10 flhe Canadian Champion, Milton, Ont., VI. May 1, 1974 Poill Equipped Uit-a Modern ROMA HALL 3090 STEELES AVE., MILTON, ONT. Makeyouii 1974 bookinno or 0 DANCES - WEDDINGS - BANQUETS CONVENTIONS, ETC. *Accommeodations ip lot 400 *Bi,,0 dance lion, *Excellent bar- fac,1,1,0, and kitchen *Controiind 1Iighting *Moder-n deco- *FlIy oq,,,pped so,,,d system *Conplete air recyciing filOn, systom For- l,6rhe,- information & booking arra-ngenments PLEASE NOTE CARMELINA SEDITA WILL ACCEPT VOUe RESERVATIONS AT 878-2460, 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. OR 878-6527 OR 878-4903 AFTER 6 9.04 The Royal Trust Company Real Estate Division Riding Stable 0706,-t rid ino schoni, 3204ox staIls, ido,- anod 68 ridi ng arenos, ail equipm090 ,eciided. P,-operty c conlia006 0,06 a 4 b06,-onm brick homo. Asklo lnvestment Properties 2 d6,plexed y,-opo,-Oies in fownot. in g9o 0lo cations 0,d 06001,9 tond ,-006,-,. ColO ,oo and lncestigato pou- fcuture. Building Lots 1iloltntoot., lotinth coun0try. HurryHurry,bild- Cou ntry 538acrns oI preffy 0an6 oth 009,-kOing side spli home setina gv of 0,000608,s eBarn plus block bIdo. aise, on the propo-ty. This cou10 be mode 9000 loIt lons 6h,-st CALL rHE ROYAL oUMect 878-5000 COLINSMILLIE GEORGE SMILLIE ~BEST REALTY AND M INSURANCE LTD. Trafalgar Square 310 Main St. Milton TRAFALGAR SQUARE Milton 'Lasl Coui- 2 co0nalio, office or store 69100 acailablo. Immed i atOpossession. 760 squarefet each onmain foor plus comlplt ety 019,hdhbasomoOa-08 0,06 oash-oom, Centrali mail coîcopl. Fciiy ai,- condloed, ,,idiiai unit. Solo,- 8B09m0 Therm opane windoon. R,91al r-ate $460.0089nd 0475.00 mnthIy ,,616d,90 6080, liohI and cale- Foc,- Thosod squaret foot ocoîlabie onth 06 on,- floo- Ideal 0for 1160,0,6 019,90 rcom. Milton Js 1 lsed. Neat 16,-to M0,-oom bungalow. Largoe living rocm, kiOcho, and four- pieco baih,-on. One btd,-onm, seilfcotaiod basemoetOpO,-met icles living 0090, k106699 anda4ppece btth-oom 66' x 132' loI F,-ced ,-,ght a80039,9000. Fo,- lolht,- inoraio 1i Mko Ledwih Milton AE LEPAGE" ttember oftheTnt, ikiie and Bampton Real Estale Boar-ds MINUTES TO GO TRAIN - GEORGETOWN Brand ,eW 3-4 bed,-ono Engiish Tuodor, ,-oised ranoch with Omo boOts, 1l,-te garage, tamiip ,-onm with 01,- place and patio don,-s. Livint 8,-ta ail broandittmed, bed,-ttm Oion,-s ar-e ho,-dwood. In a beo6tit6i setInt Ohis home ,s îmstied atainot the ods on o h106 dry acr o land. Ome-s 0,-asfe,ed. Good tiaoit. Listed ai $79,900. COUNTRY LIVING CLOSE TO GEORGETOWN Larg-e a be6,-onm, mode,-, home, de, with ti,-epio6e, stonefireplace in1,0 livin oc, 00,-mol i 6191 ronm, kit- 66e, wi th bui,10,0 s006e, oven and dishoashe-. Largte ,ecreation rom ith fieplacet.2 -apiece and 1 2-piece bath, br-odionm t6r0606060, 28 car garag, 3500sq.08f. living a,-a W2 06,-es of land, this beautituly land- scaped home oce-iokn 08,tom a,6 009,-lot led pond. Hall mile t0 GO-Tr-ain. Lar-ge 