Gather can Euoter Services ut St. Chch, cou Chural Nsugawe%= clodd ua Msundy. iursday commuion sevie ut O pou., GnoUlriy mori, sud Euster Sunds s ves ut 8 as il sl t G rges" and 0.' a %.luS . hs Lacg cgatn attend- chou viera heautihuil decor- uted with Eustcr li les und St. George's Evcuiug Branch W. A. metaOtithe home Wt 0Kathy Powet lu Aprtl. JueAnItr rcud Uic elip tare und the medilatlun wus given hy Jayc Cure. I colt wus "Serve. ortvie" June Beckett gave Uic study an paioh lire. Fra. Pearce a st usuecretary. Cnmmittcs virer appoint- cd tor a dance and hahie sale. Thei evcuiug bruuch will as- sist with Uic purchaue ut reret ned goods for church for the church. Lunch wun uerved and aunoc- "a"îeentydu tueeZ coue -Cunned g=odare bcbg col- of the men. Thet preulident lected to u e S.t Lillian Matthewo wus cour- thew's Church lu Hamiltan. tenyconventer. *ANNOUNCEMENT. ~ÂeuAolitQ&iiansd w16c coke pQcr..ged to ornotuhcc Lhot tipikoe aen Oove r.ACMip co&c eQokitq (ohwokd to gclemnq the cKit c omiit ,oi 244oQtoil C,3teeg. --J NOMINATION CONVENTION TO SELECT THE ________________PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE *Monte Carlo night CANDIDATE at MDH Auilar For Thse Next Foeral Election AuxiiaryAT Maytime Bail Sat. 0 e '~s * -White Oaks Socondary School, Oakville Something ocw has heen the ycar for the aciliiary, tceT saM y16h 97 t8p added te theannual Maytimc et coting is c.apportcd Hospital untic.Addt citants and industcy. ouest speakers : HU oen liedacng and ditcer itis toon-rcsMIH Saturday esv-coing toit! ic a Convenert oft his year's Presadent, Progressive Conservative Party ut Canada ont Crian ANi t (ando hlli aoe, An Gerth. NOTE: Those eligibic ta cote ait the conventin, are paid ap 19741 Oser and Uoder cciii ho joot Barbtara Bell. Marilyn mecobers at May 2, 1974 and 1973 members who parchase their snme of te gamnes otieced Eltiey. Peggy Biederotan 1974 memnbersiPs at anit time ap ta the vating an May l6th. under appeopriate and Helen Anderson decocattonsofn citechcrcdALWU@M fiago and gatng tables ai L E C M lte Club Gataxy in Onituile. -May 12 ls National 0 aion and Halton East Progressive Conservative Association Executive The tornai social eoent of înlspital Day. 0 ftram our vasi secion :ft LARGE VARIETY hd revres GLAIGAOF GARDEN TOULS AWAIT YOU troit trees & rose hosh BLSAT YOUR CO-OP GARDEN.. and always at Reason- OSEBUSHEA anoMitrofClusCNRATVRabePcs it largo tiowers -Ideal tor REASONABL i ssrted Types lOors iRICES to Choose From $ 4 CO - P HRUT & C On Pn C O-Olze pn tht ?061 o Lawn Mowr Bmant Ferîore Ontô An 5Lis O a4Cu ô.o otry ller y COO FUI &INSECT Lmv LAWN WEED oei Stck: aiGrs eed Miture ? a IPu Nowj tc h ~ DUST One ut Our Garden Nue an Soku MulOne aI 1coo.s1SPRAY.,DUST Handies a broad KILLER Centres On utofGadn u Our Gardon k"~o0 Ont of Our A OComInaln ensecticide range of garden i.Cnirols Dandelins Onetuaen Centres~.~ Garden Centres f l oq-,do n se ay or dunt sects found onomo atn ad tt t~n nc jn p " 'hoo,t ~ garden crois nradleaf weeds. .. - a P. m'y IQ~QQilQQQQyQQQ lOQ xQQ REZ WOOD STAIN Exteriar & Interiar. Penetrates ar Seals. Prntects & >beautiles tences, awn tamtaure, son decks, shngles, waad sidng. 1 GAL. $799 Grey anly EACH $ if CORD SET With granu wîre. Encased ln dorable black c nyli Sa table tar electric lanon conoers, barbequs etc. 6 01008E FRON OUR LARGE SELEOTION 0F Wood, Plastic or Clay Flower Po Planters Window Boxes in Plain or Ornamental Desigeis Of courue att as very resanabto prices at ynur Co-op Garden Contre WEED CONTROL IN LAWNS- COMMON SlE pRIE EFFETIE MAT lo l 2 ý * 4h e t * f à