6 The Cacinain Champion, Milton, Ont., titilla May 1, 1974 Gordon and Lomnax Ctiartered Accountants 140 Main St Milton 878-7251 F881 G. BLACK C7e,tered Acourutarl ALUMINUM Windows & Doors GL ASSan R E PAIRS W.]. KOSKI KAISER ALUMINUM SIDING Soffti Feui,Wncouusa07 Di rsAwningsCcrport and F0 rc5h Enslosu-es Rel,gs, Eavestoughtrg Deep Sea Extraction, Carpet Cloouîooemethod most recomeoded by crpot The ultiato e on oction _Ieaninl ethod. Thu dirti s eutractod thaci 5 the differenusl 878-3969 Till 9 p.m. OURACLEAN CARPET &UPHOLSTERY SERVICE 878 6194 'OuI 10P.m. of Canada DRAPERY Fouto Fryte St. BROADLOOM 845-0318 Indstdrfia ommy edrcl tOl -Fer CUstom Service UI-F/VHF SPECIAL CA LLOl 8820.7 FOR HOME Towraut rtor' HF HF APPOINTIMENT NSALLED1000 20 'Vain Si.. Mult.Dtcî Dao ArbîC Anterinax PH8ONE: 8782067 George C. Jackson BESI 0eg. Represontative FOR MitnDirect Lino ES 639 5916 L S Euon7ngs 878 2580 IN F1008 COVERINGS Arestrong VînTIY - A.F. i M Doreen Browi 878-4563 Hils Bookkeepiog lnoore Tax Servîc AIl1 phae7o Ti bukkepiT busTness and indiiduals Foîîîull iîiuuTt7 Ta, -F,,otîîl S7070eens TypITg Fhotu Copy Tn5 Cail 878-9762 BRICK BLOCK & STONEWORK Chîmneys. Fîrnplocoo, Allealiors, Repaîrs & AdditiIons Fioee AL COULSON 878-446-I Fdomî,s ROT GALLOWAY R. R I Mortel 854 2424 JOIE ELLSMERE r878-3316 CARPETS p199 Colonese Krcuss ss056 Oympia Peemioso Coronet 1 ced Outdloor CARPET CERAMIC TILE Millt' 5 irgest ond Mst dtf umlel ome dosorting C 340OMainSt. Miton )o 878-3435 gfr Freparking at 7roste CENTRAL CITY BROADLOOM Repaît-s liîttand reloy. vair to mci nstcIiaOO. tAil ct-k df Phono 878-2020 &2 E N TR A CARTAGE ri MOVING .MOVING Aparteent-House Ottice oCARTAGE GienrrlContract Parcel Delîuery Disposai Service Free Estîmotos F0,7 Cour- CALL ;378-3351 We Coter to " Fortins 0Luncheons " Baqus -Wddings And teelure hoee baked Bread, Nouls and Pcstrlms DEW DROP IN CALL MRS. WAYNE 878-9229 or 878-5111 PRECAST IN UNIT STEPS RepIaceoid 0109 intalod Intt i 2 h0570 Cathea Concrete Resioraiono Lid. 250 Martini., Milton10 878-6853 dM1f ACTON PRECAST CONCRETE & SUPPLIES *Septic Tanks *Weil1 Tules *Otr Coosreto Prodlucs *Plastic Secor Pipe *Purpng horsiso 853-1529 HALTON MASONRY BLOCK< LAVING CONCRETE CLAUDE 878-6397 PAUL 878-9701 dclmtf NEW cONcRETE WOR6 alis, Steis Baiseen Fîmes, Footings and Fs îMcti- CATHEA CONCRETE RESTORATIONS LTD. KEN BAILEY 878-6853 Halton HuIs Contracting *Eouooetieg *Gradîng *ISoptiu 8.4 * Concrete ACTON 853-1582 dam5l PACON I Oead Stock Rernoval LIMITE O OtdecdordoaeoCcttle 90000 (0161 692 421 Binbrook Lis. No. 099C7l LET AS CUSTOM TAILOR DRAPERIES Ouroexperts wil cra1 Drpenes to serfool complemert Volîr home See ourclidneiectison ox tiles and fobriCS aIso Eeu Cail 878-2513 Today lune Draperies Milton Plaire European Oressmaker For Pe-sonaîized styîing and perlent ft Caîl Lydla Deys 878-3234 Safety Driving Sahool DO0T. Lic. lostractors * Manel & AoOoooOfic *Doel Cootrolo *Fuiiy lnoorod *Fre. Pickop * Wr Conditioned 817-7792 McPHAIL ELECTRIC LIMITES *INDUSTRIAL OCOMMERCIAL *FARMS & HOMES *ELECTRIC HEATINC INSTALLATIONS 6Cthar-es St. Milton 878-9513-877-5795 D.F. EXCAVATING Eoccuoting-Trching Goae ndTop Soi 827-1910 878-9832 dtf *Rupp Sio.obiies MInI. Rîkes. Sales and Service, Fat-e Machleery..