Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 May 1974, p. 32

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Hopes capital budget ready for next week RegiuaiTreuare D A Appurnt Oakville's Farme bapstahave a buge bau beutu but by capital~~ bugtd:1an a alyatata of what the t r eglsaa rtia tC n ad l eei raqett committee dariag their cat. Mlton bude wa mesetiag neut Wedsday. accepled usuect. Budgets tram Oakville, Buiugtaa. and Halta Hilta Repurtiag au tbe were reursed ta thase prucadure, F armer auptaiaed muscipHles aller beated the regis hiadt the right ta debates a couple ut meehu request cutu in capital taire- aga. caula. Ha notadt état aveu o un2aid thec tys appo m4,th r in ail t budget hu ae raillad bU apprave by resu lutiuu eacb stqiaataas requested. prujeet, and tbe debeutura tor R&ie Murraw$,for u toniu HUis Ibat pruject. At tbat tima the aalsblatact .u enu regiua bas tbe pomer ta veto made un that lawa'a budget any praJeet. antd tuather caua were an- pectad. Ha tait tae calai waud tlebuta au tbat ueutsr mare titau utet tae ragiou tank a large portion ulimea ut raquestl a racaut meeting ut caucil. 7th Line, 17 Sideroad reconstruction soo lirenders mill be caiied un muinerportionmofthbe job tu be tub reconstruction ut the 1eRt ta tae taiiamig sprlug. Secenlth Lise and 17 Sidacaad Bailla auticipatas upaudiug tramt 15 Slderuud nurt and guM,0t0 Utis yaar and $120,tt0 aa ta tae tormer weuteriy sn 195. lUtIlis ut Georgetown. Hultau tou hm Reias Public Warks Reishm C itumittoa agread la cal Durig tae sa meeting leaders ta tait due Jusa ta. te cummittue agread la raut Ibhe mark miii laciada a bs tl amas au tae rosid. cusbs, gttars, armi sirs lTae raglan istaudu la raut i inba mas a ncrte a a moi tt bisais ad will r trme bridgegaig evautuaity sai the buse. ban d bamipvag The cauuty liadt purcbased ~ccurdtg ta Puia Wab ta. bome becaus ut tae Dite ah oB Billae Uta Ilr drpla tba ruait cas- wtt u umuatum iatd y u u lud bave camait thé end ut tae yar, wiU te pravis umuar. RgonaI bries Dsring a raguar malt attribatad lu salarias. ut tae Ragionas Plusca su Adtuluintratluur Cmmitta -Agreeit ta raqueut tae meetiug Weduauday tbe reglua ta raqueut au inîarim, committea. qualt f a000 tue Hultn Hillu tram Iecapital budget -Rcammandait jalning alltation. tae Bureau ut Municipal Re- sdatcb ut a cml ut $2501 par -Racaivad a budget tram YEar.thb treanury deparîmeut ia tae amauut ut $132584, QI -Wus advitad tae uaut Ibt about $108,000 a meeoting uftheb provinciat ullacaîrd for saltaries. municipa l iaison cammittea mauid bu bad lu Turonto MaY -Authuriueit Parcbasing 10i. Agent Roy Higgius ta attena conveution iu Edmaulua Jaae -Reeivad a number ut 9 1t aud il unit Daputy uubmimsium tram manage- fr-ausurer JMm MaQueen tu a meut camsuiting fire ut- couvention Jane 17, ta and ta tering assistance lu con- lu Huaey Harbor. dacting a sid ut tae urgun- idlauoai structure fe tae -Deuiad a raqacat tur a réglun. vaut tram tae Hamiltonu Autbriza Pauannl PItbarmanic Orchestra ut Diraclar Danuis Cumm aud han assistant Jobn Watson ta attelada neminar deuiing mit -Agaaad ta charge tbe Municipal Collective tamu ut Oubvitta t1,19î8 ain Bargaiuing May 23 and 24. Au intaeul tu to ata paymaat ut atactad atica aise teaut- tae iutarim tevy ta tae ragian. tend, Apparaly Oubvitte malai tae abaque au tae deadllua -Racaivad a prapased Murch 