Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 May 1974, p. 7

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Here's Where The Action Is. CLASSIFIED RATES Tolop88one The Conad188 191 main898. 878-2341 Champion Milton,.Ontario 88,8108, DEATHS, MARRIAGES, FORTHCOMINO MARRIAGES, ENGAGEMENT8S - No Charge. FOR SALE, FOR RIENT, ETC. - 88.78 minimum88 charge for 15 ord,6 - 6c p88 88886 8888888888. 8888834888 insertions (n0 80988chan83s81 $18.50 minimum88 8h8838 for 15 88088, 88 p88 88886 81888888888, 25C discount al0owed for cash Paymen. BOX NUMBERS 88, 84118 088188'8 additional. 8066180 EVENTS, CARDS 0F THANKS 81i.78 for 81,88 five fines. 10c for 8888 8862818881 fine. 8t8 MEMORIAM - $1.75 for tiret 5 fines, verse or 08418,8818 plus ]oc 8488 8661810881 fine. DEADLINE IS 12 NOON TUESDAY CLASSIFIED DIOPLAY, REAL ESTATE-S1.70perco01888 inch. DEADLINE THIS CLASSIFICATION i P.M. MONDAY m îrhe Canadian Champion, Milton, Mai 1, 1976 7 82888888,. an 188. Daniel89 09811 24, 1974. Ab lister88 King 1888 8808881 of 263 Ontario S8., Milton8 are vieight 8888 888 48C18Mito District Hospital on Frid88, 098i8 278, 184. Apamt o NWAN 81 881888 988.I8881888888 8,8188689e and Caro1l14(Mie Cannon) of 818816 88881881 4 .8.80988 are 881881988t18an 888nc the118888888f888,68son M,98a ,8 Lee,8 88,8888 10.a 888I1O8 DistritRHopital a9 0 ell. 2,87. Ay 9888e 81888 8 L8d8 .,891 . 8 4 Ble 8, 88 888,8887188., of8Guelph681t8, a8888 88818 R8ese 89oi, 25,n h 1814. 27174 wesit 8 o 38888 f89m and Ro888 8 Larsen 888,8 24580 BellS.,1ar 80881881 to 08811nc the 8884. ,of their son 'Thane L8 89 88888h t1188115Ozýa Mlo 2,19. 888 888808-Mr and8818 MI8,J Richard (ne 0liams o88 f 5 3089cl 88. , are88888888, 38 ann8u888 the9988988o8888888 Sein regor Mat3888,319 [88, 8818887. 13 lMonDistrict8 2osita C8 . Api 8238174 ..9, 8,888 of 15. Ontri i., 27, 194 28118 91888389 888, 1878nC Oth 88.t Dsrct8Hospil on 1. 8.88 26,1974.888888 Ici88 8888188oy an8888 88a 84181, M81888gh 88 los. 813 oz.18t S6 . 888 68. L 1 88816of 8R nonc R h f 2, 80888. 78 Marriage of 8888r daught668 HeaLLS, 088,8o 018Rchar Freclerick 88legi son80 of8, wed0in101886688Place May 8874, Henry AI lbert-18 8888888, 38888, Mitn itrc Hospital on8 19886y 88i 2 Patricia, 08811 f07. 187. 8888,in of8 Miltn, 8 888111 Albert 8888,88888< 88 70,88 26688 K.n Joh 889318661 of8 Co86ora8o8 and Mary 88888 Elizabet (Mi f88l of8881 Mitn ISloe y1 SINCERE THANKS 88888 6688. 668881 C8818888, nei18 bors. friencd8 and relatives also United Church Women:1 and phone call 8881ea patient ln Mlton9 District Hospital. macl the Sprinu Musicale8 such8 85E888. SpeclaI Borrhold for his backs8888 hefp, and IoM i ilon The University W888f8's Club o18f Milton and 8 Disric 6m 88 , ph .4818 882 6688418, car. c 1888 baskets,8 phon colf an881881118 dL80ng88888 Ml 88 nMltnDs trict 888688 Hoptl.Se 68 ia 88 668881 881, Bert 28nic MLTI SlaL, Isaac8888o, 6688 888 8,888 1888 May 8 3,.168 ,o 88.e fa!88888 le 81dou bs 888888 b88i88 w 888s 8 888 tndr 888888881, orman and818 MI [TON 88881881 088118of G81888, sale11 C88ra M111 Adiso $ .00. le 888 8 m.818 E 38888 830 88888888 888888SA, 88888 ay May8 1 WOULO Si8888818 l188 88 880888' InStitute Dessert bers8fo8888888 n8 f81v88s 8 o88f May, ai1: 158886688 and ail thos 'ho sa ,8ncy Norman98888888,l<8888888o 8,8,888 88e in M618 01888,8 89,4,.88 0c8888,88,08sciaio. 