06,-st mot-aoe att9 par cent0. Li Sted at 0159,000. Coul Genou Lawrene,6 for appoiltments 870.0543, o,- Tor-onto 360 4121. Wt have on indust,-ial bulding w106 0000 square teet of flon,- uea on over tmo 0acren of land, zoned heosy In. dust-,oi Please caii for- fu,-he- in0f,-matin ACREAGE 156ce of~t Orch ga,-de soit,tood frotatt on a main r0ad in " new EastlMiltnaea. Lied ai 20000. Con90ide- ail 000,-s. LIST WITH A.E. LEPAGF FOR FR!ENDLY INFORMATION AND REAL ESTATE SERVICE DENZIL LAWRENCE 878-9543 OAKVILLE - 845-4267 6i How Should a Seller Ireat his First Offer? if il i a lai,- oIlo,. 06e, 91,06 the 0606060 in m,,nd 060006066406,-, 06 lou obe Ohe best 000e- 6e Ntoiy lsed pr0petOy has a oponiai appool to byer, lor everal ,-ean,os The feeling il 600 tee, ionkecd and ,-oîected by p,-061060 buye-o n 06sent and the 6cyer i ,6consu o0 09001,0 01,00 chance" lt ne offe,-,,, suspicions of 6166e, flao 046060aue 06e properly 600 900 so16 p,-eviousl do not arise; salesmen ar-eisiaiy more,-thusi60astic 060910,0 a p,-ope,-ly 1f,- the Finaliy, the -right" buyt,- may have ben aiting for6such6a propo,-lylto ppeor. If theselle- Ihet ,-ececes a lai, o,-e olîhi, Mow doys. ohe,-e dots the probitm arise? Il ns Ihalt the s0ee is ntI metaIiy con61010906 t "If 06,-et doaysou6o60 0,0000,, tht, sie wiii bring twooand the t " ay loir6 theful p-icn," Ohe s0ee 9009 ,oasoo, 060606 il seidom oks if t6, 01,f00s primet prospet is 1000, tht property m ay iO or 10, ooks, 606090199 "stOle" 0006he ma,-kel ,0 n6te seller 90070198119 haveOto oeil for,1 ess than 6e O,,-oO declined 12 QL 1 Pi main st., miitons Couotry Setting Eleaqd bick rach bungalowî, lareiinroonm ih cu Stoe firepace, 2nsets of si6digcoorsto patiodining om, kilohen wiOh large 900199 0,-on, 3 bot,-o ms, laundry ,-onm. frui0 cella, okshop and large famiiy r0090 9006 ieidsooe 00 22 20cres. Colog9er or- Milch 878-4129, 070-38040,r870-567. 2,375 Square Foot Living Area ThsIObrick ranch bungalowoiOer-4arg-e bedoms family rS0m 0,06 fireplace, den, 750 squar-e 0900 of re06,-tion ,-onm olOhlliepiOOe, 2 4 plact6, 29garages Ilidoubli-t sintgle) and2 barns. Locatdon 14acres wlth many , ponod and a Enjoy Ohe caretl,-t ,lain0tena e o this brick bungaownm ai fronteofS 734 lot. Loodu ot etrt,8. Askit0 $176,900. Ross quiet Cort an establishnd ca,-nof on, This homo Is In CoSCo, 070 40129 o,- 876-2755. sptOitss condition lhouhoct. Il 10006,-os o 0009,aIe d,9190 rom,3 bod,-oms up and a argoemaster bedomiOh a 3 Rockwood pbc bathentsuite onts,saoOîtshed famiiy rompls This brick bungalo now nder costructinttaSoes 0l,-go mich mi,- OreTh,0 anexcellent homtthat lcsltoods moct0 liing t0OOM wlh ire-place, sp,-ae dinl90,-oom, eaOikit- into. Pr ,cd t0 solO aI $55,900.00. c609 and full hasemenf. Askin0 056,900. Vîno todoy wi06 Ross CooCon 078-4129 or 878-2755. Milton Guelph - Semi 1680 0,0004. Spacioco, t09,0090, oldo,-, br-ick homo cetIraiiy - ms.Oto,04, loated ton lretod lot 240 fnoodeep. Living,-nnm ad $2500013606,- , arekich separate dion rom, quit dinino ,-onm 160x16, de, 13n xO1, kifohe, l 11, 0,6egood soedi good condion. Aso ext dnoor 8t21,000, 0006s 8090000,-k, 046-oums. Gomes,-unm il n 16. Fou,- piece haOh,-nnm an6d4 twcy onetor bth. Yvone Brig~htt87841290or-878-5603. 