29 bat iu error ti budget tramt tba Peruanual meut ta Mississauga ruthar deatet la tba amaunt ut thue Burtiaglas unit arrivait tosoia QIr tt S 3 an tîva dua tata Aggregate industry scores parochialismn urges fair policies Raprasautativas uftheb certaiaty iu tae iudustry hail Ontario Aggragala Praducars causait tirmu ta haIt bach an Association appaarad betara invesneaul tua nem van- Regioas Pltanning Cam- tures. tucestmauts ouaIt bu milIce tant Tueuday. G. E. ueesuary ta imprava plant Armstrong tld the cam- capacity, ha said. milea tae future ut the u$gragala induatry mas S aicartain bacausa ut tha OS tours narrum parueal attitudes ut aud pravincia fire hal Armstrong tld tae cm- Twa teacher aand 13 milIe tae aggragata man utudeats tram Oulario Schaut uniy avaitabla lu certain tua tae Dat paut a visit ta arean. Ha ualad tase ares Milton Pire H att au Weit- mare beiag iatriuged upan hy aauday uftlaruaa. CapI. buusiug and albar typas ut Harold Canîsan gave the devalapmant. . acap a tour ut tha hait and Ha naid the = Igr,!a iusltributed tira brimaIs undt uecasuary ta the my alita l ira prevanîlun titaratura ta Ontario and uatad eau- aIl a0 them. namptian mauid increane ilLaut weuh Cbiat A. E. troam 35,00,000 tams intact1 la Clemaul and Lt. Jim Couna i2a,ataoo an 1utu. ut Milton Fire Deparumeut Wantsnpaiinp auuinted Milton District Ha ampbasitad tae uad for Haupitat's tira cammitter au aggregata palicy tua tae hairmun Bill MaGinais uand Pravine and litioteUtr staff mith a regutur manthly gro' .b theaociao biadt in ira dtrill. . CeaPis salit the mnd. drill mas "vary watt Resonsbl lesatneaecutad" ta aturm mas R ep andl tugstatand naadait i 9.3t a.m. and tbe propa tiuf ut , att cli ar"ms givra euacîîy rebabtatian mare amaag li miautlater. tae goals tae association tait Arstog eine teDance is cummittea thearasuror nus reueauhianad tere is no success nuhutilute. Ha revieald the mida vuriaty ut prajacîn Nusugumeya a-H ilunntrueted mllh tae aid ut Hamamahlng Club members lita aggragate. beid a suecestul npriag, - nes csasideratios danceaiu Braubvitia Hait tn - Ha madeah prasanlulian euh ituultiu ti tae aumite Ut the andiug. Everyaue ma su Banc ~ ~ ~ ~ ..e Ibltvrbe a-pen itmih the avent, s0itatavrgbt e con g sv i anU is plaunet in the tatt. ,tu in dleuieut b a ie Dancing, amunir aud uttiea plauin s t or U ta hean retrasbmanis Wera aujayat dffcia pln or he egin.by att. John Dichua, ei Armstrong nalad Michigan DaigaGal ura, i man su deoparata tua Mainon and Mas. aggragaîe materiais nata. McMillaumwera prizemwiuuars. lhay mare pusag beusas Debra Daili man dine anar la get uit tae mutriai. jocey. Pruceadu miii go Ha anptaiuad the un. loaans club aclivilias. The Canadian Champion, Milton, Onel Wad. Mai 1, 1974 CS Want to meet min ister over region's gro wth OPENING DAY FISHERMEN iined the shores of ariier, 10 try Ihair opening day iuck wilh rod and lthe local Mill Pond Salurday with hopes of ianding ei. snnme big Iroul. Fîshermen roue wîlh lthe sun if sol (Photo by D. Pink) Norval wants services Urge-flood plain acquisition Huiton Ragion's Public Wurhs Committar mas ut- tisait sot ta entant muter services ta Norval bul raiber ta consiter hoying up homnes ast lusd la the tisait plain areas that coter most of Narvai, Biamartiama, Glan Wîiliams and Htdden Valley. At a recrut meeting. staff membrs mare ushait ta the tea sîiiity