MILTON COUNCIL took ta the man 'i-uesay or rouepayer partcpuot mna lis onu 0f severas tu De lest week for onu of the reqtzlar meetings. The lseld in outlying areos. meeting was held in Brookville Hall ta increase (Photo by B. Burtt) Course for asthmatics A physicat eenditieeisg c...s fer asthesatie chitdree C beieg spemeered hy Haltes Tbercetsis and Reepiratery Disease Asociation, etartieg Aprit 26 sn Oakvitte. Haltes TB and RD officiels said the sixseek course wll te hrtd each h'riday evesîeg until May 31and i1ivol'r- ecimming, esercie and educatioe. Deetore en Halton have hemn advisel et ietaits andl interneteil parente are asheil te contact their dec- Thc tst le taren core et by the Christmas Seat cane paign. -Droiie for %eeitg steries oeil photos ison month offr the weilhing. Mesase subesit yeer wrddieg nesearty ait The Champion. 'IlR INAIK Taking council to the people Council meeting held in Nassagaweya hall dlten Cauncil look ta, tee Wittiri bol coaicit it wac hie tee statue et the Nuesaga- ti lasi ceeh and otagud a inetion te pst a green w=y dump aod chere she d ouriecil meeting le gartae bag eve his bmd oud have te take garbage if tIl le Hallîfor tee tenetit andl streah fhrough the tee dump, is elaseil. urd thee rafupayere. meeting reone, but he decided The maor replaied te ce meeting wao onu et a ta cave teat for chue lu ergiee cas seekîeg on ex- es et retaig meetings meete wite a ruglenut tomn- tensio ta the lite et that lerh y Mayor Anne mitieu te ics a rreyclîng dump butciïfdi a grasird ii ls sucrsoary le tlke Ias bren very active in en ave te he îafee t e orge- conct] ta teepe inte couraging recycling and din- town or Oubvitie. .1 urnsa et the new fown. reuraging uce oflandfitl cite:. Whcopays chocs? Citler meetings are planed for Burtlngtoe and Ouklîtile. SOuffrs tas More tn 20 staffers at- rendrd tbe meeting. The reguar agenda wau sber' treui te complelu the husiness session hy te p.m. and shlow tee rutepuyeru te ank qestionm et epctcn ere te sourd thr.Cottes and sandwiches cure nerved immediately aftue the meeting andi appreelmatrly 25 mrmbers et tee puhblie chattril wite mehues et mouenti and staff. Questions durisg the enuestion nuriod cencerrd a wideavariuty et suhiecte frima edction ten te recyching and tee future et tee Nass- gawuya dump. Plusned tes treub Bill Johnson iWicbrd Fay's ELECTRIC * INOUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE "ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING "ELECYRIC HEATING " WTER HEATER RENTALS 878-2048 'SkI ESTIMAOce Bsii Club Rupreceotaties etfitbu Mottai Sait Club seu chun tee se park ait Brmhkvitie could he reudy. Council fasord a rucommendaien cocfreefing recru aiion directar neh Sesail le com- mene teat prejeci ai once and i entd for cempîrfion citein six ceeho. doother lady ankeil about ..Do teey pay us ta do test?" tee comuan asked. "Ne, yeu py ihene" the Thue mayorz premisel fhe couricil could takte a serioes look ut recycling au so as thute wae tisse le de if. "Whoe ciii cie up the garcuge etreco aleng read- asether