Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Apr 1974, p. 35

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19Hornby LOOK MA, I cen fly. Weil not quille, but youngsters eit Stewarttown Sehoal showed visitors they coulit handie themselvcs quite weil on the trampoline. Parents, administrutors andt trustees visilad the school Thursday. Programs at Harrison, Acton District High School and Stewarttown Senior Public School were os display Thursduy night.* [Photo by B. Burtt) Luncheon success oyhir.Jissl iltas Tise Norths Trafalgar Esettre Club held tise weeisly eochre party us Salurday sugbt, A prt20. Ther e oc etiht tafleuteche [n play wtthAr prizes goitg lu tise tullowin winsers, Taos Bruwsed ge Wttmer Muses, Wiuate Hamilton bobo ptuyesl es gent) end Dunald Duglas. Tbe ladies' petues weeo by Maris EllOs, OIe Robin, Audrey Wilson end Elisel Webb. lOeleled greetingo are eslesded lu Mes. Roy Brouis, ubu celsiseatrd ber htrtisday os Aprtf 20. Cungratulattons lu Me. usd Mes. Rtcis Sanlord us thr biof uthletr [(est child, a son Juoeathan Dwtgbt, u IL, terst geendeluld fue Mr. esd Mes. Jack taulueif and Mrs. A. Cesnicis ut Argestuna. Ietshes are estended lu hom Ceesey. wo ts sn thr Mtltus Ditrtitt Huspital wdbh e hearteuonditun. uithday greettofs are eslesded lu Buisiy Breaks, wo udtl elebrate bis btr- lbdey us Aprdl 29. Tise Hillcrest Untted Churcis dattodil lusciseos was e eul suecess, Tise guest speakser sas Mis. Jobn Murray. Caif club Tise tirst meeting ufthIe Halts 4-H AIl Breedu Dairy CuIt Club was betd et the Agriculturul Officeuon April 2. Thirtees esembers wrre in et t rdasce Tise eleetuo uftuttîcers was belif witis these resu lts. presideot Bruce MeKeso., vice-presidesl Fresnk Rubinsus; seerefary Arlese Melluw; press repurter Merilys MeNeb. Mac Armsstrosg leda discussion us tise -ups- iion ut ferAs". The membrs weesplit istu juniur asd sior groups lu sludy lise herst lessus. '[ %I ulnr UP, UP, AND AWAY, students at Stewerttown School practice rope dhimbing during an open house session Thursday nîght. Parents and trustees vîsîted the school to see some of the progrums (Photos by B. Burttl Drumquin :POLC Extend sympathy CAMPBELL B-,Mrs. Cecill'ettersss Scott and Earl, FsoraI . sriewsheld on Friday, :. Birthdey greetisos to Api-il 19, sis steemeot et H7Sgh G,edM,ei Joaooe eMilles. Kares Tratalgar Leson Ceeeey 2 stsel 1cE ngrv Flippasce, Mes. E. Oeil] and The tlose ri ïnuesp e re John Iteilev. mess and heeshlful, Telepho tic~ teserat leo [bs aes 6,,2[7580 alledrd he dlfadl te et The May 24 Vcloria Day -. AU Slilfcrest church os April Ill, holhdey flIs os May 20 lis 62 ts W,erS os fer as eojoyebîr progrees and yeer. delieisussnoos luncheos, tncre sympethy lu Mr asd Mes, Watson Cook in theie sad hereaueseotý the sudden yucas ý, th-,, 'ght yrar cIA taughtr is Pretty litIle Devon. holdsng B L her yousger brother by [ho hasil, mas gaing to hoard a seisool btu for classes et Perey Mere teos on Wed- nesdy mursisg, Aprif 17 AU O B D mie aie was strucis and 1 29ANSREALO injued by a passîngecarsnear. ber home on Trafalgar Road. Her brother escpr isiur 8822.8835 Sise mas rsised te Oubsîl e Hosptil wbere sise roeised osgm traent. - Doe aorielby ber phrents and tise brutisers LowviIe FIag and flagpole anniversary gift SHOP CLASS wus aur of several open and aperating Thursday nigisi et Stewerttamn Schaol whien trustees and parents vinited. Edgar Thatcher is working unea design for a elock while Ras Rus looksoan. Studenla in that cluss design end build their own projects. Rural roads .... tCustinsrd fruis page B7) Canada District West poize. out y NncyPeaockand Tise otest mus 10 escuoufge ouI h Nesy ococi esd tise responsibilitios ut citizen- Nescy Laee. uip asd t express in writisg Brtdy reetigs lu Mrs. tise utudeofs ideas ohicis Etelys tOillies, Paul Mue" relate lu guud eitizesip. shaîl, Williams Rayoe. Cecil Kurenus essuy ll ho te McCaus. Kelly Stephenson, cuispetittus oiti higs mis- Kestu Leorence, Btly siers feues tise United tates, Devlis asd Sisun os.