84 Theu Canadien Champion, Milton. Oit., AprIl 24, 1974 Release first record A sure sign of upr.gwla h ba oeteu amiel tpriug Musicale, s -ore b? lthe Chansonettes prepare for musicale Milton and District. Se he t he main auditurium ufthlia Onlariai Schuol for the neuf ou Sun- day, Aprit 20 ut 3 p.M. The choir lu directed by Judy Hunier and ar- cumpanied by Win Newelt. Marm and Ban Raud of Milton add guiar and ba" 1u neyerai ocectionsonu the program, and the Chan- sourîtes trio cumposed of Lynur Bron', Saodra Poilei and Joue McCuuig mili aise be fealured. Gue is or iii h lte. Wicbu Joua CoInbo, a op nnous group o1 mucaus composed of Bechy Wioditager gI anol, Gîro Wicbs luaxapbone), urtà Kingaildrums), and Roo Busttsyear Tbe Chnoettes bave rnioyrd performasces tbrougitoot tbe yror ut man local foctions, and nilI h eapperig at lthe annuat Ma y ~t ut Btabetocb Higb Scitoul, Oubvitte,; onAril 20 and ut fibe Sbopperu Wobrtd Malt Brampton on May ta froa, 7:30 tu 0:30 .m. Tbis yrur bas" bers an rspecialty busy one for tbe cboir ou titey mode their fiit record in Januury. Tite record, entild "Tbe Joy of Song" eutains muoy of tbe favuritr 01rtrctions tite choir ba sou sng user thc pout six years, andthe record miti ha on uale tue $4 aller Aprit 24. ~ Tickts fur Sunduyus mu-. icule are setting mcii, choir MILTON CHANSONETTES chair this week releosed lils firsi choi ha o u er Ibis ycor, perfarmin uit severul local members report. The sg record, a collectian of the chair's maut popular sangs which wus foinctions. They wilrsing ut lthe May Festin Ou ville April 30, ut grut everyunc sbot r- recardcd ut Hoiy Rouary Churcin Junuury. The photo af the Shuppers' Worid in Brampton on May 10 und wiii tuid Iheir asuooiy a limird number miii choir, by Milton Photographic, mson the caver of fixe record. The annuot Spring Muicale ut 050 auditorium an Sunday, April 28. ha avoulable ut lte dur. Congratulations 10 îté Milton Tridents lntermedialc -B' Hnckey Club oho won lthe Ont rio totermediuic "B" Cbampionship in Port Doser onWednesduly nîgit TIh. tram celebruired wilh a dinner and dance ai lte Oit- ville Legiun un Saturday es-coing. nvrayon Sunduy, Aprît Girls in the 2sd Milton Orousies buse iteen itoiy rorniog badges. Sooju Haîl- ton icrivrd itr iriler's badge, Ot Lippoî reccciced ber colleclor's badge, aod Cindy Cbeuloul receivrd ber cooits badge. Happy birtbduy oîsbrs go 10 Lidu McDooald. 621 Maoy happyo celuros of thc Chturchill A% e. îîho day arr îisbed toc Edith celebrates ber bicthdao on =upe 429 hPuri St. nito Suturday, Aprîl 27. c ebrsc ber bîrtbday oc Nec cesîdents os Willou Ave reMr.adMrs. K. Carroîbers und tamîIc croin Streelsytîle Mr. and Mrs. D. Henîti and tamily trou Georgeton Mc. aod Mns N. Webster aod tamîly ceceotly muvedto MainSt. Westtfroa Oubvitte, and Mc. and Mci. W. B Morgas aod tumîly trua, Ottana have movrd in on ElliotI Cresc. Wr celcume titra t0 Milton. Happy birtbdup lu Mose Muzuaraoo Bit. 3 . Milton, mito celebrales bis birlbduy on Toesduy, April 30. Welcome Wagon itosless Ors Dibsos busa e assistant, Mrs. Dorotby Kuehbaum. Neccomners cîlI be seciog alotofhboît ladies as tbey raIl os thte mn s ec residents in Milton. Gel cdll cîsitr o o 1 CharlesSap,29 Pearl 51 cbo is a patient i0 liaboilli- Tratalgar Hospital. lic tumily and triends oisit hicn a ipredy cccoccry. Mcs. NuiLy Coylc cran Couoly Tyrone on Noctro Irleland cisiled Milton for the marcioge of ber daugitter Anne lu Steve Serdu. 