S The Canadian Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., May 1, 1974 1954 2Oth 1974 Anniversar> - oe9i USED >CARS àimMILTON CHRYSLER SDODGE 878-2962 e 878-5394 88 Ontario St. N., Milton 2m 1969 CAMARD RALLY SPORTID A (AI VO aotomnalic, poierOteerivg, 00007 blokos, Roiiy oheeis * ~ 5II 5 I blacku.vynl rocf. L,î. Ne. B067 $2195 MOTORS 1968 FORD LTD BROUGHAM 4 DOOR HAROTOP 40 MAN M LON 8 -26 VO, aulomatl,, flly equippvI î1111141V SIc way ypoe t. edI ITO 782 6 F.0.ohtdin Fer tî greenovv,,h ba idî,yl opadmatchin gren t1,7101,0 Original 50,248t low mfes Prvieo oweOinter mation available. i. Ne. OHZ521 $1495. 1972 FIRENZA 2 DOOR FASTBACK 200 c 4sped rasmsson fiisedinblte it mtci e F0ORD blutîcloth IOteror.01 Wht wall ti 0, 07 overs , e vw er, ccc mleage -8000 Jusl tik nw L,î. No. 011132 eTORINO $1795 1968 BEAUMONT 2 DOOR HARDTOP 6 cyl0407 aurot0111 poer steloll.1, p0(wer brak00, radi,. F 1 nih incPooelinvblue oth rnlîcing ivlror. Feauulîc 30,491 miles. Lie. No. 01,J502 $1795 1914 TOYOTA HI LUX PICKUP 4 Sped transmisono. Finc olcinc Olive green 0.111 contrasting whte icyl dnerol Ol 1y 4,0000original1mils, LVc No. C67 639 $2995 1971 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4 DOOR SEDAN ô cyl.04er autot004, po, .teer,ng, radi, ,ohvv disîs, excellectcecococa 14141,r ie h e larg 1v 19711 Origia crie00007r 24000orginal miles Lic MDOlyl $1995 1968 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE 4 DOOR SEDAN Vifauomatic, llIy lode, .vîIî4îvg loîleîyai oi1î tioning. Fvoihdn c oma Buewiv atcîuo g ll,111lth int1eir lOial 6 1 00 miles Lic No. DETOiT. $1999 1971 FORD HALF TON PICK-UP V1, stacdard tîoco11ss,radi,. heavy dît y susp1enson n00 tires 49 and,1 pan. Lo m1ileag Ly C5.1252 $2195 1912 VEGA HATCHBACK Equ.pped 0,111 817 h phig pe11,m.r,0111 OyIlde 015177' rully sîvîllîonizd . atovt tansnisson,,u F,ihed iy Lim1e Grcn White wal1 tires, s,4e TIIIVITgO ,1 v9ins. Ex ceptiocaîly clean. Lic. Ne. BSZ72 $2295 1972 VEGA G.T. HATCHBACK Autoati rao. Fivuhîdtlim een witîh mlcîl,,v in tio.Onoelad dri ve y y23,00011î mle.,mi AtJ102 $2295 1972 VOLKSWAGEN SUPER BEETLF 4 spmed radio lvoihed in Royal Aqua Blue;t a 94h701e L cne No. DTO 324. $2395 1912 METEOR RIDEAU 500 2 DOOR HARDTOP Equ.pped wtl, 351 VO 8vTqve, 0.1,11141, 10tsissio, power 000ln,vower1tb4Ake, radi, Fiy,,yîdin Cheslîml brownvvth mc1100g ,oîoî,eî. Radi white 1141 tires plus 114vy etra. L,1. FJSiAI. $2399 1971 GMC 1 TON RALLY WAGON 12 Passenger VO autonnati, lmlly eqm.pp0, heavy duly l.sPet70107 L,. 007Z,10 Idea fo the11 travelin.g 121111/ $2995 Use Dur Conmenent GMAC Tîme Payment Plan 338 Main St. Milton 878-2355 * riu O ,~1~MA VERICK eTHUNDERBIRI V - IrMUSTANG 1 ALL FORD TRUCKS SELECTION 0F GUARANIEED CARS FOR FAST FRIENDLY SERVICE * ChoCk Beeton ti John Blythe ti Barry Boolon * Buck Gervais * Bill Taiiyn *i Gerry Arpa *i Hugh Hamp ti Ron McPhaiI 409 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2369 JAE MORLEY TOM RICHARDSON RICHARDSON RICHARDSON RICHARD POIL MURRAY HELSEL ALWAYS A GOOD SELECTION 0F GUARANTEED PRE-OWNED CARS JACK RICHARDSON CH EV-O LDS HOME 0F CH EVROLET SEE OUR COLOR AD ON PAGE B8 Hwy 25 S. at Derry Road 878-2393 878-3812 IIIIIIII1IIIIýIZ NOTICE TO AOV7OTISE05, The Onitario HuMano Rig44 COoelpoibiIo dlisciintion s01210c rtac, cre0, nat,9onlity, cestry, or place of origlo.