90060 was6,-00m. New 06,-tact. Taons 8534.00. LisînO 9,-Ion 5,000.00. For- 16,060,- 6008110 c800 041e LedwiOh. Boy of The Week This he 3 bedr0m brick bungaowmyouhave beootig HeIp!! for. Cloeno chonis, tceneighbnhood and 60,-te- loI. Caii and Wt urgentiy îneo;lstings on ail types 61 p,-npoty le 0,00,-toý sk aboooftheeuf,-us. Jookie Beetlu,878 4129n,-639 2039. let he rquireent of our clients Couotry Living -Priced Roght $54,900 For Service and Satisfaction hg .1 and dry d,'666n, gaag wfhbeeeay,3aplacs Consuitate th Bests 61464 1,6060 of MSion na nicly lodscaped 160' e Best Realty Milton CAtI 878-4118 FOR PROMPT ACTION 'garage, ost ugar old mtEx cl t % ecnodtmotfhe d skn 053,900. Cail fodoay. Yvonne Brigth 878-41298or 878-5603. After Heurs oeliebr fOkilad issag Jim BabieY 0Il60 Mke Ledwith 878-4873 0004- IOkil , issag on W0h1 te 0-30e) Bob McCu010 078-2894 Multiple Listing Serv06e BOV COSSIdY 878.4294 A-t Pnactck II046 MILTON 878-4129 TORONTO 826-4317 06.9004,s ffet tOkvlile Rea0 Entote Board 61 Wanted a Income Properties li Commercial Land e Guaranteed Action JIM O'NEILL TORONTO 266-4468 Uu Care About L..NiT Vour Community. Our, 22,6 Vear 86901 Country Corner TEN ACRES 120000. Very, scenic building lot, pai-tiy wooded 6,106 pond site lx:atnd te, minutOes ,-on, Hwy. 401. Owne- must self. Gond HORSE LOVERS 47 acres of iovely pastu,-eio46oith c,-eek,-onInth-ogh and mature bcshet he bokof the pope-ty. This ooid ma ke an excellent 60,-se f,-m. Fou, miiest,-om Hssps. tond 10. Askino S45,000. NATURE AND CON VENIENCE Easy to ca,-e for. Rusi countr860,y home with open tirepiaee and bean,,, notied among a valiety ot matuire 8,-tes and oct,-iooigthe mot lovely gronds withaarg o,-tndand nature t,-ail. Complote p,-ivooy. Only minute, t,-om Ho,-. 401. Heatd swnmmng poo andchange house.A tiy uiqe piece ot natur-e. Asking 090,000. WANTED 100 acreo 0om w,06 fai,-iy 0046 builidings, 10 -15 minutes t,-om Ho,-. 401,in the Milton a,-ea. Fn, cash buye-. P,-ice range t,-0m sîî0ooo ;0 0100,0900 For further information on these properties please caIl loge Winthor 845-7549 or res. 853-1990 and 878-5131 E.W. Stone Limited, Reaitor 61 LAKESHORE RD., OAKVILLE FARMS WANTED Cal for- freenooaiootion_ JIM BERTIN Business 044-1778 Rasodenco 827-4678 to 20 acre potceIs, ith or 4686008t buildings, greal ti i denond . Have ,-nady buyers' BAYLEY- MacLEAN LTD. 9,0080,- 06600 DORSET PARK. J60t the60 hsor a botge tomly Four oage bedronms sais a0 fthor denonomain lici,-, 2 batt6s, 00,-moliin 110 ,m hlth sl1d19 dttrs, largeo 1,6,0 ,-onm. Ali s,,h beoctifl b,-oaoonm. Ex- cellent l,îancing. Jslste 1,4,4500. NUMBER i 0F THE REST SELLERS. 