of proîiting maier services tlothe Narval Hultou Bruis Couacîliors Lau Casa ast Eraîr Syhas bath objectait streeaoasly ta the statf recammations. Nuosne Byhes sait thara huit savar beau a Buootiag prahiem an Narval ant tascribet the staff recommanitatin ta boy up uanit as "nonsense." Cour sait the area musa huilttop oresan untheb homes hait beau tbara tue 100 peurs. About 2001 hames ara an toloat, ha inticateit. Ragionat Chairman Ailun Masson suidtihe services tooaiitst open neto tavelap- menut uaiievîutaan einting peahlam. Cour otaimet the paople Landlord-tenant b on a volunteer ba H a lIto n R egîisia n s ton Lainlr unit Tenant At- Adistationa Cnmmîttaa sisoey Board. bas racammanitet ragioal The commitîe'ran o coancîl pros ita $500 unit mnaution. hamaver, onip aiiam vuluateers t0 argantue guas part may lamarta and uperate a Lanitînri unit meetinagthesneeitoutliaedin a Tenant Atvisory Bureau tur ernans ot hresatnd unitla. the raglan, galions hy Mes. Hutgias. The hureras bas beenau - ut t Nlinluded vocuat bp Etalpa Hudit ls, Mes. Haitgias huit past chairmanofthe Buriag- raquestaitu bureau ha set op Region, town may share yard Haiton HuIs Coancîl miii ha renia Syhes unit Lau Cosa upprachrit hy Hulas Raglan sagaet the luma coutil to shurebuilinîgandtyard pruhabiy muré u 01 ce- fucililies foe the public marks aperuliveaurrangement but taparimeat in ana ut the halé ahîrcirit ta a staff bhrrr Haitos Hills yarts. racommenain aushîag Ragionai Diractor Boh Huiton His t0 transter ana ut Bailla noteit ana aI hîs tha ibrar parts ta tha raglan. teparimeat's peohiams mus Disruption ut service th a kuc ut part unit building toaliy unit inconvraienca apara' mare the praitictat ranuits ut Hulasn His couaic hors that action. Haitan Pubiea Worhs Cammilter miii requast a mîeeting mîth William Namman, Minister ut tae Environaent ta itermîse tohul cas beidonc ta aileviata pressura on tha ragion's grnmth hroaght aut due ta the tact semuge plants ara osertoadet or mnehing rImae ta capucity ta Haltua. Cummittea chuirmas Jack Battis salit it man ohotous thut plant expansions shu d ba pte= t unt the prugrum Daeing the commîttea meeting Weitunitay. memhers reucîrd ta a repart. hp Diractur Bah Bola la- iticatinganosamsosudiision p tans couiit ha approvait hacausa oftheasitaationamith the paloution contrai plants. Ou y 10.5(m E ngin Ly Crîpps 'tait the cummttea the ragion coslaitutoto ahout i0,tas homes ta ha hut thut hase uireaityactdappratis Ha salit Oabiliacutpri about 3,5W0 homes. Miltos 1,400, Georgetown 354 ast Regional coverage Bp BOB BURTT Reg-ion aaurlingtonauh 4'LAu itmuait an the plant The luln inapt .. cupacîty ahoat ready ta go tu tander Errauraus figuras tohite Hulasn Hils uem plant Ouhoiia Coanciiar Garton asi tbe praiimiuury stages. Bruma sait! the ministry hait Miltas Coancit is espactit asait errunaoas figuras tue the ta itacidr marIner or sot tl iiahoiii plants unit insistait munis taribar expansion ai tbereeastiii sonmecapacit the plant unit sobseqaui sot pet aitacatait tuether expansion ut the tama. Bolie tous raqarsait ta Ouhoîiia aspects tlopraceait prepara a report shomîn g mith expansion oI plant tobut penjacis mare haing hait cupacitymîithin thenest year apidta atchatfcapacîly in or sn. the plants. Cri patet tout that tl Batis sait ha hopit a moii ha uhatto ta lise meetingawith theaministar or years tue veto