* In 1e117112vce w17 111, i104od, The 7. Press 42mag0114179 Coo 001an LIV. 878-401. MILLWORKER For large Fond Plant Agriltrl4 exeri7ence holp. fi. Attractive ooqc and fri990 benftl. Wî,itore phone: R. Schinkel Supersweel Feedo Ltd. of MiILTIFOODS 39 Marlîs SI., MiiIon,Oncl Telephone 878-2312 42Mga 1 Career Sales Opportun ity Dd you rch a dead end? Are10,1 disooîioîied itîh ycou limited inoyoc We have 1110 opcoivos for individ,ols tor 07 cail: Can a dian, large fi0491,2a in1stiution ,mt offices fIrom 1000II01o at. Weare alo dio.g business in the U.S.A., the West1 Indies acd in Britain. Appliîclît shouId 10v residetsofl Miltoc or aires fo ailOleattv years. This isanopporlucif.tel foeil. starters who have the des ire for hîgher.lhan 41(1r29e incoes wiotho..I0cCllng. Aggîooo..'vnes and dater- m1ination can lead o aly vie r proîidng complelo and999 a 1 vllaroe bcoe ios 08,000 te, $12.000 007 acc,1m 411074.09 le quîalifications Pîus commission Incecflyn Box 123 C OTHE INDEPENDENT llO 8MILL ST., OR APPLY IN0 PERSONATTHE MOHAWK INN Cancpbelilille 10 0.04. T09 9.04.-MAT 16 90A.04.7019.04.-MAT 17 Ask for Mr. Lillie Phone 457-8420 MON &WE D..-gaa.m. 89:30 p.r TUES., THURS. ar FRI. - 8ism.. 4:30 pm. 4211mâf IIIMMIIIIII IIIMMIIIIII 1970 VOLKSWAGEN, Lic. DUT 120 - this carla 10icded end ty. Bol Ototors, 199 Guelpho Street, Georgetown 877-52B6. (No dowc paîncent if toc quaity pIus bacik Iînacîng. 29ag44-6411 1069 VOLIOSWAGEN LIc. DST 002 Moiorn, l9t Guelph Streett, Georgetown e77îo286. (No do-c tayrnont If V0e qualîl 0plus Cane finactgî 29ag44-6602 1973 TOYOTA Ccl0na, 4 4007 sedan, standard tracts- mcission, radio, 1001 Ilke ne0, 0,111 10,000 iles. Parik Toyota, Georgetownc 877-2261. 2000646413 1973 VEGA, 2 0001 sedan,3 1 5,000 mil". At P 7k Toote, Georgetown 877 2261. 200044.6414 1072 VOLKSWAGEN 00004e, bcîket:tsl,c radio. rWoid vloke cic se cd cel. Park Toyota, GorgetOo 877.2261. 2206g4m6415 1972 VEGA hatchback, radio, Park TOYOIa, George0 29ag0U6416 10Ï72- AT -U N 510, 2 2007,4 speod tracsmission, 764(0o, r:007 olodeo. 4000000, ncîcO s21000 car. At Park Toyota, Georgetow,. 877-2261. 202064.6417 1960 JAVELIN, V-8 Aulomaie, bcke ekncat, radio, p0w07 steelIng, powe7 brakes. At Park T0oy0,1, 0eo70et000, 29ag0U 6418 Vt610211 -DDGcoo0 wagon,0 V , uto 00, lew mil20070 ciatecl. Park Toyota, George- 00a4644 WA0770 2921010 PIay009. l70 0402. 