-Aste Clardk ta th"si IM ArryAite and Bill Rewney far the operatia ot tise an- Milton Council. briefs nTor~amnttMilion I Acepd wit thanis the atteraofth Lices Clusb et Ml- Derie meoief ef Milineu -ee te raialas Api tes le prevideeg a lsed Zam- Cearît Taesay et lest wees 21tbp a .Ctmtrj et otee machine for the new se Breebville, coecl: Cemmerce Wee in j Canada. areea. -Agreed ta attase tbe Stesen-Era te oerate os Suet- day 'Lnoonthi year pro- vie hslswaulde'l be tet.Wilt Leslie tetd thse ta viait the onste Sun- day atterenas and the associatien feit It wau necen- easy te open asaiber bett day ta betp caver increàsin%:-ý Casta. --Iestrected searite superisteedeet Bruce Mc-. Kerr te teite eecessary ptepe te dlean ep Aeene Btvd. anc charge Use cast te Use ren.. Ite raad was damaged dse te, cenetruction on Breeta St. Brenle Sl. is a regiesat road. CHAMPIONS-the most intelligent group of Thec Milton team comprised of Mike Kendricit, studenls from Hamilton-Wentwnrth and Huilas John Chapman and Ian Kirby wilh sub Bill Fay Counly hi gh schools arc Milton District High deteated ail competitios ta bocome the HIQ Sehool etudents, according te lice game show Ht Q. champions lar 1974 Friday nigict. Would rent library, municipal building Reniai oilice prescrit Milton loi, lte lamer flear. il a tcbraey buiding and lthe enlimaient the tep tio hiadt tormer Nacca cameya 2,900 sqaare teet and the manicipal biaing h ns been locer fline 2,700 squaee leel. recemmeadent by the adt- ist mincistcainc ccammittee ofl h omttercm Milton CocancilTh cmmie Council cciii consider lte mended the aaeiahciiiy oi the reconccencded rates at lis pro e aty bc ise ich local Thce tcwnsbip macicipal The carrent Maccc Si. bailding wiii te etteret tee lîbeaey building mii ice ci- retai $3 a square tant for lthe ieeed ai $50W mnUsy and lthe top liane and $i a square tant apaeimnent ai $150 monibis. TEACHERS WED-Miss Marieka RuIle, a teacher le Maltos, murricd Richard J. Landry of Georgetown, a leacher ut Milton's ttoly Rosary School, in a merriage ceremony at Maltas recenlly. Mr. Lendryns class af sindents tormed a choir to snaut lice wcddisg and former students Tommy Cheeneman, David Curk, Robbie Qiampoux: and Chartie Argeata wcre ushers. The bcdt man ai lice wedding wau tellow Haly Rasary teacher James McGeragle. Tennis club readyto go Mitan Tennis Club mcli mii place geealee empitanco upethiee s mttaan onthenteveiopmenl ofljunioe )ein cecien earty in May. agent playero, alamwingthlie Membeesbips in lte club mii youngsterc more and ietr te acailabie uni lte latter ceganined games. ha ftofMay. he tennis neasua mil] ice Club teeacue Race inleceuplen for aicout a mîeit Hareisonsueges ail petenliai eariy in cummee tc alcuw lice memberetunrnieaety. The Rctaey Parkbcourtscie e e club can accommentate aniy ourtacent about 225 membere. Tennis cluic ececucîle ic- Jh:unior devetepseesi cludes preecdeol Alec ilecice, Tiis year's aeganînatin vice presîdeol Rcy Wocllaston, seceetary Anne Wcollaston. playivg chiîmao o Dodds, eS youIc co-cedîcalce- Deicie Plcu rotgoudsa Protes Soi Hion delays ItalIen Communcty Sec vices Commttee wiisend a detegation ta Queen's Park tel etpreensa clen at el and irl l thpertn teth regit acrdieg te eputy teeasee Jlm MeQueer, Usîs portin et lte itudget os signitîcant and lebenaw itfti iilb apprc'ed E ibis yeac.E R Electeoncci pacen TELEPRONE~ CONFIDENTIAL e PERSONALtZEO 878-2020 -Was advised et a public ihrary trustees meetieg ter flatteet ai Holiday tee, Oak- ville, April 27. ThethUeme et the meetieg wilt tie a blue- peint et iibrary pregrenu and lte attereese session cdli deul with lte "Lihrery Itet." -Lcareed Mayer Anse MacAthur wnuid tay the cer- seestece fer Use new liiirary Saterday, May 25 et 2 pa. -Agreed te eend tltree ceeniculera and peteiitiy ttree stattere te lte annuel cester- eece efthUe Asseciatien et Municipalities et Ontario. -Areed te ceesider Use ca aloac pid te A. E. Clemnet, Fiee jhet as part et bis salary. -Grented permeissien fer Halten Regian Conservation Aeuserlty te held a meeting in the teme hall Mey 25. -Agreed le iterchese l,000 liensataceuteof $29teeuse as Fg've-a-ways aI Use Previncial Chamber et Ceeemerce Cen- ference te eheld inHamil- ton, May 25. -Anked Directer et Facii- tics Lerry Aehic te gel a cent on aieline the cide et lte areea new visible tram Main St. The areea mail mac teras- eriy shettered tremt ciem by the Miltoen tee. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS j MEETS EVERY t UESDAVe 9pas Geace Aveican PaccititHall HAVING A PROBLEM? DROPINj AL-AMON Meets eveec Theesday 8.30 pm. Geace Anelican Parist Hall Main Street, Miltosn Doeynuae eleative with a driv king preblem? IKieee 100's site -.Lie FACIAL TISSUE 2...49c' !. Maple Leal a/ BONELESS or 1/ BONELESS roa..... m 5 DINNER HANS ....N.O.. I HI .15 Vaple Lest HALFS - S.P. Cyoeac FresLean COTTAGE ROLLS tb 790 SHORT RIS ROASIS L.850 Maple Leaf Cryoec Fresh - Lan SMOKED PlOuICS 11b 65e RUMP ROASIS Lb.1.,59 Fres- Lan -Ful Cul1RUK or BLAD E ROUND STEAK Lb.$1 .29 STEAKS Fresh - Lean Lit 99e Fresh -Lean Fcesit- Lean STEWING BEEF Lb. $1,19 BRAISING RISS Lb.19c Cbistie's Reg -49c pli.bg. lf e Grd A LARGE SIZE DATE TURNOVERS 35 9901 EGOS ci. 69e BIgit s oTens ~ T BtyC r (4 Flanurs TOMATO JUICE6 '. 99101FRUIT HELPERS 2is 890 Swoot Mixsd Piokie ......... ... 79eca A MSISFI MRE mi ti PRODUCI e, , INSTALLATION eTOTAL WARRANTY î7 VALUE POOL. GENS BRAMPTON 4539-1551 RGETOWN DISTRICT IRISTIAN SCHOOL ILLNGOPEN HOUSE 4-1915at the school DENTApril 29th f romi 7p.m. to 9 p.m. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: G. PETRUSMA 811-4221 sCHooL 811-6414RESIDENCE LLINS 4-1975 DENTS )w