ceman Bsud ut ne 00e hail ut. Landscaping tender caled Tenders are now being and enercise yard, and called for sprmng landacaping recîsien of exsting grade ai the Minlstey of Cerrec- etevallons and seedisg of tional Services' Receptien lason areas. and Aseessment Centre, Oac- The landscaping la ns- ville. prcted te bu cemplete withie The ork incledes planting twe monflis et a coract of tre aed sheebo aromnd being acardel, Haltes East the parking lot, cenrtyard MPP Jîne Snew anneunced. I TIED WINDMOLLER 1 PLUMBING ALTERATIONS 1 TED'S PLUMBUNO R.R. 1 CAMPBELLVILLE Cml 854-2413 6,reasevable entes 0 folle lienseil OUR SER VICE IS A SPRCIA LTY EVERYTHUNO 1S REDUCED No floasonablo Offer Refusod FOR ECONOMY 1970 V.W. DUT108 -100% Warraety 1969 V.W. DST699 -100% Warranty 1970 V.W. DYE645 - 100% Warraefy 1 971 V.W. FJJ493 - 100% Warranîy 1970 V.W. ST.N. DSY078 -100% Werravty 1971 V.W. DRV453 - 100% Warraety 1971 Ford CecI.-Likt New-DSN5O6 1972 V.W. FFF539 -Factory Warranty 1 971 V.W. KG. DSE098 100% Warraety 1973 Toyota Cor. DSC359 1969 Buick 2 DHT. EYS359 1970 Chev Camaro DSB193 1968 Ford 2 DHT. DRV859 FOR LUKIJRV 1974 Audi OR Fox 1974 Audi 100 Demno H0V553 1 974 Audi Fox Demo H0V397 1974 V.W. Dasher Demo H0V399 FOR LOW BUDOITqnb £V~V OR $78.83 per msnih ý,VTj Aj BAZ MOTORS LTD. Vol K;tVA(;F ri P(M ICHF Ai ir)ý ,,At 1,S ý-j SEHVICI 199 GOELPH Sf 528b a 6/6 181J The Canadian Champion, Miltons Ont. April 24, 1974 63 QOPELANO -Features- lBëoui F Enhance Your Property with a Fence of ,your Choice ýCîI'ow- 28 FENCE Bookiof ava The Esquire Siots et alternating width fer eood etteet. PLANS 1~ria !table trill Oiees priescy but stili hiow resze lu fine through siats. Cas eise be made as horizontal Louveu. The HiLu mhe Ptcket Idu or oonren orhil 0A ttrcie, ote 's c'is greueil bt ao os air cireuiaston SAFE CHAIN LINK FENCE Fer assistance in plasning yoar tiance, plus a free estimatu--brisg ie year measeremeefs. Patio Sials *rivowd rbing Make yeer onv put- Piaa 10m Paetegse ters. Macde tram rn -'vc lok rtctegso tegruîîe utr- Lotus Design drveeeay, taer erass pemtfed ceverete te i2" o 12"' mode ordr ontroi. use as preen eflo. mlste qulckly baud a hemper. Just set in escece.a prlacy screessand place. Graycecevt. t8" e ta" p as a distinctie patin 5' s J- e 3" gray asd re 1 ol teettt. t2, 4 85 Gessin St.20 esc 12" o "x4 21 SIDEWALK SLAB delfor sidewalks, paioes, 24 x 2499 - $8 swimmieg pool aprons. Easily instdlled. 24 x 0I - $210 INTERIOR-EXTERIOR LATEX PAINT Whcte Onty tOtAL F00 94 FECN Gallon REDWOGD STAIN HL-avy Bodied Stoîn For Fencirg 951o Rugged, Ver satite ledoor Ostclser orcottage tenc- ng. A panel with rAN L t0 Panel se Mase49 FREE BELIVEIT ~uamIfl "VOUR ONE STOP HOME ~OPELAD IMPROVEMENT CENTRE" 100 Main St. E .,o 8825 m rege uo Suri is Mac teels tec YDUWRE A GDOD MA N CJRARLI E BuWN M'AY %3,I'yi5 io M. D. H.G. Tnvsc 2?o V.-OO? Aciu4s, L.50 ~!S*s.adercs5 Ii-QO Performance the name of the game A=TUIUNiSthe namne Of your Car NORTH END DAISUN TIUCKS IlSTOCK lJust South of 401 Milton 878-241 610 Martin St.