00 0re00o8 nno00,-0lt the description who, n ay t618 cust8m built 3 040,-oom brick Sidooplil is in excellent condition and SiOtutdn a large 106,-e (209 x 209 lot. P,-opo,-ty featureoceonaii pond with 0106.080 nursery pianted frises. Othe addtd fetooto-of t016, motîltlcent home 0,-ea double garage;fo-mai 619,60 ,-onm large- breakfast 0,-ta ith601i6199 Patio dnn,-o. be0601061 potteied tamil,- 0106wit firepioOo. 0,-nadioomod throuttt60, bultin stoce 09d oven. 10694,-y -onm. hon il 00,06,-t today PICTURE AN OLDER BRICK 2-00,-ey home 010190g maltOticaly on alhot 10aces o o-igltand ith a omali 6606 area aO,-oo,-. The house 10 In excellent condiOtioad hOOOaOOmiy,-omwiOh coner liepiace. Aiso 60,6 harn, 4 SlalIS and 00attg. Gond mortoate ava,1860e 089,800. JUST LISTED. Attr-active Ivo bod,-om bungaow situtated onî a lot 60 o 100. This homo 6as b4e com- ploly,-encafnd in6,0e a,0 9616405s 1901 060,-as. Excelln investirtsl ai 1261 041.500. FOR MORE INFORMATION Cail "h Acto Agens' MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE MURIEL DUBIEN 877-62 JOAN JOIINSTON 877-72 TERRY Gi WARRENt GARY THO IMýý IIIIIZýZI TA IHOMPSN MAT[ Mo~ IN MILTON DORSET PARK Large 4 ed-ttmed wo sto,-ey tome 600000eitly Ioted and in beoutifol condiB Ihtough- ont lolmy eofras and s home, coda- piank rec ronsnond bar-, extra8 w05,-om on mainefloor, ta/i. 0r cont mortgage. $67,700. SHAR P AS A TACK 1 O a lar-ge and bea010,oO lot. 3-hod,-oomed bungalow, immosiiate conditin. Huge, pnofennieally t,,ished rc roo 6 wihbar;-.Haove- K1066e, han 62110.1, tarbote disposai, dinh washe-, motchioo stuté, t-idte and exhausthood, etc. manpy ootas lot 80eou o mention h,,-t. Reaiisticaiip p,-iced to oeilf 53,900. CAMPOELLVILLE 030,000. On o qiet country- tabe, cosy 06,-ee bed,-oomed buongalow, 0,-ome cm-. st-660100,lfainom 016198 . A o,-ea il 1,011e 616 for00 a young coule mho vent t do a l11010 renovating !!!Check itout 0,06 S00, LARGE TWO STOREY ,-ed br-ick house onpromient corer lot in Milton Ztned C.1. $79,000.00 BUILDING LOT 80' X0 110, overooking t6e foi- 0,oued and c0nve0 iently close to shopping 0acilitie5. . 030,000. OAKVILLE, Nea- Thi,-d Lire, In quiet ,-onîdetialoiaise amont quaiity homes; smart br-ickand 000,0 606k-split mit ottached 08,attg and niceip landscaped lot; comrsnP,,5, 10,-te iivit,-onm and 619,90 a,-ta. 6-igth kitche, a,6 breoakfast aea, 30006d bedrooms, famnily ,-onm wth fi,-eplace. 069,900. GET PERSONAL AND CONFODENTIAL ASSISTANCE WITH VOUR REAL ESTATE R EGUIR EME NTS - Phono 878-2455 New 6600t90 hotte t0 ha lioiohed ea,-iy fait 0086 31 bed,ooms and ground oo- lamiy eonm. 10 acres of landmthsnne bcsh aI 0he bock, itcatnd about 4 miles 0,090 Camp. teibvilit nea- Guelph line. 3 bed-oom house on 2,8ace of land ith smail buildings. Large c,90k bo,-de-s back of p-opo,-Op. This could be 0006 fu6tur InestmrrenO. For any ofthe above ptpet,-its please cal MYRTLE Mc- CLELLANO 639-3355 and ,-es. 878.5190. 