~ Mexicu, Nuroay, t2eriany (uuntry dumprs and utiser districts sn Canada. We sole Oith dtsesey tise Keren s lise eldeat masy cardhuardhuoxesad ruM. and his trucks odx ut gurbugo ocicis daugtelr of Mr tise Ms. are dueiso anduare lilecixe ClnMrhal h a1 tise oueds and spoilisc tise yearsu of us ad in grade 13. heautitul couutrysido thts Sse itexifs lu major in speofg in [bis eres Must îuursutiso. Wr misis ber peuple have ereet prtde in furtbrxuccess. their busses ua surrusdings Elleen Marshall Iand Karen ua il ix a hig prubteis obes Juhnsounorre 100 of tise 30 raperu , hquor hotîles. studrots trois Oubsilîrus Fuisger, heds. uld dtoutes, White Oubu Scisual lu rsjuy a rua bt lo amincsd turety cisurtered guided tour os Ibis isescuId ho dispoed ut use seehus holiday on Spain, brug lise prupor chassols darne tise mînter sebaul et the duop -hy [ber brouis. Plouse lot us ouhe and iseep Hultus clous, i prprain o tethuansFestival ut vstttrsswhosill ho at- Iesdisg tise International l i n r Plusisg Match sn Septemhor. VV5 eir Congratulations lu Miss Tise toutl youngsters tured Karen Marshall us beisg soIt et tise Pool Music uoarded tise $50 prie gt505 Festisval [ast meuh. Michauel h yb ieCie sestua Phillipu wun twu guld modua Clb ut Oubsille lui-lise hest fr tii-st prises iu tise sielix 500oed essay on tise theor f o ryugte unr "Helpisil Peunp le". Thsis ses claus to onstr ne as Esglisis class pi-ejeet uite. Whiteo Oaiss Scisual in Oubsille Elizabeth Pbtllips ctuissrd and open lu senior studenss 105 secoxds and a tisird in Kairox' rssay. stressisg pianoanduasecond insils, eseey persss's reepoxibility sisile Laura Aiisesiead lx hein oier sa oixse- of scured e second in piano. L et's ta&k car (and howwe cmnget you riig If it's tîme yoo truded tin your car, ose should talk. Because oseve bren invalvrd in finuncing cure fer a îong limne and or know every deuler in town. WelIl put together e loues plan thut will put a new cee in your drisewuy without a big dest in ycur budget. In fact, wc even have one car loues plan thut gtves you the fll prioe of touE Eau. If 1974 is sco car year fui- yuu, stop by fac a talk with yor Bunk of Montreel manaoger. He'I expluin how or eaux help get you rolling. Even ifyoare net u esustomner. oe The FirstanadeneiBanks CEBankof Montreal 144 bMais Si.. Milton, 878-9011 -Oubsille's tuurtb tire hall wilI bc locuteif attse cuorer ut tists Lise and Upper Middle Rd. As urrisitret la beisg esfaged and tendrs ue luo celîrd suen. -Youugstrrs buse bren catchinil suchers in the Six- tees Mile Creis. 1-ROSS-mT hie. aic n. asGibsea and Joan retiseed lait week trIsm a trip ta Floelda misare lbey esjoyed Disney Wnrld, the Cypresa Gardais, golffing aster Sn da stel fer saimeof tisa memrbero ci lise cisureb oisn An y met at 7 ais. for a autorise service tollomedi b&' coffen and pasteles leAbaasent. A igasof munic and fflia carei on Ifirouge Ane moening soti the mue- nlng service ut 1l o'rbes. Tuesday wanslluoftexeitbsg surprises fer hMc. and Mns. Jenandesens on Aheevent ut tiseir 2itis medini as- niversary. le DenrnsrkeisAir native country, it le cuisaey la fly theflag on speelal occaions tikeCistias, Ester, weddings, etc. Wisen Mrs. ndersen got Sp on Tuesday moisong, Anero on lierfront lame mas a flago, flylng Ane Canadien fag o top and Ane Danlali flag n- deeneath. Tiseir son Sleg waited Wl bis parenla went la bil and Ahn ho enected Ane flageocle la serpeise Anisn on Aneie anslveroaey. A inrprW sgises lu Aheirbannir by . and Mns. Williamr Trenmith oison 16 neigbos, triendo