- Repcirs end WeIditg, Cor Truck ced Farie Tires, UtiliIty Tt-aiIfers Osit. IAN'S GARAGE SERVICE 6543911 Lin R.0. 2, HornSy, Oct. 1-826-3468 FARM BUILDING Steel8 Roo eair PHONE EVENINGS PLEASE Waterdown 689-1086 M. Harris, te-corlt George E. Harris. Custom Farrn Work *Plocing IDscing *Cultivatitg e Harr..Ing *Sedng *Balitg Front End Loader ce-k 878-5189 Trautors-Mowers-Rstotilî fet-s and Ai Atchments. IAN'S GARAGE SERVICE 6503 9th Lino (South ot Dort-y Rd.) R. R. 2, Honby 1-826-3468 Milton Orywall & Pîastering - HONEST JOHNNY' Remodoîs Aoything Nec Ceililg lttstaiied-aey shope ask abnut our speuioi Acusutic Spray No Job loo Bigor Te-, Seoil 878-3291 ,ft GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR *Remodelino eN088construction Free bluoaents With Cont - ci GËRRY DF WILDT 878-3534 DRYWALL TAPING JOINT FILLINS Free Estimates 10E SEELEN MIL TON 878-3337 Mai80 Skuttle 90S Csseplotely instciIod and sevicd. On. year guarenteo-5t0. Fe- torthor Caîl 878-6032 atter 5 p-rn- dt MILTON~0 IICI -OFFICES *INDUSTIRES ComplireJdànî7orîi Service 878-6388 CONTINENTAL- JANITORIAL SERVICE *FACTOR IES OFFICES * STORE S *WIN DOW CL BAN ING *RUG CLEANING FuIIy bonded & Insured 878-5127 or 877-9654 MODERNIZE VOUR KITCHEN Loe us hoin 700 1cr four iutul,forefttîuîeuoc and6 Socutr including pro teîishod MILTON LAWN & GARDEN SERVICE Londsuopig Soddling *-Soc Supplies oLacn Main- In Gtoundand Abnue Ground Scieeing Pools Commeercial, Indlustriol and Residofliol Joe Wilson 331 Maie St. W. 878-9070 417 Landscape Concepts ocai in j RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL LAS TSCAPING FREE ESTIMATES J. Crawford MISSISSAuGA 826-3927 RAINBOW LA N OSCAPIN G W. eoinnoin o Coepioe Landscape Service & Maintenance Work Sodding Seeding Fottclng patios Pionting Fot-tiioor COMME RCIAL- INDUSTR IA L RESIDENTIAL 878-2097 or 878-2741 h Central Library 264AMain St. E. Milton MOndar t2 Noon to 5.3 pOess Tuesday - Wedomsday -rhue-sde -Frday lOan. to 5.300.M. Set. 10oin. to 5p.sn. Evenings Tuesday, Thursdauv Ft-iday 6.10 to 9 P.nt. Consebellville Brach Librarv Lions Club Community Centre ruesdoy & Thursday 7-9p.m. Saturday 2 4p.M CREATIVE MEMORIALS [TD. 190 Ontario St * S « Ph. 878-6522 Toront 0826- 363 GRANITE AND BRONZE MEMORIALS Situority -Sorvice Satisf action PHONE 878-4111 or 826-1223 NADALIN Electric Co. Ltd. 31530Base1Lime Road. Milton, TOWN 0F MILTON TELEPHONE NUMUERS Town ClokcandTroesurer l7sposior ofBuildings' PlumbOns. Trenches Planning Diroutor Cueeieoot A3îî,steo7t Town Superineieo Rouroion 0t7,- 878-7211 2,3,405 Toronto 862-1868 Works Garage- Nlpissing Rd. Brookville Nîghi Colis cord 1-Tratoalgor Word? Mîýltot Word 3-Nassagaweya Secoge Pat 878.6171 IFît-e Chief'sOffice 87089251 E1TergeTuo Fi,-. 878 6922 HALTON REGIONAL POLICE 878-5511 BP Canada Ltd. Agent GEORGE B. THORN BON ROM Home and Fore Fuel O,1, Diesel & Gos 24 hour BurneroSrvice Furce Cieosîng 87t-6538 H. CLERK MATHER Oîopenoîog Opticians Iheoldys6p.e.to 109e. Aoeko,,ds. 10c.M to6p.e. or by cppoinftemt Osulîsi's 88s eroertlr tilitd 6007ZTRAFALGAR ROAD O5ITANNIA ROAS AT Houise of Spectacles 218 Main Stroet Tues. & Wos 95 Thur. 9-8 Fri.e 96 Set.