66,8. Dr. 0,8898888 & 8889888 088818880 88isin$.00. Mur8ray, nurses and staff on 0881 4891 the 388 floo 70878888 EUCHRE Fri 888y13. 8:009388. 1 WlGH toi thak friand%. 8838ig 8888889818 Club. Admission9 bouc andrelaivsfor888888888 I 818 Lunch and prize and 881188tc. wh 8818paien 9M8 14736 in M618 0188818 District 1 Hosita 188I MEETING of8the 78888886 Dr, 888888 888 668<888o L8888 0888119 84Clu nuse n hescod i .8 w88888818 88,1 81 l in Clu 8188988, A,1ex6Murray 7u88888, 668 7. 8 f .8. 6m81 4803 9.81 4864 888 WOULO like 88888 to 888866e ANA B ALL 88888<88, 8888198888 and888 sta f 6ffMlto F8,8 8884988. 66ay Supersweet Feeds for th 8f8.8630 p.m Alinter,88888in smok88,888nd8888 th988888888 a 08 8Ball please conne out A18 and Donna Baynton 1 8783947ý 8888 4888 9888 4892 S INCERETHANKG f88relative, DESSERT 8888 888888888n 3<888 and,88 I 88888 1 888 88ele 888888n8688sda, 66ay 88,1183808 Hospitf818 8988881 Hall. Af8888908n f 30 or f88888 to D8Ct888K81888881, 8088,83 7:38988. 7ic8888 668898888888888798888esand8982 4816 8888-264886 8868888888, 6688 888. 7 9.88., 881 88888 WISH 888 7888888a8 m Turd, 6638388,1988m f818888 and cela188 t ives 8 a88 taM1-4845 8281888,8888 for88 Wates Hau lag phonef81 8888,8 88898 Forit WeI and 0, 848f88 0i . 88he 88 0,pia . Swr n Pol 6.81 48852088 DIRECIORY 0F CLASSIFICATIONS Adoptions, 2. An8 Mais 82rd 5 488888888898887 88 8881888 oC 8,8188 . 2 88888<88t for9888 86. e 88,8888,6Sales,.78 .C88888668,1888 . 1: 08888,8 ..ip n ......6B 88881888888888886. . 4. Engagements8 . . . 1::: 3. F8,88 888 Finance88 For Re Fo88 r 8,888 R.o '08 , Boar 88An88t488 Sport, Eq. 188888 8888888 88888088888 Swas8 . ... .. Tenders . 8818 84988<58 tio ...88 ..... Quirk Service, 8188 9881188. Phone C888888118111. 854-2232. for fenc183 882161 place. Cali 878 4811. ELE CTRIC 8808 8888888 8188 C018888 -48 81 1882 LA8886888888888.P.goe8 condition $150; Set of York Bar tailli. 120 188. of 888188 ROTTED COW 8888388 88 the 8418 lad 8888 ere 888 8 7 8 _9360 arles, in clea, readable col ors 88188 8888l desig9888189 081 88 50c ni al8Th Chari pion, 191 Main8 Street, Mlton8. A00180 machines8, 888888,18. 878-6962, Harris 8888188888 $25.00. ChiIds tricycle, a882-4 8782.888 88 8861 liner;1 8888 8uggy. 818-2110 888888 3:30 8.88. 888888888. ALU66INUM 8888188 88 888818888818 88 ft1AI"888881a cottage and 288888rs Cai 878 MAHOGANY 818188888 romsuit dealers 88 28 12 88188 fi, 888 C..dit On. 878 4944 FIREPLACE WOOD $20. a Cord (4'x8'x16') 854-2338 Do it yourself central air conditionîng 24,000 BTU. $625.00. Phone 878-3147 HALL ENTERPRISES 21m5 Why Rent a Water Softener When You Cao Own One For 1315. 1,88146,83 installation Hall Enterprises, 878-3147 TV IOWERS 30' 888888, overail 88,388 head i88881186, $62.30. 40' 888888, overal1 88,308, including ail 81888881 81F 8888 installed, $76.50, 38' toi88 overall 88,088, in. cl86183 a1l c888881 841F 8886 ins881184, 891.38. In The Want Ads! 29 I.ICE ORSL WALNUT 88088066 Suite, H88TA barley fo regist8888 1964 CHRYSLER Saratoga 300. 