614 acr, pianed in ohIleoano ,-od pite 25 years aoo, ,-ed pine ready fo- puip 6,809199 son, Asking onily $1,500 por 0,-e. Col BILL McDONALD 639-3355, ,-os. 637.6136. Canada Permanent Trust Realtor 405 GUELPH LINE OSRLINGTON, ONTARIO. WParon Real Estato Limited, Broker 388 Bell St., Milton Campbolîtiîî Area 11/ Stoney 8,-ame and rougt ca00, living room9, kitchon, 2 tedooms, 4 place bath, no furnace0etc. La,-toner lot, 134acres. Good location te pavcd r-oid Asking 059,800. Pendo- w111 6816 01,st mn,. 0000e. Acton Olde- 9 ,-om home bas be dupiexed. Ote 66,-tom apoOmet and tobed-oo opa,Om e . omtootloca- tion. Exceillet va160u et Nassagaweya Nature-ovr 100-Omii love t0 vi00 0610 6068,- piaok ,-tti,-oment homo sitoaOed In a 00016606 oooded settiet of 13 ars'Largoe living089 r owth 10,-opiace oerittks a large, 0800,-ai pond, e01,05 Inclu60 heated pool. Bp appoIntent cni Askint 09W,000.00 Stella Parton 878-6705 m,90 TREASURE HOUSE. Thisilarge0,-Ipex inGorg-etown Pr66,600 a 0,-oss ,9comeoef 04,000 a196011y. The p,-opo,-y is inoexcellent condition and hos an e00,-o largen pa,-ce of land w6166 bas potentil of bei,0 subdicded 80,-tht 00,-pose 0f building S10pi06 60016e the iripieo. An Ideai suppiemenl f0 a ,-eti,-d pe,-so, o imcome. P,-ictd aI 070,000. SPRING ALONG OUTOto seeOhis 90019 lisOodO2slo,-ey, 66edonm br-ick aluminium home in 07000,. Cnceiet ot schonis, shopping and churches. Iumooculafo con ditin, beootiOiiiiy 6060,8006 and fetooOes 00,-to sopea,famiy ,-om 120 x 151 wit li,-npioce; den; omes ,-onm, 2-4 pc. bains; singlega-age. Do ynourstl a Oacour, and comenof to son if Ooday. Oniy 047,500. DO VOS DESIRE QUIET COUNTRY LIVING? 90e have justisted act-y a ttrctivet 06,-ces olîh a ve,-y valuabe21 oad frontage, mostly good a,-m land, 06,-es 660, 2flo011000,-eams,wei encedtfor 04,-ses or 6800e:. To8ethe- itho mode,-, 3.000 sq.O0t home 0006 3 batti, 7606,-ons, 0090,-ate apartmnt, b,-nadionmnid Oioo, nem barn o be coespiefed, 2 01,-opiaces a,6 8,060006 app,-nnimafeiy 45 minutes 0,-nm dooOoo, Torot. CoOl to0ay for an apolotmeef $189,000. MODERN OFFICE BUILDING FOR LEASE. Ap- P,-nnmafeiy 10,000 sq. f. ,-maltlto Acailabie this fail Localnd en fauf 0rowing Mi,00n, 878,-2365 M2 1030 81 JOAN THOMS 877 6342 10 eILL CURRIE 874944 s LBERT 877-0127 :RAWFORD 877.7953 MAS, MGR. 878-2366 CALI. STAN THOMPSON, 442 WOODWARD AVE., MILTON, ONTARIO FOBERT H. FOBERT REAL ESTATE LTD. 22 Otario St. S., Miltot (Across trom Plaza) HOUSE HUNTING? TRY THESE 6' FARM ACREAGE WANTED F-otn10Oacres andup wlhn Aithout buiiditgs . Suit. ble fOn horses. For contidential and f,-on noaliotion please logo Winthor 845-7549 or Residence 853-1990. E. W. Stone Ltd., Real- tor, 61 Lakeshore Rd. W., Qakville. PRIVATE SALES 6086e, y00 haoe had tenoug fruostr-ations tryieg to sali Your omn tomne why net cati us? 00e mii gooronOse the saie. ROYAL TRUST COMPANY REALTOR MILTON 878-5000 edmtt elc-tf