1110lc0, e 0070000000240 20E RIEfr0 itn0 rn Administrative Secretary This sa a senl07 position raquIrIftg a codIde wlth go04 typing sicilie acd abiiy te, axercia. ladgment maire decislons and the laciify te, got alaong Weil WlOh cithare. Apiy ln wr0109 Indicating edoucation end ex. 0492. P. CRYDERMAN MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL MILTON, ON4TARIO 4»205 REAL ESTATE CAR EER 00e have opeclogs fol 2 enfioesiasltc saoles repreeratives witll or withool Real Estate eoperience t0 soroice the Milt6on Our7 proven Sales Plograso coupli wi01 7007 ambition, inIiiaive and wlingoess o 000k bard. cao 910000 lo nIcerne eqOivaIeOll to or beIter Ofan execulivo earnIngs. 000 are a largo companry an4 have aIl th0e facilie ta, aId trou, icludicg aRelocrlion Departiment oloic eleods fils' services ail acroo Canada and Ohe United SMailes. Our canagra assist000 ance excellent Commission and Cash Boncoos is one of thebetln the Industry,up te,70pr Fer a cotfideniel iclervewo Cal Clire Dieer: Manager 826-22W3 H. KEIIH LIMITED, REALTOR STREETSVIL5.E PLAZA SÎTREETSVILLE, ONTARIO et SUCCESSFUL SALES PERSON REQUIRED A rapidlly goicg, orili established, prestige service organization leqAilco a sales person. QOly thlose having a scceofol backgrod or7potentiel ln sales Or lolated fields ne04 appIy. If y002ae Intolested in 1nce060ng y007 eu70109 p005 apply in w711109 wllh ful dertails of background and experi7enefor BOX 122 c / o TIhe 1 ndepeoideot 118 MilI St., Georgetown, Ont. Ail replies will ha lrealed in sfrictest Confidence. 429am29 TRUCK DRIVER Immediate Employment, 40 Hour Week, Good Starting Salary, Excellent Benefit Program MASTER FEEDS R.R. 2, GEORGETOWN For appointment Cal Bill Juniper 877-3512 429&acot ONE MORE WELDER Capable ot working to API-1104 code in manual, TIG and MIG. AbiIily tor do or learn sobmerged arc prelerabie. Day shift torty hour week. Time and one hait aller 40 hours. MediCai and hospital plan 60 percent oompany paId. Company paid Pension Plan. STARTING RATE COMMENSURATE WITH QUALIFICATIONS AFTER 3 MONTHS PROBAT ION. 1. Rate increase dependent on quIly ofto0k and abliOy to lealn newpocedures. 2. F0700007 compacry beelots ealued aI O .44 007. Icidas paid ick leaoe, IlfeInsorane and unifortins etc. 3. Company profit 0047109 plan APPLY TO: T. T. WILLIAMSON (CANADA) LTD- 102 ARMSTRONG AVE. GEORGETOWN, ONT. eECTCICIAN roqoired for aeG.Oeon campant, 877. Farm HeIp Part lime or weekonds 854-2422 42.n1 EXPERIENCED PERSQON NEL requIred for Plastic Extrosion Plant OPERATORS AND HELPERS $3.63 la $4.20 per hour Plus benelits and shift premiues. Apply ln persan la: BUILDING PRODUCTS 0F CANADA ACTONONTAR 10 42amngU ESTIMATOR WANTED IMMEDIATELY for Buea,10LOmber CO. Planned Building Divisio. Miltone, ont1. The appIcant shoId ho familiar wlth ail aspects of hrne construction Icil onethod of constructionend0 products, unid Resproosîbiffles wiii Ilnclude prepalatoO of matemiailista0 end p71cIng Informaion 007 Ou7 standard fine of homes and quooallns on coston ocodieis. For lurîher Informlation please Contact- R00 WESSMAN, BEAVER. MILTON 878-413 4M Full lime Trainee Pos- ilion loading Klos. White