and relatives gutisernd trois Lowville, Peterboroughs, Dixie and Brampton. Many beautlfsl gifla wen preoented la Ahe Anrdeesena along miAh tise best oises uft Anan peent. Tise evemefg gros ufthAn U.C.W. met aI Are niome ut Mns. Jean Millar for Ati- A ril meeting. Mns. Barbera ewkia tuais lise worobip lu us unnanal way. Sise played a lape ut a cissrcb sevice le a umnai cisecin l Sierra Leone, Africa. Ti ape as made bail ieen sent user there in 1972 toe ais menthe la, work W eil t= = It bard la mabe Ane il o'rbes service abould go la Sierra Leone fer a wbile. Tisane people bave la worisfrom7 a.m. la 7p.m.lIn order t la isolt. Sa Aneir ctuci srices an beld ai 4.30 ais. eveey msrolng. Mns. Olga MeKellar gave an lnleresting talitsea- ceisainisy alides abouat Ahe le, wrand conditions ut tinese people. Tbey isave a very strosg liit miAh Canada becasse Sinrra Leone mas tondnd by nlaves who bad! huas baise la United States, nscaped la Canada and Ahen sent hocis la Atrica by Canadiens. Tbusn miss bave becomne Ciseistian regard Ahe cisseci sery isigbly, fur Clsrlslianity bas frisad therrt trom Ahe terrible berden of fear lbey lisnd tader as pagans-tfear ot therevil spirila mas in eveey natie Aney made. Tise cisurcs aise prosiden education. Tise Goveroient cant afford la issild ecbnole,. sa contrien libre Canada nend Minalanarlis and money la set sp an educational nysteis. Tise adulte ane lasgt las. Mothers ane lasgbt sise and craftste seil and basic nutrition ta, keep tiseir familles oeil. Fathees are edscated in beîtr faresing meAuode and buistfu raise obiekene. Large animain can't lise lu Ibis cuntry brouse ufthAe isetue tly. Tise University ut Gselphs sent Canadian chicisena la Sierra Len la b aprve ir sesk Tisnlerbcrpa ane cslitee, caes, rice, manigots and Snakse anal Tse jsngle is Ane baedest resironisent la doit mIAh and ta taris, se Ahe people bave la mars very bard la grom enougih fond and even o Ane csileen stter trois malnstrition. Tbiser esorces ut protesn ane rais, tiss and if oteare lueisy la catch une, a pton enaise. Since maoy uft Anse people living le Ahe jongle bave neyer seen a miseel, it le slesu to brlag le hi g taris isaobinery. Tise rolatlller bas heoese a valsable lasi and eue ho uasily repluord and te mucs mone efficient tisan a muaden hua. Fr-epete capilal city t ise ste000 people. Tisere are a tris moudero bildhine but muaI t Arth people etitl f ise le issd buts mrith pen ormere and are lucisy irfea mater tap la on AnSi street. A buse le Sierra Leone conla $11 la luild. Tise sp- potn arr made of emall trees gatisrnd trois Are jngle and tise mails are ut ose rois ut esecrete blers aitie battant and Are rest ut man-made clay brios. Bot sinon Ane average mage sa only about a crots a muakist prohohly la harder fur Anisn tu se $15 tisas for un to nase $50,000. Milford Callut le in tise Hamillan OrneraI Hospitl and lists. Audrey Causnn le ln St. Joseph's Hosal utnl a speedy recusery. Pick the Massy-Ferguson Iawn /garden tractor to fit your Iawn suze, (or gardon needsj. l'op Ridi Mot Lues Law Trac Moisi 1/a sa [t3are 4 acre i+ acre ng MF5 vers F n Tractors MF 8 n & Gardon MF 12 tors M1 Quality-built by Massey-Ferguson. IVIF a , f World's Iargest manufacturer of traCtors. Mas eirous Mae e Garden/ ttftng/PTO ~Milton Equipment Co. Ltd.J !_ 3163 STEELES AVE., MILTON 878-2121 ~ o l à....~at.aa_1 TAX NOTICE Ratepayers of the Town of Milton are remninded that SECOND INSTALLMENT 0F TAXES IS DUE April 30, 1914 Penalty of 1 % per month, or any portion thereof, wilI be charged on each overdue instalirment. lnterest at t4e rate of 1 % per month wiIl be added on the first day of each month ta any overdue balance until paid. DONALD E. LOUGHEED TR EASU R ER

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