1.Ont.Whie Fr2Sh-N2 1. USýA MUSHROOMS 59ch LETTUCE 52 9 Caaa No. Cell Oei-I MacINTOSH APPLES bas,75c BANANAS 1 ib. Fiorida 100,25 Riover Canada No. 1. Cell GRAPEFRUIT 10 Ir99 CIU APPLES 3ba WU ELLONY 00VEUNIMET GRADED MEATS FIRESH-EAIN SirloinSteak$ Prime Rib Steak RoundSteak 14OS Port erhous t Fre5 Le~an Freh-L2e sTANDINGRIB ROAST $1.09,h. CHUCK STEAK 991. Canada S'a 1er "Sust M;sl p Lý Cova ULICED BACON pli 'lBNLS DINNER HAM '. SIDE P-fl 75c. pk/2 BONELESS PICHIOS II1 Maple Loaf S.P. C Map2 Lea C 522a COTTAGE ROLLS 791b SMOKED PICHICS 651b A Ni eP FRI MARKET

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