Oak Pollery 878-5833 Night CIerk Mature peroo requlred for nIght office dculies. M4us$ ha rospoosile and capable of accorale woek. Houris il p. ta 7 arn. Suria lhroogh Thcldary. Top salolI. Pieaseil Maple Locige Farros Ltd., 6110 Lino West0 o0 Bramnpion, 4000000 Churchill Blo4., V. miles North of Oboeles Aoc. 42ma 1 PLASTIC EXTRUSION SHIFT FOR EMAN.WOMAN 00e are Ioohing 007 en e0- Porienced:eolrcsl00 l07emen- 00060656 division of à molltlonaOl orgaclzallon rmnuactorl09 masterlal for th0e C000onruti10 idustry. 00e are prlmalify concerned w107 tha extrusion of Vinyl Oidlng, Large dlasoolor pipe end othar profiles0. Th. plant la loc6004 In Adtn. 0,812710 20d the0 working conditions and ben04its are excelen. Porther information an4 Interviews cachae obtislned by cal1i091 Mr. SeIby a53-1230. Ex0. 49 42amgU4 EXPERIENCED oa ItrOss wanl04 0com 4 P.0. . 10.0 pa.m. 6 dey w00k. 877.9194 402â,2-1112 FULL TIME fret0 020004. Appl ln pel500 to 7th0 ChIckcn Villa 878.4171. Boys and Girls Wanted To 4011007 The New0 Look Delly Journa Record c07. Olng p2007. Miondey through Frlday. Good earcig, plizes and tr-ips e l wonha Caîl 845-9742 Taire your finit Nep dno th0e business worl4. PLANT EMPLOYEES RelquIred fcll titre; 3 shifI operaton, 100 percent Comcpany hamOits. AplolyiO(personto Mr. R.Adams The Pigmeto Chemical Co. LId.. Main S0., E., Milton 878-2333 42m&51 TRUCK DRIVERS Rooselred 007 deIivery of foo4 prodoicts, 5 days week, top saiary. Museth 23 70270 of opgtaococpyolooInsurane regulation. AppIy to Màple Lodge Farms Ltd., 6000 Lie West0 of Brampton, Winston Churchill Bled., 1/2 mile North0o00000el05 Ave. D EL IVER Y AND YARP HELP Foul limie opportocll in local building soppiv centre. Trocke driving and 9000761 yard responsibilities. Cali C.B.' Cooeland 878-2351 For Appoinfment HALTON CENTENNIAL MANOR HOME FOR THE7 AOEd MILTON, ONT. Urgentl y requires Registered Nurses for shift1 s000lOisol5. Ex. Ocliatric Care w0014 100 at 20080 but la col essectial. Sal277 schedole 8,460 bo O 11149. Rcply ln pr700007 by latter 001 79E AOMIN IOTRATOR Hailon Centenniai Manor 185 Ontario St. S. Miltoc, Ont. 42m 1 LOBLAWS Require Truck MeChanics Piclîraby 01000 Diesel 0ex cigh atifas. Eocellent becofilo and workicg conditio. Rate 00.87 par hour plus 010007 Please ontact:11 MR. BILL CARTER Loblaws Ltd. 6363 Millcreek Drive, Mississauga, Ont. Phone 826-3000 OFFICE HELP WANTED TyPing and speling must be aCCurale- general office work-knowledge of Boolckeeping an asset. -To Start Immedlately- R. MARTIN STRUCTURES LTD. 878-5508 42gc34 Fastener Sales Person FOR Large distributorofflaOerer spot ebeIl anufaco7ing Tht p07000 roquired w,11 have icoideol eoutide sales Excellentlopportunily for Odvaneln f6lgrowina Company. Remofuneton Poî saIary pio commission. Car suppied. Cail Roald Ellis, Sales Manager Production Fasténers Division of Production Triol and 92506007 Ce. LOd. at Toronto 249-7171 or Milton 878-9676 ,211 29m 1 1 1 0 1