97 Jobs St. Accomponyîng Mes. Coylc nere her sonand daughîer-in- tan, Mr. and Mc i. Doooully and tumîly. Tite nrdding boit place on Saturdap. Aprîl 20 OrsI o sites go lu Marîncr Ponys, 121 Mill Sf. - io celebraîrd hec bîctbday yrsterday iTuesdayî îbpri 23. Mr. and Mes. N. Dr Angri and family fromToonto arc newaresidentior.iLortici.iii. Dri M and %îr blo f n: Iarnîly from Vancouv er are utso nea.cuaers onoroe ScotsDr. Me. and Mr.C. Von Lue lromn Hamilton recrnlly i movcd inon McDuuaid Crese. t ad Me. and Mms G. Leobet feues Windsor are nec resideuta un Chucill Ave.i Wc melcome Oea. ta auri temu, Congratulatinsaund bruit mutbes go te Me. aud Mm.i Siarette Arpa mito cetebraird titeir 40th medding an-a Nca resîdeots on Fay Ct. areMi. and Mro M. J. Sîiten and familyfrom Toronto and Yorkshire, England. Mr. and Mns 0 . olton lrom Wcbcomr 10 Milton, Happy itldy nîsites go 10 Keitit McWaters, Wood- nord Ave. - nio celebrates bis birtitday on Sunday, April 20, Congraulatioos and besl iîoes go 10 Mr. and Mci, Elîo Poloni, ]l Tocn Lîne, nito crîrirtraîd lbcîr 2Otit nrddîog asoîocrsucy ycstecday :Torsduyî, Aprîl 'lic Lillîr Wilcoo trom Thorold os pceslnly visîtisO hec daugbtrr Sally Gregory, 2i5 Ontario St. IBappo bîctbduy to Daoid itranta, 16:1 Main St. nitu coichraico luio birtbday toduy îWcdncodayî Aprit 24. Ni:, residroto in Gien Eden .îpuriccotoarMr. and Mrs. Oh OlcLllu and son fo Georgeton. Mc. and Mes. Lcy Iron Barrie, Mr. and Mns W. MeLean Irsa, Nen- carktl Mc. aod Mci. Day troc BaurrieandMr. and Mes. t, Strattos frua, Hum- ilion Mcs. Lillian Woodcocit of Toronto, i focmerly of Milton) oîsîtcd cccenlly cith bcr s101cr Editit Siturpe. 429 Pearl St. lirore leaviog 000a holida y trip 1u Spain. Otodents of Mollir McGccgor's Scitool ot Dan- cingtocit part is competitioto i1,ondo onthe cccbcod Th4 c-it r icgiw-c, B andiiîle Suidy C'ouper (bird in bhanticroo lntcrmediate, il and ocer Sheiiy Gresen tibrd n ning and firstino Chan- res.Open Section, Il and undcc - Barbaora van- leniteus-e second in umord, Karen Montrat Ihird ný fling. Titeen and under Charles Robtertson liio in liug, finut in umord and fienit la Chuoteuse. 15 and uder - im McLeod second in mord, second lu Stratbopey andbigblood reeluandtirst in lie 15 and uodee - Ingrid Martins first inIlingand Burd in jg. Theuage group tropby asd danceroflte day tropby wrc wn by Cbar les Robertson. Tbe stage dance lropby wos con by Kia, McLcod. Happy birtbday soisites go tn Margarel Noddlc, i6 Broole Si . auo celebrales her bîclbduy on Salarday. April 27. Springiocansnuonylbings la musc oeoplr bol for lthe Girl Guides, il is Ibeir ussoul cookie cumpaigo. Tite lirsl cubkie day oas held in 1929 to cuise noney toc a sca' rool on lte old baro ai Bonîta Gico Campoite Thte slogan nus "RouI lte bort ciith cookies- and 9,000 boxs were soldThe ides ges, and nwtbe onîy province-widc appoul toc tonds roc b year, lte coobie campaigo pros-ides 50 per ceft of lthe reveroue ocedediu dministec gidiog sn Ontario, train aduît voluoteec leaders aod maiotuio themuny campsîtes