* 10-3 EXAMINATIONS AR RANG E CALL 878-5923 ArthurA. Johnon, 0ED MIUON-214 Main St. 878-3673 Apsoirteote TUeoday and Tlursclay SilMill St. E.,Acto- l GILes VA SELEN PAINTINGn CONTRACTOR INDUSTRIAL- RESIDENTIAL INTERIOR ESTERIOR cet Now u Fr"Es mates 878-6137 HE LEN'S * ART NOOK Main St. Roukwood Artist Supplies Open Aftrnoons Wod. Oct. or hy eppolntnoent Phono Rns. 856 0787 Plastering & Stucco AIl1 Types ot Stuco New Picote-, Repaît-o, Cou. CeiioOo Plumbing Repoirs 24 Hour Service 878-2452 dtf BR OC HUORES PUOL if ATIONS OFFICE STATIONERY WESSING INVITATIONS PERSONALIZEO CAROS RUBBER STAMPS Auseuloete Desîgnand Production Ses 853-2010 Dilîs Printing J 11Y & Pblishing -1 Ca. Ltd. 59 Wi suwSI. Acton GENERAL RADIATOR SERVICE 305 Stooles Ave., Milton *Rosoring *CIocnlng eR.- pairng 004005or *keater Coesu Oas Tanks Cers -Trucks -Testeo Hocuy Equipment Drivo-in Service Phone 878-5154 Mitch s Rooîing and Eavestroughing SPecialzingin rerootng and goneral repoîro. Steel 0107k on homns. FREE ESTIMATES CALL COLLECT 519-856-4721 ERNCO RUBBER LIMITED 30 Steoles - Milton. Aoroquîp Hydrcolle Hos80 cnd Re-usablo Fittîngo. B. F: Goodrîsh 56-Boits and Robbe- Obeetiogo, Convope- BefIlg and Belfaoteoooio. Haoss and FitOmngs te- AIr-Oll.Oteam- Wter. Phone 878-4228 dfig Sewing Machines SALES-SERVICE RENTAI PHONE 878-6861 Milton Fabric Centre 12 Mari7n Street Serisocodoparsoin cl tnckesolsengmchines ACTON Torminel Wcrohoose I IMITE O industriel & Domootîs Store Priocto Furnitore LOche- Bonded 08e-cg. Pick-up a CWIvey-M@nh008 BROKERAGE SERVICE 853-2320 Action 360 -901 Teortt BUS SCHEDULE MI1L TON and TORON TO Lu. Miton 1.00 c on 10,15 acM., 4.0 . . o-815c&.., a-.3 8207. 0-6230 n. Ar. tMlton 10.0c0 am. 635 n. o-7.3Osem MILTON end RITCHENE, Ar Milio. 7.00e e 10.10 a M, 4,20p,n,o0100ea. GALTanuIEITCHENER MI L TON a,,d HAMI LTON Lu. o-8.55 c. o-0.20 Mi LTON 0,3 01E LPH Ar Mllion am 2230 p Dciiy unouou Saturdcu, Sunday, Holiday. o--Saturdy Orly. Complete Tree Service *Trreîng *Dedwooding Lots Clernd ARTHUR MARLOW 689-1890 Carlisle MILTON UPHOLSTERING Haeo your tonnituro becu- tily ro.uphootered bu lin- est crettooton. Hurndrodo ot tine febt-ics front whIcS to choc0s0. Free Estîmcte - No obligatiotn. MILTON MOBILE TRUCK WASH TRUCK AND MACHINERY CLEANING REASONABLE RATE 878-5692 Theeonomlcl ay w ith the '+Electro-Matic 1Saeos-Seruice- Rente lo SAVE MONEY- CALL US! 877-9674 +tncnute-d. by pro- tessionas in the weter ont. ditioning business toi ouet 50 E PROGRESSIVE LTD. c9rnî SOFT WATER THE WAY IT SHOULD BE WATER NEFINERS ADivision of Westwcy Punis 20 YersoftSerice in Heiton County *F REE installation& OLOWESTMonthly Rentci Rae Bus. 844-9781 Res. 844-8140 (OS'OOiOgs & woekends) 9a.tn. 8o509em. Ooiiy R YD E R' WEED CONTROL and FERTILIZI NG Governmeot Licenced 854-21300! 878-6968 dtf BOB'S WELDING Mobile Welding Milton, Ont. 878-4987 dR8 WINOOW CLEANING For heut Estîioatos and top Courteous Service Residentici Oniy Cail 878-4686 R ciin s-indoo & DOtômc e Rom, Oluidero CATHEA CONCRE7E RESTORATIONS LTD Albi Di Pede 250 Martin St. 878-6853 I TKMcKERSIE nOiural hardwood cbinet- ou~Fueri Hoe Ltd ktOt-oboSrc Osr îlot Year of hoiptul, Û E 878-4452 700Man SreetE. Milton. ___________________ 878-2351 Join the happy gang, find what you're looking for n the WHO DOES Il page of the CANADIAN CHAMPION S. ý. 1111ILLI 4 Mil 1 ý1