1811 PONTIAC, 888888888r,8888 dresser8and8188888gh88table, 22.8148606 us S 988885 8886 urring8 8888, 878 3139.1 $90. 87189830. 21147 9 I932M 48 BICYCLES 8'208I' 8888,8 standard 3 8888S 20", 24" girls, 1, 8880 EQUIP66ENT one88 wa 878-263 B7 11. 2M 44A LLIN G.AEI -- -- 881--- 481n-a8 2 FLEURY Bisel is1 (,O88 < 88 BICYCLES 24' Girls 10 88886 fi. 34 p18 088088 9li 38 plate ( athni new), 20" 8888s 3 88,8818 tel pltes 8778201 8888,88888878 923 - 688 MASSE 8 8888 68,11ril 2188M 1 4877 $400; yer 88888884888e $50; PROPANE 30 ga.ra atr Goe 88 C88888 68 88181 $180, tank. Nearly 8888 878.6136. 8842240 818814868388 4894 88816666NG pool sacrifice. 1878888110NÀ7L F88,81 1 973 season hal pr818 23 88 4 8 G888888886 installation an8 terni8 88889388 Cali C88618 Manager8, 80B 18 1 1 03 3788883948 35 FA WET Hereford h e"" RIFLE 78881118888888Magnum. 8888881888881847518 Ibi NoII E Remigto macl888808 COOIfO 8888is Excellent 8888 ed181 MR S _ 218M1 488 al84 63 24 MCLRYra 19864 17 PIGS approximaI8 88 1-b, M ILTON PLAZA e M ILION 878 3474.8888885888M 868814941 21-1-4888 PO081ES, o88 ...8 in 118 8488 ar BABY carriag, ,8 8881Chai, 4888 8,88 888<1888 Er -is - 8983 ad frcrc 881 part8 18888. Ir1888~,er OUR CARS AR N PICEdnii risut; OLTINhitr deson STR EAKER 6281. COLT 10 888888 8111 8841111, R 21M81-4901 part A88818884 and Quart,8 TREES, di88889888 voici, 8888 48888ose hoeatp 4.30 878 888888 and t888 h Pin. 68 each. 1287 82 5PGI 88c I100 8148 li I. 8888 8744 184893 58188, Yor888888c 18 Yor BUT OURII P RICES LARGE 81888888188888o Cana 8838. 878 65335 c,48 Champion staff photos. 24ml 49888',IU 5XSi' 12,8l ia$.0SOKR l ye n SU REL ARE Mi8on 18m8f8171 28888988 8A CHIROPRACTORS 88888, Or888 8886888888888 400 8881888 piano,. 888888888 AIl Ib8 634 7717 fOE in 888l co8di,8,8 . Cal FI_ i 2m l4881 3 11974 IIUIIL 88888,18 3 17. 48M878 35STI818. 8888,T2OO COFFEF TABLE a88, 29 [n 868886841 28.1188GT package. AnotherCom8pany dame wilh 60008mles of tables. AI $12388. 8888888 _I88,886 v 888888y. Lic No. H0X235ý Exercise 8,88. 85432537. 88888.2 48f 193M NTEGO MX 1911 6_-50 088 0F88E 12 0888 888 8888188 f888 te88 3M Bu 118088888888 813888, 1974 3 888 8888e Part terrier and i2 DOOR HARDTOP axleGooseneck TallerCl 3 ll t meiuîsî8 C 5888,84, 2,6821 1 V8fp4ower, automati, power stei power brakes88, rdio. 827 5305. I -- 28,, m 6848 o e arwrat. i.N0 B 2 21888 4858 i 880889888888, 88818ý.2838 I8" REEL TYPE 18889 880888, 818, 8888884n, beautiful 19 EERRDA 0 88895ý 878 4623 21 M1 8488M4675 12 DOOR HAR DTOP bc e'm $1.00 1972 FORD F100 PICK-UP 1-' r-LLIA 19f ,ul 888800 " 1972 CHEV 1/2TON PICK-UP e88u8888 ,8888,8888888ke, 88 27,81 4855 Lî, 88. AG1904 11898 14 FT FIBREGLASS boat, OININGleein --I188810 88288,l s i,8188,,89, N8 1971 PINTO 88888d 88,88 asOt) oo, electric T1 sf,8888,88 878 5160 2 DOOR 888811888 .88 18,8 7821s alter m 8 L,8. N8 DSJ803 21M831 498 28-884118 1912~ i~ SPIGO lu,-n 1971 COMET 888881,'rt. .888rI8 h68 1970 RBE H385 P.8861r ubor 2 00088 3888883884, doulecu88 e 888 807 888 116M8888 S8 08888 , 3288888715 1197388M! 83 1870 RELui OTNNA Mito, 78972. 