operoîrd toc lthe girls. Thte girls ut Milton District a'ill broutlselliog coities tbo Suturday. April 27. Special cake for George Tticcc cas a special birtit day coite on buod Fridoy niti Halton Plosomen's As- sociation beld a excitre porty ai Esqocoisg Township Hall on Sirnartion Geo-rge PRadbcud of Mil. ton, sbo will serve assanita- lion cbaicoao sobo lthe Isternational Plooisg Mait s field in Balloo Sept. 2010o20, osas booed os bis lîîrlbday nith anoppcopriutcly decor- aird bîrihday cube- befilling bis position. Twnsty tables ocre in pis>, and ancers încloded msoiti- Bird. Marie Morray, Hector Bird. J1iniHamilton, Ancn, Thomrn ov Pîîitîckering, Ticni i,(,, lîl,,ul Kaiii: Bith Ford aind Mlccic Cun- ningham. WILL BUY MORE -Oeofolthe $100prize n 0cs in lte Olympie Lottery Ocam last croit con Hin Yeuse ibetter bnomn us Peter) Hum, o moiter ai Oie Lido Resturcant. He uaid ite htd titrer $10 ticits lu Oie dracuand plans touspend $4of bis ninningu on four more tic- kets in Oie neut dram. HARD AT WORK muking decoratians for thc Hospitul Auxiiary's Maytiîne Bail ta te held Soturday May 4 are from ieft Helen Andersan, Phyt Maore, Joan Griffitho and daugixter Kathy und Anne Berry. Helen and Anne are designing a checkered fiag ta be part of thc Moule Caria theme for the evening. (Phota by J. Heatoul ""Share our bounty" theme at luncheon Hitîcreut Uoited Churcit Daltodil Luocheon con hetd at mn on Hicrent Unoited Churct nith oppconimutely 140 utlrnding on Aprit IlB. Mrs. B Wilsun in lte chtair toc lthe utternuon and repeuird a pomn "Tite Duttuditu" This mastite niolth onnul Daffodil Lunciteun bcld in titis nec citurcit. Progrum cousisîrd ut Mes. Audrey Peddie us subtilt trom oston, occomponint Mr, Sobui. Mm. Mollat front Duelpit piayed un lurd halls cith neverai comhams. Mes. John Murray trua, Milton nus gocol speaker. Site non iotruducrd by Mes. Albert Peddie, ato frnt, Milton Let us niare u boooty niOi Oie artdts les tortuoatc, uhe uid. Wr iton M EN NON ITE ARTS FESTIVAL Sunday, May 5, 1974 2 te 6 pr. Camsbridge Stoppers' Mati 19mB, 24 North un il 1 dnoupportunitp fa, becoe acquainfedmiitennonite arfinfo and Oheir munit Plundreds of iFeml In- ctudes art, eais ritfuuepit, crafts, mus- ic, druma. A frIendtp, in. formation, famitp outing. Childen ander f5 51 .05 chat giît ne have and nhat or con shure of ourueivru. Ttc citildeo of iodla buveolt enougit to rot, perbap soce meul a day. Situe nteser li111e ne con and ce null gel aoc bounty retumed. Mes. J. Wicitun thasbed lte sper MmR. o thosr loiting Port inhOe progru._ A.n ejyabe ai- terowno ca nord by Bec. Lynne Curtis. -Use Champioo classîlîeds lu boy, selI, cent, hie oran -Ttc Miniutcy of Tran- sport is planning lu dbg titrer tunnels bo replace thOe Bur- linglon Sitynay bridge. Ttc peoject may laite ahaut 10 years WOOL Beaiue ttc hîgitesi returos for your nool ty putcaozing yauc an Orgaoatios. SilliP CIIiiECT TII tOur Registercd Waretouse No. 10 Carleton Place, Ont. Iittunosactsuond tninr without charge frorn BMI. A. WILSON (Sberr), if 3 , Gleorgetowo PIooe 877-5679 oritycwrilinglto CANADIAN (tI-IPEBATIVE WOItîli GBIIWEO5 I.I1TED CABIETON PLAC.. President 35 years agio heads Institute agan Thte autuit meetisg of Pont precident, Mca, G. sident mos