hoosiat pions itepoty ministr muait tiubaprocessaitanitInuit. Ha reve sontie ut the cn soggantedit tol maii h that mitter ant statt mamhar long hetora there is ap questios. hait reutei ttir services elemrtsaofa majoratrlSoe-,t 4 unit mare miliig ta puy a itisustar iftheares erre sha res share ut canin uniter tocal bit hy a major stursu saa as - a e ntpesn u t 4 imprusament. Ilarricuna Hart.' the repart n edn n NeadaltudN suit. ý ee ofh] 7 Cammîttea chuirmun Jach The cummittar masisurnet hI.ospita ud tMr Rutia salit ha cat the cum- thut the provision ut mater Dntnst h milte mus obligutrit tu go iouautethe request tac aérait mith a $3,00a staity la semaru as mrit. cost RdSl pý itermine mhai mautit bavr tiardar leacuquire Anadtotete(er, u YiI)Lo giof th1ut iatdoncrand theciatin Trennera espr Auitiaiahrrg saivrit The cammitier- suIt that ibaosesrieioert taoun District Itaspitut miii An the Iepgtý ugrrrit ta finat raute. touait inarrar thr prce ai costai pprssîmuteiy 5550.000 tn euleu Thr staft repart espiainei th bpruperty anitmubrril ese ta $1t,.ano' thera l it itticilty in proiting mare iiticait teaucqaire thr Teaiters bs haro ee culirit muniripaliserviceshecaase flotia a at a at ar au tirat praîrot bat bits thelaisuarr in thrloodit ita f rthutitetisao sas buten*t ru etaruait yet. plain. -There nu esists tbe mri Ha 1til Raegiaon 's Bath Co,- andi Syhet salit AdministrtoanFinc the urea hutad ithstaait tareri Cammitie a die l u au cane Hartl, tattering aniy sare ofthe cotwl bu The staff report wurnt The egio hrsi h that "iftihe prapeetîrs ia the cat ai hosa coeetructio 5 5fluait pin ecume marc ar expanso teaot n- w -dy r sisauahi theaagh the peu. ihiri t toa st The unit a tait lima secretury visionuaf sevices, the regîu tbalace emesfo eea proviitite ta bndie cuits unit toal aitccith pressure unit procal grns 225 REBECCA ST. seap recorts. The cammitet cunturu the creehu an The exsio a oge recommanitutian maite nu concreir chaareiatiaa, taoun Hosalsnle majorLE 2 52 provision toe tbat. leuiting ta the attenîdant ou-i itntations ta the esîstîîîg AVLE8752 Curraatiy a memher ufthie tiet toith the enviran- builiting us toril as an clerh's staff is npaaiig hait mentatit.1 apgraiîof aItctilitîcu ot bis tîma usaig catis ait pravidiag beip tue people mihquestions. Cummitter sereary Bill McCrearp eopliiie t iat ha uccepleit cuis und qauteit tae art pactisant t tae questions. He caulluneit caileru, hum t PLA Y ever, ta seeh irgai aitoice il thut mus iteemeit umcessury. il UnTe volunr~ater t ~ ~ IT SAFE! Undter tte recr- nmmlsfalsonaids refrrd e vluters hoW[ lot yorfumily on wol fret ut infororciit tatet v the oniy ares an Huiton ta -enocdcnceeUi.S bava sacb a bareu. mhe uave halti nsuty traus, pa hure au canceenis itucit mîth quarrais heimean tenants unit FOOTINGS *FOUNDATIONS i n icadcnb nt ianiorisanitaivies echaof qoîcklp unit ceanl p y osr trai ibeir aegai eights. Whera CEMENT FLOORS * PATIOS craws. paustile the bureau racum- masits acurse ut actaon.* STEPS * WALKS Ornamental Iron Raîlîn Mtoo! iHOM r i~ IMPROVEMENT TIM NON-SLIP PATIO SLAIS FREE u8-F18E HYDRA-PR EST ESTIMAIES 88S aerfchyrui s p resrfrLt usopensa a permanence tanss urst becase heyre on lipPRE CASI - ----CONCMEE SLABS Çth, iAHE CONRET-I-y ONRE tCtNCRET Pieuse Wep the Appeal id eps? eps cast E' E M53

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