22 l467 1 8. RE81888882818 2 DOOR H R TO Ontario.88 1197 8 YAM8H 60 8,1 489 I ICL OTNNA 22M5288831 4 775 hi 1188 U 2 D0R HARDTOP 88,1188808grov 19.878 274. l ""'g' Il, Er aut moil has111888188118î18 Won ,000 mies reay for ol,, 87 2001. 8881888 834I 6,,9 8885,58888 8, 8 Lc, No ADRW950 MONITE 328816934 Joh 818873888 i,' ,fae -1965 BCDILCT 2 R8888088888, 818 88 4T 28" 48(4 DOOR ADO 8888.8 M7 4 6. 8888482 - ,- I- 8 888 5,888 , 8A9 Extra8 88868 1808888896TV set). 188881186 $29.95. 8.6.8888 0861881 Top Soil $091F 8. 88816985 R8888 88888888 88108O 8846. 841 VF 1 75c88869 a86 841F, 1888a118 9e 84.95. Freedelivery 4880884818 roter. Ins8881186 $69.95. 0854-2229 COLOR COMBINATION 22M85 80' 88888, overall height f84888, 88888and H, au05. Wooîdridge Market NO. 90 FI1831 NE. RICHARDSON'S F844 orn an8883888<888868 Radio & TV Dut8849 sets. 8 lowe andv g 201 89a in Street88 East 8 table 8 plants, Spais o Milto 88 Mis88. 88pairs of ail type OPENINGMAYlST Phone 878-2336 <0 A-86 8 866, DAILY Barn Painting Speciaîist 8108813 8888c8 spe8iai prices $14.50 p8r ga:. Robert Noble Ltd., Rockwood (519) 856-9980 21magtf 1972 F080 8,88 88 F i 80 mod Phoe85386LN 2438. 5,63,0 8788 27bchimn120 M P M 1973 PONTIAC [866881 88 d8,887 Orly <38v08 riffic VB 888878 G 888 Cali 8 Jako I il 8088tMUSTANG F3888888., 7888,88 A rea' beauty 881884 88el 8,88 88 [8848 8088,88c <190 V0LKSWAGEN,886è 34,0008 mles,0 Pr ci f98<a 5888888L, 68808. Cali As Is -No Mechanîcal Certîfîcate 1961 Falcon F88888 2 0008 wi8h 6880883888 LIS. N S31Only $396.00 METEOR e MONTEGO *COUGAR CAPRI e BOBCAT *LINCOLN COMET e MERCURY MARQUIS Ford Trucks Our convenent Plaza Location Gives YOU ONE STOP SHOPPING and DAILY 1) _ KVI1UL r R EN TAL *98689748<8 rates Spefa wekndraes Galliuge, Motors umlwu HALTON TOYOTA Hwy. 25, North of 401 MILTON PMAA 8828 878-4365 826-2931 Streetsoîlle 826.1434 Toronto 925-0887 298888 29M88 138784As8.88.887 5339. 8 29M1-88 83884898 1966 COMET. Phone alte884;30 888 878 9769. 1810l CORTINA G.T 40,000 187 8 541. 888 8888888888384875 19728ýC MUSTýA 88 8388888 mission, 191 p 8wr 87188n, u air8, A 1 onitio 88 91 180 6688880088AN, o rea18878 .fier,8,98, d 8 78.698>88 8 V8 8888181, _,, 8888881,88 Caalna PowerL 1989 668,8 668888, 9,8888s air o88 8 _19-12 41788 8 18 18 310 AMBASAD88828831888n 8148G0 878 40085 81 3,8 29M8 8 8 51 4727 MUSTSEL 88lî969 834853 Meteor83Rideau,850.488o 888,888,88 Codto,1 28880 fi088 $91,500 88r8, 889,r Cal' Paul 8788 ,31088 398 HEV 4 84888V98au. A8 888828 18ms CCF 8 5488 Cali tic Bur8ling n 63534 68 tR9c.88 881 38818' 88 8 1880888870888 8811i1 ing8, Ladio 8 an heldi8 $1900. 8988 88 5 8 2981 47887 88, 0 170CLEMROETSma Mic OTO R9 Sodwl B.ch ro nte. hs lt Gulp0I0101110w 7 528669 1910 TOYOTA 980la - s 1980rs M99ET e lpO S baril 841888in 2 9 0 408 waon,81 Ric T S 1 00 pe LIE cn. 888163t. aMor 0009 8775260108 lon Lîîn in ) 88 g4 64093 19LEMENT10,Snrordo MOssT R 20 ms, i BviRONT ST, MION5, a RECELANED ceci ClovCr sced, S35 a bushel 3ruce SMall 854 2486. 22ml 4902

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