preueuled mliii o Moantalu Union WlI. mo Friu prenideot Me&, F. W.l. cupootanseecr for unhici itelti Wedoendoy, Aprl 17 a rot * i t tnviepruldent, dmitehaoked heonberaund SyHall. A boutuun Mes V.m Norelo; Sued vice alnoi thaked tem for an he p iuckiunctao preceded presieut, Mca, L. Bromn; 3ed help givon te ber during hec Oi er metn as--ebern of vice peoident, Mm., J. J. Ions yeuc te office. The aSei OciW.1 eeKuay nerty-treus- cureyconvenue Mca, S. guus Tiere mccce21rne , Mca -A. Clemente; Allait. hasioIsukt l i mebru and 24 glueula oecretury, Mca. F. Hfinettie brongitt foal asd iepdt Pr::ot od aBOite utandteg district direeter, Mc . G. oy may unO ite thte n eo n e ieconveunen gave F arnulternute district prepuratios. Mes. Meffoti ltheir anuul repota Ail direc, c. H. Wurmlug mou pentedi miOi o gft for piano tee ceiebrutegOc5 tes- beuuci dicoera c , preulilteg uver the elertios ni uonlceary os Frldoy, May D. t'enlie, Mca. C, Moulin, offOcer, aal Mca, ien Hue- 10 bave becs compieted. Mca, L. Codonsu, SIca L. ba hoe mite aobsent Mca,. MoBult Of Guelpis ials assn F.W.î.o. hourd meorr Don icuhlnamsoni peeirflfcsirtid.n Early offiee pwniio for ber bail lottts nOeo- Mes. F. Hodiey yeurn muethun serreiury tivities for bame and country. membe fo letasi heud The ladies ut Scotch Blockt Mes. J. J. Kennedy prnuoted atttiOut2 eca goaa bahlM ntiUinte Oic ceport of Oie oominuting hd bc prsidenut of Oter invitation te, loin luhOe comimitte, Oies hIes. Meffat Mootai Union, ldit mon meeting and luneheon, preided ftee i e crion of1 aueotn teher miaOe Everyuse )oised 1 the Oie fololwiug niotc of officees offec mýer bock lu 19. ulugine et O0 Canudo' te tee 1074-75: Mca. G.Frertro e-coci meeting. êkampio Fam4e he Mrs. K. Anderson President Tite Naunagaweya Wo- arnn Institutr beld luApi meting in tbe comite rouma, u Brobville Hall on April 17. The mollo for lte evening Lets bebriel' ap- dent, openrd tbe meeting. Correspondrnce included an lsivtion froa, Ohe Min- intry of Agriculture luo aiood torm, Poulie7 Mlanse, May 9, ut 7.20 ut Knox Prrsbytcr- iao Chorcb, Georgetown, and a reaindrr of tbr 4-H Achirs-ement Day, May 4 uti thte Scitout for thc Oeuf, Mit- tan. Undrr oid business, tbr short courses givro by lte Minislry of Agriculture werr finolied and the Milton Fuir projeci man diocunurd in mure deuail. Mms. Peurce ce- porteotbernrw Broobvilir Purbsundtrcration Advi- sory Councit meeting and the propuued recreationut ucti- vities for lthe Broobvilie accus, Tunin province flic district directorus re- port muu rrad. The Diutrict Annuel niti ha bield ut Hilt- creut United Citurcit, Hornby, Wrdoesday, May 22, ut O li.,the titeme ta hae: Or Tomn province, Neniound- land. Beltid 10 lthe district annuot are lte rompetitions for atlout uf home made wite itread, a pound of mapte ream caody, a puic relu- tians euuuy and a creutive su- t chery dispiuy. The 1974 PoigMtch banquet mua dent, Mm. D. DeBiauw; sec- discuuoed mith m. K. Mc- ond vit-preuiden,. lura, S. Luo cetiýng lte conVen- R.obinuun; uccretary-treusur- embhip for lit leatitute. er, Mm. D. Dillon; public lThe annuel meeting inciud- relations, Mm. F. Audrea.: cd minutes und finunciot re- district director, Mm. J. Portu for 1973-74, lte auditorus Pearce. report, reports lrom uil The meeting mou ciosed ity standing conveucru, lthe lthe Imîllute graoe and 0 ursdn' ummary n h Canada. Mm. Yooung tlunbed bylwfor an sonui cuchre ail] pros-bus off icems for titeir 10 b hieid cci Murcit. mort, winhei lte nea. olficers Mm. Yooug Ocird au chair- mucit nuccmos and thagkdsc mon for lte ellection of of- lthe lunch commutter for titeir ficers and lte installation deticious fore. ceremony. The foiioming are ______ ufficers for 1974-75: Offlcers -A commutter lu ut mort Pont presidmit, Mm. G. mailing pIans for anoiber Pearce; president, Mm. K. Santa Clous parade in Mlton Andemson: fimit vice-prei- neuf Christmas. NOTICE TO PARENTS KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION ltindergarfen regîsfration for haptember, f974 In Nortt folies Public Scteuis cîli faite place on Fciuap, April 26, 1074 bnîa.cr fthe tours of 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noun; 1: 15p.m. and 4:30p.M. Public nvboui supporfers mue megbofer ftrîïr ctiidrn a.ba miii htaveataind the uge of 5 yers on or hafe lthe fasf day ut Feheliary, 1975. Pi-oui of public sîteul surporf miii te Aoctlnd In tue fui-m of fthe 1974 Ina tilt or 1973 annenument notice, or a decia-ation fi-sm fthe MOunicipal Ciorits utffice. A bu-lis certitinafe or bopîls. mai onilfiîaîr oi Se assuplahican pi-oufofage. Fur fui-lter infurmafion, cail the scituol principul or lthe No-fth Edlucation Cent-e b87e 41541. W. Prienîner, R. . Citapman, Chirman, Citairmun of lthe Board No-fth Educafbun Contre Sum mer Ceramic Classes =3 Corne and joi our classes for one evesxing a week Haurs 7.30 p. m. ta 9.30p.m. Wed. evenings Starting fith you o y f1,sf lesson, you wiIl begin fu tomn ouf bauiful plaes idoual for wedding giffs. showers, or far fhaf parsoa,,a tuschin yO-amnbnhome *NO SPECIAL ARTISTIC ABILITY IS REQUIREO * Each ereson is gloon indlcld,,al Instirucion j and is allowed tupog-ess ut his own, rate of speed. *COME IN AND ENROIL NOW! Bring a friende SPeciai arrangemens maefar rup classes Cali fao- Informnaiaon 878-5833 311 STEELES AVENUE, MILTON WHITE OAK POTTERY NOTICE TO ALL CUSTOMERS Cauntry Pete's has îained farces with Farmer Jack--one af Getaria's fastest grawlng T.V. and Furniture Warehause chains. What this means ta ait present and future custamers is a larger variety and iawer prices an ail merchandise. Titis o lthe result ot volume, buyinq thrauclhout Ontaria. Far- mer Jack's Miltan is naw being advertised weekiy an CKCO T.V. channel 13. Yo may aisa hear af aur super speciais daily an CFGM radia 1310. We aisaadvertise aur sales week- y in the Canadian Champiaon, The Actan Free Press and the Georgetaown independent. We have the same caurfesy staff and af caurse Cauntry Pete stili seelcamnes yau for a cup at caifee any day af the week. Thank yau for yaur patranage.. wc hape toi see aut of yau saon. Country Pete and ail his staff. WATCM FOR FAIlAIIIIIIII .IACK'8 MANI SFENIR0 ... DOMINO SC011 DAYLIGHT SAVING TIM E Pursuant 10 a cesololion passed by the Municipal Council DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME will be absecved in Town ot Haiton HuIls beginning ai 2:00 ar. SUNDAY, APRIL 28th, 1974 AND ENDING AT 2.00 a.m. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2lth, 1974 1 IL 1